Reading The Remnants

Chapter 90: But closing the jade coffin with Mr. (1)


The sound of thunderstorms shattered the lazy bones of the small building, and the sweet dream woke up from the gloomy sky. A Yin leaned against the window, pocketed a silken bird's nest brought from Shanghai, and carefully picked out the fine hair with silver scissors.

Her body and bones were almost in good shape, except that the rainy days were repeated, and her back was wet and cold, like the rheumatism of the uncle next door.

She coughed, and Ayin frowned, but she didn't say anything, only secretly accelerated the action of picking the bird's nest.

There was a noise in the corridor, and Li Shiyi and Song Shijiu went downstairs. A Yin secretly saw that the two of them were not as tired as they used to be, they kept a distance of half a body in front and back, and they didn't even pull their hands up, only one on one side went down the stair railing.

Li Shiyi didn't look at anyone, he lowered his head and stared at his feet, walking steadily and lightly.

However, Song Nineteen still stretched out his hand to help her at the corner, only took a small hit, and then took it back with restraint.

Not right. A Yin frowned and swept her eyes back and forth.

The distance between people and people is a matter of knowledge, and it is often polite to know them to the extreme, and the most ambiguous part is precisely the alienation after this approach.

The two greeted Ayin Aro, but Li Shiyi didn't explain why Song Shijiu came back. He sat down on the sofa, clenched his right hand loosely against his nose, and coughed twice silently. , Song Nineteen's ears moved, reached out and touched the kettle on the table, picked it up, leaned over and poured a cup of hot water for her.

She was still staring at the table when she handed it to her, as if the newspaper on top was worth exploring, and the raised back of her hand was nothing more than a random movement.

Li Shiyi took it and took a sip against his lower lip.

Her expression was very tired, and she didn't even have the desire to turn the book. She only propped her arms on the armrests and rubbed her brows tiredly.

After rubbing her brows for a while, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her brows frowned slightly, and her eyes narrowed vacantly.

Song Nineteen put Erlang's legs down, stepped on his high heels, and got up to light a lamp.

The room lit up, and the gully between Li Shiyi's eyebrows was ironed out in an instant. She supported her forehead and pursed her lips, with a faint smile in her eyes.

A Yin looked at Song Shijiu, who was back on the sofa seat, immersed in his reading, and at Li Shiji, who was in a daze, and cursed in her heart.

It was as if a full-term kitten was scratching her heart boredly, with a little bit of pain in the itch, scratching her rampant curiosity infinitely.

"What to eat?" Li Shiyi finally said, with a thick nasal voice and a hoarse voice.

Song Nineteen turned his head, tucked his drooping hair behind his ears, blinked to glance at Li Shiyi's lips, and then thought seriously.

The moment she raised her head, there was nothing in her eyes. She was so confused that she seemed to be wandering in the sky. With just one glance, A Yin knew that she had not read a word at all.

A Yin with such an absent-minded look is very familiar, and A Yin is also very familiar with the idea of fermenting while he is clearly beside him. This time, she didn't have to ask Aro, she understood it herself.

Li Shiyi was asleep, and he should have been tossed to sleep.

She suddenly felt untimely pity. She couldn't tell why she had such a strange emotion, but she often did. When encountering indescribable gossip, she would sigh first in her heart - sin.

In order to coax Song Nineteen back, he paid such a price.

"Do you eat chaoshou?" Li Shiyi asked again, with a smoke-like ending when he spoke. When the smoke dissipated, his thin lips touched up and down, and his smooth and white neck was drawn in due to inhalation, and the blue veins in his jacket were hidden. Also move accordingly. Song Nineteen might not be able to say what sexiness is, but she felt the sudden attraction in Li Shiji's texture.

In the past, her attractiveness was hidden in disgrace, but now it is increasingly evaporated. It seems that she has brewed enough wine, and the corners of her eyebrows and eyes are very sultry.

But this sultry has a natural sense of proportion, which is neither offensive nor excessive. It only stretches out its keen tentacles like a snail, and shrinks back shyly when it touches the spring.

Just like this moment, she didn't wait for Song Nineteen's answer, but when she was stunned, she lowered her eyes with feeling, and did not raise her brows.

So Song Nineteen said, "Eat."

The drooping eyes lifted again, and Li Shiyi said, "I'll do it for you."

"I'm coming." Song Nineteen stood up and said in a low voice, "You rest."

The two entered the kitchen one after the other, but there was no sound except for the collision of pots and pans. A Yin's heart was thumping, and in the back and forth of push and refusal just now, her desire seemed to have been sprinkled with a handful of spring rain, and it took root and sprout without concealment.

So she put the bird's nest down and asked Aro, "The snake is a divine beast, and so is the candle dragon, isn't it?"

Arro didn't know why, so Rou Rou coughed, "What?"

"Does this dragon and snake have anything to do with it?" For example, are they from the same ancestry and the same origin

The suspicion in her eyes was undisguised, and Aro responded with a slight smile: "No."

The chopper got out of the pot, but found that there was no vinegar. Song Nineteen was so fond of sour food, so he held up an umbrella and asked Aunt Zhao to borrow some at the entrance of the alley. Li Shiyi put on his clothes and went with her. He was walking over the threshold with his sleeves on. When he looked up, he saw Song Shijiu holding an umbrella and his eyes fell on the door of the courtyard.

The sky in front of the courtyard is like water for washing a pen, piled with wet dark clouds, raindrops like beads falling down one by one, and the tick-tock chill penetrates into the bones. There was a dark shadow leaning against the courtyard gate. The saplings that were not planted in the spring were not as high as they were, and they almost merged with the old wooden door.

When they got closer, the two groups of clear dots in the shadow moved, which showed the breath of living creatures.

Where is this dark shadow, it is clearly a little girl with a yellow face and thin skin.

The little girl was wearing a cotton-padded jacket with indistinguishable colors, which was tattered and could not cover her body, but the exposed skin was like rolling through a pile of coal, dyed dark and light black, the only color was the miserable white of the eyes. , and frostbite like rotten carrots on hands.

She leaned against the door, letting herself get wet, holding the door with one hand, and withdrew her soaked cotton shoes, staring blankly at the bright Li Shiyi and Song Shijiu. After a while, she sniffed, reached out and tugged at the hem of the padded jacket.

She shook her hands, and only pulled it forcefully twice, but still couldn't cover her body, so she stopped forcing it, stopped for a while, and then raised her hand and pulled the messy braid.

The straw on the braid was wet and gave off an unpleasant smell. She seemed to want to take it down, but she couldn't figure it out anyway, so she only shrank her neck, and was expressionless as before. Staring at Song Nineteen.

She stared at Song Nineteen's warm fur-collared coat, at her well-cut cheongsam, and blankly at her clean and tidy high-heeled shoes. Finally, her tiny throat moved, as if she smelled a hand in the door. The fragrance of the scent, the eyes finally gave birth to some envy sporadically.

Before she came back to her senses, she heard two footsteps, and a warm fragrant wind wrapped her around her. She looked up in a daze, and saw Song Nineteen walked quickly to her and squatted down, the cashmere coat wrapped her The shivering body, the umbrella is set aside.

She frowned and asked, "Why are you here alone?"

The little girl stared at the person in front of her and was speechless. The rain fell from Song Nineteen's eyelashes, and even the embarrassed were embarrassed. It turns out that the rain is also so snobbish. It falls on the gravel that fell in the well, and it falls on the good people. It is the decoration of the reclining railing. .

The rain stopped suddenly, Li Shiyi put up the umbrella, lowered his head and said softly: "Go first."