Reading The Remnants

Chapter 99: But closing the jade coffin with Mr. (10)


Tu Laoyao bought a ticket and went north with Li Shiyi, non-stop to the border of Anhui. According to Mr. Tu, the Nineteen he saw in the Xuejiagang area around Anqing was several days ago. Anqing is a big city with prosperous markets and bustling streets. Li Shiyi rented a rickshaw, ran along Sifang Street, and swept across the alley, but found nothing.

When they left the city, Li Shiyi walked along the river with Mr. Tu. There were ice slugs mixed with soil on both sides of the river. The water flow endured for the winter, and the running was smooth. There were some spring flowers mixed with yellow and purple on both sides. Thin and weak, but it is the forward sent by the early spring to wave the flag.

Li Shiyi suddenly felt the frustration and impatience of hindsight in the solar terms of spring.

She originally thought that she didn't have to worry about finding this matter. When Shangqiongbi fell to Huangquan, she could always find Song Nineteen.

But when she saw the rushing river, the wild flowers struggling, and the clock warning the passage of time, she began to stubbornly feel that, as a spectator, when she saw every change in the world, Song Nineteen should be standing beside her.

If she's not there, she's absent.

The green shoots broke through the ground, and the winter snow covered them. She didn't want Song Nineteen to be absent from every spring, autumn, winter and summer that she went through.

Youngest Tu, who was squatting beside her out of the corner of the eye, picked up the legs of his suit trousers and piled them crumpled on his thighs. His buttocks were almost stretched out. , staring at the river in a daze.

He thought about it, and reached out to pull a dog's tail grass.

Li Shiyi looked down at him and asked with his eyes.

The youngest Tu covered his upper lip with his lower teeth, and grinned for a while before saying, "When I'm at home, I always miss you."

"I've been looking for you for a while now, and I miss my mother-in-law again."

He spit out the fine sand in his mouth: "Am I sick?"

Li Shiyi smiled, neither disdain nor ridicule.

It's a pity to be "absent", that's why people always yearn for reunion. The most lively moment for people and people is probably the moment when they all lose their voices after telling their own experiences. No matter how much they say, they can't beat the three words "you're not there".

Li Shiyi looked at the mountains in the distance and narrowed his eyes. He held the Shentu Ling around his waist in his hand, took it off with a flick of his wrist, tossed it up, and called out softly, "Mulan."

The wind was blowing in the ears, and the tip of Li Shiyi's tongue turned in his mouth, but he reached out to hold Shen Tuling: "That's it."

She still wanted to find it herself.

Her love was born from the mortal world, there is no earth-shattering bones and bones, and she does not need to work hard.

The Shentu decree was taken back, Li Shiyi crouched down, took out a few small paper figurines from the bag, turned them over and fell to the ground, Li Shiyi put on the hats made of dead leaves for them one by one, and said in a low voice : "Go to the nearby mountain temple and ask, it's helpful."

The little paper man chirped in response, and scattered the beans.

The wind whispered, Li Shiyi sat on the river bank with Mr. Tu and waited. Mr. Tu took out a few pieces of Bozhou beef buns bought in the town and two Dangshan crisp pears. The lips and teeth were fragrant, but Li Shiyi tasted like chewing wax. After only using half a bun, he drank the wine and blew his hair.

Due to the distance limit of this spell, the little man cannot go too far, but after half an hour, he came back one after another, babbling back and forth, all shaking his head, and the little paper man who ran the farthest was afraid. Li Shiyi was not happy and handed over a flower picked along the way. Li Shiyi took it obediently, patted the ashes on their bodies, and put them back in the book to rest.

Li Shiyi counted one by one, and there was still one or two short of it. The paper figurines were fragile, maybe something went wrong on the road, so she packed up and got up to leave.

Just turned around, but heard a weak voice behind him: "Eleven."

She turned around and saw a paper figure covered in muddy ideas, carefully avoiding the puddle and trying her best to come over.

It limped, its right leg was soaked in water, and it shrank and collapsed. There was a hole in its waist half the size of a fingernail, as if it had been ignited by a spark. Li Shiyi stepped forward and squatted down, holding it in the palm of his hand. It sat down next to Li Shiyi's finger, out of breath: "Look, I found it."

The flame in Li Shiyi's heart suddenly burned, and he asked, "Where is it?"

The paper human said: "The mountain temple in the southeast, the old mountain god seems to have seen it."

Li Shiyi was about to speak, but he heard it again: "He refused to tell me in detail, he just let you go."

It shouted: "He despises me."

It looked very aggrieved. Li Shiyi's heart fell, and a slight smile curled up at the corner of his mouth. He smeared mud on it with his thumb, and then calmed down a few words. He put it back in the bag, and the youngest Tu looked at each other, and the two went to the mountain. Go to the temple.

The two walked fast, according to the words of the little paper figurine, but with a stick of incense, they arrived in front of the temple. The temple was built at the bottom of the mountain and was shaded by several towering trees. The walls were mottled with broken bricks and old tiles, which had not been repaired for a long time. appearance. The outer wall had collapsed in half, becoming a habitat for weeds, and the incense burner in the middle of the yard was wet mud, covered with a few pages of fresh cobwebs.

Ruin also has the advantage of shattering. For example, there is no candle in this room, but there is sunlight coming in because of the broken roof, which illuminates the interior very brightly.

This is not a serious mountain temple. It seems that it is just a random build by the villagers. There are ash-covered offering tables on both sides, and in front of it is a half-person-high clay platform with a wooden mountain god on it. The color around the statue is almost peeling off, and the red shawl it wears is also torn in half. Naturally, it is impossible to distinguish between the eyebrows and the eyes. One head is crooked, and it lacks the bearing of a mountain god, but it is rather funny.

Li Shiyi stood still in front of the futon, his eyes swept under the table, where there was a square vacancy in the dust, as if someone had put the table upside down.

It was nineteen, her heart skipped a beat, and her chest jumped up abruptly.

Not thinking about much, she pursed her lips and asked upwards, "My puppet just now said that the mountain god once saw a girl in a white cheongsam."

The physical characteristics of the paper figurines must have been mentioned before, but Li Shiyi did not repeat them.

"Squeak—" With a sound, the mountain god's wooden body moved slightly, and the dust fell down, as if overturning the rice noodle bag.

Although he is a little fairy, he is still a fairy, and without the pomp, he still needs to make a score.

He didn't make a sound until the dust was cleared away, first clearing his throat to make way for the throat that had not been cleaned frequently for years.

He dragged his voice and asked, "That girl, who are you?"

The voice came from the wood, with a three-point buzzing echo, and a smell like burnt straw, and the tone was full of condescension.

Li Shiyi had no other thoughts, just paused and whispered, "It's my wife."

Yo. Youngest Tu squinted at her.

The mountain god moved his head slightly and looked at her sideways.

"You are a girl."


Li Shiyi was very polite: "Please also inform her whereabouts."

It has been located on the top of the mountain for hundreds of years, and I see a lot of strange things. The mountain god lost interest after asking a few questions, and said tiredly: "You have to ask the old man about looking for Madam."

"Hey!" Tu Laoyao couldn't see it, and rolled up his sleeves to make a theory, "If you don't know, why are you calling us here?"

The mountain god is not very happy: "But you dolls are interesting, I want to ask two to talk to me."

"So, you haven't seen it before?" Li Shiyi frowned.

The mountain god snorted and said nothing.

The youngest Tu was anxious: "Have you seen it or not, you have to be accurate."

The mountain god coughed twice, obviously annoyed. The two dolls, no big or small, saw him neither bowing down nor kowtow, not even saying "you", it was obvious that he was bullying him.

He then snorted coldly and scolded: "Where is the rude child! I know or don't know, what is it with you!"

Youngest Tu smiled, pointed two fingers at Li Shiyi, and asked, "Do you know who this is?"

Say it to scare you.

The mountain god closed his eyes, unwilling to answer any more.

The youngest Tu said faintly, "Her name is Lingheng."

The temple fell silent for a moment, and even the sound of the wind disappeared. The shawl on the mountain god moved, and it took a while to make a sound, but he laughed: "Linghen?"

Without looking directly at Li Shiyi, he just sighed slightly, hiding all his contempt and arrogance inside.

He was very tired, and was about to take a nap, but saw the dust hovering, the wind suddenly picked up, and a token the size of a palm suddenly rose in front of him, spinning slowly three fingers away from his eyebrows.

Li Shiyi looked at the dirt on the ground and remained silent.

Raising her hand again, she took back the Shentu Ling, but she heard a loud bang, and the mountain god's slanted head actually rolled down and rolled to her feet with a few jumps.

Tu Laoyao was startled, raised his hand to cover his nose, and blinked twice: "There's no need to..."

Do this gift.

The old man's voice came from the ground: "I have seen Lord Fu Jun."

His head was not secure, but it was barely piled on top.

Li Shiyi picked up his head, put it back on the wooden body, and patted the dust on it.

The mountain god hurriedly said: "Zhesha Laoer, Zhesha Laoer."

Although he didn't know why Lord Fujun pretended to be like this, he saw that Li Shiyi's expression was not very good, and he was eager to make up for his mistakes, so he took the initiative to talk to Li Shiyi when he retracted his hand: "I lost my head a few days ago. , was also installed by a girl for me - the lady in the white cheongsam."

Li Shiyi's eyes suddenly lifted, staring at him: "Have you really seen her?"

"I've seen, I've seen, pulling a little girl with a face covered."

"The little girl was tired from walking. She rested in the yard to eat fruit, and the girl came in and talked to me for a while."

Hearing her news from other people's mouths is such a wonderful feeling. It makes Li Shiyi's ribs swell up like air, soft and painful, as if the shadow of Song Shijiu is folded at this moment, and it is so good in the sun In the afternoon, standing in the middle of this ruined temple, looking up at the mountain god.

The fingertips that had just helped Shanshen's head itch crisply. I don't know if she touched the same place as Nineteen, even imagining it makes me palpitate.

"What did she say?" Li Shiyi's voice was extremely soft, with a slightly hoarse ending, like a layer of sand.

The mountain god thought for a while: "She asked me, what is the daily blessing, whether it works or not."

"I saw that she was cute, so I asked her what she wanted."

"She said," Shan Shen recalled Song Nineteen's tone and shook his head, "She has nothing to ask for."

The mountain god didn't believe it, seeing her with worry on her brows, where did she look like she had no desires and no desires.

"The girl thought about it for a while and asked me if I knew any unforgettable spells."

"I asked her what was wrong, and she said that she misses someone very much at the moment, but she doesn't know if that person misses her as much as she does."

A drop of water fell in the center of Li Shiyi's heart lake. She shook her knuckles and looked at the mountain god with clear eyes.

Shanshen said: "I understood in an instant. I was afraid that I was hurt by love, so I asked her, what should I forget?"

"She said that she used to be a foolish girl, and all she thought was that person, and she did everything that person said, without even thinking about it."

"But later, she was not stupid, but she became greedy. She changed from wanting a little love to a lot of love, and finally to a full of satisfaction. She began to want repayment, equality, and ten 20,000 points of affirmation and tolerance.”

She began to feel wronged, and she also understood that the grievances stemmed from caressing.

Care about how much love Li Shiyi gave, whether she unintentionally revealed denial and indifference, even the slightest.

The mountain god sighed: "The world is infatuated with ruthlessness, and Taiban is like this. I knew it immediately, and asked her if she wanted to forget the ruthless person."

Li Shiyi's heart shrank, he pursed his lips, and his breathing stopped pale.

"She said no."

"She said she wanted to forget herself and be a silly girl."

There was a "hum" sound, as if it was a distant bell, and it seemed to originate from Li Shiyi's trembling heart.

She wanted to hook her lips into a smile, but she felt foggy in her eyes. As soon as she released the smile, she unconsciously pursed the corners of her lips, unable to lift the slight upward arc.

Mr. Tu sighed and swept over the wooden table that Song Nineteen had moved.

After a long while, Li Shiyi said again: "Anything else?"


"She said that she knew that person would come to find her, and I'm afraid she would walk into this mountain temple just like her and ask me something."

Li Shiyi moistened his dry lips: "And then?"

The mountain god thought for a while and said, "Then she said, just now she said these words."

"Don't tell you."

The last word picks up the rising end, like a short rest, the mountain god can't move his hand, if he can, Mr. Tu thinks that he might have to cover his mouth immediately.

Youngest Tu shook his head in disgust, and pulled the corner of his mouth down to examine himself. Even the mountain god has been incapacitated for a long time. It can be seen that people need to study more and study hard to avoid becoming a fool.

After asking a few more questions, the mountain god recalled that Song Shijiu had headed towards Hejiacun. Li Shiyi thanked him and left with Youngest Tu.

When she was about to step out the door, she turned around and glanced at the tattered shape of the mountain god. When she was just connecting it, the straw core inside was all rotten. She blamed him for the rotten smell in his breath. , looked tired and inarticulate.

Even Song Nineteen's most important words were remembered at the end.

Li Shiyi thought about it and said, "When I find her, I will make a new body for you."

The mountain god said Zhe Sha again, and then Mo Lei said, "It's really unnecessary."

In the past, he was a serious earth immortal who didn't speak much, but now he knows that he can't last for a long time, so he likes to invite people to speak.

He laughed: "Currently, there are churches in Anqing City, and there are not many people coming to my mountain temple."

"In a few years, I'm afraid it will be smashed."

He glanced at the clothes of the youngest Tu, the small suit with a stand-up collar, how he looked and how he looked.

Li Shiyi gave him a thoughtful "uh", said goodbye to him, and went out across the threshold.