Really, Really Miss You

Chapter 56: Steamed Beef Cups (Section 9)


Fortunately... The door is open.

She walked into his room and saw him sitting next to the bed, pulling a pack of medicinal alcohol cotton to wipe a thermometer, stuffing it into her mouth, and then looking up at her. The curtains were drawn in the room, secretly, it was obvious that he was really sleeping and was awakened by her.

She walked over and sat on the small sofa next to his bed: "It's... uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

He frowned and shook his head.

Looking at the broken hair on his forehead, it was a little wet, and he should have sweated a lot. The thermometer is in his mouth, how does it feel like biting a lollipop...

"I will pour hot water for you? Hurry up," she pointed to his bed, "Lie down."

Otherwise, if you sit like this for a while, you will catch a cold again.

The air conditioner in the room was not turned on and it was cold.

She thought about whether to turn on the air conditioner for him.

Mo Qingcheng has taken out a remote control from the bed, turned on the air conditioner, frowned and looked at her: "Why did you wear a skirt?" Ambiguous and lazy, with some reproaching voices...

T. T... How does it feel like facing a doctor? Could it be that the old grandma was brainwashed just now...

"It's quite warm in the morning, so I wore it..." Her face flushed a little, and she stood up and went out to pour hot water for him: "Hurry up and go to bed with a quilt... I just come to see you, don't worry. I."

Quietly behind him.

She was walking back with the hot water, and Mo Qing came back to bed as soon as she became real, lying half leaning back, closed his eyes and continued to fight the high fever. Gu Sheng saw that his forehead was wet, put the glass on the window sill by the bed, walked over to the bed, leaned over, and asked him softly, "Have you taken medicine? What does the towel look like? I'll use it for you. Soak in hot water and wipe your face?"

She bent over, her hands on the side of the bed, to talk to him in order to accommodate.

I thought it was nothing.

But if he really leaned forward, he felt a little flustered.

Mo Qingcheng snorted, opened those misty eyes from the high fever, glanced at her, and continued to say vaguely: "I wanted to tell you last time, don't wear skirts in winter. "

She was a little confused, why did the topic come back again

He stretched out his hand, took out the thermometer from his mouth, and told her in a low voice: "Girls should keep warm." Because of a sore throat and very slow speaking, he naturally mixed with some gentle and ambiguous tone.

There was a thumping sound from her chest to her ears. She was a little panicked, and she drew away to the safest distance with him... But suddenly he felt that he used his hot fingers to gently pinch I pinched my cold eartips: "Remember?"

The voice is dull, but the tone is soft.

Effortlessly, instantly destroy the camp to the bottom of my heart...

"What color is your towel?" She stood up straight, turned around and walked out, clearly stepping on her own heartbeat, her legs were soft...


She found that she should ask a few more questions, such as where to hang, the size of the towel... But when she walked into the bathroom, she found that these questions were unnecessary. On the towel rack outside the bathroom, there are a large, medium and small white towel on the left, a large, medium and small light blue on the right, and two in the bottom row.

The division of labor is clear.

She thought, the upper row of small ones wiped hands

Is the face wiper in the middle

The last one...

The concept of a bath towel flashed in his mind, and he immediately avoided that one and took the towel for wiping his face. The faucet has both hot and cold water. She soaked the towel, and when she walked back to the room, she found that Mo Qingcheng had fallen asleep a little confused.

He lay there on his side, sleeping a bit like a child, with his left arm resting on his back.

Looking at the sweat on your forehead, the fever should have begun to go down, right

Every time I have a fever, I have to spend the whole night. When I sweat, the fever subsides, and when the sweat subsides, I have a fever again... Only in the morning can I get better. No matter how bad, I can only go to the hospital.

She thought of her uncomfortable feeling when she had a fever, and felt pitiful for him. She put the towel on the marble window sill lightly, walked to the bed, squatted down slowly, picked up the thermometer from his pillow, and glanced at it.

Three octaves? Hmm... So, will it be higher than this when measured just now? How far is it burning? Has he ever shaken it... She went to see the person lying on the bed again, thought for a while, and gently pinched his arm that was pressed against the quilt with her fingers, and moved it into the quilt.

I hope he can completely go away from fever before dark.

Then have some food and it will be better tomorrow.

She looked at him.

In front of his own eyes, he slept so deeply...because of sweating and reducing fever, his skin appeared whiter and more delicate, with a faint blush. This unhealthy red actually added a soft beauty to his profile...

She grew up so that she had entered the room of a man with her cousin. This was the first time she faced a man who was sleeping. Especially... This person is the top card. He is the one who sends a Weibo randomly on the Internet, which can make hundreds of thousands of fans excited to death...

For three days... It is impossible to eliminate the power of his 锖青磁...

"People are not wood or stone, it is better not to meet the beauty of the city"... This is a qq state she once wrote when she fell in love with his voice. The memory is still fresh, but it is only a secret of her own.

Now... he really deserves the three words "Allure"...

His eyelashes moved.

Her heart beat.

Then... Everything continued to be quiet.

Huh, it's too challenging for the heart's ability to withstand stress...

Gu Sheng felt that he was too perverted to watch him sleep like this, so he walked into the living room by himself.

He looked at his home carefully, and now it looks very clean. In the spotless room, most of the things are littered, from clothes to magazines to CD-ROMs, it's really messy.