Really, Really Miss You

Chapter 72: Jinxiu Mei Caikou Pork Rice (Section 6)


At this moment, Linglong Titou completely finished her work. Seeing this picture, she immediately met her mind and walked over quickly, "You are the mother of Shengsheng, hello auntie, I am his cousin, too Obstetricians and gynecologists here," she said while looking at the little aunt with a big belly, "Is this supposed to be called my sister? Or..."

Immediately dropped a generation.

The little aunt is laughing like a flower. It’s not obvious that she is young. The family of the future niece and son-in-law can be too good at talking: "Call me aunt, just yell, even though I’m a dozen years younger than my sister. ."

"Then call it Auntie," Linglong Titou immediately held her aunt's hand, "I'm sorry, Auntie, I will go abroad for further studies tomorrow, and I can't take care of you. I will introduce you to a doctor who is very experienced."

"Ah, I really trouble you."

"What's the trouble with this, family."

It’s just a family TT...

The top card and Linglong cut through the pair of siblings, they were completely sung and coordinated perfectly, and finally coaxed his mother to stretch out her hand, holding Mo Qingcheng's hand and refused to let it go. Gu Sheng was embarrassed to taste the first time she met her parents in her life, and felt that the sections of the novels she had seen in the past were simply weak. Okay, when she met her parents at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department, she finally made it seem like a long absence in a few words. Is his son the same...

Finally, he sent her, mother, and little aunt to the gate of the hospital, beckoned to stop a taxi, and at the same time took out one hundred yuan from his wallet and stuffed it into her hand: "I'm going to the branch hospital soon, take care of me. Take care of your mother and little auntie, and deliver them home safely." She hmmed, clutching the money...

"Auntie," Mo Qingcheng's voice passed over her and said directly to her mother, "This meeting is too hasty, but I am very serious about my voice, and I get along completely for the purpose of getting married. So next time I will definitely Will officially come to visit."

For the purpose of getting married... She and him have just started.

Is not it…

Isn’t this feeling of cannibalization really an illusion...

Those eyes were slightly raised, smiling.

"Okay, okay." The high temperature reached Baidu, Master Mother, and it couldn't be lowered at all.

This future son-in-law, speaks too well!

He couldn't keep up with any rhythm at all, and wanted to talk to him. He has been busy in the branch hospital and has no time to take care of it. She was like a dumpling swimming in boiling water, tossing up and down, and finally floated directly on the boiling water.

Fluttering, Fluttering and Fluttering...

So on the next night, five minutes before the perfect anniversary, he was still busy.

"Your top card is not coming?" Geng Xiaoxing poked her privately with yy.

"Well... I should come, but I don't know when..."

When he gets busy, he is indeed of the kind that nobody cares about.

For the anniversary of such a big society, there are already 20 or 30 CVs whose names can only be called. This time I cooperated with Geng Xiaoxing's website and invited many foreign guests. Even if Chen Qingci couldn't, so many people could still hold it. She watched and watched silently, and it was past eleven o'clock, but he still didn't come.

"It seems that our leading adult really can't come." Jumei's killing intent coughed lightly.

"It's his curtain call tonight," Feng Yasong sighed bitterly, "curtain call."

Feng Yasong paused deliberately for a few seconds.

Tonight is the perfect anniversary, and tonight is also the official curtain call for Chen Qingci.

It seems that there is no such thing as a tidal wave of screen, and they are not quite worthy of the top master of the allure of the country...

In these ten seconds, hundreds of messages have been swiped on the entire public screen: "No, the top brand..." "Do you really want to call the curtain! Do you really want to withdraw?!" "Don't withdraw, adults, even if you don't Play a drama, just let us know that you are still there!" "This person's heart is broken into scum, this person is completely dead..."

Jumei and Fengya Song are definitely deliberate, deliberately letting this kind of tidal screen sweep, to make a perfect farewell to Cinch. She looked at the screen, from the time she wanted to laugh, to the end, she couldn't see any words at all, just like garbled characters, she slid past her eyes and then swiftly.

There is a feeling of sore nose and sore eyes.

So touched.

She was immersed in her emotions when she suddenly heard someone play a song.

So familiar...

She always listened to this song habitually after singing the cover with the first card that day.

Oh my god, did you use this as the final curtain call...

She felt that the whole person was burning up, and the feeling of love in this circle that had been overstocked in her chest all the year round, and the feeling of listening to those songs and dramas through headphones for so many years, all surged up.

"A hundred years later, Shijuanshu is home to the world, and you can't exchange it for a cup of tea..."

His high pitch suddenly hit her ears, reminding her of the first meeting in the recording studio. How did he stand behind the soundproof glass in the recording room, look at himself, and tell himself that he is Chen Qingci.

At this moment, someone poked her privately.

She clicked on the dialogue, it was Chen Qingci, who was just online.

"This passage is a bit sensational, I'll use words to say it better.

"Not long after I met you, I asked you a question, do you love me or not? Your answer is, I love your voice. This is a wonderful answer, I think, I can understand how you feel, this world There are countless good voices, but only one voice will make you feel that when you hear it, this is what I like.

"A few years ago, I heard a demo in Linglong. There was a voice humming the rhythm softly, without any lyrics. She cycled three times and told me that this little girl is so talented, who can arrange and compose music. Okay. I think so too, of course, there are still things she didn't realize, and she was shocked.

"At that time, the voice was not called "Slow Voice", and even without a signature, it was just sheng.

"Later, I found her."

She looked at this text.