Really, Really Miss You

Chapter 76: Jinxiu Mei Caikou Pork Rice (Section 10)


Finally Mu Mu couldn't help it, and whispered: "Guide, can you fire a gun for self-defense?"

"Guns? You can buy them locally at any time," the tour guide took off the sunglasses from his head. "You'll know when you land. Starbucks is full of people with submachine guns at the door."

All the girls silently leaned against the man beside them.

Doudoudoubing was standing alone, looked around, then suddenly stared at Mu Mu and walked to him silently. Mu Mu gave her an incredible look. "The people's police are for the people, remember to protect me when the time comes." Beancake explained concisely.


Ever since, the intimidation of the tour guide played a wonderful role.

The men with their girlfriends immediately appeared tall and mighty, and they were useful =. =

Because the plane is a night flight, as soon as it arrives the next day, there will be activities from a travel agency in the afternoon, so many people rush to sleep. Gu Sheng also sat next to the head card, closed his eyes, opened and closed again, and went to see him... He was still reading with a book. She couldn't help but asked him softly: "Aren't you sleepy?"

"Fortunately," he laughed, "I used to sleep late, or turned upside down day and night."

She sighed softly, "I am also inspired to do things at night, so I am awake now, but if I don't sleep, I will be tired tomorrow morning..."

"You can sleep when you are tired," Mo Qingcheng's voice lowered, "It was originally a vacation.

She hummed.

Suddenly Feng Yasong’s voice came over behind him: “No, it’s obviously a vacation arranged by the two of you. It’s not really tired to sleep in the room, wake up to play... Ignore us, right?”

Obviously the same thing, how can I let Feng Yasong repeat it? That's it... tactfully and ambiguously.

Sure enough, as soon as the professional's voice was polished by something, it immediately changed its flavor...

"Do you want to play with us?" The voice of the leading card turned, but the question was thrown back.

"... I don't want to, I don't want to..." Feng Yasong continued to put on the blindfold... to sleep...

Obviously very common words, let the two of them talk like this... Why are they so ambiguous

Sure enough, as soon as the professional's voice was polished by something, it immediately changed its flavor...

Gu Sheng continued to close his eyes.

If you can't sleep, you can only close your eyes and rest your mind.

Occasionally I can feel him move, or turn the pages of a book.

After a while, he turned off the light on her head, and she was heavy on her body, and he was covered with the blanket brought by the stewardess.

After such a tossing to the hotel on the island, Gu Sheng and Geng Xiaoxing lived together, and the top card was naturally in the same room as Jumei. With an expression of "You are obviously hiding your ears and stealing bells", everyone entered the room one after another, preparing to take a nap, and walk on the beach together.

She and Geng Xiaoxing’s room is right next to the top card. The hotel they live in is on the edge of the white sand beach, and the hotel door is separated from the sea by a white sand beach and a row of bars.

Just looking at the sea so close, the sleepiness of several hours of night sailing, the more than two hours of fatigue from the airport to the island, were all gone.

The first book is all sea-view rooms.

The rooms on the fourth and fifth floors share an open terrace, which is suitable for people you know to go out on holiday together.

When I entered the room just now, Geng Xiaoxing closed the curtains and immediately began to search for various brightly colored clothes: "I have brought two swimsuits, a bikini, and a conservative set... What should I wear... "

Gu Sheng just put on a dress: "... Two sets?"

"Yeah, I don't know what everyone is wearing... No, I got sweaty since I got off the plane, so I'll go take a shower first." Geng Xiaoxing hugged his clothes and rushed into the bathroom nervously.

As soon as Gu Sheng pulled the zipper on the side of his dress, he heard a knock on the balcony door.

She opened the curtains, and the first card was standing outside the glass door. She stood there with black beach pants and dark blue short sleeves, covering almost the entire background of the blue sea and blue sky. He wears a blue baseball cap for sun protection, and his eyes look more beautiful under the faint shadow of the hat.

As soon as she was about to speak, she saw him suddenly bending down and stuffing her a note paper from under the glass door.

She was puzzled, picked it up and looked at it.

There was a little girl wearing a big straw hat painted on the paper. She was sloppy, but very cute.

The bottom line: It's very hot, the less you wear, the better, but you must wear a straw hat.

The less the better...

She raised her head again, and Mo Qingcheng had already made a silent gesture, and two fingers quietly made a gesture of "walking".

Go quietly

Gu Sheng was a little confused, but still very cooperatively holding his room card and big straw hat, sneaking out to the sound of Geng Xiaoxing's bathing water. Until I got into the elevator and got out of the hotel, I still had the illusion of sneaking out.

It happened to be raining heavily outside.

"I didn't bring an umbrella, what should I do?" Gu Sheng hesitated looking at the rain.

"It doesn't matter, this kind of island rains several times a day, and the sun will soon appear."

The two were barefoot, each carrying slippers, and walked past the open-air bar in front of them... Sure enough, in less than five minutes, the rain turned into exposure, and even the sand dries quickly, becoming soft and hot under the scorching sun.

She stepped on one foot deep and the other lightly for a while, and she was happy.


She nodded: "Very very."

The soles of the feet are roasted by the hot sand, which is very comfortable.

Sunshine beach, and the top card next to her... She stepped on the back of his instep with her foot, and he stopped. She pressed her straw hat and raised her head. The moment he lowered her head, she quickly kissed the corner of his mouth.

He lowered his eyes to look at her and laughed.

She quickly covered her face with a straw hat and pointed to the distant sea: "The tour guide said we will go fishing in a while."

The head card hummed faintly, very gentle, and easily reached the cusp of her heart...

Huh, Qingtian eats tofu every day, and he really needs a very strong heart.

There are people around, why didn’t you care that there were so many people just now...