Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 101: Wan Zhenghao!


"Who's here?" Wan Zhenghao and the middle-aged man's eyes widened, and they were a little puzzled by the situation of the old man in front of them. For a while, there was no reaction.

"Feng, Feng Zhiling! Feng Zhiling of Danyun Shendan...he is coming!"

Guan Wanshan's words made both of them unable to sit still!


The two said in unison: "This bastard is finally here!"

Not caring about Guan Wanshan in front of him, Qi Qi rushed out like his butt was on fire. When he reached the door, the middle-aged man stopped in his tracks and returned to his calm and breezy appearance.

However, Wan Zhenghao had already tumbled down the stairs.

Ye Xiao was already quite calm.

Putting so much money here and ignoring it for so many days, is it possible for ordinary people to do it.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the certain monarch was short of money, he might not have come to Lingbao Pavilion again, at least not in a short period of time. The certain monarch really didn't pay much attention to the money there!

However, although Ye Xiao didn't take all the proceeds from the auction last time, he still had a large amount of money in his hands. It's only been a few days, how could he be short of money

This starts from the torrential rain last night—

When Ye Xiao absorbed the first purple qi in the sky this morning, he suddenly discovered that besides absorbing the purple qi, there were also countless moist qi, which entered the dantian along the meridians, and then entered the endless space.

Then, in the water spirit space, a trace of mist gradually condensed. This kind of mist is extremely humid; and as the moist breath continues to pour in, the mist gradually accumulates, and it will gradually condense into water droplets.

This result made Ye Xiao really puzzled.

"Could it be that natural things such as wind, frost, rain and snow can also promote the growth of cultivation? The purple energy is so inclusive and all-encompassing? Isn't this a bit too mysterious?!" Ye Xiao thought for a long time , and tried to soak in the pool for a long time, but did not feel the increase in humidity.

"The existing water in the pool can't be transformed into moist air? It seems that only the water in the sky...that is, the so-called rootless water can be transformed into the mysterious water in the space..." Ye Xiao I thought I figured it out.

But, how can there be heavy rain every day in this world

Even if it rains every day, it is impossible for a huge rainstorm like yesterday. Such a rainstorm is really rare in a hundred years!

If the torrential rain really lasts for a while...

Well, the world will soon collapse.

Since it is not enough to count on the right time and place, then we can only consider the manpower aspect!

The so-called "manpower" aspect is not too difficult to think about, just to laugh at the accumulation of people in the monarch's previous life; while thinking about it, he thought of a feasible formation.

As long as you can buy enough spiritual jade and set up a small cloud-spreading rain array, you can control it at any time to make a lot of rain fall from the sky within a certain range.

This direction seems to be very feasible, but the next problem has come—

If this kind of formation is in the Qingyun Tianyu, it is nothing. Even the idle second-rate sects can easily arrange it, but in the secular world, it is very difficult, because the necessary item for setting up this kind of formation "Spiritual Jade ", Hanyang Continent seems to be very rare, and it is very rare!

Most idlers will never see a piece in their lifetime. Of course, even if they see it, they may not know it.

As for its price, it is the sky-high price among sky-high prices!

Not to mention whether you can find it or not, even if you can find it, with the current financial resources of a certain monarch, not to mention a drop in the bucket, the salary is almost the same, because if you want to arrange a small cloud-prospering and rain-distributing formation, although you don't need too much spiritual jade, Not one or two is enough.

If you want to have a sufficient amount of Lingyu, you must have enough money, and Ye Xiao doesn't seem to have that much money.

Therefore, Ye Xiao needs money!

need money!


Then, Ye Xiao took it for granted that he still had more than 100 million silver in Lingbao Pavilion Auction House!

As a matter of course, he came to take it.

However, he didn't know that the current Lingbao Pavilion has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before!

It was even more unexpected that what was waiting for him here was an extremely tight net!

He has been waiting all the time, he, a big fish, has thrown himself into the trap!

Already able to see Lingbao Pavilion from a distance, Ye Xiao couldn't help laughing.

Xindao, if there is a chance, I might as well provide a few more so-called Pills of Pill Cloud, anyway, I still have a lot of them here... Of course, the prerequisite is that silver is really useful for Lingyu...

But, the biggest problem now is... where to find Lingyu.

"Spiritual jade from stubborn stones, shining in Kyushu."

Ye Xiao also used countless spirit jades in his previous life, but those were all formed, standard spirit jades taken out; just buy it, or grab it...

After all, that thing is the most common high-grade equivalent in circulation in Qingyun Tianyu. It is not common, but it is not uncommon!

However, at this moment, in the secular world, although there will definitely be spirit jade in any plane, but I don't know what the stubborn stone containing spirit jade will look like. Is there anyone in the Hanyang Continent? Knowing the goods... This is the most troublesome thing right now.

"Forget it, every step counts!" Ye Xiao murmured: "The living can't be suffocated to death by urine."

Shi Shi ran into the auction house, and Ye Xiao was taken aback by Guan Da's offering!

Guan Wanshan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, saw Feng Zhiling coming in, and he had an expression as if he saw a golden mountain, and he still longed for the kind of eagerness for thousands of years, with a weird expression like he was relieved but saw a ghost.

Then, the old man Guan simply turned around and ran away!

The nimbleness of that gait is almost as agile as that of a young and middle-aged man.

Ye Xiao couldn't help being stunned.

"What's going on here? What's the situation!" Ye Xiao keenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere of the meeting.

When Guan Wanshan saw himself, he should be excited, but it is really abnormal to be excited to such a completely disorganized level...

No matter how you put it, he is also an old priest of decades, well-informed, it shouldn't be like this...

Also, apart from being excited, he also seems to be very enthusiastic. He quickly came up to greet him affectionately, asked about his health, and established a good relationship with himself. Is this normal? !

But his performance at this meeting seems to be too abnormal. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Could it be that something went wrong

Ye Xiao looked around in all his thoughts, and saw that there were already a few more people standing there at the door.

At first glance, there is nothing unusual, it seems to be an ordinary guard.

But... if I remember correctly, there are usually only four guards at the door, but today, there are eight, which is twice as many, and... these eight people are actually staring at me intentionally or unintentionally. Why is it as if he is afraid that he will run away

What's more, Ye Xiao had a feeling that if he left now, most of these people would stop him!

"What's the situation? Close the door?" Ye Xiao frowned, then turned around and walked towards the door.

Before reaching the door, a big man came up to meet him, smiling all over his face, nodding his head and bowing his head: "Master Feng, please stay. I have solemnly instructed you before the big enshrinement. Whenever Lord Feng comes, please wait for a while. There is an urgent need." You need to discuss with Master Feng."

Ye Xiao nodded warmly, and said amiably: "Well, I know, I just want to get some air at the door."

The big man bent down and said: "The tea has been served, please drink to Feng Ye."

The implication is... don't go out to get some fresh air, just drink some tea in your room.

Ye Xiao frowned all of a sudden, and said lightly: "What is the meaning of Guige, even if I have to walk out of this door to take a breath... can't I?"

The big man's expression became more and more humble, but his burly body was still standing in front of Ye Xiao, motionless. The other big men were also moving quietly intentionally or unintentionally, faintly forming a kind of encirclement to Ye Xiao's position. situation.

"Get out of the way!" Ye Xiao frowned and shouted, he was keenly aware that in the Lingbao Pavilion, there was a fatal crisis that was approaching rapidly, and any further delay might cause extremely serious and terrible consequences.

The hands folded in the sleeves have turned golden.

The gold hand that was once famous in the auction hall that day may be about to sell again in the next moment.

"This is the famous Feng Zhiling... Lord Feng, right?" A hearty voice suddenly sounded: "Hahaha... My Wan Zhenghao is the helm of this Lingbao Pavilion. I have heard the name of Lord Feng for a long time, but On the one hand, I am lucky to meet you today, and Zheng Hao is truly lucky!"

Ye Xiao frowned and turned around.

From the stairs on the second floor, there was a gigantic meat ball rolling in waves all the way, whistling.

It seems that even the ground is trembling, the real weight is enough!

When the meat ball rolled all the way down the stairs, Ye Xiao carefully identified it, and then confirmed that this... is actually a person!

This person seems to have no neck, at least it cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. A round watermelon-like head is mounted on round shoulders on both sides. The fat on his face jumps up and down, because he is too fat. The facial features are almost all crowded together; the mouth that can almost be regarded as a bloody mouth on other people's faces can only be described as a small cherry mouth under the wide proportions of his face...

The shoulders are wide and the waist is round, um, the belly is round, the lower abdomen and the thighs have been integrated into one body, and the two lower legs, which are like elephant legs, are very firm and very hard to support the body of this behemoth. See, truly unimaginable.

It's just that, just walking down the stairs, the sweat was already dripping from his head.

The price of moving quickly seems to be expensive!

"Oh... Master Feng..." When Ye Xiao looked at each other in astonishment, Wan Zhenghao had already walked in front of him quickly, and those fat giant hands grasped Ye Xiao's hand in his palm without politeness and involuntary explanation. , shaking again and again with enthusiasm: "Oh... Brother Feng, no, Master Feng... haha, you haven't come these few days, I'm so hopeless. In a few days, I'm looking forward to what Master Feng is looking forward to. It weighed dozens of catties, you made me wait so hard..."