Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 103: Super big fool!


Wan Zhenghao and Gu Jinlong exchanged glances.


These two words already revealed too much information.

That is to say, this Feng Zhiling himself does not have the ability to refine the Danyun Divine Pill, only the person behind him can refine it.

And that person is undoubtedly an extremely brilliant alchemy master!

But for this point, Gu and Wan had already expected that Ye Xiao's incarnation Feng Zhiling, although his appearance was much older than Ye Xiao himself, he was only in his early thirties at most. The title of alchemy master is difficult to be linked, and there is a master behind it, which is the most reasonable explanation!

Wan Zhenghao laughed loudly, and said tentatively: "Brother Feng, I don't know if Lingshi... besides refining Peiyuan Pill to reach the level of Danyun Shendan, is there any other pills that can reach this level... ?”

Ye Xiao pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head, as if he had suddenly made up his mind at this moment, and said: "The cooperation between me and Lingbao Pavilion was quite pleasant before, since Brother Wan asked this question, I will simply tell the truth. "

The two couldn't help being shocked when they heard the words.

It seems that this Feng Zhiling wants to shake something important

"My teacher officially started alchemy, but it started last year." Ye Xiao's first words shocked the two of them.

What? Only started alchemy last year

Doesn't that mean that during the period of at most one year, his teacher could refine the Pill of Pill Cloud

Is this farting? Or fart? Or is it farting

"The two of you may think that I am talking nonsense, or that I am exaggerating my self-esteem, but I can only say that this is probably the case. The finished Danyun Shendan is the best proof!" Ye Xiao said.

"I would like to hear the details." The two nodded and asked.

"My master is three hundred and ninety-seven years old this year, and his cultivation is only at the ninth rank of the Earth Yuan Realm, but this level is already the ultimate in his talent. He is only three to five years away from the end of his life."

Ye Xiao said: "Master, the old man was born in a family of alchemy masters, and he has been fascinated by alchemy since he was a child, but his father only let him read alchemy books, even if he knelt down and begged, And never let him seriously practice alchemy."

Speaking of this, Gu Jinlong frowned tightly.

Gujinlong doesn't speak, but there are some things that must be understood.

Therefore, Wan Zhenghao naturally wanted to be an excellent supporter at this time.

He asked aloud, "Why is this?"

Ye Xiao said: "Pavilion Master, don't worry. Just listen to me."

Wan Zhenghao hurriedly shut up.

"After that, in the first few decades, my master really read all the alchemy classics that could be collected in this world; and after reading those many classics, I thought that I could finally practice alchemy, But his father still didn't allow it, and even made an extremely harsh and unimaginable request."

"What request? How extremely harsh and unbelievable?" Wan Zhenghao asked again at the right time.

"It's just... I will read these alchemy books. If there is not a single word wrong, memorize them all! I request that you can't make a single word wrong!" Ye Xiaoqi expressed his face: "The way of alchemy passed down by this door is the first step of getting started. It is the endorsement, the elixir books in this sect are second to none in the entire Hanyang Continent, and there are few omissions, and the total number of those elixir books... together are as many as several houses... In the past twenty years, I have not been able to read all the alchemy books in my sect, but my teacher's father asked my teacher to recite them all, not to mention not missing a single word! The difficulty of this is really as difficult as climbing the sky !"

The two gasped in unison after hearing the words, and really couldn't figure out what the father wanted to do.

"Then what happened afterwards?" Wan Zhenghao asked.

"Later, my master really went to read it and recite it... But just before he finished reciting it all, the patriarch passed away. Before he died, he called my master to his side and said: I have studied alchemy all my life. In the eyes of others, I can already be called the master of alchemy, and few people can reach the alchemy journey; but, only I know that I am actually still far behind, very far, far away."

"The journey of alchemy is vast and boundless. Now I have only taken one or two steps on the journey of a hundred miles."

"Unfortunately, I didn't realize a truth until I was getting old, that is... At the beginning, my heart was restless! My heart was restless! My heart was disrespectful!"

Speaking of this, even Gu Jinlong listened attentively.

Or, the biggest answer to the legendary Danyun God Pill that can come out may be here.

"The patriarch said solemnly at the time: But now I am reading the alchemy book, no longer with the mentality of learning, but... looking for what is wrong with this book."

"Moreover, my method of alchemy has become an established pattern, and all trends have formed a habit, a law, and can no longer be changed. Therefore, in my whole life, I will not be able to refine the legendary pill cloud. Divine Pill!"

"There are tens of thousands of alchemy books in the world, and each of these alchemy books has its own reasons. However, each book is accompanied by the personal imprint of the author... Others learn from the book, and they have long been doomed to the limit. It is possible to surpass those people. Because they are destined not to have the understanding, experience and insight of the master! Therefore, they cannot learn the real thing."

Speaking of this, Gu Jinlong nodded slowly.

This sentence is so reasonable, it is simply the truth of the Tao.

Just like the same set of swordsmanship, two apprentices of a master have different effects, which is the same reason.

The three masters and apprentices used the same swordsmanship, but in fact they had three sets of swordsmanship!

Although the postures appear to be the same on the surface, the real power and deep-seated influence of the mind are completely different.

Ye Xiao continued talking.

"Before the patriarch died, the words he asked my master were: So, I ask you... definitely, after memorizing these books, you must thoroughly understand them, including knowing every kind of medicinal medicine, pros and cons, I'm completely aware that when that time comes..."

"At that time, if you throw away all these books, you will only use your own accumulation over the years to sum up a method of alchemy and open up a new direction for alchemists!"

"Maybe you can walk out, maybe you can't walk out...but... that may be the only way to reach the sky..."

"At that time, the Patriarch swallowed his breath after saying the last sentence."

"What?" Wan Zhenghao asked in time.

"Back then the Patriarch said... If one day, you can be sure that you can walk your own path, and you are completely sure that your own path belongs to you, then you can start alchemy! If one day, you can refine the Pill Cloud God Pills that are the best in heaven and must come to my grave and burn a stick of incense. On the day of Dao Xuan Dan's achievement, family sacrifices will never be forgotten to tell Nai Weng."

After Ye Xiao finished speaking, his face was full of regret.

Gujinlong and Wan Zhenghao have already been brought into this story at this moment, and they sighed repeatedly.

It turned out to be so...

"Since then, my master has really kept the patriarch's teachings in mind. In these years, he has been studying, or going into the mountains to find various medicinal materials. In the past three hundred years, from the beginning to the end, he has never touched it. Dan Furnace."

"Until the end of the year before last... My master finally realized his enlightenment. He laughed three times on the top of the mountain and started to make alchemy! He made his first batch of elixir in his life!"

"That year, my master was three hundred and ninety-five and a half years old!"

"At that time, I had followed my teacher for eighteen years, but I still remember the words that my master said that year..." Ye Xiao revealed a look of reminiscence, and said softly: "... I lived in a trance for four hundred years; The young child is already in the clouds; the eyes are dim to see the road, and the heart is not changed to accumulate the magic pill; the mountains and rivers are exhausted, and there is a way, and a thought will open the nine heavens; the road to the alchemy begins today, and from today it is close to the underworld!"

Speaking of this, Wan Zhenghao and Gu Jinlong once again sighed together.

If a warrior in the Earth Yuan Realm cannot break through to the Tian Yuan Realm level, even if there is no disaster in his life, he will definitely not be able to pass the hurdle of 400 years old!

The earth is four hundred years old, and the life span is limited to the sky.

The master of Feng Ling had achieved great enlightenment at the age of three hundred and ninety-five and a half years old, but he was only four and a half years away from the four hundred and a half years old!

For four hundred years in his life, Haoshou has endured untold hardships, just for these four and a half years!

Or, this is the so-called instant glory, which is eternal and immortal!

"Danyun Divine Pill... so it came here... The real process of this pill's alchemy has gone through a long period of nearly four hundred years? The difficulty of alchemy is truly unprecedented!" A sudden realization of emotion.

"More than that." Ye Xiao said, "If it wasn't for the Dao of Alchemy that my master finally figured out, even four hundred years would be wasted!"

"Oh? The Way of Alchemy?" Gu Jinlong subconsciously asked.

Gujinlong's questioning method like this is tantamount to coveting Ye Xiaodan's secret method. Originally, as an ancient and modern dragon, he should never have such questions, but Ye Xiao's rhetoric really mobilized people's curiosity At the extreme, even with the calm cultivation of Gujinlong, he still blurted out questions.

Ye Xiao didn't feel disobedient at all, and replied softly: "The ultimate attainment of the Dao of alchemy that my teacher has comprehended, is actually only one word."

"One word? What is it?" The two asked at the same time.


Ye Xiao said quietly.

"Quiet?" The two looked at each other. Obviously, I was very surprised by this answer.

"That's right, it's just the word 'quiet'." Ye Xiao took another sip of tea, seemed to be a little thirsty, and continued: "After thoroughly understanding all the knowledge of alchemy, my master finally understood... In fact, those All the roads that can be called alchemist grand masters are correct, which is the so-called same goal by different routes, this is the reason."