Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 155: Ye Xiao is dead!


Song Jue hurriedly said: "My surname is Song, if you have something to say, please tell me."

Sun Gongfeng was silent for a while, and said: "Now we will exhaust all our strength to help, but even so, at most we can continue to live for Mr. Ye for ten days! And for these ten days, we still need to pay a huge price! I can't wait Dare to call the shots."

Song Jue said, "What does Sun Gongfeng mean by that?"

Sun Gongfeng withdrew his fingers, closed his eyes, and said Xiao Suo: "The key is... Master Huang, go to the palace and ask His Majesty the Emperor to see if His Majesty can show you the Pill of Danyun that you just photographed a few days ago. Your Majesty Although I have promised to open up all the internal treasury, there is no need to inquire again, but this Pill Cloud Divine Pill has a very important relationship, and the case cannot be finalized without His Majesty's relatives!"

Doctor Huang was stunned!

Danyun God Pill!

Using the legendary super elixir can only last ten days for Mr. Ye!

How could His Majesty be willing

That is the number one treasure of the royal family that can bring the emperor back to life at a critical moment!

Sun Gongfeng opened his eyes and said, "Go!"

Doctor Huang felt sullen and puzzled, and said, "Okay, then I'll go right away."

"If His Majesty agrees, let His Majesty send the masters in the palace to escort Danyun Shendan to come. Don't make any mistakes on the way." Sun Gongfeng said softly: "Remember, you only have one and a half hours, one and a half Within a few hours, the old man will use the breath of pure vitality that he cultivated with his life to hold Ye Gongzi's last vitality. If within an hour and a half, if the divine pill does not arrive, the young master will die. Even if there is a Danyun divine pill at that time, then It's useless!"

Doctor Huang agreed, not daring to be negligent, and immediately left.

And Song Juezao had already stood outside the door and shouted: "Get ready for a fast horse! The fastest horse!"

Doctor Huang left in a hurry and kept walking on the road, still puzzled in his heart: Danyun pill is so precious, why does Sun Gongfu act as if he is sure that His Majesty the Emperor will take it out

in the room.

The sky-blue ocean of light once again diffused out, and Sun Gongfeng had mobilized all his cultivation bases to stabilize Ye Xiao's injuries and continue his vitality.

"Master Li, please give Young Master Ye your thirteen needles of soul-snatching life extension when I exhale to cross the Yuan!"

Sun Gongfeng said.


Both of them had heavy faces, and they spared no expense to ensure that Ye Xiao's vitality would continue within an hour and a half.

Because, as His Majesty's confidants, both of them knew that Ye Xiao's life at this moment was already related to the survival of the entire empire!

If Ye Xiao is saved, it is equivalent to saving the Emperor Chen Kingdom!

Conversely, if Ye Xiao died, then, at the very least, the entire northern part of the empire would fall into a mess of corruption!

The iron hooves of the prairie wolves will step into the great rivers and mountains of Emperor Chen's Kingdom.

Imperial doctor Huang galloped quickly and directly entered the palace.

He hurried all the way to the Chengtian Hall, but was stopped by the guards. At this moment, the emperor in the palace was discussing state affairs with his ministers, so how could he be disturbed lightly.

Doctor Huang was very anxious, and asked the guards to report quickly. After a while, the prince came out quickly.

"Elder-in-law, Sun Gongfeng said... Young Master Ye Xiao's injury requires the use of the Pill of Danyun... this..." Huang Yuyi still feels that this matter is too absurd.

Ye Xiao is just the son of a general.

I'm afraid that even if Ye Nantian himself was injured, His Majesty probably wouldn't give the Pill of Pill Cloud, would he? But Sun Gongfeng said that he could only make this trip, and he had to bring his words with him.

Sun Gongfu's status is the most aloof among the royal family!

When Wang Gonggong heard this, he walked in without saying a word. After a short while, he came out again and said indifferently: "Sajia will go to Yefu with you."

Huang Yuyi looked at Wang Gonggong in a daze.

Wang Gonggong frowned, looked at him, and finally added: "The Danyun Shendan is in my arms now, let's go."

Huang Yuyi immediately became messy!

What's the situation

Is it that easy to get it

Ye Xiao was injured and needed Danyun Shendan to save his life, but why did His Majesty take it out so quickly!

What is this concept

I am afraid that even His Royal Highness may not be able to have this kind of favor, right

Even an old and serious doctor like Huang Yuyi couldn't help but guess in his heart: Is this Ye Xiao actually His Majesty's illegitimate son? More favored than the prince? !

Seeing him in a daze, Wang Gonggong was obviously impatient and coughed.

Hearing this sound, Doctor Huang came back to his senses.

The two left in a hurry.

When they arrived at Ye Mansion, it happened to be an hour.

Sun Gongfeng did not neglect at all, and immediately stuffed the Danyun Shendan into Ye Xiao's mouth, and then, in cooperation with the life-sustaining golden needle, the Yuanli of the Tianyuan Grandmaster realm exploded with all its strength, accelerating the catalysis of the medicinal power...

After a long, long time, Ye Xiao's limp body, which was like a dead person, finally reacted a little.

Not only did my breathing become heavier and stronger, but I could also see some ups and downs in my collapsed chest...

But other than that, there was no more reaction.

But at this moment, Huang Yuyi is even more puzzled by Monk Zhang Er: using such a precious elixir, if it can save his life, it's all right, but it's just to let him take a few more breaths, is it really worth it?

This... This is not an ordinary waste.

"We've tried our best." Sun Gongfeng hit the top of Ye Xiao's head with the last burst of purple air, his face was full of exhaustion, sweating profusely, and said to Song Jue: "This should last until General Ye comes back. ... The matter has come to this point, the old man really has no other choice, sorry."

Song Jue took a deep breath and said, "I am very grateful to have this result, thank you very much."

Wang Gonggong stared at Song Jue with sharp eyes, and said calmly: "This kind of bone-dissolving palm... can the person who kills it treat it?"

Song Jue said full of hatred: "At this time, I will definitely be inseparable from those dandies! This hatred, the Ye family must avenge it!"

Eunuch Wang pondered for a while, and said: "The priority of this matter is to save Mr. Ye, and other things can be discussed in the long run."

Song Jue just sneered twice, but didn't speak.

Wang Gonggong said: "It's just that the injury to the bone, palm and palm is a bit weird... At a rough look, the performer should not have deep skills and can't reach the level of delayed onset, but after careful inspection, it is There is also a feeling that it has been plotted against for several days, and this matter is very puzzling."

Song Jue said coldly: "Everything will come to a conclusion when the general returns!"

Wang Gonggong sighed, he is also a martial arts master himself, and he also has a certain understanding of the bone palm injury, and now he expresses his own judgment, hoping to mediate this matter, if he can get rid of those courtiers who are pointed at by this matter, He is a member of Emperor Chen's country, and it may cause very subtle changes.

After they left Ye Mansion, Wang Gonggong and Sun Gongfeng also discussed this for a long time on the road.

"This injury is definitely not fake."


"Even though Ye Xiao has taken the Danyun Divine Pill, he is still bound to die."


"But, was the injury caused today?"

"It's hard to say, hard to say."

"If it wasn't caused by what happened today, then who did it?"


"If it's today, which family did it come from?"



"The prince's behavior today is a bit abnormal, unlike his usual behavior." This sentence was said by the prince.


"It's reasonable to insult Mr. Jiang, but he has gone too far."

"You mean?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Understood. If there are really doubts in this matter, but the doubts point to the wrong person, it would be better if there are no doubts."


"How many are these?"


"Then it's dead!"

Ye Xiao is still lying like a zombie, at this moment, in his body, there is indeed only one breath to hold on, not even the original soul is there.

Because Ye Xiao's consciousness is in the endless space at the moment.

Within the heavenly spirit space.

Ye Xiao sat directly next to Tianwaiyouming, desperately absorbing the cold air from Tianwaiyouming; this time, Tianwaiyouming's burst of spiritual energy was neither overflowing with cold air, nor was Ye Xiao caused by Lingyu, but another bastard Caused!

This bastard is naturally that egg!

Ever since that Egg showed its power that day, Eggy brutally defeated the ancient and modern dragon, and absorbed all the cultivation base and soul of the ancient and modern dragon, it seemed to have fallen into a very strange state.

According to Ye Xiao's guess, this egg should have never been so full before, and this time it seems to be a little full.

Mostly it's a snake swallowing an elephant, and the speed is insufficient, so some power will be released occasionally, and these powers that are occasionally released will trigger another violent cold air from the outer world!

And this bad situation, which could happen at any time, has lasted for half a day so far.

Ye Xiao can only devote himself wholeheartedly, firstly, to resolve the coldness and maintain the balance of the space, secondly... this coldness is a good thing for Ye Xiao now, it can purify his own vitality almost infinitely, and it can also Let your power of extreme cold increase further...

If it wasn't for maintaining the balance between the spaces, so that the other big spaces would not be too oppressed, Ye Xiao would almost want to throw one or two more spirit stones into it at any time...

And with the increase of the cold air, Ye Xiao accidentally discovered that the cold air in his body seemed to... finally saw the hope of breaking through to the second layer of the Ziqi Donglai Divine Art—in the dantian, the power of the Ziqi Donglai was already faint at this moment. A mass of purple mist formed around the ground. exists in the middle position.

If the dantian can be as big as a house... then, the purple qi at the core of the dantian has reached the size of an egg.

Although it is still slightly insignificant at this stage, it can be used for comparison after all. It also made Ye Xiao truly feel that he only needs to fill his dantian with the Zhongzheng and peaceful purple energy after the transformation of Yin and Yang, and he should be able to smoothly advance to the second level.