Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 169: Fishing in troubled waters and killing!


Liu Zhangjun couldn't understand the most, and what made him extremely collapsed was... the trash in front of him was even more proficient in assassination techniques than himself!

This is simply a nightmare!

Is the end of the nightmare a dead end? !

Liu Changjun's cultivation level is enough to look down on his peers, but he can't perform at all in front of this person!

That's right, Liu Changjun's own cultivation has reached the middle level of Tianyuan Realm, which can be said to be far above Ye Xiao. Even if Ye Xiao has made an astonishing breakthrough, there is still a huge difference in cultivation between the two sides.

But the huge difference in cultivation could not give Liu Changjun any confidence at all!

The other party's methods are too much! That golden hand is invincible, it is an extremely sharp weapon, it collides with his long sword without any fuss, his long sword is broken, but the opponent's palm is still shining golden!

If what he touched was not a sword, but his own body, he would be completely disabled!

There is also the extremely cold air from the other hand, which is even more terrible!

Liu Changjun with the golden hand still dared to fight with his sword, but with the extremely cold air, he could only dodge blindly, and he didn't dare to let the opponent's palm touch any part of his body, even his sword!

Because the cold air will be transmitted through any medium in an instant, freezing yourself to death! How could there be such a freak in this world

Although Liu Changjun tried his best to dodge, but as the battle continued, the room gradually turned into an extremely cold ice cave!

Liu Changjun felt more and more cold, his teeth were chattering. His hands and feet became more and more inflexible, and when he made a move, the blue power was so cold that it disappeared at all...

Liu Changjun's eyes flashed, his thoughts turned, and he suddenly started to move back.

I have already made a decision in my heart: escape!

There is nothing to be done, run for your life as soon as possible, it is serious to save your life first!

As long as I can go back alive today, the employer who issued this order will inevitably be hunted down by me endlessly!

He's not so deceitful!

Lao Tzu is just a fox, you point here and say, there is a little white rabbit here, who has absolutely no ability to resist, it is just a dish. After jumping in excitedly, I realized that there was a little white rabbit in there, and it was a big tiger at all!

Or a ferocious tiger with sharp teeth and sharp claws!

This is not called cheating, what is

"You want to leave now?" Ye Xiao's subordinates took a rare step back and asked with a half-smile.

"I've been tricked, can I wait to die here? I can still walk now, but I won't even be able to walk after a while!" Liu Changjun growled angrily.

Immediately, he asked with a full stomach: "It is rumored that even if you are in good health, you definitely don't have such strength. This... what's going on?"

Ye Xiao raised his golden hand again, and with the flick of his fingers, he sent out seven or eight palms one after another. The golden light was shining, and the cold air was evacuated. He still couldn't forget to grin his teeth, and said kindly and softly: "Actually, your information can't be regarded as wrong, but you came in time. The timing was too unfortunate. When you came, I hadn’t actually broken through; but the moment you walked in through the window, I just finished breaking through! I can only say that your luck is great! Catch up!"

"Fuck!" Liu Changjun almost passed out from holding his breath.

Such a coincidence? Such luck!

Is this luck

Wait, doesn't this mean... If I had come earlier, I wouldn't have been so troublesome? Come later, have you avoided the burst of vigor that broke through? Just in time for the worst time

How about luck

Good for you grandma!

"After today, I will never come again!" Liu Changjun tried his best to resist, feeling that his blood was about to freeze, it seemed that even parrying was extremely difficult.

This sentence has already stated its position, and there is a faint meaning of begging for mercy in it.

"But if you go out, my secret will be exposed." Ye Xiao smiled with white teeth showing, "So you can't go."

"Are you going to kill me?" Liu Changjun's face turned blue.

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows: "As a killer, speaking like this is detrimental to your professional ethics."

Liu Changjun almost shed tears.

This is really not an ordinary weirdo, who is still concerned about my professional ethics at this moment...

Liu Changjun's cultivation is undoubtedly much higher than Ye Xiao's, but under the check and balance of the other party's strange skills, there is nothing he can do.

It was like meeting a natural nemesis.

I can only clearly feel that my movements are getting slower and slower.

Liu Changjun can even judge that with his current state, he may not even be able to escape. In addition to the extremely sharp attack methods, the opponent's light-handed footwork is extremely miraculous. Even if he is healthy and healthy, It may not be able to take advantage of it, let alone now!

Ye Xiao chuckled: "Before, I used to use your weapons empty-handed, which was a bit of a disadvantage. I am a fair person, haha, so from now on, it is finally my turn to use weapons."

Liu Changjun was even more frightened when he heard the words, the other party had beaten him so embarrassingly just now with a pair of empty hands, and now that he was almost unable to move, the other party actually started to use weapons...

This clearly means to kill me!

Don't bring such a bully...

When I looked intently, I saw a sudden flash of light in Ye Xiao's hand, coming through the air.

With Liu Changjun's eyesight, he didn't see clearly what the opponent's weapon was.

Liu Changjun summoned up all his strength, and struck the long sword, but only felt a blur in front of his eyes, the long sword struck an empty space, and before the feeling of force was lost, he only felt a cold in his chest, a strange needle, and lightning It entered his chest like a piercing cold air, and quietly exploded in his meridians, forcibly preventing his air machine from running.

"it's over."

Ye Xiao sighed. In Liu Changjun's horrified and unexpected eyes, there were seventeen or eighteen palms in a row like thunderbolts and lightning, and they were all slapped on Liu Changjun's chest. Liu Changjun staggered back and fell to the ground like mud, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood hadn't spit out When he came out, he was forced to go back.

The meridians all over the body, all the meridians that can move, are completely locked by Ye Xiao!

Really couldn't even move.


Ye Xiao ripped off Liu Changjun's black coat!

Liu Changjun turned pale with shock, and exclaimed: "What are you doing?" He was terrified for a moment, thinking, does this guy still have such a hobby

But I'm still pure and pure... a man's body!

It's really over now... What a shame!

"What are you thinking?: Don't think too beautifully about everything! I'm just borrowing your clothes." Ye Xiao smiled and said, "I don't want others to know my strength."

Swiping, brushing, taking off Liu Changjun's coat, putting it on himself, and then covering his face with a mask, he nodded: "You rest here first, wait for me to deal with it." Outside... I'll come and talk to you about life, ideals, and the future."

Liu Changjun actually felt relieved: Fortunately... this guy is not that attempt; I was really scared to death just now! I've never seen someone take off their clothes after winning a fight...

But after he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt his heart sinking gradually.

This person is really terrible!

This time, I fell into his hands... I'm afraid I can't ask for life or death.

What's even more frightening is that this Ye Xiao, no matter what he does, is always so calm and unhurried, without the slightest hint of impatience.

Every movement is so soothing and elegant.

But in the eyes of the enemy, this state is so cold and terrifying.

Such an enemy is the most terrifying enemy!

Liu Changjun had a faint feeling, actually a kind of envy: If... I can also achieve such a demeanor, then I will definitely make greater achievements on the road of killer!

It's a pity that this Ye Xiao doesn't want to be a killer... However, there is one thing that I really don't understand: these are not what a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy should have at all!

Is this freak... really a sixteen-year-old boy

With a whoosh, Ye Xiao ignored what Liu Changjun was thinking, and simply stuffed Liu Changjun under his bed, followed his body, and with a swipe sound, he lightly turned into a black figure, and just floated out of the window.

What he held in his hand was Liu Changjun's sword!

It was a long and narrow sword!

Still shining with blood luster.

At this moment, the battle outside had obviously reached a fever pitch. Song Jue's blood-colored long knife seemed to be going crazy. With the power of one person, he suppressed the eight killers for life, and rushed towards this side with all his might.

But no matter how he rushed, the other party would rather use his body, his life, to block him, but not let him get close to Ye Xiao's room.

With the combined power of eight people, Song never could break through, it was futile!

The blood guards are also fighting bloody one by one. The Ouchi guards have set off the alarm fireworks five or six times, and there are many shouts of killing from outside. Obviously, the other party has a second plan, obviously to put an end to Ye All the reinforcements that laugh, all the vitality.

Ye Xiao was dressed in black, and his figure moved over in a flickering manner, with a cold murderous aura lingering all over his body.

It turned out to be the unique temperament of Liu Changjun just now!

The imitation is exactly the same, exactly the same!

Seeing the return of "Liu Changjun", those people were immediately relieved. Just about to speak, Ye Xiao had already started, and said hoarsely: "Quick battle!"


Take the long sword!

After hearing the phrase 'quick battle and quick decision', the eight people simply turned their heads and attacked Song Jue with all their strength. They all thought that the boss would also participate in the siege, and they immediately became full of confidence and focused on nothing else.

However, after the sharp sword light flashed, the eight heads fell neatly!

The eight people died with deep confusion in their eyes: why... the boss killed himself

Why is this