Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 4: If you don't have any money, I'll lend it to you


Zuo Wuji's eyes lit up immediately, and then he said dejectedly: "How can it be so easy... I didn't know until now that that thing is very precious. A small piece of Xuanyu Ruyi is actually worth ten thousand taels of gold... Poor old man who was rejected You guys tried to steal it and sell it, and you only sold it for a thousand taels of silver, and you lost your money..."

As he spoke, he gritted his teeth again, feeling overwhelmed with pain: "You two have made me the number one prodigal son in the world... I can't talk about this, I can only knock down my teeth and swallow my blood... Now there is, but I am What are you going to buy back?"

Ye Xiao lowered his voice and said, "Hehehe... Isn't it just money... Is it hard to say? I just ask you, do you want to buy Xuanyu Ruyi back?"

"I want to! I don't want to be a bastard! Then I can take off my hat of 'Emperor Chen Kingdom's No. After the incident, all my pocket money was deducted, and the original three hundred taels of silver per month has now become five taels of silver... five taels of silver, enough shit!"

"You want to take off the hat of the number one prodigal son of the empire... It's actually quite easy, but... you're about to become the 'No. 1 prodigal son of the universe in all ages'..."

Ye Xiao muttered in his heart, laughed, patted his chest, and said boldly: "As long as you want to buy it back, I can lend you the money first..."

"Really?" Zuo Wuji was startled. Not only him, but even Lan Langlang was astonished!

Does the sun come out from the north today? ! When did Ye Xiao become so generous.

"Really!" Ye Xiao nodded affirmatively, his face serious and solemn.

"What's your fucking plan?" Zuo Wuji looked at him suspiciously, thinking in his mind: This guy, isn't he trying to trick me again? Did you really fall in love with me

"Bastard!" Ye Xiao was upright, his kindness on his face was taken as a donkey's liver, and he said sadly: "Zuo Wuji! What did you say? I think you are a good brother to help you. I also took a risk. Big risk, who knows when you, a prodigal son, will pay me back? You still doubt me, okay, okay, I'll let you die!"

"Don't pull it down! Is it okay for me to keep that money to pick up girls... Lan Langlang! Let's go!" Ye Xiao stood up angrily and left: "Let's ignore this guy who doesn't know good people from now on!"

Lan Langlang is the best at booing, so how can he let this moment go, "swipe" stood up, and shouted happily: "Go and go! Ignore this bastard who doesn't treat us as friends!"

"Don't...don't, don't...Brother Ye, Brother Lan! Oh, my dear brother..." Zuo Wuji strode forward and hugged Ye Xiao's waist tightly. With a flattering face, I apologized again and again: "Oh, I just said something wrong... Oh, we are good brothers, good brothers for a lifetime, you are really angry... Oh, hurry up! Butler, serve tea! Serve good Tea! Serve the best quality tea! Serve the best imperial tea that His Majesty bestowed on my grandfather! Hurry up, hurry up... "

After repeating instructions, he respectfully let Ye Xiao sit on the middle chair, bent over like a dog's legs and smiled with him: "Hey... Brother Ye, hey, Young Master Ye, wow, brother My good brother... you really lent me the money?"

Ye Xiao crossed Erlang's legs and swayed back and forth: "I really wanted to borrow..."

"Then you can't change your mind..." Zuo Wuji almost knelt down.

I finally got a chance to make meritorious deeds, how could I let it go, God knows what I've been living these past few months... This is my own home, and I can't even escape.

"Hmph, okay." Ye Xiao blew on the tea leaves in his hand in a leisurely manner, a little helpless: "Blame me for being quick... If this is the case, then you can write a note, and then take anything as a mortgage with me, and I will also put a piece of money on it. I lent you 15,000 taels of gold... Let me be clear first, you will still have to pay me back this money in the future, this is not negotiable!"

"Of course!" Zuo Wuji's face was full of joy, and then he frowned again, with a sad expression on his face: "But what do I want to mortgage to you?"

"Can you understand people's words? Just find something. Our brother, can we really ask for something valuable from you?" Ye Xiao rolled his eyes and said sincerely: "Look at the ornaments at home, give me anything you like." Just take one... don't you just have it?"

Zuo Wuji breathed a sigh of relief: "This is a way... Let me think about it, how about stealing something this time?"

His eyes rolled around, obviously he had made up his mind to be a house thief again.

"Oh..." Ye Xiao hated the temptation of iron and steel: "Can you be quicker, just get me any one in this hall, you don't need expensive things, anything is fine..."

Under Ye Xiao's obvious hint, Zuo Wuji finally 'suddenly enlightened': "This... can be mortgaged?"

"What does it mean to be mortgaged or not? We are brothers!" Ye Xiao said generously and earnestly.

Zuo Wuji grinned from ear to ear, finally let go of the big stone in his heart, and smiled happily: "Although there are all my grandfather's things in here, I like them very much... But it doesn't matter if one or a half is missing... Brother, you say, Whichever one you like, I will give it to you directly! What do you want to mortgage? I will pay back the money as usual, and this decoration will be given to you!"

Zuo Wuji is really arrogant.

Ye Xiao frowned, and said righteously: "What are you talking about, you treat me as someone, I'm just helping you, don't you still covet something like you... You can give it to me after you're done, it's yours Intentions are more important than courtesy, but if I accept it now, it will be a bribe!"

bribe? !

The corner of Zuo Wuji's mouth twitched violently.

You sound like a big official.

"Look at your ink marks, let's take this one, I like the feeling of spreading your wings and wanting to fly." Ye Xiao's finger casually tapped, and it was the essence of the sky crystal.

"This...isn't this too bad?" Zuo Wuji was immediately moved. It seems that Ye Xiao really helped me this time. The hall was full of treasures, but he actually chose the worst one, good man, why didn't he find out before...

"It's fine, it's fine, you know what I mean." Ye Xiao said affectionately, "Which one of us is with whom... Good brothers should help each other... By the way, you have to keep this matter secret. If others know that I have lent you so much money... they all come to me to borrow money, whether to borrow this or not, I will be in trouble."

"You can rest assured about this, I will keep my mouth shut!" Zuo Wuji patted his chest and said, "Am I that kind of person..."

" can take it now." Zuo Wuji was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, and tried his best to make it real.

"Idiot!" Ye Xiao scolded in a low voice: "Can you think more of your brain? So many people are watching me move things from your house now? Then how can you keep it secret?"

"Yes, yes." Zuo Wuji leaned close to Ye Xiao's ear: "Then I will take you out at dusk when it gets dark?"

"That's a great plan!" Ye Xiao was full of praise: "At that time, I was waiting for you in the alley around the corner, and by the way, I also brought you the golden ticket."

What Zuo Wuji wanted was this sentence, and he immediately smiled happily: "Thank you brother this time... As long as I can restore my original status in the family, I will immediately start mobilizing money from the store to pay you back, don't worry, I said do it!"

"Okay, okay, if I don't trust you, how can I still lend you this much money?" Ye Xiao and Zuo Wuji hooked their shoulders, and they were extremely affectionate, showing that they were good friends.

Lan Langlang on the side saw this scene, his eyeballs almost fell out.

After everything was settled, Ye Xiao and Lan Langlang left Zuo Xiang's mansion gracefully amid Zuo Wuji's thousands of thanks, and under the respectful farewell of Zuo Dagongzi.

"Tonight, don't forget." The two of them had already walked a long way, and they could hear Zuo Wuji's emotional shout while watching him off.

"I said, do you really want to lend him money?" Lan Langlang looked at Ye Xiao suspiciously: "Well... you don't seem to be such a kind person, don't you plan to go back on your word and let that kid be with you? …”

"What do you call that? You really saved me, a gentleman, with the heart of a villain! Do you think that I am the same as you, the kind of unbelievers who talk back and forth!?" Ye Xiao looked contemptuously Looking at Lan Langlang, he said again: "Go back and prepare 10,000 taels of gold tickets for me, I will be useful!"

To lend to Zuo Wuji, it seems that my family is not enough...

"You are useful, okay, wait... what, what are you talking about? You asked me to prepare 10,000 taels of gold, and then you lent it to Boy Zuo? Why? Give me a reason first!" Lan Lang pondered over the taste The wave exploded in an instant.

You are a good person and let me pay


"Reason? You can't even figure it out! If you don't prepare enough golden tickets, what am I going to lend to Zuo Wuji? Isn't this an obvious thing! How long-winded!"

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes, and threatened casually and slowly: "Lan Langlang, if you don't bring me the golden ticket, it doesn't matter if you make me lose my trust, at most I will just leave you and Zuo Wuji in the brothel last time." Tell your grandpa, your father, your mother, your aunt about being jealous, bare buttocks, and running... If you don't think it's exciting enough, I'll just give you a big-character poster all over the street! Guaranteed to be a household name, let the whole capital and the whole world know about you Lan Lang Lang's name! Let you and Zuo Xiaozi be as famous in the capital, and the power will shake the world!"

"Ah? You!" Lan Langlang didn't catch his breath, and almost passed out, his cross-eyed eyes turned into normal eyeballs, and he cried bitterly, "Isn't this too poisonous? You are trying to kill me..."

"Bah, you're so young, what's your life, stop talking nonsense! In the end, your three melons and two dates will be indispensable, so I'll ask you, should I take it or take it?!"

"I'll take it! Do I have a choice?" Lan Langlang almost cried: "I can't take it..."