Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 47: Uncle Feng with strange yin and yang!


This may be the only time in Shi Yue's life that he can seize the opportunity to advance!

There is only one, although there is hope, but there is no certainty at all.

But if there are two, the chance of success can be doubled at least.

Xiao Moyan sighed.

If it is only about the application value of Peiyuan Pill, one million taels is already reaching the sky. But Pei Yuan Dan, who can condense Dan Yun, is so crazy. Now, it has actually climbed to the astronomical figure of four thousand five million, and there is only one!

Even the top pills are not worth the price!

But this pill is related to the future of the alchemist.

Even, the future of the sect.

And the competitors for the last one right now are all sects comparable to Lingyun Pavilion. Even if there is a slight gap, there is no difference. One day in the future, he will overwhelm his own sect.

Such consequences are not serious and cannot be ignored.

He pondered for a while, then turned his head to look at box No. 17.

The question now is, can that Feng Zhiling... still come up with such a magic pill

Did he refine this Danyun pill... or did he get it by chance

"The head... this matter, you can't take risks..." Shi Yue was burning with anxiety.

Xiao Moyan finally sighed, and said in a deep voice, "Sixty-three million!"

This is already more than half of all the funds of the sect that can be mobilized at present. If this price can no longer be won, Xiao Moyan can only choose to give up.

Because, if other funds are moved again, then once other accidents occur, the livelihood of the sect will be greatly affected.

Xiao Moyan had a faint decision in his mind: It seems that the more wealth in this secular world, the better...

Once the sky-high price of 63 million was paid, no one could believe their ears.

A pill!

Sixty-three million!

This is simply crazy!

Countless people bow their heads sadly, manpower is sometimes poor, and so are financial resources.

Those sects that participated in the competition before, it seemed that Xiao Moyan stood up in person, and as soon as he exported it, he raised the price by 18 million from the 45 million, and all of them chose Moran Silent.

Everyone knows that if you bid again at this moment, you will be blatantly offending Lingyun Pavilion, or even provoking it!

The other party is a huge hornet's nest and cannot be offended.

"Idiots like Mu Zihe... are rare in this world after all." Meng Wufei sighed with a wry smile, and this auction also came to an end.

As Lingyun Pavilion's biggest rival, Qingyun faction's Meng Wufei's withdrawal basically means that the overall situation is settled.

The fierce bidding finally came to an end, and when everyone wanted to get in touch with Feng Zhiling in Box 17, they found that Box 17 was already empty.

That Feng Zhiling has disappeared.

Wenren, the girl in green, Xiu'er, the girl in white, including Xiao Moyan, were all surprised by this.

This master was so high-profile just now, with a blind eye, whose terrain is no one else, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye now

Ye Xiao crossed his legs, sitting in the private VIP room of the auction house, drinking fragrant tea, with a comfortable posture.

Now that the auction is over, it is naturally time to sit on the ground and divide up the spoils.

"I'd like to see how the Mu family will trouble me this time? Hmph..." Ye Xiao thought in his heart, "It will be too late for them to burn themselves out."

"It's just that this overturning building is really extraordinary..." Ye Xiao frowned and pondered: " far, judging by the frame-up and blame, now the other party is on the opposite side of me..."

Thinking about the follow-up, Guan Wanshan walked in with a cashier.

Seeing Ye Xiao's expression, the two of them seemed to see a living God of Wealth. It's almost time to pay homage!

Ten Peiyuan Pills, taken out of this master's hand, actually created an astronomical figure of 306 million!

This can't be described by simple touch like turning a stone into gold, or falling from the sky!

It's like a golden mountain falling from the sky!

"Brother Feng..." Guan Wanshan ran up enthusiastically and grabbed Ye Xiao's hand: "Our auction this time has created the highest auction record in the old man's life, and at the same time created a miracle for the entire continent! Three How many billion! More than three billion!"

Ye Xiao looked at him with a half-smile: "Huh?"

Withdrawing his hand from his palm, he said lightly, "There are so many?"

Guan Wanshan rubbed his hands and said: "Yes, yes; of course, there must be. This time, our auction house takes 20% of the profit as usual, but there are still as many as 240 million yuan that can go to Brother Ye." !"

Ye Xiao nodded, half-smile: "Huh? Two hundred and forty million, that's a lot."

Guan Wanshan sensed something sensitively, and said cautiously: "Brother Ye, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"No dissatisfaction." Ye Xiao smiled lightly, and said: "Great offering, send me all the things I auctioned earlier. As for the money... Hehe, it's just the amount bought from this auction. Deduct it."

Guan Wanshan repeatedly agreed: "Okay, okay, there is no problem."

Although Ye Xiao auctioned a lot of things before, the total sum of all of them was only more than 50 million.

This amount of money is judged by convention, and of course it also belongs to the astronomical level.

But compared to the 240 million he was about to get, even if it wasn't a fraction, it could only be considered a small amount.

However, the sophisticated Guan Wanshan felt something was wrong sensitively at this time.

This Feng Ye's smile now, no matter how you look at it, it feels a little meaningful... No, it should be a bit yin and yang.

Earning so much money all of a sudden, as an ordinary person, he would probably have fainted from excitement. Why is this master still so eccentric

Guan Wanshan was puzzled.

But Ye Xiao was so indifferent from the beginning to the end, he didn't say anything at all, just urged to go through the formalities; even if Guan Wanshan had doubts in his heart, he could only go through the formalities while wondering what was wrong and what went wrong.

Ye Xiao's face always had an almost stiff and indifferent smile, with his legs crossed, he watched the accountant's nervous calculation over there in leisure time.

The abacus crackled.

Guan Wanshan's head was also spinning nervously.

Where on earth... made this master unhappy

This is not a small matter, this is the real God of Wealth, if he fails to catch it, it will definitely be a great loss for the auction house!

"In this way, after deducting the bidding expenses, there is still 151 million yuan of Feng Ye's personal property." The accountant finally finished the calculation, and added a sentence profusely: "As for the tax rate that should be turned over to the national treasury, It will be borne by us. This is specially ordered by Priest Guan."

"No need, I won't bother you with that small amount of money." Ye Xiao said angrily: "I'm so rich now, it's useless to keep it; besides, things like Danyun Shendan are also worthless to me." It's not such a rare item... You can't let you pay the tax rate, you have worked hard for a long time, and you only made a little money in total."

Danyun God Pill!

An idea flashed in Guan Wanshan's mind, and he finally understood why this master was upset.

I see.

I believe the biggest displeasure of this master right now is...these ten pills were sold for more than 300 million yuan; the transaction price was too high. But... the five pieces that were sold to the auction house before were only worth 10 million in total.

According to the average transaction price, those five gemstones should be worth more than 150 million yuan.

Ten million and one hundred and fifty million, come and go, the difference is fifteen times!

This is a huge loss that can be counted on the toes.

It's really strange that this Feng Ye can feel happy in his heart.

However, the problem now is that the price was always negotiated at the beginning. In business talk business, Ye Xiao is too embarrassed to say anything else. Not to mention backlash or something.

However, this does not mean that Ye Junzhu is so high-profile, happily giving away more than 100 million!

And give it to people who already make their own money.

This auction, Lingbao Pavilion is not free, they also have 20% of the total transaction price, 60 million!

"Stop calculating this account for a while." Guan Wanshan finally figured out what the problem is, but it is clear that this problem cannot be decided by his current authority.

However, Guan Wanshan also understands one thing: if he can't satisfy Feng Ye this time, then... he certainly won't express any dissatisfaction. However, if this Master Feng has any good resources in his hands in the future, the first choice will definitely not be the Lingbao Pavilion!

Even though the profit is huge, it is not considered a loss, but the reason for feeling unhappy is enough.

A long time passed, and Ye Xiao had already finished two pots of tea, Guan Wanshan came back in a sweat, walked up to Ye Xiao, and smiled: "So, Brother Feng, I just asked for instructions Big Boss... Then we made such a decision... "

Ye Xiao said lightly: "Oh? What decision?"

"Well, the five Pills of Pill Cloud that we got before this pavilion, after all, we got a big advantage from Brother Feng. Brother Feng is generous and doesn't care about it, but we can't benefit from it for nothing." Guan Wanshan said, watching Looking at Ye Xiao's face.

"Hmm..." Ye Xiao made a long nasal sound.

"This way... Brother Feng, those items you auctioned before... even if they were given to Brother Feng by our auction house, they don't need a penny. Please don't dislike this little thought, Brother Feng." Guan Wanshan said.

Ye Xiao said in his heart, "This is too level-headed... You actually have a little heart when you give away fifty or sixty million things, and you actually ask me not to be disgusted... Really, you have a lot of money."

There was a smile on his face, but he said with a little hesitation: "This... this is not so good... it's all something that was agreed before... how is this embarrassing... this is really embarrassing... haha..."