Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 50: Sorry for touching you


After finally regaining his sanity, Ye Xiao checked his sea of consciousness and endless space immediately to determine what it looked like there!

There is no other reason. When Ye Xiao was forcibly driven out of the endless space that day, the feeling that the world was about to be destroyed was too real. The most terrifying thing right now is that the endless space really collapsed. It is definitely a devastating blow!

As for where he is now, he doesn't care much: anyway, it doesn't matter where he is, as long as he is alive!

With a flash of thought, he entered the endless space smoothly, and Ye Xiao's eyes straightened as soon as he could see it!

This... Is this still endless space

It turned out that it wasn't the collapse of the space, but the reconstruction of the environment!

Well, it may be a bit too much to say that it is rebuilt, and there is not much change in the details, but the whole area is divided into nine parts at once!

And that egg is in the middle!

Front, back, left, right, up... , nine different orientations, nine different colors; nine different spaces!

The first space is in the sky, where the outer ghost is right there that day, and it is still continuously exuding a sky-blue extremely cold air; and this space is obviously not even 1% filled at the moment.

Below, there is a milky white space, which contains the Sky Crystal Essence, similarly, it is not even 1% full.

And in a space on the left, those elixir were placed, all exuding green aura, naturally, it was still a thousand miles away from being filled...

There is also a space, which contains the sand of Tianhe Xuanjing, which is extremely empty, but it is not as empty as the other five spaces, because those five spaces are completely empty, and naturally they are even more empty.

Nine Yuan Universe!

After Ye Xiao looked at these nine spaces, these words suddenly appeared in his mind.

Immediately, a few words appeared in the sky above each space.

Heaven spirit space.

Earth spirit space.

Golden spirit space.

Wood spirit space.

Fire spirit space.

Water spirit space.

Yuanling space.

Yangling space.

Yin spirit space.

Nine spaces!

Among them, in the Tianling space is the nether world; in the Yuanling space is the sky crystal essence; in the wood spirit space is the tea and elixir of enlightenment; in the Jinling space is the sand of Tianhe Xuanjing!

The other spaces are all empty, obviously there is no material with corresponding attributes.

The next moment, sixteen large characters emerged from the void, spun at high speed, whizzed past in front of Ye Xiao, turned into a purple cloud, and then turned into a purple air, filling the space.

"The gathering of the nine spirits turns the world upside down; the ninety-nine return to the original, and the sky is supreme!"

There is no need for anyone to explain, Ye Xiao himself understands now.

If you want to play the real role of this space, you must gather all the nine kinds of spiritual energy; only then can you truly open and enter the door of the Dao.

And when I use the nine kinds of spiritual energy to completely fill up these nine kinds of space, I will become the supreme being in the sky!

Looking at the few treasures that are like a drop in the ocean, Ye Xiao wanted to cry for a while: "This is the trend of wanting to play me to death, where the hell can I find so many good things? According to this statement , I am afraid that if you put Qingyun Tianyu in it... you may not be able to complete the ninety-nine return to Yuan... "

At this moment, there seemed to be movement outside.

Ye Xiao almost brought back his consciousness with tears streaming down his face... It's too shocking, so much space, such a big space, how can I fill it in, when will it be a head...

Then he heard a woman's voice outside: "This torture should have been endured by him... But this guy is really able to resist it. It took a whole day and night... It didn't break down... It survived..."

"This level of willpower is really amazing and admirable..."

"I really don't know who did it..."

"Yes, the tricks are simply insane and outrageous..."

"Well, bring some more water and give him a few sips. Don't let him die. If he really died from dehydration, it would be a big joke."


Immediately, a woman was heard standing up to pour water.

Just this sentence made Ye Xiao understand many things.

First, I am definitely not in my own home; second, the two women here thought they were being attacked... The third is that my identity should not have been revealed yet. Because my meridians were actually blocked by someone; the fourth is that although this woman saved me, she may not have good intentions for me, otherwise she would not have sealed my meridians... Judging by this situation, it seems that I will Is this monarch a prisoner

At the same time, I couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief. The previous accident was really horrifying. At that time, I had no ability to resist at all. Not to mention being a warrior monk, even an ordinary person could easily kill me. The women outside , no matter what his original intention was, he saved his life, but this favor has to be paid back.

In the past, the exercise changed the body structure and turned into Feng Zhiling. Now, if he wanted to remove the disguise, he would have to use his skills again to remove it.

Originally, if no one cares this time, or if someone does good deeds, Ye Xiao is in a coma, and his body will passively and autonomously perform exercises, and he will naturally restore his original appearance.

In that way, all his secrets and identity origins will be revealed.

But at this time, someone sealed his meridian, and hit him crookedly, so that the secret of his disguise could be preserved.

Although the consequence is that Ye Xiao's pain suddenly increased several times, but compared to revealing his identity and secrets...

But it is not worth mentioning.

Ye Xiao groaned, 'Yuyou' woke up, opened his eyelids very hard, and looked.

A young girl in Tsing Yi came over immediately, and asked with a relaxed tone, "Are you awake?"

Ye Xiao saw that her savior was actually the girl who competed with her for Shen Molian in the auction house, and she felt a little relieved immediately, and said in a 'weak' way: "Girl... so it's you... where... is it here?" ? Did you save me?"

The girl in Tsing Yi smiled faintly, and said: "It's not worth mentioning, Brother Feng, don't worry about it."

Ye Xiao seemed extremely excited, his face flushed red, he stretched out his hand, wrapped both hands of the girl in Tsing Yi in his palm, and said with infinite gratitude: "Girl... Thank you for saving my life, thank you!" With re-creation, Feng Mou never forgets..."

The accident came so suddenly that the girl in Tsing Yi didn't have time to react, and she never expected that the hands of the dying patients would be so fast, she just felt that her hands suddenly entered into a pair of warm palms.

His jade hand, which has never been touched by anyone of the opposite sex, has been tightly held by this guy!

I couldn't help but blushed for a while, and then I felt angry in my heart, wanting to pull it out, forced a smile and said: "Brother Feng is too polite, this is really nothing..."

Ye Xiao tightly held the soft and smooth little hand in the palm of his hand, and said with emotion: "Young lady is so kind-hearted, she saved me from danger, but she didn't take any credit for it. She is really high-spirited, but Fengmou is not that kind A person who knows but does not repay?"

As he said that, he squeezed her hand with a little more strength, and said: "Girl, you are really a good person. You are chivalrous and gentle, with a courageous sword and a vicious heart, with awe-inspiring righteousness, and you are a good person..."

The girl in Tsing Yi pulled out her hand vigorously, but she couldn't pull it out. She heard a series of grateful words from the other party in her ears, but she couldn't express her anger. If he is scattered, the previous rescue work will be in vain...

Can't laugh or cry and said: "Brother Feng, can you let go of my hand first? I... I'm not used to it..."

"Oh oh uh..." Ye Xiao hurriedly let go: "Oh, I'm so rude... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Rubbing my fingers, the tender feeling seems to be still lingering in the palm of my hand, what a wonderful feeling...

And, something was wrong, very wrong.

Ye Xiao could clearly feel before that this young girl in Tsing Yi not only possesses a high level of cultivation, but also has quite good strength, with a faint taste of showing her sharpness.

She has been trying her best to cover up, giving people a feeling of weakness.

In all fairness, in this Cold Sun Continent, with her level of concealment, I believe few people can see through it. However, Ye Xiao is an exception. How can the laughing monarch who once roamed the sky not see through her subtle tricks!

That sharp feeling, although it seems flimsy, is real, like the essence, no matter how well she conceals it, Ye Xiao can still feel it.

This kind of sharpness must be a person who has accomplished swordsmanship and sword practice, otherwise he will definitely not have it.

But just now, Ye Xiao used the bad name of a frivolous beauty and a prodigal son to hold the big girl's jade hands in his hands and touched them repeatedly, but there was no trace of practicing swords at all!

Even, there is no trace of practice at all!

This is a bit strange, completely contrary to common sense.

No matter how well maintained it is, or because the body is reborn by washing the essence and cutting the marrow, the essence is always unique. As long as one has practiced swordsmanship and martial arts, certain traces will inevitably be left on one's hands. These traces may not feel any difference to ordinary people. But in the eyes of warriors, especially advanced cultivators, it is clear at a glance.

But this young girl in Tsing Yi has absolutely no traces of these things that should exist!

At this time, although I haven't touched it enough, I haven't figured it out in detail, but the girl has already brought it up, so it must be stopped.

After Ye Xiao withdrew his hand, he felt a little embarrassed.

After all, he is a laughing monarch, not a real prodigal son. If he is told in person by a big girl, even if his skin is thick enough and his face is not red, he still has to be a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

Anyway, a big girl's hand... Could it be that a big man like me can touch it casually? Can't help but apologize in a low voice: "Well, I'm sorry, I touched you... uh, touched your hand... and touched it for so long..."