Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 59: Meet each other on a narrow road, draw your sword to help!


" still don't make sense!..." Ye Xiao was beaten inexplicably. Face, you, you, you... How did I lie to you? What did I lie to you... You woman, you crazy woman... You are really unreasonable!"

Ye Xiao naturally felt extremely humiliated by being so overwhelmingly held down and beaten violently.

It's the first time in the past and present.

To be beaten violently by a woman!

What a shame!

This woman is so unreasonable... so unreasonable...

For a while, Ye Xiao's heart was full of such thoughts, and only this kind of thought remained!

Wenren Chuchu was beaten really heartily, and said angrily while beating: "I don't believe you are stupid, but you actually reason with women, you deserve to be beaten..." After speaking, there was already a smile in her voice...

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xiao was stunned.

Damn, I'm so stupid!

What are you talking about with a woman...

It seems that today's plan was for nothing...

Wenren Chuchu fought even more vigorously, feeling that he had exhausted enough energy, then turned over and jumped up, and floated into the gate in a calm manner, only a voice came out: "Brother Feng, I will come back in three months..."


The door was shut tightly.

Ye Xiao stood in front of the gate with a bruised nose and a swollen face, wanting to cry for a moment, speechless!

Embarrassed and ashamed, he shouted angrily: "You can't find me here! You crazy woman!"

But I heard a smug and high-spirited laughter coming from inside, and then it fell silent.

Ye Xiao was so aggrieved that he almost vomited blood, turned around angrily, and muttered as he walked: "Women are really unreasonable..."

His figure gradually moved away.

But he didn't notice that the door was opened again at this moment.

Wenren Chuchu's half face looked at Ye Xiao striding away from the crack of the door. Hearing his muttered complaints, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, and murmured: "What an idiot..."

When he turned around, he saw two people behind him looking at him.

"Miss..." The middle-aged woman looked worried, but looked at her inquiringly.

Wenren Chuchu's face suddenly became hot, and then straightened his face, and said calmly: "Pack up your luggage immediately, we have to leave here as soon as possible and go back!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking, just floated up and went back to the room.

Looking at the edge of the bed that Ye Xiao made just now, remembering that Ye Xiao was practicing kung fu on his body just now, the warm thugs were stuck to his lower abdomen dantian, he couldn't help but feel hot all over, sat down lightly, his jade hands slowly Touching the place where Ye Xiao sat, he could vaguely feel the smell of that man.

Meimu couldn't help but gradually became a little sad, and murmured: "My are really an enemy..."

Ye Xiao, who left Wenren Chuchu's secret house, turned several corners in a row, and only after confirming that no one was following her did she throw Shen Bing Molian into the space.

According to the habit, I was planning to throw away the box, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something else in the box. When I opened it, I found that the other thing was a small handkerchief, vaguely embroidered with cloud-like things, ethereal and illusory; But at the very center, there is a hazy lotus flower.

Ordinary people may not have any feelings when they see it, but it happens that Ye Xiao "really" knows this kind of flower and knows its origin.

This kind of lotus is bred in the valley that is covered by dense fog all the year round, and its name is: fog lotus.

The image of this flower is ethereal and illusory, full of a kind of hazy fairyland beauty, but in fact it has a strange poison. It can make people unconsciously poisoned and comatose in the dense fog environment, and it will turn into a dry bone in a short time, which is extremely domineering.

It looks gentle and graceful, peerless elegance, but it is highly poisonous. This reminded Ye Xiao of Wenren Chuchu just now; this girl looked gentle and graceful, but in fact she was ruthless and decisive in dealing with things, and if she regained her original appearance, she would definitely be a peerless beauty.

It is quite similar to this flower.

On the corner of the handkerchief, there is a line of beautiful small characters.

It is also vague.

"Looking at the beauty of flowers in the fog,

Dancing in the wind and sinking in the sky;

To be a rakshasa against the enemy,

The servant is a beauty. "

Ye Xiao took this handkerchief, pondered for a moment, shook his head and smiled: "Just like you... you are a beauty..."

If Miss Wenren happens to be here, upon hearing this sentence, a certain monarch will definitely not be able to escape after another beating, and this beating will definitely get worse. The eldest lady has already stuffed a handkerchief inside, and this guy is still I don't know what it means, but I'm still muttering slander.

If you can't kill it, it's already cheap.

I have to say that it's really amazing that a man's EQ can be so low!

After a certain person had finished slandering the girl, he was still playing with the little handkerchief with his hands. Suddenly, a thought struck him, as if there was still that soft and slippery feeling on his fingers, and he subconsciously twirled his fingers, as if that feeling of touch was still there. Continuing, he couldn't help but murmured: "The little belly is quite feels good to the touch."

Casually putting the handkerchief into his bosom, he faintly smelled a faint and elegant fragrance coming from his nostrils, as if the well-known Chuchu girl was still by his side...

It seems that this chick's cuffs and skirts have such a misty lotus flower? I can't see clearly...

"It's a pity that I was beaten up by this crazy woman..." Ye Xiao said bitterly: "I will write down this grudge, and I must beat it back when I have a chance. I must beat that little girl's ass to pieces! "

Imagine beating the girl's butt violently, screaming and begging for mercy, and I feel very happy.

After spiritual victory, someone goes home with head held high and chest folded.

After walking for a while, when I turned a few more streets and was about to reach home, I suddenly frowned...

The wind was blowing over there.

It seemed that someone was flying towards him at high speed; Ye Xiao's heart moved, and he shrank his body to meet him.

The first person came like a whirlwind, as fast as lightning. But he was covered in blood. When he saw Ye Xiao, the distance was not more than three feet away. When he saw Ye Xiao, he suddenly folded his body and said in a low voice, "Get out of the way, don't lose your life!"

Then it brushed Ye Xiao's body and flashed past.

In his busy schedule, he actually pushed Ye Xiao's body towards the corner.

Ye Xiao only felt a strong attack, and he reached the corner of the wall with a whoosh!

Heart terrified.

This person's cultivation base has reached such a point where he has turned decay into a miracle, so how could he be so seriously injured

As soon as I thought of this, I saw three figures flying towards me with a bang, and the sword light and lightning whizzed past where I was standing just now!


If the person who was hunted down just now hadn't pushed Ye Xiao, these three sword lights would have faced Ye Xiao head-on. Moreover, judging by the posture of these three people, they will definitely not dodge anything...

If the person standing here has a weaker cultivation base, he will definitely be torn to pieces by Jian Guang!

Ye Xiao was furious!

That being the case, I might as well reciprocate.

As soon as Jian Guang passed by, he heard one of them say a word: "There is another ant here..."

"What a shame!"

Another whispered.

Immediately, a sword light suddenly circled and pierced towards Ye Xiao's neck like lightning.

"This person has seen our sword light, and knows that we are hunting down, and he cannot stay alive."

"Just kill it!"

Jian Guang flew over.

The other party didn't even look back.

Three sword lights instantly arrived at the entrance of the alley.

It was about to turn around.

For Ye Xiao, life or death. These three people didn't take it seriously at all, just because they saw them, they wanted to kill them!

That sword light is the death penalty!

Ye Xiao was furious, turned his head, and on one side of his body, the sword light pierced deeply into the wall; at the same time, Ye Xiao shook his wrist, and three cold lights appeared in his hand, and flew out with a sound.

It is the power of the extreme cold from the east of the purple air.

This power that does not belong to this world appears for the first time!

The air condensed into ice in an instant, and three small flying knives were formed and sent out.

The cold light flew out, and Ye Xiao also didn't even look at it. When he turned around, Sun and Moon Hidden Movement fully unfolded, and disappeared with a swipe.

The three of them had already turned around the entrance of the alley and were about to pursue them.

Suddenly, an extreme crisis loomed.

The three of them turned pale with shock at the same time.

Turning his head to look, he saw three cold lights had already arrived in front of his eyes.

Those three cold lights, following the three of them turned around the alley, unexpectedly turned and chased after them automatically, coming after the three of them!

The sword lights of two of them flew up, and with a snap, they shot down the flying knives just as they were between their eyebrows. They only felt a sharp cold rush into their brains between their eyebrows, and they shivered tremblingly.

Looking at the long sword in his hand, it was already covered with frost! Holding the hilt of the sword with his own hand, it was as if he was holding a piece of profound ice for thousands of years. He couldn't help but feel horrified. He almost threw the long sword on the ground and used his profound kung fu repeatedly to barely resist the cold air.

A cry.

The third person's long sword was slower, and cut off the flying knife with a click, but the tip of the flying knife had already pierced his shoulder.

In an instant, I felt that the entire shoulder lost feeling. Immediately, there was a chill between the brows, and then one hand was suddenly frozen by the extreme cold and lost consciousness.

The long sword fell to the ground with a snap.

His body was covered with frost at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Even the beard, eyebrows and hair are covered in frost!

No blood flowed from the hole made by the flying knife on the shoulder. At that moment, even the blood was completely frozen!

The whole person seems to have become an ice sculpture.

The three of them were almost out of their wits, and they stopped at the same time, breaking out in cold sweat.

With the cultivation base of the three of them, it wouldn't be so bad, but all their minds were focused on the powerful enemy fleeing ahead...

He didn't pay attention to other things at all.

But when he suddenly encountered such a strange and powerful enemy, he couldn't react at all; when the situation came to an end, it was too late to react.

"Who is this person?" The three of them were sweating, looking at each other with lingering fear.

On this stone step, there is such a strange and powerful person!

Especially the third person, who hurriedly operated his cultivation base to expel the cold air, and the other two came to help, and finally he was fine, but his shoulder was already frostbitten at this moment.

Muscles have turned blue.

"It's just... the person I wanted to kill with a sword just now..."