Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 60: If you ask the murderer, you will be overwhelmed


"It's just now... the person I wanted to kill with a sword just now..." The frost on the third person's body melted, and it flowed down like a small river. There was also some extreme fear in his eyes.

Thinking that I actually wanted to kill such a person with a single sword... and then caused such a big trouble, I felt like a poisonous snake crawled on my vest, and my whole body trembled.

The three of them were dumbfounded.

The person fleeing in front was seriously injured, he was about to be overtaken, and he had no strength when he turned the corner of the alley, and he was sighing in his heart: I never thought that I would be invincible all my life, but I would die here today.

But the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly.

Because he also saw the three flying knives that shone like stars.

Immediately, the three people who were chasing him were attacked at the same time, and all three dared not move.

The man's eyes lit up, he took this opportunity to stand up and walk away.

Fortunately, I got my life back.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the person he pushed just now. That's right, apart from that person, there is no one around for tens of feet...

It must be that person.

I have never been a kind person; but this time I am kind because... I am going to die soon... Why do I need to drag an ordinary person to be buried with me

That's why I pushed him!

But he never expected that such a push would actually bring out a savior for himself!

If I didn't care about it just now, or even cleared the obstacles first... then now... I'm afraid I've already been lying firmly on the ground, and I won't be able to get up again in this life...

Thinking of this, I suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

I remember the man's face. This kindness and this virtue, let me repay it later!

I, Ning Biluo, have never been a person who never repays favors!

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace...

It hasn't been long since Ye Xiao left home, only two days and one night in total, under normal circumstances, it is not considered missing at all.

But what's the situation now, during the "long" waiting for two days and one night, the housekeeper was almost insane!

At this moment, the capital city is full of turmoil, and there are jittery winds everywhere, and it is uncomfortable to run out at this time.

Indeed, in the past few days, many things have indeed happened, quite strange things.

First of all, the Mu family, it seems that they no longer intend to seek revenge from the Ye family. Before the auction that shocked the world is over, everyone in the Mu family has already started to withdraw from the capital. The speed is amazing.

This matter has already baffled many people.

What's wrong

Come here with great fanfare, nothing can be done, just leave like this? It looks like a great escape, what kind of trouble is this going to do? As for what!

But no matter what, Steward Song of the Ye Mansion breathed a sigh of relief when all the members of the Mu family evacuated.

At the very least, the young master's safety is guaranteed in the short term.

But then I panicked: because Ye Xiao disappeared!

No one was seen for a day and a night. Mr. Lan, Mr. Zuo, Mrs. Su, and several people who might know his whereabouts asked him all over, but no one knew his whereabouts. At this time, it is not missing!

So far, the housekeeper's paws are completely numb!

Could it be... the young master was kidnapped by the Mu family? Otherwise, why did the Mu family leave so fast and in such a hurry

In a rage, the butler made a decisive decision and immediately led the thirty-six blood guards out of the south gate!

"Even if we risk all our lives, we must save the young master!" The butler was murderous! Eyes are red.

This time it was really desperate.

The sound of hooves was like thunder, with a boundless murderous aura!

None of these veterans killed in the rain of guns and swords is not an idler. This time, they radiated all the murderous and violent aura that has been restrained over the years. It's creepy.

A group of people almost exhausted their war horses and chased southward desperately. They drove hundreds of miles until they reached the foot of a mountain. Just as they turned around the foot of the mountain, everyone exclaimed at the same time, rein in their horses and stand still!

As far as the eye can see, it is a horrible scene of hell on earth!

Dozens of people, dozens of horses, fell here in a mess, blood and flesh, and there was no more living.

"This... these people are members of the Mu family!"

A blood guard looked at the scattered carriages beside him. The logo of the Mu family on it had been split in half, but it was still recognizable.

"The members of the Mu family, why are they all dead?" The housekeeper got off his horse, frowning tightly.

"It's not just dead, all the valuables on their bodies are gone too..." Another blood guard Wu Dasan said with a bearded face, "Did they get robbed? Why don't they clean up so cleanly?" Very professional!"

"Fart, in a place like the suburbs of Beijing, how can there be such a powerful bandit who can rob the Mu family? Not to mention the suburbs of Beijing, even the entire Chenhuang Kingdom, and even the entire Hanyang Continent, is there such a bandit group? ?” The housekeeper cursed angrily, “Are you a pig?”

The blood guard grinned and scratched his head: "No."

Everyone burst into laughter.

The housekeeper carefully checked the whole scene, but found no clues, and murmured: "Who the hell did it so cleanly? It's really counterintuitive!"

"There are a total of seventy corpses here. Except for the eight people who died in our house, all the people from the Mu family who came this time are here, not a single one is missing, and no one is spared. "

A blood guard looked at the corpse on the ground and said: "The old man in the middle is Mu Zihe. The leader of the Mu family who came this time is also the fourth younger brother of the head of the Mu family; But the status is extremely high. But this time, he also died here, and the person who killed him obviously didn't want any room for change."

"Moreover, the enemy has done so cleanly." The housekeeper sighed. It's getting more and more confusing.

It is very likely that Ye Fu will be blamed for this huge blame.

But the problem is, this matter has nothing to do with the Ye family at all. Even if all the Ye family's combat power is assembled, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a result. In fact, Song Butler has already embraced "Cheng Ren" with his men to pursue him this time. heart of.

What kind of power is the Mu family, and the Ye family is fighting against it, even if it is not a gnat, it is about the same. According to Song Steward's estimation, if the young master is really captured by him, if he catches up, even if the whole army is wiped out, he can The chance of rescuing Ye Xiao is also slim.

With such a tyrannical combat power of the Mu family, all of them were wiped out in such a vague way. The most conservative estimate is the extent of the strength of the attackers. It seems that there is no such powerful force within the scope of the Emperor Chen Kingdom!

"Look! The mountain wall!"

A blood guard shouted loudly.

The butler looked up and was stunned.

I almost slapped myself in the mouth. Fortunately, I am still worried about being blamed by others, and I keep worrying that these people are too clean.

As a result, they didn't hide it at all, and even left a special note explaining who did it!

The reason why everyone didn't notice the bright writing on the mountain wall just now was because the scene in front of them was really shocking. Although the writing on the mountain wall was not covered up at all, everyone made the mistake of being dark under the light and didn't pay attention to the more conspicuous position , made a moderate oolong.

"Mr. Mu is too rampant, so he came to beheaded on purpose; if you ask the murderer, you will be overwhelmed!"

The logo of a building in the wind and rain was specially painted with blood below.

It was so lifelike, obviously, after the murderer killed someone, he actually made a painting here in a leisurely manner.

"This... this is really..."

One of the blood guards was dumbfounded: "You must be too arrogant... This towering building... What exactly is it?"

The housekeeper's face sank like water: "Don't talk nonsense, since there is no trace of the young master here, he must not have been robbed; let's go back immediately, it is useless to stay in a place of right and wrong."

There was not much relaxation on his face, but endless worries.

Turning clouds and raining towers, finally made a move!

The most mysterious and terrifying force in this world.

The butler felt frightened.

After seeing the words 'turning clouds and raining buildings', the butler couldn't help but his heart skipped a few beats.

The young master was not found, and he was frightened; he learned the news about the towering clouds and rains...

The steward's mood was very low along the way.

After everyone in the Ye Mansion went back, they searched around again, but they searched all over the capital, but they couldn't find Ye Xiao's whereabouts. This night, the butler stayed up all night.

The next day, the search was launched again, but it was still fruitless.

Not only Ye Mansion went all out to search for Ye Xiao, Zuo Wuji and Lan Langlang also dispatched a large number of people to help find Ye Xiao.

Especially Zuo Wuji, after returning Xuanyu Ruyi from the auction, he decisively won the title of 'The Prodigal Son Turns Back for Gold'; this result made him feel very happy.

And all this is because of Ye Xiao's help that day, now that Ye Xiao is missing, how can Zuo Wuji not be in a hurry.

There is also Mr. Lan Langlang who is anxious, Mr. Lan's cross-eyed eyes are wide open, and he leads people to search for him in the streets and alleys. He can't find it in a while, and he can't find it in a while. Lan Langlang is on the verge of breaking out The edge is gone!

"Why can't I find it!" Lan Langlang's eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled angrily: "They are all useless things! Keep looking! You can't even let the mouse hole go!"

"My lord, in front of you is Master Sun's mansion..."

"Grass mud horse! Who cares about him, rush in and search for me!"

"My lord, this is Lord Li's home..."

"Rush in and search for me!"

"What, dare to stop? Hit me! Throw me... rush in..."

After Lan Langlang searched a street, he was arrested by the Lan family.

Is this guy here to help find someone, or is he here to cause trouble for his own family