Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 67: Purple-gold blood!


The butler sneered, and said, "I can fully imagine how His Majesty the Emperor would like to tear the corpse of that Feng who came out of this auction into pieces..."

"Why? What does the royal dispute have to do with that Feng?" Ye Xiao asked puzzled.

"Because... the eight major families and the major sects are related to each other, and at the same time they don't like each other... and the members of the eight major families have now entered the core of imperial power, so naturally, the major sects will not be reconciled... just like this auction There will be another good thing to appear, so important figures from various sects have come here one after another with this reason, and settled in the capital openly... "

"Otherwise... even if it is Danyun Shendan, how can people like Xiao Moyan, Meng Wufei, and Li Changqing come? The considerations involved are really deep."

Ye Xiao nodded; hummed.

Steward Song's analysis was meticulous and incisive, which benefited Ye Xiao a lot, but what Ye Xiao cared more about was another external matter—

My own butler is really not a simple person. I didn't see that people didn't think much of His Majesty the current emperor? How can such a person be so simple!

"And this time, if it's just that, it's fine... But, the Mu family, which is leaning on the Great Wall on the side of the crown prince, unexpectedly at this critical moment... got into trouble with the unfathomable strength of the Turbulent Cloud and Rain Building, and was killed. Great loss, I believe that the Mu family will not dare to act rashly again in a short time, I am afraid that they will still worry about how to apologize to the Fanyunfuyulou..."

"In this way, the power of the prince is destined to be greatly reduced. The other two princes will definitely not miss this opportunity and take advantage of the situation... At this time, the various sects are stationed in the imperial city, and the court that had just returned to calm is once again surging... The emperor Your Majesty is in a state of desperation, it is already foreseeable!"

"So that's how it is..." Ye Xiao nodded, his face was full of indifference, but he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded in his heart.

Damn it, how can such a few rubbish pills that I casually take out have such an impact on the overall situation of the country

This... This kind of thing seems to be too mysterious...

"This is the current situation in the capital. It's a terrifying balance. It's extremely delicate." After Song Butler said these words, he had already drunk fifteen or six glasses of wine, but his complexion was still neither red nor pale. Really good.

"The current situation is like this, but under the deliberate influence of His Majesty the Emperor, the civil and military ministers, especially the first-rank officials, and the military leaders are all maintaining a wait-and-see attitude; but, as His Majesty's health is getting worse and worse, this This kind of wait-and-see will gradually change, if His Majesty's condition deteriorates, hehe..."

Steward Song sneered, and said, "And it's just an internal factor... The Kingdom of Emperor Chen... Hehe, it's doomed that it won't be stable for a few days."

Ye Xiao asked: "Apart from internal factors, are there any external factors?"

"There must be."

The steward downed another glass of wine: "Right now, the other two empires are about to move, their troops are mobilized frequently, and they often organize some simulated exercises... Hehe, my lord doesn't know, every organization of this thing needs a lot of money .If you don’t really want to fight, it’s an idiot’s behavior to engage in drills every day. Fighting a war is essentially fighting for money.”

"In fact, there are already signs in many aspects. Basically everything on the market is increasing in price. Although the rate is not large, it is only slowly increasing, but it is always rising. And this wave of price increase changes is from ten days ago. Start. Grain, salt, meat, metal and steel, wood and fodder... everything is going up in price."

A shrewdness flashed in the housekeeper's eyes: "Ten days ago, when we went out to purchase food, it cost eight cents a catty of rice; nine days ago, it was eight cents and five cents; six days ago, it was nine cents, and today, The market price of the transaction has reached 11 Wen... In the ten days before and after, it has increased by 3 Wen! It is only a catty of rice, which has increased by more than 30% of the base price."

"At first I thought it was just an exception, so I went out to check around, and found that not only rice, but also all other things are increasing in price; among them, steel is the most outrageous. Originally, two catties of steel were only a penny. , Now, it has soared to three pennies per catty... Moreover, if you want to purchase a large amount of steel, there is no market for it. It seems that control has already begun... "

"On the surface, these things are just a matter of people's livelihood. But from the overall situation... Unless there is a sudden large amount of stockpiling, otherwise the price will definitely not rise like this... And now the weather in all countries has been good for the past few years, and the people are prosperous , there are few natural disasters, but there is a large amount of hoarding at this time, but for what? It is nothing more than... "

The butler drank another glass of wine and sighed: "...there is going to be a war..."

"Eh." Ye Xiao said silently.

"Another main reason is that... the Tower of Turning Clouds and Rain has reappeared in the world!" The housekeeper said with a chuckle, "In the past three thousand years, the Tower of Turning Clouds and Rain has appeared nine times... every time it appeared, it led to a change in the situation. A change in the situation of the entire continent !"

"The entire continent will be unified once during this change of situation, and then disappear... And no later than a hundred years later, the situation of great unification will be broken again, and it will become a situation of separatist regimes, and then after some conquests, it will evolve into several big ones. The empire... everyone is wary of each other, and they live in peace. Just like the current situation... "

"And as long as this kind of balanced situation occurs, within a hundred years, it will appear again. After it appears... everything will start to rise in price at the same time... Then the war will suddenly break out. In the end, there will always be a country that will rule the world... "

"This is the ninth time that the Tower of Clouds and Rains has appeared." Steward Song's face was finally a little drunk, but his eyes became clearer and clearer: "The ninth time in three thousand years."

"It turned out to be so." Ye Xiao suddenly realized.

"And the extremely mysterious Mr. Bai, who is almost a legendary figure, has also appeared nine times. Every time, it is Mr. Bai!" The housekeeper finally cursed: "It's not so much a legend, it's better to say it's a long-lived Immortal monster!"

Ye Xiao was stunned.

"So, that Yun Zhiwan, the beauty in the sky, is also a figure who has been going back and forth for thousands of years, isn't she also a monster?"

"It's also a monster! It should be a monster!" The housekeeper nodded heavily.

Ye Xiao's heart tightened when he heard this.

Although the housekeeper didn't know it, Ye Xiao knew it himself: Those men in black who came to Ye's house that night were actually the people who turned the clouds and rained buildings!

Could it be that I want to face off against this group of monsters this time

If it was the laughing monarch in the past, it was nothing to a legend, but now, the roles should be reversed, and it should be to the towering clouds and rains, the current Ye Xiao is really nothing!

Even an ant may not be counted.

"So, if there is a real war, the scale will inevitably sweep the world... Then my father, as the general of Zhenbei...wouldn't he be the first to bear the brunt?" Ye Xiao asked.

Ye Xiao didn't have any resistance in his heart when he said the words 'my daddy'.

The main reason is that a few days ago the butler once said something: "At the beginning, you were born with a deficiency, and you were seriously injured due to an accident, causing your meridians to be blocked; your father used all his property to prolong your life and make you healthy like ordinary people, Never. In the end, it was His Majesty who claimed that there was a elixir in his hand that could cure you, but the exchange condition proposed by His Majesty was to become sworn brothers with your father and to guard the northern border for twenty years!"

This year Ye Xiao is only sixteen years old.

In other words, for the sake of his son, this father sold his best youth for 20 years after dissipating his family property!

For such a father, even though Ye Xiao is no longer the Ye Xiao he used to be, he still feels the same way!

Speaking of which, Ye Xiao was an orphan in his previous life, and he longed for this kind of human affection and parental love for a long time.

This time, I was fortunate enough to be able to live a new life, and got the long-awaited family affection, so I naturally cherish it even more.

"That's not enough." The housekeeper showed arrogance in his eyes: "I believe that within the scope of this Hanyang Continent, there may not be anyone who can threaten the life of the elder brother! Even if everyone in this world is dead, your father will Alive and safe and sound!"

Ye Xiao's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

It's really not necessarily that someone can threaten the life of the eldest brother!


I finally knew where my problem came from: this housekeeper Song who had always been a slave in his home was actually his father's sworn brother!

It's just that his sworn brotherhood has a completely different meaning from His Majesty's sworn brotherhood!

This time, it was probably because he drank too much wine that he showed a little clue.

For some reason, Ye Xiao suddenly felt that the family he was in was full of mystery.

Also, why does he have so much confidence in his father? It's not surprising that even the top experts in the realm of Tianyuan Grandmaster died in such a battle of millions of troops, right

Where does such confidence come from

Could it be that my cheap father has a higher strength than this? But if it is really higher, it seems to exceed the strength limit of this plane, it seems unreasonable!

The butler seemed to have drunk too much, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Hey... I'm drunk, I'm actually drunk, I haven't been drunk for a long time... Your father and my eldest brother once strictly ordered me to drink again, but today I am happy... I just want to drink Two glasses, kid, don't tell your father that I drank, let alone that I drank too much, do you hear me!"

Ye Xiao was taken aback when he heard the words, damn it, it’s unreasonable for a person to drink too much, he used to think of himself as a servant, but now it’s fine, he taught me in the tone of my elders, what do you call "laughing boy"...

An abnormal flush suddenly appeared on Butler Song's face, and his breathing became heavy. After coughing a few times, he suddenly coughed violently!

For a long time, he lowered his head, tilted his head, followed it with a towel, and spit out a mouthful of phlegm.

Obviously, he didn't want Ye Xiao to see this scene.

It's a pity that although Ye Xiao's strength is not so great, his eyes are still as sharp as before; at least he has seen a line.

Ye Xiao's pupils shrank involuntarily.

Purple gold!

The blood that the butler spit out was purple-gold in color!