Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 76: Your father was a Gazebo!


This meal was the first meal that the two children sat together with their parents since the two got engaged.

"If your father is here at this moment, that is the real perfection..." Huayang King Su Dingguo drank a few glasses of wine, and suddenly sighed sincerely.

Princess Huayang also nodded in agreement.

It seems that it really took someone else's short hand, Huayang King's impression of Ye Xiao has also greatly changed, at least not as one-sided as before.

Being able to send the treasure gun without anyone's reminder before the war, just this action, has already explained everything.

This is not something that ordinary children can do.

"Although our two families have been good friends for many years, it seems that there are too few times when the two families sit together to eat. Your father has been guarding the northern border all the year round, and it is rare to return to the capital, and I have been sitting in the capital for many years. It's hard to leave. Whenever your father comes back, it often means that I'm going to go somewhere else... "

Su Dingguo smiled faintly: "Because your father's return proves that the situation in northern Xinjiang is safe and sound; since northern Xinjiang, where the war situation is the most dangerous, is safe, then other places will have to be dealt with heavily... and this Wait, there is no one else who can hold back the scene except me."

"Hmm... It's an exaggeration to say that there is no second person, because your father can do it, but he is too lazy. As long as he has time to rest, he won't waste half of it." Huayang Wang Ruoyou Pointing to look at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao kept silent at this moment, continued to maintain a good demeanor, drinking and eating.

Su Yeyue looked at her father with dark eyes, and then at Ye Xiao, a happy smile from the bottom of her heart appeared on the corner of her mouth. I lowered my head to eat, and I don't know what I thought of, anyway, the little girl's face seemed to be red...

Ye Xiao raised his wine glass, toasted King Huayang, and said in a deep voice, "I really don't know how the old man and my father met for the first time?"

Su Dingguo was taken aback when he heard the words, but there was a trace of nostalgia on his face. After pondering for a moment, he said softly: "Your father... is really a man of the world..."

"Gaishiqiren?" Ye Xiao froze for a moment.

You must know that the words "Gaishiqiren" are not used casually.

In terms of Ye Xiao himself, it seems that there are not many people who can be called these four words in front of him.

This category naturally includes Hanyang Continent and Qingyun Tianyu.


"It's just the unrivaled people from Hanyang Continent..." Ye Junzhu took a sip of wine, thinking in his heart: "It's also the unrivaled people."

"I ask myself that I am also a prince of a country, and I have seen many powerful people who are not born in the world. I ask myself, and I can understand a thing or two about these characters. But... until now, I don't know where your father is from, and where he came from. It seems that it suddenly appeared in this world... sweeping all directions, looking down on the world."

Huayang Wang Yanyu's voice revealed a strong sense of nostalgia.

As he was talking, he seemed to glance at Ye Xiao unintentionally, but he seemed out of breath: "You little bastard will never know what concessions and sacrifices your father made for you! You This ungrateful little bastard, you heartless little bastard! Unbelievable bastard! Idiot trash who can't be helped!"

Ye Xiao saw the black line on his forehead.

What's wrong with this

Everyone was obviously drinking happily, talking happily, and boasting about my father with gleeful tongues, but then they scolded me all over the face without warning and for no reason... Thanks to me just now I gave you a fifteen million gun...

You old man turned your face and scolded people!

Are you drunk, or have you taken the wrong medicine

" have something to say, what are you doing scolding?" The princess was also extremely dissatisfied with her husband's behavior of swearing, frowning and said: "In front of the children, you can't have a little demeanor, you are the prince..."

"My demeanor is a bird! Shit lord! Without his father, my lord wouldn't know where I would have died? My life is gone, and my demeanor is useless!"

King Huayang patted the table and pointed at Ye Xiao: "Ye boy, you little bastard, you seem to be a bit pleasing to the eye now, but as long as you think of the bastard you used to be, I can't wait to chop you up! Chop off the chickens and feed them to the dogs!"

The princess and Su Yeyue blushed and lowered their heads in resentment.

What did this old bastard say, that he wanted to chop off his son-in-law's penis and feed it to the dog... What an old bastard!

Ye Xiao was dumbfounded, speechless, at a loss what to say.

This... why is this guy so excited

The predecessor of this body seems to be not very up-to-date, but even if it is not up-to-date, it is only a sixteen-year-old child in essence. No matter how dandy, where can it go? As for the arrangement? If you just look at King Huayang's tone, Ye Xiao is simply a scourge that both humans and gods are angry with, and heaven and earth can't tolerate it!

After Huayang Wang finished cursing, he sighed again.

"Back then..." His emotions seemed to return to that moment of chaos in an instant.

"Looking back at the beginning, when I led troops into a bloody battle with the Blue Wind Empire, in order to save the 30,000 brothers who were trapped in a tight siege, I resolutely rushed into the enemy's line to save a chance; Our army's attack points have concentrated most of the country's elite and laid traps. My so-called strength is nothing more than leading the army to die..."

"Seeing that the overall situation is about to be settled, and our army may be overthrown at any moment, a man wearing a mask and white clothes suddenly rushed out of the sky, and then fell from the sky, one man and one sword, and rushed into the Blue Wind Empire 30 Surrounded by thousands of elite troops, they led me to fight a bloody path and rushed out."

"At that time, although I might not necessarily die, but after having that person's peerless force, I escaped more easily. And more importantly, if it wasn't for that person, that battle would be the most important battle in my life. The biggest stain, the only defeat, the undefeated army god?! It has long been a joke!"

"That day, the setting sun was like blood. Hundreds of thousands of armies from both sides fought bloody battles, deciding the decisive battle between the two countries." Huayang King Su Dingguo looked up at the sky outside the window, and said leisurely: "Blood has already covered the ground. , the soldiers on both sides were fighting desperately with red eyes. At that moment, a long howl suddenly broke through the air and crossed the border. An urgent but forceful voice said: 'Who is Su Dingguo?'"

"The voice seemed to come from far away, but everyone on the entire battlefield heard it. It was a battlefield formed by hundreds of thousands of people! I believe that even if there is a thunderstorm in the sky, it may not be possible for these people to hear it at the same time. Arrived...but that loud shout made everyone stop in order!"

"At that time, I was in the Ten Thousand Horse Army, thinking that the enemy had a master, and I wanted to use the tactics of beheading the general and capturing the flag to take my life and decide the battle. In front of Wan Ma, I couldn't help but lose my momentum and shrink back half a step, so I just said with a straight neck: "I am Su Dingguo! You come to know everyone's name, and I will not kill the unknown person with my gun!""

When King Huayang said these words, he seemed to see the scene of the bloody battle again, and returned to the battlefield where the war was fought. The voice is a bit tragic, and the face is also a bit hideous.

Su Yeyue held her father's big hand worriedly.

King Huayang gasped for a few words, finally calmed down, he laughed, and sighed: "Grandma... why don't you kill the unknown people, but in that battle, more than a thousand unknown people died in my hands." Ah, the mantra I said casually, after thinking about it, I realized that it was just to give myself courage. The strength of the incoming person is really the only one I have ever seen in my life. Although the general was not afraid of death before the battle, but facing such a person Enemy, I'm always afraid in the bottom of my heart..."

Ye Xiao couldn't help being dumbfounded, his old father-in-law seemed quite cute, and he was able to say what was in his heart and shameful things!

"... The voice said: 'You are Su Dingguo? Okay, I will give you a gift first.' Then I saw a magnificent sword light flying down from the Juefeng on one side. At that moment, in that magnificent sword light Against the backdrop of the sky, even the sun in the sky seemed to lose its radiance... I only saw the sword light getting longer, thicker, and stronger... Finally, it penetrated deeply... the crowd!"

King Huayang's face was fascinated, recalling the sword that year, he was completely intoxicated and lingered.

The concubine on one side didn't know what she thought of, her face flushed instantly, she gave Huayang Wang a sharp look in anger and embarrassment, then she lowered her head angrily, muttering in her mouth, cursing unceasingly: shameless old bastard !

Ye Xiao held the wine glass in one hand and touched his chin with the other, with an expression of 'I'm thinking and listening attentively'.

But in my heart, I felt a little weird, and thought: getting longer and longer? Getting thicker? growing stronger...

This, is this really talking about Jian Guang

Ye Xiao couldn't help lowering his head and looked at his crotch...

Then he coughed twice and said, "Mighty! Admire!" He raised his glass and drank it down.

King Huayang was still intoxicated by the memories of the past, shaking his head, sighing, fascinated, and reminiscing; he didn't feel that there was some kind of language error in his words.

Obviously, that battle back then was also the glory of King Huayang's life!

"That sword is directly destroying the dead!" King Huayang took a breath: "We have always said before that the army advances like destroying the dead... But until that moment, I didn't know what is real, destroying the dead! That is It is really a peerless sharpness that no one can match!"

"That sword smashed through thousands of troops and rushed in. When I stood in front of me, I realized that this person was still covered in white clothes like snow, spotless!"