Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 83: Shameless once!


Seeing the bagful of cucumbers, grapes, and apples that Young Master Ye Xiao was holding in his hand, everyone in the Prince's Mansion was stunned!


Do you think this is ordinary people's neighborhood neighbors visiting? It's just three pennies, you carry it to the majestic Prince's Mansion as a meeting ceremony?

Actually want His Highness the Crown Prince... Xiaona

Laugh at your head, Na!

His Royal Highness only felt that the muscles on his face were a little stiff, and he wanted to put on a smile, but he couldn't do it. He tried his best to pull the corner of his mouth, and said, "Young Master Ye, please come in."

"Your Highness, the prince's words are out of the question." Ye Gongzi laughed heartily, not treating himself as an outsider at all, seemingly casually stuffing the fruit into the arms of the guard on the side, and said: "Go, here His Royal Highness put it away, this is a good thing..."

The guard's mouth slanted and his eyes slanted, he was almost dumbfounded, looking at the bag of fruits in his arms, he just felt that it was either to pick it up or not to pick it up.

I only heard that Ye Xiao had turned his head, chatted and laughed happily with His Royal Highness, and said with a laugh: "Since I have already come, I must go in... Haha, I don't know what good wine His Royal Highness has prepared..."

While talking, he raised his foot unceremoniously and entered the door, saying: "As the saying goes, there is no king in the world; the king's subjects on the shore of the land... The royal family is the richest place in the world. What kind of good wine, what kind of food, what kind of delicacies from mountains and seas, birds and animals are said to be abundant. Yesterday, when I heard that His Royal Highness is going to treat guests, I haven’t eaten since noon yesterday... I just plan to save my stomach and wait for this meal to come. Well, the so-called heaven obeys people's wishes, hahaha... today I am... well, I want to feast on my mouth!"

A certain person walked slowly and seemed to see the presence of the Crown Princess when he got closer, but he was immediately amazed by it. He took a breath of air, fixed his eyes on the pretty face of the Crown Princess, and praised: "This It's the Crown Princess... Hehe, Ye Xiao is so polite; Your Highness the Crown Prince is really lucky. I have heard that the Crown Princess is the number one beauty in our capital. When I saw her today, she really deserves her reputation. Meeting her is even more famous... Really Beautiful hehe so beautiful...hehehe His Royal Highness is very blessed... "

While talking, his eyes were unscrupulously looking up and down on the face of the princess, with a squinting look, as if he saw a beautiful woman, and his bones were lightened by a few taels...

After looking at the face, I look at the chest, after looking at the chest, I look down, down to the feet, and then look up from the bottom...

Mr. Ye's demeanor at this moment is like going to the brothel to pick a girl... he just missed saying: "I'll take a closer look when I take it off." If there are more words like this, it will be considered complete!

Of course, Mr. Ye is a virgin for the second time, so he can't say such a thing... It's not easy for him to pretend to be so lewd and frivolous.

Seeing this, the Crown Princess couldn't help frowning her eyebrows, and finally couldn't help it, and said coldly with some disgust: "Young Master Ye, please respect yourself."

There was also a look of displeasure on the prince's face at this time.

This Ye Xiao, why is he so ignorant

Who is the princess, how can she be an existence that you can blaspheme at will? !

Ye Xiao didn't care at all, laughed loudly, and said casually: "His Royal Highness sincerely invites me to come, we are one family, Crown Princess, are so beautiful..." Looking at the neck of the Crown Princess, my heart But I thought: With such a thin neck, two fingers will be broken if you twist it? …

The guards of the prince's mansion next to him also showed anger and murderous intent on their faces when they heard the words.

This bastard, three of our four companions died on the spot because of him alone, and the whereabouts of one is still unknown; now, this guy has come to the Prince's Mansion, how dare he molested the Crown Princess like this? This is too arrogant and unscrupulous, right? !

It's really audacious.

"Young Master Ye." A middle-aged man with three long beards looked at Ye Xiao gloomyly: "This is the boundary of the Prince's Mansion, please show some respect."

Ye Xiao still didn't take it seriously, Shi Shiran turned his head, and laughed: "What's the matter, what's the matter, please, please, please come in, everyone, please don't be polite." Doing my part, I went in unceremoniously first.

The people at the door, the prince and concubine, the prince's confidantes, and the think tank were all speechless and full of depression.

Everyone is a well-informed person, so they have never seen shameless, but they have never seen someone who can carry out shameless in such a fair and honest way...

This kind of shamelessness is close to being aboveboard.

Sure enough, there are people beyond people, people beyond the sky, capable people behind capable people, shameless is even more shameless!

"A person who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, a shameless and ignorant person." The middle-aged man shook his head, with a look of disdain to get along with him.

Everyone sighed and nodded. They all felt that tonight, being called to accompany such a dandy during such a big battle tonight would be a huge loss of value. I really don't know what His Highness the Crown Prince thinks...

Mixing all of us sages with this Ye Xiao, it's like Yangchun Baixue surrounded by a pile of shit...

It's really a sight to behold!

Only the oldest old man among the crowd reacted differently. He frowned tightly, sighed softly, and thought deeply; but there was a faint feeling in his heart: this Young Master Ye, I am afraid that he is either ignorant or Not shameless...

It's a kind of, extremely sure, not seeing everyone in the eyes, the kind of unscrupulous and absolutely controlled lawlessness!

But this idea is only his own feeling, and right now, it is not appropriate to say it.

I can only be stuffy in my stomach: "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, you need to observe again...Why does Ye Xiao dare to be so crazy?"

Go ahead and walk in behind.

Everyone was finally seated; at this moment, something happened suddenly.

Ye Xiao looked at the seat arranged for him, but stood up again. He said to one of the guests of honor, "May I ask who you are?"

"This is the chief think tank of His Royal Highness, the world-renowned old Mr. Guan Zhengwen." The middle-aged man next to him explained with a cold face.

"Uh uh, I have admired you for a long time... Excuse me, who is the one who is speaking?" Ye Xiao followed suit and shifted his target immediately.

"My name is Meng Zixiao, and I'm a nobody. I think Mr. Ye has never heard of it." The middle-aged man Meng Zixiao said calmly.

Speaking of Mencius filial piety, he is a well-known talented man in the Kingdom of Emperor Chen. There is a Tao that exists in the world with three yuans, but there are no six poems in the world. This gentleman is a man who has won five yuans in succession. Only he passed the final palace examination and did not meet the king's wishes. , missed the number one scholar, and only got second place. Although this person is talented, he is narrow-minded. But he was recruited here by the prince. But this person's reputation is really not small; as for his statement that Mr. Ye must have never heard of it, it is just a kind of self-effacing self-esteem, but the wantonness in his bones is "I don't believe you really haven't heard of it." ".

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiao nodded when he heard the words, and said: "It's true that I haven't heard of it... claiming to be unknown, but quite self-aware, haha..."

"You!..." Meng Zixiao suddenly felt a block in his heart, and his eyes widened with anger.

I'm just self-effacing... How could I have expected such a blunt remark

"Dare to ask, are you..." Ye Xiao ignored Meng Zixiao who was already swollen with anger, and turned to ask another person.

After asking all the seven or eight people in the banquet like this, Ye Xiao finally said: "This is strange... The prince invited me here today, and I seem to be the only guest at this table. You are all from the prince's mansion. Why do they all sit at the top? Let me sit at the bottom? Is His Royal Highness such a respectful corporal? It’s incomprehensible, inconceivable!”

Young Master Ye shook his head again and again. It seems that he is very dissatisfied with His Royal Highness's tact and wisdom in dealing with people in the world, and there is a kind of sigh of "this is not a wise king, and he is not worthy of my service... ".

After saying this, everyone present really wanted to hold him down and beat him to death!

Li Xian Corporal? just you

Inexplicable, incredible

What is incomprehensible, what is incredible? !

However, on the surface, what this guy said seems to be reasonable: You are all from your own family, and I am the only guest here, and I was invited by you. It is not appropriate for me to sit down. Bar

Ye Xiao's outspoken "righteous" statement has obviously aroused the public indignation of the people in the prince's mansion, a group of subordinates are full of anger, and the prince himself is also angry about it.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who is a corporal of virtuous people, has always entertained sages and capable people, and this kind of thing has already formed a practice. He has invited guests so many times before, but how many times have the seats been arranged according to the true relationship between the guest and the host

These people present here are indeed good members of the Prince's Mansion, but they themselves are all leaders in one place, celebrities in one place, how can they be ordinary people. In the past, even if the participants were princes and ministers in the court, they would arrange seats like this. It can be said to be an unwritten hidden rule. You, an ignorant guy who has no knowledge and skills, actually found something wrong as soon as you came.

However, the words can't be clearly stated, because Ye Xiao's reasoning now seems to be reasonable, but the argument is unclear, only more embarrassing!

Facing Ye Xiao's provocation, everyone glared, but no one spoke, and the situation fell into a state of silence.

Everyone is silent, but it does not mean that someone will not continue to be silent—

"No sincerity, no sincerity, sincerely no sincerity." Ye Xiao shook his head and sighed again and again: "How can I say that I am also the person sincerely invited by His Royal Highness, a genius of heaven, literary and martial arts, military strategy and battle formation, a talent who knows the world, and is determined." What kind of argument is it that the... body of the not even given the minimum courtesy! "

Everyone was annoyed by Ye Xiao's rudeness, but they all wondered, what happened to the pause just now? When I changed my mind, it suddenly dawned on me - when this guy said "Ding Guo An Bang Zhi...", he actually forgot what the next word was, so he had to say "body" to make up the number!