Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 12: mountain god


In the middle of the night, the main room was lit with wax, and the light was dim.

Zhang Xingzheng and Li Yunzhen were discussing how to deal with Lin Xiaoyin's matter, when the sound of a woman cursing and a child crying came from the yard.

The mother and son opened the door and looked at the woman and the thirteen-year-old boy outside.

Li Yunzhen asked: "Mother Bao, what are you doing? Are you beating Xiaobao again?"

"It's fine if I don't beat him to death!" Li Su slapped his son on the back of the head and said angrily, "Village chief, what the hell are those teachers teaching children? No wonder the female teacher surnamed Lin disappeared. She offended the mountain god and was taken to heaven by the master of the mountain god to be his wife.

Li Yunzhen asked her kindly: "What happened?"

Li Su said angrily: "Didn't I take Niuniu to Lijia Village to change his wife? This brat actually hid Niuniu! He also said... The teacher said that if marriage is free, girls should also go to school. It is wrong to remarry a boy... Is this what the teacher should teach?"

Hearing this, Li Yunzhen glanced at Li Chuan's room, and quickly called the mother and son into the main room.

Zhang Xing pulled Bao'er to sit in front of him, persuading him in a low voice: "Bao'er, this is your fault, your mother took Niuniu to Lijia Village to change your wife, why did you hide Niuniu? Where did you hide Niuniu?"

The boy named Bao'er folded his arms, turned his face, and snorted: "Mother, Niuniu is my sister, and she was born to you too! Niuniu is only 10 years old, how can you be so cruel!"

The woman pinched his ears: "Boy, your sister was born to lose money for your marriage, otherwise what use is she? If you weren't a boy, she would have been thrown into the latrine and drowned by me!"

The little boy knocked off his mother's hand, bit the woman's tiger's mouth, slipped off the bench, and ran out quickly.

The woman stomped her feet angrily, punched the square table with her fist, and furrowed her eyebrows angrily: "Village chief, according to me, those teachers are here to destroy the harmony in our village on purpose. How annoying! Now Teacher Zhang is gone. , Teacher Lin and Erwa disappeared, and the whole village panicked. This is what happened after those teachers came. Outsiders entering the village may have offended the gods in the mountain!"

The mother and son were silent.

The woman said again: "Village chief, tomorrow you can go and tell the teacher surnamed Li to let him go, and my son will not go to his class anymore."

Zhang Xing thought that Lin Xiaoyin was still missing. If Lin Xiaoyin was found and confronted two by two, Teacher Li would definitely know what he was doing. So no matter which position you stand on, Teacher Li must leave.

"Okay." Zhang Xing's frowning brows stretched out, and he sighed: "Bao mother, you go back first, and tomorrow I will discuss with Teacher Li, let him leave the day after tomorrow, and return to Tongluo Township to teach."

Another night passed.

Before dawn, Yun Fei went to the mountain temple with dry food and water. Yun Fei must be the first family member to go up the mountain to deliver meals to his "wife" every day, for fear that his "wife" will be hungry.

Su Qin asked him: "How is it? Is there any news from Mr. Li?"

Yun Fei shook his head with a solemn expression: "When I left the village, I heard from the villagers that Teacher Li will leave tomorrow."

"What?" Meng Sisi was surprised and said anxiously: "Ms. Li is leaving at this time? But Mr. Zhang hasn't come back yet? If Mr. Li left, wouldn't we have to go back to that home again and be..."

The little girl couldn't say the word "insult", tears pooled in her eyes, and she tried her best not to let them flow out.

Su Qin glanced at the crippled girl who was lying on the ground like a corpse, and then at Wenmei who hung her head silently.

It seems that so many days of hope have finally come to naught, and it seems that they will face death again.

These days in the mountain temple, although they don't have enough to eat and they don't have enough shelter to keep them warm, they are at least safe and don't have to go back to be tortured and abused by their "husbands". These few days are the happiest days for the girls in the village.

Su Qin held the hands of the two girls and became silent.

After a long time, she raised her eyes and told Yun Fei: "Feifei, please go to the village chief's house again. I want to make sure whether Teacher Li has given the marked map to Teacher Zhang."

Although in this life, Su Qin didn't see the charter with her own eyes, but if the things were really handed over to him, then she could rest assured that she could put all her eggs in one basket and take the girls to the last resort.

Zhang Zhang is a thorny policeman, but he does his duty. As long as the evidence in his hands is in hand, unless he dies, he will never let it go.

In the past few days, the dry food brought to them by the "family" at the foot of the mountain, they only eat a little, just enough to barely fill their stomachs. For the rest, they wrapped them in cloth.

The food they save can probably last about three or four days.

She can't take the girls back anymore, she has to get out of here first and hide in the cave for a few days until Charter brings the police back.

Zhang Zhang went with important evidence. Even without pressure from Meng Sisi's family, the police would soon set out to rescue them.

Su Qin vaguely remembered that Meng Sisi in her previous life was sold to an old man who was twenty-five years older than her, and suffered all kinds of humiliation. The delicate girl had a nervous breakdown and went crazy.

But Wenmei's ending was even more tragic. She was sold to a man with no good looks and a bad temper. She has a stubborn temper, and after a few nights, she directly took the scissors and cut off the lifeblood of the person next to her pillow. In the end, he cut his wrists and committed suicide.

Su Qin couldn't let them go back, she had to take the girls up the mountain for shelter.

In the previous life, Su Qin and Yun Fei were found by the villagers on the way to the cave. The villagers held torches and chased them all the way. After the two got into the cave, they were forced to jump down from the waterfall.

And in this life, if they set off from the mountain temple, they would definitely not alarm the villagers. Even if the villagers search the mountain, they may not be able to find the cave within a few days.

Since you want to escape, you can't implicate anyone.

In the afternoon, Yunfei and Li Chuan met and confirmed that the map had been handed over to Zhang Zhang.

Su Qin first called Uncle Wen and asked him to pretend to be sick tomorrow morning and go down the mountain to ask for leave with Zhang Xing. Then tell Zhang Xing's mother and son that Lin Xiaoyin is actually hiding in the mountain temple.

Uncle Wen was puzzled.

Meng Sisi was also puzzled, and said in surprise, "What is this for? Although I don't like that woman, but... I don't want to hurt her either."

Su Qin explained: "It's not to harm her. We want to escape, but we can't hurt Grandpa Wen. Li Yunzhen and Zhang Xing have not confessed to the villagers about Teacher Lin. Grandpa Wen will go down the mountain tomorrow morning to ask for sick leave. If their mother and son know Teacher Lin is here, and he will definitely come up to guard the mountain temple by himself, and when the time comes, we will work together to bring down Li Yunzhen."

"Li Yunzhen is Zhang Xing's mother, if we run away from her, can he blame his mother?"

Several people came to a sudden.

Wen Mei gave her a thumbs up: "Susu, you're still more thoughtful."

Yun Fei stared at Su Qin intently.

The girl's head was wrapped in a cloth, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and he stared at her eyes, dazed and lost in thought.

"Hey, idiot, why are you staring at our sister Su Qin so much?"

Meng Sisi poked Yun Fei's temple with her finger.

Yun Fei came back to his senses, met Su Qin's gaze, his heart beat faster, and his cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Qin coughed lightly and said: "Feifei, we will flee tomorrow night. You will go up the mountain as usual tomorrow. In the morning after tomorrow, you will come up early and go down the mountain crying and tell them we are gone. Remember, you must pretend to cry very sad , you know? When the police come, we will go together."

Go together? Where are you going? Go to the outside world to find his so-called father

After so many years, is his father still waiting for him and his mother? Will you wait

After dinner, Zhang Xing came to Li Chuan's room again to talk to him.

"Teacher Li, it's not that I don't want to keep you. Two people in our village disappeared one after another. I'm afraid we offended the mountain god. We really don't dare to keep you anymore. Several villagers have come to make trouble during the day, saying that you are a bad teacher. Their child, I really... have no reason to keep you anymore. According to the rules of your city people, I sent people down the mountain to report to the police. You just leave it to the policemen to find someone, and you can stay if you stay. what to do?"

Zhang Xing's words have been clarified.

Li Chuan raised his eyes to look at the man, with a troubled expression on his face: "Mr. Lin has never heard from him, how can I go down the mountain alone? The village chief—"

The man's throat rolled, he hugged Zhang Xing's hand, choked up and said: "I have been secretly in love with Teacher Lin for a long time, and I haven't found her. I will never leave no matter what."

Zhang Xing: "..."

Li Chuan knew exactly what kind of person Zhang Xing was.

A fugitive murderer, a desperado. If he stays by force, he might anger the man and kill him.

Li Chuan simply retreated to the next best thing: "Cun Zhang, let me stay one more day, let me wait one more day, okay?"

Zhang Xing looked at Li Chuan, the man's eyes were slightly red. This is... going to cry

He cursed secretly. Are all the men in the city so fucking "infatuated"? Cry ass.

Zhang Xing said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I'll let you stay one more day, but don't take your child to the mountains tomorrow, it's in our yard."


Zhang Xing slammed the door out angrily, really couldn't stand the scholarly manner. He still likes Zhang Zhang's kind of free and easy and bold teacher. He and Mr. Zhang, it's too late to meet each other!

Li Chuan stared at the back of the man leaving, his reddish eyes instantly turned cold and sharp.

The author has something to say: Su Qin: "Hehehe, do you like Lin Xiaoyin? Okay, go kneel down on the kitchen knife." (smiling)

Professor Li: "My fault, then, how about punishing your daughter-in-law for two hours of push-ups?"

Su Qin: "... "This is Professor Li? Professor Li has been pierced by the soul!