Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 16: headlines


never come back? Su Qin was stunned outside the door for a while, then asked: "Then who are you from them?"

The woman said: "This house was bought by my husband. The owner here was originally an old woman, that is, Yunqin's grandmother. Later, after Yunqin disappeared, her grandma's son took her away. It is said that she is enjoying the blessing and living in the big house. The villa is gone."

On the way home, Su Qin walked down the street feeling empty in his heart.

Yunqin's grandmother didn't have a son, and the old lady was alone. So, who picked up the old lady, Yunqin and Feifei, and where did they go

In 2006, the streets of Yunyang City were outdated, and many commercial buildings in the city center hadn't been repaired, and they were not as bright as they were 19 years later.

Su Qin walked on the street, passed the phone booth, paused for a while, and called Meng Sisi.

It was the nanny of Meng Sisi's family who answered the phone, and she called out "Miss, someone is looking for", and the girl immediately snatched the phone from the nanny.

"Hello, is that Miss Su Qin? You finally called me, 555555..." The little girl's voice was delicate and delicate, and she said again: "By the way, how are you now? After you go home, are your parents special? Happy? Let me tell you, after I came home, my brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents almost spoiled me, and they bought me a lot of food, drink, clothes and clothing after only one day. Why did I feel that I was the favorite of the family... "

Hearing that she was very happy, Su Qin followed her and said, "I'm very happy, I really envy you."

The little girl said again: "Oh, by the way, next year I will take the senior high school entrance examination, and I may take the entrance examination for Yunyang Middle School. Sister Su Qin, which school are you in? We can meet often then."

"Yunyang High School? This middle school is very difficult to pass."

Yunyang High School is the No. 1 high school in the province. 98% of the big and small rocket classes in this high school can go to the two top universities in the country: Nantah University and Qing University.

Meng Sisi said: "Come on, my dad said that if the difference in grades is within 10 points, he will pay for me to go in and study! So this year, I will take the exam well! Try to get in! At that time, I can often Come to play with you!"

If Su Qin remembers correctly, 1 point is 10,000 yuan, and 10 points is 100,000.

In the society of 2006, one hundred thousand is not a small number. It can be seen that Meng Sisi's family background is really good.

Su Qin lost contact with Yun Fei, and the idea of supporting him to study was shattered. It is too difficult to find someone. At present, she can only strengthen herself first, and then find Yun Fei's mother and son when she has the conditions.

Hearing what Meng Sisi said, she actually wanted to try Yunyang High School.

In her previous life, she ranked first in the school in junior high school, but she was 30 points short of the entrance score of Yunyang High School.

If you have acquaintances in Yunyang High School, you can make an exception to enter the exam. It's a pity that she is alone now and doesn't know anyone, so she can only save enough for high school tuition first, and then go to the junior high school class teacher to discuss the matter of retaking the high school entrance examination.

Meng Sisi heard Su Qin's silence on the other end of the phone, noticed something, and asked her, "Sister Su Qin, is there anything wrong with you?"

Su Qin briefly talked about his current situation.

Meng Sisi was so angry that she dropped the phone on the other end of the phone: "Your parents are so hateful! Sister Su Qin, if you come to my house, I will let my father recognize you as a goddaughter, and you will not go back to that house in the future! I will let me Dad reads for you."

"No need." Su Qin said, "I have other plans now, but don't worry, I won't give up studying."

Meng Sisi: "Sister Su Qin, don't feel embarrassed. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to leave the village. I want to repay you, and I owe you a favor."

"If you insist on repaying this favor, there will always be a chance after you keep it." Su Qin held the phone and smiled, "Oh, by the way, do you have Wenmei's number?"

Meng Sisi: "No, but she has my phone number. When she gets home, she should call me. Do you have anything to say, do you want me to answer it?"

Su Qin thought for a while, and then said: "Well... you tell her that adversity is not bad, that giving up yourself and following the crowd is the worst. None of us are lucky people. For us, the biggest trough in life is starvation to death, and nothing else matters. It’s worth mentioning. If you want to achieve your goals, you must go through hardships, and don’t give up lightly at any time.”

"Okay, I'll tell her that you have to take good care of yourself. If you have any difficulties, just call me. It's okay to borrow money. I have a small treasury with a lot of money." Meng Sisi said .

"Okay, I'm hanging up."

After hanging up the phone, Su Qinshun bought newspapers and fashion magazines from the post booth for the past few months, and went to the market to buy a handful of dried noodles for 2.5 yuan and a handful of cheap green vegetables, and went back to the rental room.

The room was neatly tidied up by Su Qin, and the windows were hung with floral sheets, barely used as curtains, and the viewability was not bad.

The stove was on the balcony, and she simply cooked a bowl of noodles. After returning to the house, she began to read the newspapers and publications of the past few months, and began to accept the things of this old era.

In this year, there was no WeChat and Weibo, and most of the mobile phones were Symbian systems, which was the era when Nokia dominated.

In 2006, a large number of people's mobile phones could not download the Koukou mobile client, and Koukou still used the wap web version. When someone sent a message, they had to refresh the page to see it, which was far less convenient than a few years later.

So in this era, paper media is still in its heyday. If you want to know the latest news, you can just read the newspaper.

It took Su Qin four hours to read the newspapers for one month and the fashion weekly magazines for the last three months, and he also re-accepted the fact that he was reborn in 2006.

For the next week, Su Qin would go to the bookstore to buy some review materials for middle and high schools on every rest day, and start reviewing after dinner every night, writing some test papers with the memory of his previous life.

She couldn't remember some knowledge points, so she wrote them down in notes, ran to the phone booth to call Meng Sisi, and asked her.

She thought carefully, if she couldn't directly enter the Yunyang Senior High School Examination, then she would go to the teacher in charge of the junior high school and return to the original school, where the third-year junior high school students took the entrance examination together.

Her grades were good in junior high school, and she should not have a big problem when she goes back to school and retakes the exam.

Su Qin currently has two most important tasks: reviewing and making money.

The business of the clothing store got better after Su Qin came. She has a good image. In order to attract customers for the proprietress, she wears the clothes from the store on herself.

The shopping guides of clothing stores in this year are far less enthusiastic than a few years later.

She brought the service level of the shopping guide lady many years later to the present, allowing customers to experience the wonderful experience of "buying clothes is God" in advance.

She was wearing a very simple white T-shirt with a loose hem tied around her waist, revealing a small waist. She was wearing trendy flared trousers on her lower body, which looked thin and fashionable.

Su Qin stopped at the door and attracted many female guests.

When female guests passing by saw her, they would come in to look at her clothes. Of course, Su Qin, the customer who came in, would not let it go. Relying on his experience of buying clothes in the mall in his previous life, he stole the enthusiastic vocabulary of the shopping guides and praised the customers who came in.

The proprietress was sitting at the counter eating melon seeds, staring dumbfoundedly at Su Qin who greeted customers in the store outside. When this girl came for an interview, she thought she was an honest little local girl. She didn't expect this girl to be so eloquent.

For younger women, Su Qin opened his mouth and called them "beauties"; for middle-aged women, Su Qin called them "sisters" sweetly. No matter how fat the upper body of the clothes looks, Su Qin can always give people a flower.

"Sister, you are wearing the right clothes. You really show your temperament and look thin. You see, this lantern sleeve just covers your arms, and the flared jeans are slightly loose. With white bleaching, it gives your legs a high-gloss shadow. As a result, stand far away, wow, your legs are more than twice as thin as usual. If you don't believe me, stand back and look in the mirror again."

The 40-year-old aunt stood back. Sure enough, from a distance, she looked very thin in this suit. The lantern sleeves covered her butterfly arms, and the "highlight shadow" effect of the jeans also made her elephant legs not so thick up.

The aunt paid the money happily, and didn't bother to talk about the price.

Before leaving, Su Qin asked her for a phone number and buttons, and said that he would recommend new models to her in the future.

Now that there is no WeChat in this era, Su Qin plans to apply the WeChat business method to buttons, and post some clothes matching in the store in his own space in the future. Interested customers will naturally come to inquire.

Now everyone still likes to use Koukou Space, which is equivalent to WeChat Moments many years later.

When every customer pays, Su Qin will say: "Leave a button, and there will be new styles in the store in the future, and I can help you match clothes."

Su Qin's vision is really good. He can match each guest with suitable clothes according to their body shape.

Some customers fancy a dress, but the waist is too small to fit. At this time, Su Qin would smile and face the guests: "It's okay, you can just dress like this, and I'll help you change it."

Seeing her pick up the needle, thread and scissors, the guest wondered, "Can you still wear the changed ones? My God, you ruined the new clothes, so I won't buy them."

The proprietress sat at the counter and wanted to stop her, but seeing her confident face, she held back again.

It's a big deal to deduct money from her salary. The proprietress really wants to see what tricks this girl can play.

Su Qin was reborn, but his tailoring skills are still there.

It's okay for her to modify a high-end dress with her craftsmanship, let alone this kind of cheap dress.

Su Qin cut off the buttons on the back of the dress and moved them a bit. Her workmanship is good, and the re-stitched buttons are even more delicate than before.

The customer was very satisfied, so he put it on directly and went to the proprietress to pay for it.

In just one month, this clothing store has become famous in the commercial street. Every customer who has been here feels that only the clothes in this store are the most suitable for them, looking thin and beautiful.

Every time a new style is released, Su Qin will borrow the proprietress's digital camera to take photos of the new outfits, and then go to the Internet cafe to copy them to the computer and upload them to the button space.

By the way, I will also send a message to the customers in the button list: "Dear~ I have uploaded photos of the new outfit in my space, you can go and have a look. I am in an Internet cafe, and time is running out at 55555, so I won't reply. I'll get off first~ Bye!"

The female guests will be inexplicably happy when they receive this news.

Everyone thought that this girl was good at matching clothes, but she didn't expect her mouth to be so sweet, and she was so good at getting close.

Every time he came out of the Internet cafe, Su Qin would sigh with emotion how convenient it is for minors to surf the Internet in this era, no need to give ID cards, just take out their wallets.

The female boss is not a picky person. Because of Su Qin's good performance, he paid her 2500 with a base salary plus a commission.

In 2006, a salary of 2,000 was quite good.

Su Qin didn't expect that the first pot of gold back in 2006 would be so much.

The tuition fee for one semester of high school is 800, and the tuition fee for three years is 4,800. According to this development, her salary for two months is enough.

She has accumulated a lot of customers in her hands, and she is confident that her performance next month will not be bad.

Her monthly rent is 120, and 300 is enough for living. Calculated, it can be settled at about 15,000 in three years.

Therefore, she can go back to high school after saving enough 20,000 yuan this year. During winter and summer vacations, she can also work part-time to save some money for college tuition.

As long as you work hard this year, grit your teeth and get through it, and enter school next year, everything will be fine.

She couldn't rely on her family, and from the moment she left home, she decided to cut off contact with that family. After all, in her previous life, as a soft bun, she was extorted a lot of money by that so-called younger brother.

She didn't owe that family. In this life, they would never expect to get any money from her.

On the other hand, Li Chuan went to Su Qin's house to look for her, but learned that she had dropped out of school and went to work in a coastal city.

Li Chuan entrusted friends in coastal cities to find Su Qin, and at the same time, started his own business.

Li Chuan's parents passed away when he was young, and he was adopted to his uncle, who was called Papa.

There is a business in the family, and grandma is the master of the house.

In the previous life, grandma was so angry that her three uncles had a sudden illness and passed away in a hurry. In order to divide the family property, several uncles had a quarrel in front of grandma's body. Li Chuan only felt cold-hearted, and he didn't bother to participate in the family property dispute. He didn't want anything, so he moved out of Li's house and broke contact with his uncle.

Later, as the company grew bigger, the uncles got back together again, and the eldest uncle became the richest man in the province and asked him to return to Li's house many times.

Grandma's death made him brood, and he didn't choose to go back until he died, and he didn't ask Li's family for a penny.

Back in 2006, Li Chuan would no longer be as stupid as he was in his previous life, and would inherit his share of the family property, even if it was just a share, the annual dividend would not be less.

He will also try to mediate family relationships and take good care of the elderly.

In this life, try to make the family harmonious, let grandma feel less angry, and live a few more years.

Li Chuan graduated from graduate school. While studying for a Ph.D., he plans to establish a security company. With the rise of the Internet and the rise of major Internet companies, network security is now the most indispensable existence.

In his previous life, Li Chuan was a specially appointed expert of my country's National Information Security Vulnerability Database. He has more than ten years of research and development experience in the security field. He has participated in the research and development of several national defense projects, and he can be regarded as a very academic hacker.

Li Chuan is already contacting several friends from the hacker circle in his previous life, trying to persuade them to join his company.

Based on the experience he accumulated in his previous life, Li Chuan's strength is undoubtedly the number one in my country's hacker circle.

Li Chuan participated in several projects when he was studying in graduate school, and he had a deposit in his hand.

In this life, Li Chuan is ambitious. He no longer sticks to teaching and educating people, but wants to develop a representative security protection software. He wants to make his product the most rogue security software installed on users' computers and mobile phones in the next ten or twenty years in our country.

Li Chuan took out 100,000 yuan from the venture fund and deposited it in a passbook separately, intending to hand it over to Su Qin so that she could finish her studies smoothly.

But at this time, Su Qin disappeared, and even her biological parents didn't know where she went.

A month later, Li Chuan found Team Lu, got Meng Sisi's phone number from Team Lu, and inquired about Su Qin's current situation.

No wonder he entrusted someone to go to the coastal city, but he never found her. This girl has never been out of Yunyang.

In Yunyang City, there is no one who cannot find the charter.

But within three days, Zhang Zhang gave Su Qin's address to Li Chuan. He joked, "What? After Mr. Li saved people from fire and water, he still plans to be a good person to the end?"

Li Chuan glanced at the address on the piece of paper, frowned and asked Zhang Zhang: "How is she doing now?"

"I work in a clothing store. That little girl is famous far and wide. She is good at selling clothes. Now the clothing store owners in that commercial street want to recruit her with a high salary." Zhang Zhang saw that his brows were deeply furrowed, and said, "You I really don’t have to worry about this girl starving to death, she’s doing well, her salary is higher than mine. My monthly salary is only 1300, and her monthly salary can reach 2500, which is very good.”

Li Chuan folded the piece of paper with the address written on it, stuffed it into his wallet, and planned to go to Su Qin after the afternoon class.

Today is Su Qin's 16th birthday, and the proprietress sent her a birthday fund of 50 yuan, asking her to go back and buy some delicious food to celebrate.

Su Qin went to the vegetable market and bought a piece of fresh crucian carp, tofu, a piece of pork, and some vegetables. The total cost was less than ten yuan, and she was quite satisfied.

On the way back with vegetables, Su Qinshun bought a newspaper and took it home.

Su Qin fried the palm-sized crucian carp until it was browned on both sides, then oiled the chopped green onion and ginger, mixed it with a bowl of water, and started to cook the fish soup.

While waiting for the fish soup, Su Qin was lying on the bed, humming a little tune and reading the newspaper. When he saw the headline photo, he sat up straight in shock.

The headline is a few huge bold words.

——"Diamond King Mo Zongyang announced that he has married and took 15 sons to participate in the ribbon-cutting of Yunxin Building"

This diamond king, Mo Zongyang, is a well-known and rich man in Yunyang City. He is over forty years old, but he has not married yet. Suddenly, he took his 15-year-old son to participate in the ribbon-cutting activity of the new building, which caused a wave of gossip in the city.

They are all gossiping, when did this Mo Zongyang marry his wife? Why did a 15-year-old son suddenly appear

In the headline photo, Yun Fei is thin and wearing a small suit, and his handsome features take up a lot of space.

Su Qin put down the newspaper and lay on the bed to digest the headlines.

Yunqin's grandmother was probably picked up by Mo Zongyang. And Mo Zongyang, who is still single, is probably waiting for Yunqin's mother and son to come home, right

Su Qin was lying on the bed in a daze when someone knocked on the door suddenly.

She pulled her slippers up, leaned against the door, and asked warily, "Who?"

"Li Chuan."

The man's low-mellow voice was very recognizable through the door panel.

Su Qin was puzzled.

What is he here for

The author has something to say:

ps: Koukou should know what it is, we all have it, because it is a forbidden word, we can only write it, otherwise we will be locked...

~Well... The heroine has a prototype, but it's not Su Mang. The male protagonists have prototypes, they are some of the more powerful hackers in our country, and they also refer to the big guys around me.