Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 2: Fool


Su Qin was tied up by Zhang Feng and led to the fool's house like a cow.

The fool is called Feifei, and he is only fifteen years old this year. After his father died, his grandfather and grandmother also passed away one after another, leaving only him and his mother Yunqin in the family.

It is said that the idiot's father left a sum of money to buy him a wife, but Yunqin felt that the idiot was still young and could wait another two years. But now the girl Zhang Feng sent was cheap, and she thought it was feasible, so she bought Su Qin from Zhang Feng.

Su Qin was locked in the room, exhausted from hunger.

At night, someone opened the door and came in and turned on the lights.

The fool stood at the door holding a bowl of boiling water, pursing his lips and looking at her.

The idiot is only fifteen years old, and he is already 1.78 meters tall. He is wearing a washed-out red T-shirt and baggy shorts.

He was very thin, but not that kind of skinny. He had fair skin, a small face with slapped palms, and good-looking facial features. His eyes were clear and clear, and he looked at her like a harmless little puppy.

Su Qin's eyes were a little wet. In fact, she didn't expect that she would be resold to a fool's house.

In her previous life, she stayed at Zhang Xing's house for five years, but because she couldn't bear children, she was about to be sold to a sixty-year-old man in the village by Zhang Xing. She ran away in the middle of the night and hid in the fool's house in a hurry.

When the fool was looking for the kitten, he found Su Qin under the bed.

Zhang Xing brought people in and asked the fool if he saw Su Qin. The fool nodded, then pointed to the backyard.

Su Qin hid under the bed of the fool's house for three days. The fool brings water and steamed buns every day.

The fool's mother thought he took the food to feed the wild cats, so she didn't worry about it. Su Qin stayed under the fool's bed for a whole week.

She didn't dare to speak under the bed, she didn't even dare to breathe loudly, and she only said "thank you" to the fool for a week. One night after a week, the fool took her out of the village, and they ran to Tongluo Township, where they found the teacher who was there to teach.

Later, the children who attended the school filed a complaint, and Su Qin and Shazi were taken back to the village.

Because the fool violated the taboo in the village, he was punished by the villagers and burned to death. And when they were going to cut off Su Qin's limbs, they found that she was pregnant, so she escaped.

For many years afterwards, she could never forget the scene of the fool being burned to death.

Later, when Professor Li arrived with the police, she was transferred away by the villagers.

Professor Li and the police did not give up. They squatted in the mountains for half a month before they found her trace and rescued her. Back in the city, accompanied by her parents, she had an abortion.

Zhang Feng was arrested for human trafficking, and Zhang Xing was also arrested for killing people in the city. But Li Yunzhen and those villagers who bought wives were only criticized by verbal education.

Apart from Su Qin, other abducted girls in the village were also rescued. But some girls chose to go back there after returning to the city, and they were reluctant to have children.

Su Qin went to the police station to report the case, reporting that Li Yunzhen and several relatives deliberately killed people and burned the fool alive. But when the police went to the village, the villagers said that there were no idiots and idiot mothers in the village.

Because there is no evidence, the matter is settled.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, compared to other abducted girls, Su Qin is lucky.

At this moment, seeing the fool standing at the door, tears could not be restrained from streaming down.

Seeing her crying, the fool quickly put the water on the dark cabinet, pointed to the enamel bowl containing the water, and then backed out.

A fool is not really stupid, he is just sullen, doesn't like to talk, and behaves like a fool in front of outsiders.

He is very smart. If it wasn't for him in his previous life, Su Qin wouldn't be able to leave the village.

Su Qin glanced at the bowl of water, but didn't drink it. When the fool left the room, she poured the water under the bed.

In this village, she can't trust anyone except fools. Although this bowl of water was brought in by him, she wasn't sure if his mother had drugged it.

Even at this moment, she was so thirsty that her throat was smoking, but she didn't dare to touch the bowl of water.

The tile-roofed houses in the countryside are not as good as the living environment in the city. The floor of the bedroom is not a concrete floor, let alone tiles, but a dark mud floor, which is damp and wet.

If you don't turn on the light in the bedroom, it will be pitch black. Even the cabinets here are dark and old. Although the bed sheets and quilt covers were old, they were washed very clean, and there was a fragrance of soap locust on them. It could be seen that the fool's mother loved cleanliness very much.

In contrast, Zhang Xing's house was very sloppy, with damp bedding and a disgusting musty smell.

Su Qin knows what kind of person a fool is. If he is the only one in this family, then she can feel at ease. But he also has a mother. She doesn't know his mother, but the crows here are as black, and his mother should be as cold-blooded and ruthless as everyone else in the village.

Otherwise, the fool in the previous life would not let her hide under the bed for a week.

Su Qin was very sleepy, but he dared not sleep.

At night, the fool came in again and cut the ropes binding her limbs with scissors.

The fool stood by her bed, looked at her, and pointed to the main room next door: "Outside, I'll wait for you."

Su Qin rubbed his swollen and painful wrist, stared at the back of his head, and shouted: "Feifei."

The fool stopped in his tracks, obviously taken aback, and turned to look at her.

This time, the way he looked at her was no longer that kind of gentle and harmless puppy, but with a sharp vigilance.

Su Qin was frightened by the sudden change in his eyes. For a moment, she felt that the big boy in front of her was no longer the innocent and kind Yun Fei she met in her previous life.

She thumped in her heart, and then carefully explained to herself: "My can call me Feifei."

The idiot's eyes changed in an instant, and his eyes returned to the usual silly look.

Su Qin got out of bed, put on his shoes, and followed him to the main room.

In the main room, a portrait of Mao Zedong was pasted on the wall opposite the door, and a square dining table was placed under the incandescent lamp, with two dishes and one soup on it.

A plate of fried garlic sprouts with bacon, a plate of fried rapeseed, a large pot of crispy pea broth, and a bowl of rice on each side of the square table.

Su Qin was really hungry. Looking at the steaming white rice, his stomach gurgled.

The idiot went to the kitchen and picked up three pairs of chopsticks, returned to the main room, and handed her a pair.

Su Qin was very scared, his body was trembling, and he didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.

Yunqin came in with a pile of soaked radishes doused in chili oil, saw the little girl shaking like a sieve, and said to her, "Come over for dinner. Only when you are full will you have the strength to be your daughter-in-law, won't you?"

Su Qin raised his eyes cautiously, and when he met Shang Yunqin's shrewd eyes, there was a chill in his bones.

This woman has fair skin and bright features. Although she is wearing rags, her temperament is not like that of an ordinary peasant woman. In the previous life, Su Qin never met her face to face, only hid under the bed and heard her voice.

A woman's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, one could tell that she was a shrewd woman, not as easy to fool as Zhang Feng and Li Yunzhen.

After Yunqin sat down, she picked up the bowl and looked up at the girl standing in front of the table with her head bowed.

The girl looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. She was wearing a school uniform, her hair was disheveled, her face was bruised, and she had hives. She couldn't tell what she looked like.

She took an empty bowl and scooped a bowl of crispy broth for her, "Sit down and eat."

Su Qin looked like he didn't dare to disobey, sat down, picked up the chopsticks and picked up the enamel bowl, not daring to look directly into anyone's eyes, immediately buried his face in the bowl, and pretended to plan two mouthfuls of rice.

Yunqin kept staring at her and sneered.

This sneer made Su Qin's scalp numb.

"Don't worry, there's no medicine in it. My son won't be able to eat you like this." Yunqin said sarcastically, but picked a handful of vegetables into her bowl, "You're lucky, you don't have any missing arms or legs, was sold to my house."

In the village, everyone knew her identity, so those traffickers generally would not take the initiative to do business with her. She just bought Su Qin today, and when she went out to pick vegetables at night, she found that she was being watched by her neighbors.

Hearing this, Su Qin took a mouthful of rice, but even if he was too hungry, he didn't dare to take another bite.

After taking a bite of food, she glanced at Yunqin cautiously, looking like a frightened kitten.

Yunqin asked her: "Where are you from?"

She froze for a moment, her voice was as thin as a mosquito: "Yun... Yang."

Yunqin stopped talking and lowered her head to eat.

The dining table fell silent, only the sound of chopsticks hitting the enamel bowl was heard.

After the meal, the fool got up, silently carried the bowls and chopsticks and went to the outside kitchen. After the idiot left, Yunqin also took off the half-embroidered insole from the side cabinet and began to do needlework.

As soon as Yunqin put on the thimble, the little girl poked her elbow with her finger: "Need... help?"

Yunqin thought that the little girl would have to wait at least a few days before she dared to take the initiative to talk to her, but she didn't expect to strike up a conversation with her after only eating a meal.

She smiled and said, "Yo, the girls from your city still do this?"

Su Qin nodded: "Well... I have no relatives. I grew up in an orphanage and can do all kinds of manual work. In the future, I will be taken care of by you. I can't eat and drink for free."

She told the other party that she was an orphan, and said that she would accept their "care" in the future. The implication was that she had accepted the fact that she had no worries about the outside world, and would live with them obediently, hoping to make the other party relax their vigilance.

She had a sincere look on her face, making it hard to tell that she was pretending to be good. This girl probably suffered a lot at Zhang Xing's house, so she was so obedient after coming to her. Yunqin thought.

If Yunqin was someone like Li Yunzhen, she might have been smiling from ear to ear by now. Unfortunately, she is not.

She looked at Su Qin for a while, looked back, and said while she was threading needles and threads: "It is true that I don't raise people who eat and drink for free here. Do you think I can do some work, so I will let you stay? Wait for the nettle on your body." The measles is gone, I'll let Zhang Feng take you away."

Su Qin's heart skipped a beat, slightly shocked.

This woman knew that her body was not an infectious disease, but hives, but let Zhang Feng take her away? If she is taken away by Zhang Feng again, will she return to Zhang Xing, or will she be sold to a sixty-year-old man

Su Qin couldn't figure out this woman. Doesn't she want a daughter-in-law who will have a son

If not, then what did she want to do by buying herself

After sorting out her thoughts, she came to a terrible result.

She tentatively asked Yunqin: "You...are a foreigner, were you sent here?"

Yunqin's hand trembled, and the tip of the needle pierced into the pulp of her finger.

She knocked over the things in her hands, and suddenly grabbed Su Qin's neck, with blue veins appearing on her forehead: "That's not called giving away! It's called abduction! It's robbery! Do you understand robbery?"

Su Qin was so pinched by her that he couldn't breathe, so he pushed her and broke free from her shackles.

She took a few steps back, pressed her back against the cabinet, rubbed her neck, and frowned at the suddenly mad woman in front of her.

"We have a chance to go out." She coughed lightly, and continued: "There is a graduate student surnamed Li who came here to teach. He is our hope to get out of here."

When Yunqin heard this, she sneered, as if she had told a very innocent joke.

"Today I heard from Zhang Xing that he will come to this village to gather folk songs." Su Qin paused for a moment, then continued: "People here won't let you go out, but your son is different from you. He is a child in the mountains, and he is a He is a fool in the eyes of the villagers, and everyone will not take precautions against him. You can fight with Zhang Xing and send him to school."

Yunqin stopped her sneer and began to re-examine the girl in front of her.

After living a new life, everything has changed, but she is still in danger.

In the previous life, the fool did not go to school, so after he went to Tongluo Township, he attracted the attention of the students, which led to the two being exposed.

And in this life, if the fool can go to school in an upright manner, she will have a way for Li Chuan to get her message.

The school is located in Tongluo Township, which is said to be a township, but in fact the environment is not much better.

Two days ago, Li Chuan and a few college students walked from Tuling Town to Tongluo Township. They walked the mountain road all day, and it was already evening when they arrived.

The fellow students had blisters on their feet, thinking that they could have a good rest when they got there, but when they saw the dilapidated dormitory, they were so sad and shocked.

The dormitory is a tile-roofed room, with one room for men and one room for men and women, and there are wooden boarded bunks, and the rooms don't even have doors.

The male students didn't care, but the female students broke down, and some even started crying.

The students complained and regretted coming to this place. Only Li Chuan silently threw his backpack on the bed, put the toiletries in a basin, and went to the backyard to dig a well for washing.

A male classmate was holding a pot, followed him step by step, patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "Li Shen, why do you come to this ghostly place to teach? Is it to experience life?"

The male classmate who spoke was Yang Yuan. He was in the same grade as Li Chuan in high school, but Li Chuan skipped a grade all the way. He just graduated from university, and Li Chuan had already completed his postgraduate studies.

Yang Yuan planned to enter the officialdom after graduation, and came to this backward place to support education, just to add some political capital to himself. But he couldn't figure out why Li Chuan came to such a place.

In his previous life, Li Chuan came here to teach because he offended someone.

And in this life...

He wrung out the towel in his hand, wiped his face, and said, "Look for someone."

The author has something to say: The biggest golden finger of this book is that Su Qin is the heroine~ going to Su Shuangtian. Last night I dreamed that I was being trafficked, and I was so anxious that I cried in my dream... After climbing two mountains, I couldn't get out of Wuzhi Mountain. I woke up in the morning and found it was a dream... It's okay, it's okay... Here's a spoiler, the fool's father is not the villager who bought the Yunqin.