Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 32: design


Li Chuan was a little curious, Su Qin is more mature than other girls, why would he like pink pigs, which are young animations.

Isn't this what children like to watch

Su Qin saved the photos sent by Li Chuan, stretched himself, and continued to improve the plan.

The promotion of Taobao cannot be limited to in-site advertisements, but requires other means of publicity. The publicity needs of major forums are also needed for the promotion of top search terms.

Her Taobao store has a clear brand positioning, focusing on "fashionable avant-garde" and "high cost performance".

Her advantage lies in that the style is more fashionable than the shopping malls, and the quality of clothes is better than that of the shopping malls, and the price is cheaper. In order to make the Taobao store more compelling, she decided to start making brand packaging, including logos, boxes, and bags.

A decent enterprise must have its own corporate culture.

She went around the design forum and found a person named "Designer Li Xian".

This designer, she had an impression, became popular overnight and became the most valuable graphic designer in China. The People's Daily official blog reposted his set of Chinese-style creative designs, making him a well-known Internet celebrity, and his net worth has skyrocketed since then.

After that, his designs were even more difficult to find.

After Li Xian became popular, he posted a long Weibo, probably writing about his years of depression and his early downfall experience, and fed a lot of chicken soup to netizens.

At this time, Li Xian was still at the stage of "depressed and unable to eat enough". She found Li Xian's QQ in the forum and added him.

The other side passed quickly, and Su Qin hadn't typed out "Hello", but the other side sent her the first sentence: "I don't accept changes based on my own vision, and I don't accept "red" and "big" Wait for unreasonable demands. If you are unhappy, go find someone else!"

Su Qin: "..."

She seems to know why this designer Li Da fell into despair in his early years.

Su Qin typed a line: "You misunderstood, the design I need does not need red or large fonts. I want you to help me design logos, clothing packaging boxes, and packaging bags. My request is very simple, highlighting the clothing of our store. As for how to design, I am not limited, I have seen your works and believe in your vision."

Li Xian on the other end of the computer was obviously taken aback: "Forced?"

Su Qin thought for a while and explained: "It is the style, which highlights the high-end style of my store's clothing. What do you think of the packaging design of brands such as Chanel, Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent? I want my customers to feel that this The stuff is high end."

Li Xian: "... Ms., are you from Yunyang?"

Su Qin nodded: "Yes."

Li Xian: "Tomorrow at twelve o'clock at noon, come to me at the Machaoshou shop in the back street of Nanda University and have an interview."

Su Qin asked him: "Well... How about we communicate on QQ now? Wait until the communication is almost done, and then talk about the price? What do you think?"

"I love interviews."

Thinking of the future status of Designer Li, Su Qin felt that the interview might be more sincere

After leaving a phone number, Li Xian went offline.

Mother Wang Lin also cleaned up the dishes, and Su Qin beckoned Wang Lin to sit down: "Mom, come here, we have a meeting, and I will send you tasks for the next month."

"What task?" Wang Lin sat down next to her daughter with an apple and a fruit knife, and asked while peeling fruit for her.

Su Qin showed her the plan, and specially made a KPI for her mother, which included the things that her mother must complete every day.

For example, go to the forum to promote their Taobao store. Su Qin has written the promotional copy, all that is needed is for Wang Lin to post it in various forums and place a small advertisement.

Propaganda is a big bottomless pit that cannot be stopped. Coupled with on-site advertisements, the accumulation of off-site advertisements is always helpful to traffic.

These things are not complicated to operate, it just requires people to put in energy to do it. Wang Lin cherishes this career very much. She can get a salary of 1,200 yuan every month without leaving home. It is a good job that can't be found even with a lantern.

And seeing her daughter work so hard on Taobao, she didn't dare to slack off, thinking that if she worked harder, her daughter could spend less energy studying hard.

Early the next morning, Su Qin went to the store to talk to the proprietress about the Taobao store, and the two had a short meeting together.

To sum it up, Su Qin proposed that the packaging and marketing costs should be borne by the two of them. The Taobao store has indeed made some achievements in Su Qin's hands. Chen Meixin wants to make money, so of course she understands the reason why she must invest money in it.

Su Qin made a list of the expenses related to advertising, marketing and design in the store, and handed it to Chen Meixin for review.

Chen Meixin glanced carefully, and said, "Qin'er, is the estimated design cost too high? There are also these packaging boxes and paper bags. We do Taobao not to sell clothes in physical stores, but to buy clothes from physical stores. Put it in a plastic bag, and customers can take it away, why does Taobao make a packaging box for it?"

Su Qin explained: "Sister Chen, we have to take a long-term view. Since we are going to do it, we must do it well. We use exquisite packaging boxes for each order, and then put a thank you letter in each order, so that in the long run , customers will have a good impression of us. And the clothing packaging has improved, isn’t it more like a big-name product? Sometimes when women buy things, they are really vanity because of some small details, and they have a lot of love for this store. Changed."

"Also, Miss Chen. Our packaging needs to be done well. How good is it? After customers buy our clothes, they will choose to use our packaging bags to pack some daily things. Isn't that Did you advertise us invisibly?"

Chen Meixin looked hesitant: "But... the cost will go up in this way, is it necessary?"

"What are we afraid of when the cost goes up? It doesn't matter if we lose one or two yuan, right? The wool comes from the sheep, so what are we afraid of?"

Seeing what she said so eloquently, and thinking of what the girl did before, she nodded and agreed, and asked her again: "By the way, your mother has done a good job in Taobao recently, so don't worry about your mother's salary alone." It’s over, we will share it equally. As for you, think about the future development of our shop after studying.”

Of course, Su Qin was not polite to her, and she deserved every penny she earned.

During the three days off after the military training, there was no homework, and Su Qin didn't have to go to Li Chuan to make up lessons. She has to make good use of these three days, at least during the time when she is in school, Taobao must not be broken.

In the afternoon of that day, Su Qin rode his bicycle to the "Machaoshou" in the back street of Nanda University.

After all, he was talking about cooperation with someone. Su Qin specially wore a very mature dress, and went to the barber shop to ask the hair stylist to blow out a buckled wave on the tip of his short hair. He bought a colored lipstick and put it on. one time.

She didn't pay attention to maintenance during the military training, and her skin was very tanned. She also bought a foundation and applied a layer on her face to make it look a little whiter.

She walked into "Machaoshou", and there were people coming and going in the store. She looked around and saw a man sitting in the corner, wearing glasses and a blue shirt.

Su Qin called him, until he answered the phone, "Hello", Su Qin, who was standing at the door, waved to him.

Li Xian adjusted his glasses frame, raised his head, and stared at the short-haired girl in a wrap-around dress, white sneakers, and shoulder bag at the door, and was a little taken aback.

He thought the other party was a powerful woman in her thirties, but he didn't expect it to be a girl who looked younger than him.

About 18 or 9 years old

Su Qin hung up the phone and walked towards him, sat down at the table opposite him, smiled at him, and extended his hand politely: "Hello, I am a staff member of Yunyiyi Taobao, Su Qin. I am here to talk to you cooperating."

Li Xian was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His skin was not fair, but his facial features were pretty good. Years later, he was not only the most expensive designer in China, but also won the title of "the most handsome designer in the design circle".

Looking at the faces of Li Chuan and Feifei every day, and looking at the face of "the most handsome design circle", I feel... so-so.

Li Xian acted a little dull, and after he adjusted the frame of the mirror, he nodded slightly to the girl: "Hi, hello. I'm hungry, let's order first."

Su Qin raised his hand and called the boss, and ordered two bowls of chaoshou.

The waitress glanced at Li Xian and then at Su Qin, her attitude was not very good, she raised her chin and pointed at the counter: "Pay the money first, then order the counter."

Su Qin frowned at the attitude of the waitress, but he didn't bother to say anything. He got up and went to the counter to pay for two bowls of chaoshou.

When she was paying, the female boss at the cash register reminded her in a low voice: "Hey, girl, why do you eat with this kind of man? I owed you nine meals in our store and didn't pay, so I am ashamed to come and bring the girl to eat. He actually asked you to pay? If you want to make friends with him, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. "

Su Qin looked back at Li Xian, and could see that the man was extremely inferior, he didn't even dare to look up at the people around him, and just sat there with his head down.

"How much does he owe your restaurant for meals?" Su Qin asked.

The proprietress: "46."

"I'll give it for him." Su Qin took out a hundred-yuan bill and handed it to the proprietress. "Well, you don't need to look for the rest. Next time he comes, just deduct it."

Seeing that she was so generous to the man, the proprietress knew that there must be something tricky in it, so she didn't say anything more.

Su Qin returned to his original position and tapped his fingers on the table: "Is Li Xian right? Let's talk about cooperation. Have you brought a pen and paper? You should probably write down what I asked for."

Li Xian was taken aback, and quickly took out a sketchbook and pencil from his computer bag.

When he opened the notebook, Su Qin said: "I want three designs in total, logo, packaging box, and packaging bag. Although the clothes in our store are not international famous brands, I hope your designs can surpass international famous brands. At least users are looking at it. After unpacking, I feel that this item is worth the price, and I feel that I have bought something good. The style is the trendy style.”

The eyes under Li Xian's glasses are dull and lifeless, a bit like the "dead fish eyes" hero in anime.

"My requirements are these. As for the rest, you can decide. I will not interfere with your design thinking. I hope you can make good use of your talents and diversify your potential. I have seen your works and they are very spiritual."

Li Xian was obviously taken aback.

After he graduated, he was never praised again. This was the first time someone praised him for his talent after he entered society. Praise his works for their spirituality.

The elders bit their lips, a little excited, and their eyes were slightly hot.

Su Qin thought what was wrong with him and asked him, "What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

When the two bowls were served, Su Qin took out two pairs of chopsticks and handed him a pair: "If you have any difficulties, you can tell me."

The man took the chopsticks from her hand, shook his head and said, "No, no problem."

Su Qin laughed out loud, narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, stuffed Chaoshou into his mouth, and mumbled with food wrapped in his mouth, "Okay then, let's make a price."

Although the girl's skin is dark, her facial features are clear and beautiful. When she smiles at you, it makes you let go of all your defenses and makes you feel good.

Li Xian hadn't eaten for two days and was obviously hungry. He felt uncomfortable in his stomach, and he didn't dare to wolf down, so he simply drank two mouthfuls of lukewarm soup first.

Regarding the price, he didn't know how to open it, until he felt a little full in his stomach, he raised his eyes and said to Su Qin, "Price, you open it."

Su Qin's budget is one thousand and two, but she can't just ask for this price. She said, "Six hundred, okay?"

"Cough..." Li Xian choked on a mouthful of handwriting.

Seeing his big reaction, Su Qin thought the money was too little: "Seven hundred and two?"

Li Xian swallowed a mouthful of hot Chaoshou, and hurriedly said: "Success, deal!"


Su Qin overestimated Mr. Li's current financial strength, and he didn't expect that Qibai Er would make the future famous designer compromise.

After eating, the two chatted for a while. Li Xian drew a rough sketch of their logo and asked her if she liked this style.

Su Qin lamented that this man's hand-painting skills, a student of the Design Department of Nantah University, were indeed not covered by it.

After the two communicated for a while, Su Qin knew why Li Xian was so downcast.

Fresh graduates work as assistants during their internships. Not only do they serve tea and water, but they also work tirelessly to help designers make orders. The list made is not only unsigned, but also has to be a blame man.

He can't get any benefit from a list of satisfied customers. If the customer is not satisfied with the list, the boss will scold him head-on and face-to-face.

Li Xian endured all of this.

The company had a bidding project, and the immediate boss took Li Xian's work to participate in the bidding. As a result, after winning the bid, not only did Li Xian not sign it, but he didn't even get the remuneration he deserved. Therefore, he fought with his immediate boss, was fired, and was even blocked by several big advertising companies in Yunyang City.

Li Xian had a big heart, and found a few small advertising companies for interviews, but how could a top student be tortured by clients

Those golden sentences from customers are still lingering in my ears:

"I want red-bottomed red-bottomed ones! Big characters! Big ones!"

"Big sale is so literary and artistic, who can see it?"

"I asked you to make a logo. Tell me, how can you tell that your design is our company's culture?"


The proud and arrogant Li Xian resigned for a month and had no savings. When he met someone who asked him to negotiate a list online, he asked him to meet offline.

If the business fails, you must first fill your stomach.

After listening to Designer Li's narration, Su Qin felt that he was really miserable.

Li Xian talked about his experience, his eyes were slightly red.

But Su Qin added fuel and jealousy: "You deserve it, you are almost starving to death and still can't let go of your figure."

Li Xian: "...Miss Su, what you said is very hurtful."

"Then, when can you submit my design? I may need some of your works later, and we can cooperate for a long time."

To open Taobao, art is indispensable. Although Su Qin herself can use graphic software, she is not a professional in this field.

"Give me a week."

Su Qin took out 300 yuan from the bag and handed it to him: "Here, here is the deposit. Next Saturday, I want to see the first draft."

"You... aren't you afraid that I'll take the money and run away?" Li Xian looked at the dark-skinned young girl in front of him.

She grinned and showed her white teeth: "I believe in your character."

Li Xian, a big man, was moved to tears by the other party's boldness.

He, a talented student who graduated from Nantah University, seems to have finally ushered in his own bole

When Su Qin and Li Xian came out of the storefront of Ma Chaoshou, the students passing by looked at her strangely.

Li Xian also felt puzzled, it felt weird to be scrutinized by passers-by.

"Hey, look at that girl, does she look like the girl that bbs broke the news about?"

"Which one?"

"It's Li Chuan's underage girlfriend!"

"I'm going, it's really similar. Hey, I really can't tell that Li Chuan is this kind of person. He is an adult at least, and he actually hooks up with a high school girl. He is still a minor, and his worldview is not yet sound. He can actually play well. go."

The author has something to say: Susu hurry up to make money to buy a house, and the professor’s car is ready. QAQ. Susu's future business partners are almost all here, hehe.