Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 56: mutiny


Zhang Zhang continued: "This group of beasts, I really didn't expect them to take the boy away in a grand manner right under our noses. There are three of them, and we are chasing that car."

About five minutes later, Su Qin rushed out of the factory, ran towards Li Chuan's car in a hurry, squeezed into the car, pushed Feibao's big butt off, and got into the co-pilot.

Feibao was squeezed away, and sat in front of Su Qin's seat with a face full of grievances, looking at her with his head up and his tongue sticking out.

Su Qin took a breath and said, "Teacher Li, hurry up, now drive forward along this road, and go straight to Dongling Road. Go after a white van with a number of 677, hurry up!"

Li Chuan started the car and followed the route Su Qin said to chase the van that just drove away from under his nose.

The man didn't ask why, but Su Qin took the lead in explaining to him: "I have already called Zhang Zhang, and they are also trying their best to intercept the car, but I am afraid that they will get out of the car and run away, so I have to take the flying leopard to catch up. The boy who was taken away just now is called Wang Feihang. He is my classmate. He has been in contact with Feibao just now. Feibao should be able to find him by looking for his scent. Teacher Li, hurry up, it will take a long time, I am afraid that Feibao Leopards can't remember his smell either."

Li Chuan frowned and asked, "What happened in the factory just now? Why didn't everyone notice?"

Su Qin remembered just now, and his heart was still sweating.

Su Qin learned from Bai Yu that the police arranged female policemen to protect the girls. When they visited the factory just now, these female policemen joined their squad and accompanied them on the tour. But while focusing on protecting girls, everyone ignored boys.

Girls always went to the bathroom together, but this time there were few boys who came to participate in the activity, and the bathroom in the factory area was far away, so Wang Feihang left the team to go to the bathroom without being accompanied.

And Wang Feihang was taken away when he went to the bathroom.

At that time, Wang Feihang was standing in the urinal when someone behind him covered his mouth, and the boy passed out quickly. This group of human traffickers committed the crime in a gang, one kidnapped and the other two responded outside. Wang Feihang was dragged out of the bathroom, and a group outside pretended to be porters to meet him.

In order to get out of the factory safely, they changed Wang Feihang into factory clothes, and trotted all the way in the factory with him on their backs. As they ran, they shouted at the top of their voices: "Old Wu was smashed by the package, hurry up, the people in front don't get in the way! Hurry up!"

The staff in the factory enthusiastically helped to escort them. There are thousands of people in the factory. Who knew they were human traffickers? Who knew that the traffickers had sneaked into the factory to commit crimes

It wasn't until the accident that the staff in the factory reacted.

Zhang Zhang, Xu Hang, and Bai Yu chased him in the same car. The van was parked at the foot of the back mountain in Sangzao Town. When they arrived, there was no one in the van, and it was empty.

When Su Qin and Li Chuan arrived, Zhang Zhang, Xu Hang, Bai Yu, and a group of policemen were still there. They surrounded the empty car, waiting for the local old man to come and lead the way.

This back mountain is a virgin forest, and over this mountain is Shatu Town in Changyang Province. Since this is a virgin forest, if there is no one to lead the way, it is easy to get lost, not to mention the beasts in the mountains, the long-distance cross-country in this virgin forest alone is too much for ordinary people.

Zhang Zhang and a few colleagues have limited physical fitness and dare not enter rashly. They have already contacted the local villagers and are planning to go into the mountain to arrest people.

Su Qin led the flying leopard over, looked into the empty van, and asked, "Did they go up the mountain?"

The girl glanced at Xu Hang and Bai Yu, pretended not to know Bai Yu, and greeted Xu Hang in surprise: "Instructor Xu? Why are you here?"

"Work." Xu Hang answered briefly. Like Bai Yu, he was wearing a long camouflage jacket and trousers.

Li Chuan also went to look at Bai Yu, and after a while, he asked him, "Did we meet somewhere?"

Bai Yu nodded, stretched out his hand and said, "Bai Yu, Zhangjiagou has met you."

"Li Chuan." Li Chuan held his hand.

In order to show that he and Bai Yu didn't know each other, Su Qin pretended to be surprised: "Are you... brother Honghong?"

Bai Yu nodded: "Yes."

After the few people greeted each other, the old man who led the way also came, and everyone prepared to go up the mountain together.

Considering everyone's safety, the charter said: "Don't go up the mountain, just go up with my colleagues. There are only three traffickers, we have more than enough, so I won't bother you!"

Xu Hang said in a deep voice: "I must catch the traffickers with my own hands, and I will catch every one of them, so as to comfort Yueyue's spirit in heaven. Officer Zhang, don't worry, I can protect myself."

Bai Yu also nodded in agreement with Xu Hang's words: "I will also catch every human trafficker and comfort my sister in the sky. Although there are only three people on the other side, they are well-trained and have excellent skills, so we still have to be careful. I treat them I have a better understanding of his habits, so I must go together."

The informants that Zhang Zhang cooperates with are either for remuneration or for the crime and meritorious deeds. Like Xu Hang and Bai Yu, there are almost no money or commendations. In addition, both of them have good skills and know the prisoner better, so they agreed to go up the mountain together.

Su Qin also took Feibao a step forward, and said, "Mr. Zhang, Feibao and I will also go. Feibao remembers Wang Feihang's smell. If it goes, it can follow Wang Feihang's smell to find him."

Zhang Zhang waved his hand subconsciously: "No, no, how dangerous is it for a girl to go up the mountain with us? Are you not afraid of wolves, tigers and leopards?"

"Don't be afraid. Now you need someone to lead the way to ensure that you don't get lost. The mountain is so big, how do you find it? I'm afraid that Wang Feihang will be taken away by the time you search the mountain like a headless chicken. Mr. Zhang, Wang Feihang is my classmate and a new friend Feibao just met, we have an obligation to cooperate."

Feibao is the only key to save Wang Feihang. What else does Su Qin think about his own safety at this time

And Su Qin is the master of Feibao, only she can stabilize Feibao's mood. Although Feibao usually has a good personality, it's hard to tell the character of an animal, and Li Chuan is not sure that Feibao can completely obey him. So much time has passed, and the mountain is so big, it's hard to find that trafficker by feeling.

Therefore, to save people, Su Qin must go.

Li Chuan didn't stop Su Qin from wanting to go up the mountain, he took a step forward and said, "Let's go together."

Charter: " are putting a burden on the police!"

Li Chuan: "It's enough to protect yourself, little girl, I will protect myself."

Charter: “……”

The large troops gathered up the mountain, and Su Qin let go of the flying leopard's leash, allowing it to search the mountains better. Flying Leopard looked for the smell, gave up a road, and chose a tree-lined path full of thorns.

The old man who led the way said, "Hey, don't go that way, they will definitely not go that way."

Su Qin glanced at the flying leopard running fast in front of him, and asked the old man with a puzzled look: "Why? There are traces of walking here, and the flying leopard smells that way, so it should be right here."

The old man said: "The wind is strong in the mountains, and no matter how sensitive the dog's nose is, how can it smell so much? I often take this road to collect firewood and hunt. This is not the way out of the mountain, and it is not easy to walk. If they want to escape, they should go. This road leading to Sand Town."

It's not that Su Qin doesn't believe in Feibao, but hearing what the old man said, he also thinks it makes sense. The external environment affects the dog's sense of smell, and she is not sure whether the flying leopard is leading the wrong way.

"Woof!" Feibao ran back from a distance, bit Su Qin's clothes, and forcibly dragged her to the trail.

Su Qin saw that Feibao insisted, so he said to everyone: "Feibao has received professional training. If it is not fully sure, it will not force me to go there. Everyone, trust it?"

The old man sighed: "The mountain road is rugged, and it is not easy for everyone to walk. If we make a mistake, we will never find that abducted child again. Listen to me, take the road, it is right!"

Su Qin looked at Zhang Cheng: "Mr. Zhang, tell me which way to go. Although Feibao and I are good sisters, we are not of the same species after all. I can't understand what it says, and I'm not 100% sure whether it is wrong to lead the way. You have handled many big cases, you decide which way to go!"

Flying Leopard let out a "Wow": Isn't it mother and son

After careful consideration, the charter made a decision: "Trust the dog's nose!"

After getting the decision of the charter, the group continued to move forward.

Flying Leopard opened the way ahead, turning back every ten steps. As long as she is ten meters beyond Su Qin, she will definitely look back and wait for her with her tongue out. They walked in the mountains for more than two hours. The mountain road was rugged and winding, and several policemen were panting from exhaustion. The two policewomen who were traveling with them stayed where they were because they were exhausted. They guarded the road and prevented the common people from entering, lest irrelevant people would come in and cause trouble.

The old man who led the way looked ugly and didn't say much along the way. Su Qin asked him worriedly: "Master, are you okay? Why don't you take a break?"

The old man nodded at her: "Okay...Okay."

The large troops stopped and rested for a few minutes, and the big guys started to move on again. Apart from the uncle and Fei Bao who were leading the way, Zhang Zhang and other four policemen, as well as Su Qin, Li Chuan, Bai Yu and Xu Hang, walked forward together.

Su Qin's physical strength is not bad. He walked with a group of elders for two hours, and he could still walk steadily, and he was not too tired to walk. The group of them went up and down the mountain, and finally traced to a small valley, where the sunken area was about the size of a football field, and three cabins were built, with a natural pool outside.

There were probably four men guarding the cabin outside, and half a dozen dogs pacing up and down. Eight other men, smoking cigarettes, sat with their arms bare outside the cabin playing poker.

Su Qin and his group were lying behind the grass on the slope, and the flying leopard was also lying on the same side as Su Qin. Afraid of being discovered with a pair of pointed ears that were higher than the cover, they deliberately folded back a pair of protruding ears, like a scorpion. ears of seals.

Su Qin put his hands on Feibao's shoulders, pushed aside the grass and looked outside, and said, "Why are there so many of them?"

This is also what Zhang Zhang was puzzled about, and he muttered: "Abduction of a boy, so many guards? Isn't it a bit overkill? Su Qin, the male student in your class has a particularly good family background? Could it be kidnapping?"

Su Qin shook his head and said in a low voice: "Although I don't know him well, I know that Wang Feihang's family conditions are mediocre. His parents are both tailors in a small county town. I'm afraid it's unnecessary to kidnap him with such a big battle?"

Li Chuan frowned and said, "In that wooden house, there should be other abducted children. Xu Hang, didn't you say that they haven't moved recently?"

Xu Hang didn't speak, but was interrupted by Bai Yu: "They stopped all transactions recently, several times some rural people wanted to buy children and daughter-in-law, but they were rejected by them. Judging from the current situation, it's not that they are inactive, Instead, all the abducted people were sent here, and then passed through this mountain, and sent directly to Shatu Town in Changyun Province."

Shatu Town has a special geographical location and is close to the border, so for these traffickers, Sangzao Town is a paradise with the right time, place and people.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Zhang Zhang called the bureau and asked for the support of the armed police.

There were so many of them, Zhang Zhang didn't dare to confront him harshly, he turned to Li Chuan and said, "Old Li, this place is too dangerous, you take Su Qin down the mountain first."

Li Chuan nodded: "Okay."

Su Qin also knew that she couldn't stay here any longer. She took Feibao to find the place where Wang Feihang was imprisoned, and she had completed her mission. She got up and patted the dust off her body, planning to leave with Li Chuan.

Afraid of not being able to find the way back, the uncle who led the way stayed and planned to go back with the police.

On the way back, Flying Leopard ran in front of them wagging its tail, leading the two of them. Su Qin couldn't keep up physically, so Li Chuan turned around and waited for her. When the little girl came over, he held her by hand: "Are you tired? Have a rest?"

Su Qin let out a sigh and nodded at him.

Li Chuan looked around, the forest was dense and there was no place to sit and rest. He used his feet to flatten a clump of branches, then took off his thin sports coat, spread it on the ground, and pulled Su Qin over to let her sit down.

Su Qin's legs felt weak, and he sat down to rest for a while, his mouth was dry. Li Chuan heard the sound of water nearby, so he broke off a banana leaf and went to fetch water for Su Qin. On the way, I saw August explosions, so I picked a few and brought them back to Su Qin.

The mountain spring was clear, and Su Qin drank water from Li Chuan's hand, and immediately extinguished the flame in his throat. Li Chuan squatted in front of her, and peeled August fried for her. He peeled out the flesh inside and handed it to her mouth: "Taste it, it's delicious."

"Fried in August? There is still fried in August in this season?" Su Qin sipped lightly, and the soft flesh like a banana overflowed between his teeth. She said: "Usually like this kind of fried in August, when it matures in September, it is almost picked up. People in Sangzao Town who often go up the mountain to chop firewood and hunt game, why didn't they think of picking these wild fruits and going down the mountain?" How about selling it for money? This kind of wild fruit with full flesh is usually very valuable."

The point Su Qin mentioned suddenly poked Li Chuan's nerves.

He frowned, and thought of a possibility: "People who often go up the mountain, there is no reason not to know that these wild fruits are valuable. The August bombs full of trees are a disguised proof that this road is rarely used by townspeople."

Su Qin was also awakened, and answered his words: "Of course those traffickers don't pay attention to the wild fruits on the side of the road. Hunting on the road to collect firewood, but turn a blind eye to the August explosion full of trees? And Mr. Li, did you notice that the branches near here have no traces of being cut at all. It’s true that he often walks this way, but he doesn’t Gathering firewood and hunting. The old man tried his best to prevent us from going this way just now. It seems that he was not worried that the flying leopard would not be able to smell it correctly, but that the flying leopard would find the wooden house if it could smell too well. No wonder he didn’t speak all the way. He looked ugly, and I thought he was tired, but now that I think about it, it's too suspicious. He often runs on the mountain, so he should be more physically fit than us."



The two and the dog roared almost at the same time, and Li Chuan also stood up at the same time.

Just as Su Qin was about to get up, Li Chuan stretched out his hand to her. She grabbed Li Chuan's generous hand, clenched it tightly, was pulled by the man forcefully, and pulled up, because the man was too forceful, her nose hit the man's strong chest muscles.

Su Qin rubbed the tip of his nose and said, "Teacher Li, what should I do?"

Li Chuan took out his mobile phone, but the signal was blocked. Where they were, there was no signal. Su Qin and Li Chuan used the same operator's number card, and they also had no signal.

Su Qin's heart tightened, he bit his thumb and jumped on the spot: "According to the distance we came just now, the armed police will take about two hours to get here. The old man will definitely find a way to inform, and we will go back now, twenty minutes It will be there. Let’s go back and report to him now, there is still time.”

"You and Feibao go down the mountain first, and I'll go." Li Chuan put his hand on her shoulder and handed her a self-defense saber, "Go back and be careful."

Su Qin was a little worried about Li Chuan, but she really couldn't help much if she went.

She hugged the man's waist, pressed her cheek against his chest, and said, "Miss Li, be careful, don't push yourself out in case of a situation, and back down at any time."

"En." Li Chuan hugged the back of the girl's head, rubbed it, rubbed his chin against the top of her soft hair, and then let go.

The man squatted down again, beckoned to Feibao, rubbed its dog's head and said, "Protect your boss and take her out of the mountain smoothly."

"Woof!" Feibao stuck out his tongue at the man, panting "Ha Chi Ha Chi".

Before leaving, Su Qin hooked the man's finger and told him again: "Teacher Li, be careful."


Su Qin watched the man disappear at the end of the tree shade before continuing on with Feibao. They had just walked for less than ten minutes when the flying leopard walking in front suddenly stopped, its tail stopped shaking, it stood upright like an iron bar, and froze in place with its teeth bared. Su Qin walked up panting and asked what's wrong with it

Before she could speak, Feibao quickly turned around, bit her pants, and led her to the grass.

Su Qin soon realized that someone was coming ahead, and she quickly followed the flying leopard into the dense forest, where the thick thorns and weeds buried a person and a dog. It just so happened that there was a slope where they hid, and it was difficult for anyone to find out.

Feibao lay beside Su Qin, vigilantly motionless, and Su Qin also held his breath, not daring to move.

After a while, Su Qin heard voices from far to near.

"Damn it, these two policewomen are really pissed off. How the hell do you think you're a policeman? In this barren mountain and wilderness, women still want to fuck us? Oops, I'm exhausted." a man gasped.

"After tonight, we will get rich. Brother Hong said, after completing this batch of transactions, all of us will be able to buy a house! After all, these two female policemen came at the right time, just in time to fill in the heads for us. "

"Okay, okay, hurry up and memorize. I just received a message from Hong Kong brother that the policemen in front have been dealt with, but two ran away, let's be careful on the road."

"I don't believe that those two who ran away dared to come back? We have a lot of people, kill them."

Su Qin hid in the grass. Through the gap, he quickly saw two men walking towards this side. Each of them carried an unconscious policewoman on their backs.

"Xiao Wu, let's take a rest, I'm exhausted."


The two put the policewoman down and sat cross-legged with their backs to Su Qin. Su Qin tried his best to control his accelerated heartbeat and keep himself calm. She hid behind and listened to the general idea.

The two pretended to be townspeople and insisted on crossing this road. Two female policemen stopped them and warned them repeatedly that no one was allowed to enter. But the two men were so stubborn and refused to leave. Taking the two policewomen off guard, they pushed them to the ground and took out towels to cover their mouths and noses.

The skill and physical strength of the two policewomen were far from those of the men, and they passed out before they even had time to draw their guns.

I only heard the two say again:

"Xiao Wu, you said we abducted the policewoman, will you be scolded by Brother Hong when we go back?"

"Aren't policewomen women? Brother Hong Kong hates the police the most, and we are here to avenge him! Besides, if they are sent abroad, so what if they are policemen? It's not working every day. They don't like it. Meddle in your own business, meddle with young girls who have lost their way? Let them experience our hard life. These two female police chiefs are quite beautiful. I will go back later and apply to Brother Hong... huh..."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Su Qin was so disgusted that he almost vomited out. The two policewomen were originally on standby on the mountain road. After they found the cabin, Zhang Zhang asked for the support of the armed police. The two policewomen went to the mountain pass and waited for the armed police to go up the mountain to prevent them from going the wrong way.

The two policewomen had an accident. After the armed police went up the mountain, they faced two forked roads, so they must not know which way to choose.

The two policewomen were thrown on the ground with their backs to Su Qin. She carefully looked at the two unconscious policewomen, and saw that their guns were still in the pouches. Su Qin measured the position with his eyes, about one meter away.

Su Qin put his hand on Feibao's back, and pointed to the pistol that the female policeman wore around her waist.

Feibao understood, and crawled forward while the two men were talking. The two men had rough voices, and there was wind in the forest, which made the leaves rustle, covering up the sound of the flying leopard crawling forward.

As soon as the man's voice stopped, Feibao stopped. As soon as the man opened his mouth to speak, Fei Bao immediately moved forward again on his stomach, and finally came behind the policewoman.

It tore off the pistol leather bag with its mouth, carefully dragged the pistol out, and bit it in its mouth. It had just taken a step back when one of the men turned around and met the flying leopard's piercing eyes.

When the man froze, the flying leopard reacted instantly after a delay, tilted its head, moved its protruding ears, and flirted with the man.

The man didn't react, he was startled, and shrank back, "Damn! Where did the dog come from!"

The other man also reacted, and also shrank back in fright.

Feibao bit his gun, stepped back, and shook his head at the two to be cute. Until it retreated to Su Qin's place, it quickly threw the gun in front of Su Qin. Su Qin lived up to expectations, took the gun and stood up, without any hesitation, fired a few shots at the two of them "bang bang".

Su Qin's tiger's mouth was numb from the shock, and the two shots she fired hit the calf and thigh of the two traffickers respectively. It was the first time in her life that she fired a gun, and after two shots, her hands were shaking.

The two fell to the ground in pain, bleeding continuously, and Fei Bao rushed up, not to be outdone, and bit the necks of the two, biting for a while. Just as he was about to bite off the opponent's neck, Su Qin drank Feibao back.

Seeing that the two men had no room to fight back, Su Qin knelt down and patted the policewoman's face respectively. Their bodies reacted a little, but they didn't wake up or open their eyes.

Su Qin asked Feibao: "Brother Feibao, do you have any urine?"


Su Qin pointed at the policewoman's face and said, "Hush, here."

Feibao immediately understood what she meant, walked over wagging his tail, and pissed on the faces of the two policewomen respectively.

The dog's urine was scalding and hot, and they sucked it from the nose into the throat, choked and coughed, and gradually woke up. The two female police officers were limp and limp at the moment because they had inhaled too much coma-causing drugs, and they couldn't use their limbs at all.

One of the policewomen glanced at the two traffickers lying in a pool of blood, and then at the little girl: "What... what's going on?"

Su Qin took out his mobile phone from the trafficker's pocket. Sure enough, the mobile phones of these bastards had a signal in the deep mountains. Su Qin told the two policewomen the news he had just heard from the traffickers, and handed them the phone, asking them to report their location and current situation to their superiors.

When the policewoman hung up the phone, Su Qin asked, "How is it? When will you be over there?"

"They're going the wrong way."


The policewoman leaned against the tree, took a breath and said, "The situation is different now. The armed police forest force helicopter detachment has been dispatched to carry out this mission. They have successfully located Officer Zhang's mobile phone, and they probably delineated the crime scene." Molecular base, don't worry."

After a moment of silence, Su Qin returned the gun to the policewoman: "I'll help you hide in the woods. These two people were shot, their necks were also bitten by a dog, and they lost a lot of blood. They should have no ability to resist. Two sisters, you first Rest here."

"What about you?" the policewoman asked her.

Su Qin frowned and said: "Officer Zhang and your other colleagues have an accident. If my boyfriend is found after he goes, he will run into the woods and hide. It's so big here, I'm afraid he will get lost, so I have to take the flying leopard to find him. "

The policewoman stopped her: "Little girl, don't worry, wait here with us first."

"No, I can't sit still. He went up the mountain because of me, and I must ensure his safety!" Su Qin got up, taking the flying leopard with him.

Before Su Qin left, he found some branches to cover them, and he left after making sure he couldn't see them standing on the path. Before she left, she took one of the traffickers' guns and a mobile phone suitable for use in the mountains.

Zhang Zhang and the others had already had an accident, and it was probably too late when Li Chuan went there. It is unlikely that he would go to rescue people alone, so he should also be hiding nearby. Su Qin followed the flying leopard back to the cabin. She lay down on the hillside and looked down. The scene below terrified her.

The four policemen, including Zhang Zhang, were tied up and thrown into the pond. The part below the chest was submerged in water. On the edge of the pond, there were about 20 criminals and eight dogs surrounding them.

Brother Gang pointed a gun at Zhang Zhang and smiled wickedly, but the distance was too far, and Su Qin couldn't hear what they were saying. Brother Gang grabbed Zhang Zhang's head, drowned him in the water, and even took a knife to cut blood on his flesh.

Su Qin was lying on the hillside, like a basin of ice water being poured from the top of her head, icy cold to the bone.

These bastards are really fucking inhuman!

She took out her gun and pointed it at Brother Gang's head. She is short-sighted and can't use a gun, so she can't aim at all. Just as she was trying to aim, someone beside her got down on the ground, and she was so frightened that she had a conditioned reflex to grab the opponent.

Seeing that it was Li Chuan, Su Qin's heart immediately sank when he raised his throat.

She let out a breath, pointed the gun down, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, I almost went off!"

Li Chuan took the gun from her hand and asked her: "What happened to you? Where did this gun come from?"

Su Qin told Li Chuan what happened just now, his heart was still beating "chug", and it was difficult to calm down.

Li Chuan touched her head and said in a low voice, "Then wait and see."

"Can Teacher Zhang survive?" Su Qin looked in the direction of Zhang Zhang, even the water was stained red by his blood.

"We are alone and weak, and we have no chance of winning if we go down. I am not very good at using guns. There is a distance of more than ten meters here, and I can't guarantee that the guns can be hit." While speaking, Li Chuan skillfully took off the magazine , After looking at the bullet inside, he clicked the magazine back again. He frowned and said, "It's too bad, there are only three bullets in it."

Seeing Li Chuan's proficiency in handling guns, Su Qin found it incredible. She didn't bother to ask the man why he played with guns, but silently prayed in her heart that the regulations could survive.

Before her prayer was over, Zhang Zheng was dragged ashore, lying on the ground with his hands pressed to the ground. Brother Gang squatted down, and the blade gestured above his arm, intending to chop off his hand.

Li Chuan frowned, and aimed at Brother Gang, he asked Su Qin in a low voice: "Susu, are you afraid?"

"No." She shook her head and clenched her fists, expressing that she was not afraid.

She knew that Li Chuan's shot would definitely expose them. But if this shot was not fired, Zhang Zhang's hands would be chopped off, and they couldn't wait for the armed police to arrive.

For a policeman, he can be injured, but not disabled. Zhang Zhang is a policeman, he saved so many people, he shouldn't have this ending, and she shouldn't let him have this ending.

Su Qin asked Li Chuan again: "Mr. Li, are you afraid?"

"Life and death are together, very romantic." The corners of Li Chuan's lips twitched, with a hint of sweetness.

Su Qin didn't know that there were other meanings in his words, and neither did she. What Li Chuan meant was: they died together in the previous life, if they can still die together in this life, it would be very romantic.

Just when Gang Ge's knife was about to fall, just when Zhang Zhang thought he was about to finish playing, there was a "bang" sound, and the shot hit Brother Gang's ear, and the flesh and blood splattered everywhere.

Brother Gang was shot in the ear, and his wrist trembled due to the severe pain, and the machete fell to the ground.

Flying Leopard's sharp ears trembled in fright from the gunshot, and he thrust his mouthpiece into Su Qin's armpit, and yelled "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Su Qin touched its head to comfort it, making it emotionally stable.

Brother Gang covered his ears and yelled "ah", while his subordinates looked around for the direction of shooting. Because there are dense forests all around, it is difficult to determine the location. They released six dogs, and as soon as the leashes of these six dogs were loosened, they all rushed towards Su Qin and the others at the same time.

Su Qin released Feibao, intending to let Feibao lead the group of dogs away.

Flying Leopard jumped out of the dense forest, rushed towards the six fierce dogs, braked halfway and turned back, leading the six dogs to run circles on the slope.

Brother Gang covered his ears, and the people below bandaged him in a hurry. Just when the people below were about to shoot the flying leopard, Brother Gang kicked the person who was about to shoot away: "That's the flying leopard! You don't have fucking eyes!"

The subordinate who was about to shoot put away his gun with an innocent face, scratched his head and said, "Brother Hong... I'm lame, I'm lame."

Brother Gang's ears were covered, and he endured the severe pain and yelled "Flying Leopard". Feibao immediately braked, turned back, and rushed towards Brother Gang, wagging its tail and pricking up its ears.

Su Qin looked at the flying leopard's tail wagging like a small whirlwind, and choked up speechlessly: "This guy, betrayed?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that big dog plunged into Brother Gang's arms like a big baby who had been separated from her father for many years.

Brother Gang caught Feibao, he couldn't speak freely, and when he opened his mouth, his ears that were shattered by bullets felt like burning pain. He was good at stroking the flying leopard's dog's head.

Feibao rested his mouthpiece on the man's shoulder, and looked at the people around him with arrogant eyes. Then he yelled "Wow, woof" at the man who was about to shoot it just now.

The group of dogs behind it also recognized the flying leopard's scent and wagged their tails.

— Yo. Panther is back!

Brother Gang endured the severe pain in his ears and asked Feibao, "Who fired the shot? Where is it?"

Su Qin Lichuan hid on the eastern hillside, while the flying leopard yelled "Wow, woof, woof" towards the west hillside. They immediately went west with their dogs to search.

Brother Gang was taken back into the house, and Fei Bao also followed him dog-leggedly, licking Brother Gang's hand non-stop to show his affection.

Flying Leopard is smart, Brother Hong has kept it by his side for so many years, not to mention his affection, he must be reluctant to let go of such a good dog. Now that the dog is here, it must have been brought by the police.

Those stupid policemen actually took his dog on a mission? Oh, courting death.

He covered his ear that was shattered by bullets, his eyes were stern. This revenge must be reported.

At this moment, there was the sound of helicopters hovering above the wooden house, and a huge rumbling sound swept across the entire small valley. Wang Zhen rushed in from the outside and said in a panic, "No, the police are here!"

Brother Gang sat up from the bed almost reflexively, took the gun from under the pillow, rushed out, looked at the helicopter outside, and immediately ran towards the room where the hostages were held.