Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 57: flying leopard


Charter and their group of criminal police are mainly responsible for cracking missing persons cases. The traffickers are cunning. They did not expect that this group of people would be equipped with guns and other dangerous items. Their group had no actual combat experience in exchanging fire with more than a dozen gunmen.

Zhang Zhang, the oldest policeman in their team, has only fired a single shot after working for more than ten years, and that shot was shot at Boing when Wang Zhen and Hong Kong were arrested last time.

Not to mention the two policewomen who were stunned in the same team, they couldn't shoot casually. At that time, the two gangsters pretended to be townspeople, and they couldn't even draw their guns on the people without knowing it. By the time the two policewomen reacted and fought with them, it was too late. In addition, they were not as good as each other in terms of physical fitness and skill, and they were defeated miserably.

When they set out on a mission, they thought it was an ordinary human trafficking case, but they didn't expect to get a hornet's nest. I thought there were only three people on the other side, but I didn't expect that there were more than a dozen or twenty people, and even all of them were holding guns.

They were betrayed by the old man who led the way. The old man secretly exposed the location where they were hiding and observing under the pretext of "relief". The gang released ferocious dogs to besiege. Zhang Zhang's colleague was bitten by the leg of the ferocious dog, and some colleagues were pointed to the head with a gun by the gangster. He was concerned about the safety of his teammates and was forced to surrender.

The other party has a large number of people, and the four policemen are not opponents at all. Xu Hang and Bai Yu didn't have firearms to defend themselves, and their physical bodies were not strong enough to fight against firearms, so they had to save their lives first and escape while taking advantage of the chaos. They ran into the dense forest, jumped into the deep pool, and avoided the tracking of the fierce dogs by using the interference of the current.

When Li Chuan arrived, it was already a step late, the scene was chaotic and there were bloodstains. He hid aside and observed that four policemen were tied up and thrown into the pond to soak. The gangsters humiliated them and were not in a hurry to kill them.

He didn't expect that Su Qin would come back with a gun.

Li Chuan shook his head helplessly, there are some things that he can't escape, and neither can she. It turns out that no matter how careful they are, they will still encounter things that ordinary people will not encounter. This is probably their inescapable fate in this life.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the helicopters of the nearby Armed Police Forest Force were used.

The Armed Police Forest Force is mainly responsible for forest fire prevention and fire fighting tasks. There are no snipers in their team, so they first pick up the special forces members who got lost in the forest.

The helicopter hovered in the sky, and the armed police used ropes to descend quickly and form a formation to besiege the cabin.

The gangsters outside saw that there were armed police besieging them, and the other party pointed guns at them again, trembling. Some people shot without knowing their life and death, and were immediately killed by the sniper. Twenty gangsters were forced to retreat.

The four policemen who were soaked in the pond were rescued, and they were taken to the helicopter. Because of their serious injuries, the helicopter took off again to send them out of the mountain for treatment.

During the shootout, eight gangsters threw their guns and hugged their heads to express their surrender. More than a dozen gangsters rose up to resist and followed Wang Zhen and Brother Gang to the cabin where the hostages were held.

They hid in the cabin, came out again, took a hostage by hand, pointed their guns at the hostage, and signaled the armed police not to act rashly.

There was a gun battle outside, Su Qin and Li Chuan hid in the dense forest on the slope, not daring to approach. Su Qin looked at the scene outside the cabin, grabbed a handful of soil under his palm, and said angrily: "This group of scum."

Li Chuan also frowned.

Among the fifteen hostages pulled out, there were boys and girls, and Wang Feihang was among them. Among the hostages, there were even little girls and boys under the age of eight.

Seeing that Su Qin's hands were shaking, Li Chuan held her hand to comfort her. Looking at the children whose heads were being pressed with guns, Li Chuan was shocked. It turns out that human nature can reach such a level.

Su Qin said with a trembling voice, "Where did they get the guns from?"

Li Chuan told her: "Shatu Town is close to the border, and there are many underground black transactions. They buy guns from Shatu Town. Although they can't bring them into the city, they can bring them into the mountains."

A little girl was so frightened that a gun was pressed to her temple that she burst into tears. She gasped and said, "Uncle policeman, save me, save me."

When the little girl cried like this, the others also started to sob.

The police communicated with the other party with a loudspeaker: "You let go of the hostages, and you will be given a lighter sentence if you surrender!"

After a round of persuasion by the police, some of the underlings loosened up and looked at each other in blank dismay. With so many policemen, can they escape successfully today

Brother Gang pointed a gun at Wang Feihang's head, and said, "Fuck you, take it lightly, I'm going to fight you today! Brothers, don't listen to these police officers! If you want to go to jail or be shot, follow me!" The police go, those who want to make a fortune follow me! Those policemen in front, listen to me! Prepare a ransom, 20 million! Prepare a helicopter for us, and no monitoring equipment is allowed on it, otherwise, these hostages will not Want to live! If you don’t want to, you will die! If your police cannot keep these hostages, I will see how you will explain to the people you serve!”

The armed police leading the team frowned and stabilized the opponent's emotions: "Don't be impulsive, as long as you guarantee the safety of the hostages, we are willing to your request. I will report to the higher authorities right away and prepare the ransom and the helicopter."

The captain contacted the higher-ups to stabilize the gangster's mood. At the same time, the command center is also drawing up a battle plan.

The current situation is very complicated. Fifteen hostages have guns on their heads, and there are only two snipers participating in the battle. It is impossible for them to snipe more than a dozen gangsters from a long distance at the same time.

Flying Leopard wagged its tail and circled around Brother Gang. It didn't know what was going on, and didn't understand why those police uncles didn't come up to catch these villains. He shuttled between a group of gangsters and human traffickers like a gangster, stopped in front of Wang Feihang, raised his dog's head, and patted his knee with his paw.

The boy who lived in the ivory tower had only seen this battle on TV, but now that he experienced it himself, tears rolled out of his fright, and his limbs trembled uncontrollably. He looked down at the flying leopard, and was comforted by the dog, his heart dropped instantly, as if he wasn't so scared anymore.

Several other dogs also squatted in a row, full of majesty.

Brother Hong saw that the police did not reply for a long time, thinking that they were delaying time, he said angrily: "Within thirty minutes! If I can't see the helicopter and the money, none of these hostages will be able to live!"

The captain told the other party: "Our police is not a bank, and it takes time to raise money. Besides, even if a helicopter comes in from the outside, it will take more than an hour. Just wait patiently. As long as you guarantee the safety of the hostages, the money and the helicopter will definitely be given to you." delivered."

Hong Kong brother: "Don't think I don't know what tricks you policemen are playing! Thirty minutes! If you haven't delivered the things within thirty minutes, we will start shooting the hostages. There are fifteen hostages here, every ten minutes , shoot one, you figure it out!"

If they hadn't had hostages in their hands, the captain would have shot and "chug" them. This group of scumbags, who are engaged in human trafficking, dare to threaten the police!

Su Qin grasped Li Chuan's hand nervously, his palm was covered with sweat: "It must be too late."

"Well. According to the speed of the AH-64 Apache, it is 293 kilometers per hour. They borrowed the helicopter of the Armed Forest Force to carry out the mission. If the helicopter came from Yunyang, it would take forty minutes. The hostage ransom is two Don't worry, the police and the families of these children may not be able to collect so much money in 40 minutes." Li Chuan took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call, but there was no signal.

Su Qin handed him the phone he had found from the gangster: "Teacher Li, use this."

Li Chuan glanced at Su Qin, and took the phone from her. He called Panda and asked Panda to prepare a ransom of more than 20 million yuan, and then borrowed his family's helicopter.

Sangzao Town is close to the airport, and there are many private airports nearby. Panda’s helicopter airport is also nearby, and it takes at most ten minutes to drive here.

When Panda received the call and heard that he wanted to borrow a helicopter, he said, "Boss, it's not me bragging with you, our Xiao Zhi, that's—"

Li Chuan interrupted him: "Remember to bring twenty million cash."

"Twenty million?" The pandas were all shocked: "Oh my god, boss, do you know how much twenty million is? More than two hundred kilograms! I brought so much money here in a helicopter, why? You want to be in the sky Sprinkling money? Such a large amount, you transfer money, what kind of cash are you doing?"

Li Chuan frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "You prepare the helicopter first."

"Fuck, what happened to the boss? You were kidnapped?" Panda looked worried, feeling that something was wrong with Li Chuan, and wanted to call the police.

Li Chuan said in a low voice: "I'm fine, just give the things to my people."

Panda: "But I'm not over there... Don't worry, boss, I will lend you the helicopter! I'll call my cousin right away, he just happens to be over there!"

Before hanging up the phone, Li Chuan roughly told him the purpose of this helicopter, maybe the meat bun beats the dog, never returns.

The panda was silent for a while before saying: "Human life is at stake." He paused and said: "If you destroy it, you will pay me!"

"Okay. You are on standby first. When you transfer money to them later, you find a way to hack their accounts."

"Okay boss, no problem."

Li Chuan called another retired special soldier named Wu Yang who was also stationed in Sangzao Town. Wu Yang received the news, and immediately went to the airport to reunite with Panda's cousin.

After doing all these well, Li Chuan stood up, and Su Qin also stood up. When he called just now, Su Qin heard clearly the whole process. The man not only borrowed the helicopter, but also arranged for someone to fly the plane over. She asked him suspiciously: "Mr. Li, why does the person who works for you still fly a helicopter?"

"The people who work for Teacher Li have more unexpected things. I don't feel relieved that you are here alone, do you want to go down with me?" Li Chuan asked her.

Su Qin lowered his head, and clenched the man's generous hand with his small hand. She hummed, raised her eyes again, and looked at him firmly: "Mr. Li, don't be afraid, we are a couple, right? It is the most basic thing to be in the same boat through thick and thin. Let's go, let's go down together.",

Li Chuan pulled her into his arms and hugged her, then let go of her immediately, and pulled her down the slope. They stayed outside the safety line, Li Chuan let go of Su Qin, let her hold the gun, and hide behind the big rock.

Su Qin squatted down behind the stone, carefully looking at the scene outside.

Li Chuan walked up to the captain, asked for the loudspeaker in the captain's hand, and said to the brother in front of him, "I will prepare the helicopter and the money you want. But 20 million cash is not easy to carry, so we will go by transfer." To your overseas account, what do you think?"

Brother Gang recognizes Li Chuan, although he doesn't know why he is here, but if he promises to give the money, he will definitely get the money. After waiting for ten minutes, there was indeed a helicopter hovering in the sky. It was smaller than the police helicopter, but it was enough. Indeed, 20 million cash is not easy to carry. It is indeed much more convenient if it is transferred.

Li Chuan pointed to the helicopter above his head and said: "The things have been delivered to you, 20 million, you give me the account number, and I will have someone transfer it to you immediately."

Brother Gang asked Wang Zhen to go to the room to get the laptop, opened his overseas online banking, and reported the account number to him. Li Chuan sent the account number to Panda, dialed his phone and said, "Panda, transfer the money."

"Okay!" Panda put the phone aside with the hands-free on, and tapped on the keyboard. A series of codes flashed quickly on the screen, breaking through the other party's system in a few minutes.

After all, he is a well-known hacker in China, and he quickly breached the network protection.

Wang Zhen stared at the computer. After receiving the 20 million transfer, she couldn't hide her joy on her face, and said excitedly: "20 million! It's in the account!"

Probably because he had never seen so much money in his life, Brother Hong's face twitched so badly that his ears started to bleed. He raised his hand to wipe it, endured the severe pain and led the hostage towards the helicopter.

Wu Yang parked the helicopter in an open space to the east, and it took about three minutes to walk from the cabin.

A group of gangsters moved in that direction with the hostages, and when they reached the helicopter, someone asked Brother Gang: "Brother Gang, this thing can only seat four people, what should we do?"

"Woof!" The dogs seemed to realize something, and barked at Brother Gang.

Brother Hong ordered: "Let them all go."

The subordinates looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Gang Ge's plans were, but since he was the boss, they could only obey his orders and let go of the hostages. The released hostages immediately ran back to the safety line, and the strong armed police lined up to block them behind, making it airtight.

All the hostages except Wang Feihang were released.

Su Qin waved to them: "Everyone hide behind the stone."

Bullets have no eyes, once the two sides engage in battle, there is no guarantee that innocent people will be injured. The place where Su Qin and the others hid was a sunken earth pit with stones on it as a cover, so it was very safe. Hiding here is safer than hiding in the jungle. After all, no one can guarantee whether there are any accomplices of these gangsters in the jungle.

Wu Yang jumped off the helicopter, and Su Qin saw it clearly. The person working for Li Chuan is actually Instructor Wu Yang

Su Qin recalled that during the school's military training, Instructor Wu Yang Wu and Instructor Xu Hang did not get along. Why do they both work for Li Chuan now? The retired special forces organization she saw in her dream included both Wu Yang and Xu Hang, but why was it such a coincidence? They all work for Teacher Li

Brother Gang threw the hostage in his hand to Wang Zhen, and pointed his gun at Wu Yang: "You, get lost!"

Wu Yang raised his hands calmly, stepped back, stopped in front of Li Chuan, and said in a low voice, "Boss, what should I do?"

"Not moving for now. Is Xu Hang in touch?"

Wu Yang shook his head: "No news."

The captain said to Brother Gang: "The helicopter is given to you, and the money is also given to you. You will release the hostage soon!"

Brother Hong sneered: "You really think I'm stupid? I've released the hostages now, and you will let us go? Twenty fourteen hostages, here you are. I will not release this hostage now, and it is impossible to release them." We will release him when we get out of the country safely."

The captain said angrily, "How can we trust you?"

"You don't have to believe me, you can choose not to believe it, you can choose to blow my head off, and take a gamble to see if his head will blow off first or mine first!" Brother Gang boarded the plane first, and Fei Leopard then jumped onto the assistant board. driving position. Wang Zhen also climbed into the helicopter with Wang Feihang.

Brother Gang slowly started the helicopter, and the propellers began to rotate, which drove the nearby airflow and caused the trees to sway.

The subordinates left behind by Brother Gang tried to climb onto the helicopter, but were kicked down by Wang Zhen. Realizing that they were left behind, the people below wanted to drag the couple off the helicopter and cut them to pieces. They were left behind, unable to escape, but to drop their guns and surrender.

Several dogs followed them and sat down obediently.

There were only three people and a dog on the helicopter, and only Wang Zhen had a gun in his hand. Before the helicopter rose, the sniper prepared to aim at Wang Zhen's head.

As soon as Wang Zhen lowered her head, she was shot in the head. Wang Feihang reacted quickly and immediately opened the door of the helicopter to jump down. Before he had time to jump out of the plane, Hong Kong brother in the driver's seat grabbed his collar and dragged him back. The helicopter fell down and then rose up suddenly, causing a huge swing.

At this moment, Feibao rushed over and bit Brother Gang's neck, his lower teeth were ruthless.

Wang Feihang took advantage of this gap to jump off the helicopter. Since the helicopter had already ascended more than ten meters, he fell from this height and fell dizzy, hugging his leg bones and crying.

On the plane, Feibao was still fighting with Brother Gang. Brother Gang was so strong that his punch landed on the dog's head, but Feibao didn't let go.

At this moment, what flashed in Feibao's mind was the picture of this man insulting Boeing, the picture of this man beating and scolding Boeing. It is also the picture of this man hurting Zhang Zhang and trying to cut off Zhang Zhang's arm.

It was a dog, once a desperate dog like them. But it never wants to hurt anyone, it just wants to live a good life with Boing, eat a bowl of dog food with Boing, and sleep in a warm kennel.

It followed Su Qin and knew that people have good and evil. And these villains will forcibly separate a pair of affectionate dogs, and will forcibly separate the babies of the dogs.

If the dogs are disobedient, they will break the dogs' legs, goug out their eyes... They will sell the female dogs abroad to mate for a fee, with many, many male dogs, even if these male dogs have rabies, They also force bitches to mate.

As long as Feibao substitutes these into himself and the bitch into Boeing, he will only hate the man in front of him, and just want to bite off the man's neck. The gap between the teeth of the flying leopard was filled with blood, and the whole body was boiling hot. When a certain desire was released, the teeth sank deeper and deeper. It didn't let go until the man's neck artery was bitten and broke, and he stopped struggling.

The flying leopard was still on the helicopter, Su Qin didn't care about anything else, and ran after the helicopter.

There was a loud bang, and the helicopter crashed into the woods. Due to the low altitude, although the helicopter was damaged, it did not explode.

The armed police chased Su Qin together, but Su Qin was blocked by the armed police a few meters away from the helicopter, preventing her from passing. Su Qin stretched his neck and shouted towards the inside: "Flying Leopard! Flying Leopard!"

no respond.

Usually, as soon as she called its name, the dog immediately greeted her wagging its tail.

Su Qin recalled the bravery of Feibao to lure the gangsters away for them just now, and pretended to surrender, pretending to report their direction to the gangsters. This dog has been helping them from beginning to end, and even played Infernal Affairs.

Once Su Qin thought that something might happen to it, his heart ached and he couldn't breathe. She wanted to rush forward, but was hugged by Li Chuan, not letting her go. Biting her lip and holding back her tears, she looked inside the helicopter until two armed police officers carried Brother Gang's body out.

After checking, an armed policeman said: "Captain, he is dead. The main artery was bitten off and he lost too much blood."

Immediately afterwards, the flying leopard was carried out.

The dog's hair was sticky and bloody, and his eyes were closed. Su Qin couldn't control it anymore, pushed Li Chuan away and rushed over, kneeling in front of the flying leopard, not daring to touch it for fear of hurting it. She poked Fei Leopard's belly with her finger, and whispered softly in its ear twice: "Fei Leopard? Flying Leopard?"

no response.

Su Qin didn't even respond to calling it a few times, his hands couldn't stop shaking with fright, he couldn't control his emotions, and tears came out of his eyes. She put one hand on the flying leopard's belly, bent down, and put her cheek against its dog's nose, warm tears fell on the paparazzi's nose.

Although she hadn't been with Feibao for long, her relationship with Feibao was real.

When it was cold, she put her feet on its belly to keep warm. She pretended to hit Boeing, and he would show his teeth and get angry at her when he was stingy. When she is unhappy, Flying Leopard and Boing will pat her knee with their fur paws to comfort her.

Bit by bit, enough to warm your heart. She didn't know how to explain to Boing after she went back, and she didn't know how sad Boing would be after losing the flying leopard.

The helicopter of the armed police hovered in the air for a while and then landed. Li Chuan knelt down beside her, put his arm around her shoulder and said, "Susu, let's go."

Su Qin's tears couldn't stop flowing, his cheek was pressed against Feibao's dog nose, and he was unwilling to leave no matter what.

Suddenly, Feibao sneezed.

Su Qin was taken aback. She straightened up, raised her eyes and asked Li Chuan: "Mr. Li, did you hear that?"

"Huh? Hear what?" Li Chuan was puzzled.

Feibao slowly opened his eyes and looked at Su Qin. It moved its body and finally recovered, looking at Su Qin blankly.

Su Qin picked up its mouth tube in the palm of his hand, gently stroked the dog hair on its mouth, and cried uncontrollably: "Flying Leopard, you scared me to death, why don't you learn to pretend to be dead?"

Feibao still looked blank, as if Su Qin didn't call its name.

On the helicopter, the flying leopard huddled in Su Qin's arms tremblingly. Its small eyes were full of bewilderment, as if it was full of curiosity about the world.

Yunyang Pet Hospital.

Su Qin and Li Chuan waited for about forty minutes outside the operation before the doctor came out.

As soon as the door of the operating room opened, Su Qin rushed up and asked, "How about the doctor? Is it all right?"

"Minor concussion, it's okay. With this level of concussion, there may be short-term amnesia. You may call it's name, but it will not respond, and it may forget that you are its family. But it doesn't matter, the relationship will continue. Cultivate it slowly, call it by its name more these days, call it when you have nothing to do, try to let it know its name."

"Amnesia?" Su Qin was full of doubts: "Dogs... can also lose their memory?"

The doctor nodded and said, "Of course, dogs also have brains. Its inner thigh injury is serious, and it has been stitched several times, but everything else is fine. I will prescribe some medicine for you, and spray it on the wound if it's okay. When the wound is healed, come and remove the stitches. This dog has a brain injury and lacks a sense of security. It is time for love and care, so you take it home and take good care of it.”

Su Qin: "...OK."

Su Qin and Li Chuan sent Fei Leopard home, and went to the Municipal People's Hospital to visit Zhang Zhang and them.

Xu Hang and Bai Yu had also left the mountain. They were only bitten by a dog, so there was nothing serious about them. Zhang Zhang and an old colleague of his were the most seriously injured.

There were more than a dozen knife marks on Zhang Zhang's body, and a piece of flesh on the body of an old criminal policeman in his forties was torn off by a dog.

When they went, Zhang Zhang's wounds had been healed, and he was lying on the hospital bed enjoying his mother's feeding.

Zhang Zhang's old mother whispered a mantra in his ear, threatening him: If you don't resign, you will commit suicide!

When he saw Li Chuan coming in, he seemed to see a savior: "Old Li, hurry up! Save me quickly! My body and soul are suffering a lot!"

Li Chuan walked over and nodded to Zhang Cheng's mother: "Aunt Bao, let me have a chat with Zhang Cheng?"

Zhang Cheng's mother put down the soup bowl and said to Li Chuan with red eyes: "Chuan Chuan, you must tell Cheng Cheng well. You and Cheng Cheng grew up together, and you two are like brothers. He will listen to what you say. You help auntie persuade him, you look at his injuries? I heard that his hand was almost chopped off by gangsters today."

The woman patted her chest and said: "Auntie has such a heart, I can't bear his tossing around like this. Auntie has only one seedling in his house. You can help Auntie persuade him."

Zhang Zhang looked unhappy: "Mom, can you leave me alone? Am I fine? Is it okay? Didn't I come back alive!"

Zhang's mother turned to look at him and said angrily: "You are ashamed to say, how did you promise me at the beginning? You said that you are handling simple cases of missing persons, there will be no danger, and you will never draw a gun. Don't you I thought I didn’t know, those colleagues of yours were almost beaten into holes, and your little white hands were almost cut off! You’re not investigating missing persons, you’re fighting against terrorists! Do you still want to let Mom is alive? What if they retaliate? Does your old mother still live?"

Su Qin stood behind Li Chuan and looked at the "old mother" Zhang Cheng. She was wearing a famous brand, her hair was waist-length and wavy, and her skin was fair and beautiful. Although there were signs of aging in the corners of her eyes, her overall temperament was young, so she couldn't match the "old mother" Above, it looks like Zhang Zhang's sister.

Zhang's mother squeezed out two tears and sobbed in front of Zhang Zhang: "I have worked so hard to bring you up so much, you are good, leave me and your father, and come to be a policeman. If you lose your arms and legs, have you thought about it?" Have you lived with my old mother and the old father at home? Have you ever thought about who will die for us in the future? Huh?"

Charter: " are too much. How old are you? You look like a twenty-year-old girl. How old are you?"

Zhang Cheng's mother suddenly stopped crying, covered her face, and asked him in a low voice, "Really, son?"

Li Chuan also helped his brother coax the old mother: "Aunt Bao, don't say you are old anymore." He raised his hand to Su Qin who was behind him, "You look younger than this little girl, why are you so old? I don't know. , you are sister Zhang Zhang."

"Really?" This made her happy, and she said, "Okay, the company still has something to do, I'll go back and deal with it first. Chuanchuan, please help me persuade Chengcheng, Ang. The family business is still so big. Waiting for him to inherit, he can't be a policeman all his life."

"Okay." Li Chuan smiled at her: "Aunt Bao, go and do your work first, leave this to us."

When his mother left, Zhang Cheng exhaled and said "Oh my god" with emotion: "My old mother is really the reincarnation of Tang Seng. Hey, my ears are finally quiet."

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?" Su Qin asked him, gesturing at his chest, "Will your scars be left here?"

"What are men afraid of having scars? Don't be afraid, men with scars are the most handsome!" Zhang Zhang said with a long breath, "Lao Li, thank you today. If it weren't for you, my hands would be gone."

Li Chuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's fine."

"Our informants have already submitted evidence, and now it is estimated that colleagues have gone to the bar in Sangzao Town to arrest people. Speaking of these informants, they are really strange things in the informant world. They took risks for the police, but they did not accept them. A reward from the police. There are not many such informants now." Zhang Zhang thought of something, and asked Li Chuan: "Do you know that Xu Hang?"


Zhang Zhang looked at the harmless little girl behind Li Chuan again: "Su Qin, I heard you shot today?"

"Well. Teacher Li and I will go back to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow to explain the situation." Su Qin said.

Zhang Zhang let out a sigh of relief: "It's also fortunate that everyone's life is not in danger, otherwise, this time, I will bear the blame. In fact, even if the old mother doesn't make trouble, I should take the blame and resign. This time, it was my mistake in leading the team that caused everyone to be injured. .”

Su Qin: "Mr. Zhang, you can't say that. You have made meritorious service this time. This incident has had a great impact. It took down an entire den of thieves. Sangzao Town should vigorously rectify it. These are all thanks to you Ah. After this incident and other media break out, you will definitely become a hero in the city."

Zhang Zhang shook his head: "The higher authorities decided to vigorously suppress this matter. I didn't have the opportunity to publish in the newspaper. I still have to write a review. In this incident, 15 hostages almost died, and they also lost 20 million in ransom and a helicopter. Propaganda, how big will the citizens' complaints be? Whose inaction? Now that the new secretary of the municipal party committee of Yunyang has just taken office, the new official has three fires. If this incident arouses public complaints and has a huge impact, the secretary of the municipal party committee will definitely take down The person with the knife."

"They didn't do well, why don't they let people tell? If no media dare to speak out, then I will post on the Internet!" Su Qin frowned and said: "This matter must be exposed. Sangzao Town is so rampant, it must be the same as the above Those officials are involved."

Zhang Zhang looked at the passionate little girl in front of him, and clicked his tongue: "You post? Just label you a rumor, who will believe you? You post an article, and they delete it. You little girl, what are you doing?" So impulsive? Do you know who you are against? You, a little girl, can use those thick wrists? Unless your father is the secretary of the municipal party committee, unless you stand in front of the secretary of the municipal party committee and explain the ins and outs of this matter clearly, otherwise... Hehe .”

Li Chuan patted the girl's head reassuringly, and said in a low voice: "Okay, I'll find a solution to this matter. It's already late, Zhang Zhang needs to rest, and I'll take you home."

"Yes." Su Qin left the hospital feeling lost.

On the way back, she stared at the city lights outside the car window in a daze, dazed, thinking about today's events, thinking about many things.

The exposure of this kind of thing will indeed cause panic among the citizens, but if it is not exposed, how can the people's grievances be used to promote the rectification of Sangzao Town? Although that group of people were taken away again and their vitality was seriously injured, it doesn't mean that they won't make a comeback.

After the transfer station was taken over last time, this time it actually got worse. If there is no support here, Su Qin would not believe it.

Li Chuan sent Su Qin downstairs, hugged her, patted the back of her head to comfort her and said, "Go to bed early, and I will pick you up tomorrow to go to the Public Security Bureau to record a statement."


Su Qin left the man's arms, just turned around, the man hooked her fingers and pulled her back.

She looked at the man suspiciously. Seeing a smile on the corner of his lips, watery eyes in his black eyes, a slender finger tapped his lips: "Jelly."

Su Qin let out a "puchi" laugh, as if he hadn't experienced those terrible things today. She stood on tiptoe, gently bit the man's lips, and quickly let go, her voice was very soft: "Li Chuan, you did a great job today. It's because of your twenty million..."

"Do you really think that the panda will give him 20 million transfers? You underestimate the panda." Li Chuan rubbed the back of her head: "Okay, go up and rest, be good."

"? Ah?" Su Qin immediately realized, "It turns out that the panda..."


"But helicopters aren't cheap either?"

"I will apply for a subsidy from the government."

When Su Qin returned home, he found that he had to sleep next to Boeing's flying leopard, but today he was far away from Boeing. Boing moved to its side, and it immediately avoided in disgust.

Boeing: "…"

When Feibao saw Su Qin coming back, he immediately stuck to it. Su Qin entered the bedroom, and it also entered the bedroom. Su Qin sat at the desk and turned on the computer, and Feibao got under the desk, hiding in a safe area protected by Su Qin.

Su Qin turned on the computer and received messages from several old classmates.

Guan Dongdong told her that he was admitted to the rocket class.

Su Qin politely typed a line: "Congratulations."

Because of the late reply, the other party has gone offline.

Yun Fei also announced the good news to her: "Susu, I passed the exam and entered Class 1!"

Su Qin: "Wow, I am very good!"

Meng Sisi: "Su Qin! I actually got the first place in the class this time!"

Su Qin: "Wow, you are awesome too!"

Meng Sisi: "Wow, Su Qin, you are too perfunctory... You actually used the word Ye, who else reported your grades to you?"

Su Qin: "Feifei and Guan Dongdong."

Meng Sisi: "Guan Dongdong? Damn, Su Qin, let me tell you, Guan Dongdong is amazing, don't you know? His father is the newly appointed Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Yunyang City!"

Su Qin: "Huh?"

The author has something to say:

Dogs really lose their memory. Damn, my stupid dog lost his memory after being thrown, he couldn’t understand how to bark... His personality changed drastically...