Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 61: dark web


In fact, blackjack is also about skill. When the staff shuffled the cards, Li Chuan kept staring at the poker. His eyes were good and he memorized the first ten cards. They are not regular gambling, winning or losing is determined in one game, so Li Chuan only memorized the first few cards.

This method is not 100% accurate, but he is sure, especially after the second card is opened, he has strengthened his mind even more.

Of course, this method of memorizing cards is very labor-intensive. You must slow down the action of shuffling the cards in your mind, and then take them out one by one to remember what cards they are. This method is more labor-intensive than Li Chuan writing a dozen difficult codes, which is equivalent to solving several complex arithmetic problems in a few seconds.

Beads of sweat dripped from Li Chuan's forehead due to exhausting too much energy, but his relaxed expression made people ignore the sweat on his forehead. At the moment when his nerves were relaxed, he was a little powerless, in order to conceal his emotions, he turned his head, put his arm on Su Qin's shoulder, and almost spoke against her ear.

"21 o'clock!" Su Qin couldn't restrain his excitement and yelled "Ah", turned around and hugged Li Chuan's face and kissed, "Teacher Li! We are at 21 o'clock!"

There was a lipstick mark on Li Chuan's cheek.

His heart is also slightly relaxed, writing code is much easier than gambling. He turned his face to look at the Japanese, his gentle eyes sharpened instantly, his tone was cold, and he said in Japanese: "Mr. Tanaka, I won."

Kiyoshi Tanaka glanced at his cards, and said in Japanese in disbelief: "How is that possible! You are cheating!"

Li Chuan spread his hands, and said in fluent Japanese: "Mr. Tanaka, don't be bloody. I still know the rules of chopping hands. I don't want to lose my hands for five million. If Mr. Tanaka If there is any objection, adjust the monitoring."

Kiyoshi Tanaka frowned, apparently unconvinced, and let the staff look at the surveillance just now with a "hum".

Five minutes later, the staff came back and whispered in his ear what happened just now. It is true that this Chinese couple did not cheat, and they are indeed so lucky.

Kiyoshi Tanaka slapped the table and got up, and walked towards Su Qin, making Su Qin shrink back in fright.

The Japanese man took off his suit jacket in front of Su Qin, lay down in front of her, and began to do push-ups.

Su Qin was stunned, turned around and asked Li Chuan: "This is it?"

"One of his bets."

After finishing fifty push-ups, the Japanese man got up and stood up straight, and said something to Li Chuan again. Li Chuan narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and said a word in Japanese lightly.

The Japanese man's face was waxy, and his cheeks bulged with anger. But when you enter the casino, you are willing to gamble and admit defeat, and you have to afford to lose any chips. According to the rules of the casino, if someone refuses to accept the account, he will be thrown off the cliff to feed the sharks.

He put his hands on the seams of his trousers, stood up straight, nodded to Su Qin, and said in broken Chinese: "Mom, please forgive me."

Su Qin: "..."

Where does she have such a big son

Li Chuan won a little boy and a million dollars, and took away the dignity of a Japanese man. After getting out of the casino and getting into the car, Su Qin wiped the blood on the little boy's face with a handkerchief, and asked Li Chuan: "So when he went in just now, what did he say? It stimulated you to take me in."

Li Chuan didn't answer, just said: "It's not a good word, it's a word that insults women, it doesn't matter if you don't listen."

Just now when Su Qin was attracted by the little boy to go inside, Kiyoshi Tanaka noticed Su Qin, and felt that this Asian woman had a good face and a red dress, but she was not enchanting, but had a comfortable temperament. It was a woman with a beautiful temperament that men like. He bit his cigar and teased Su Qin with the Yankee next to him, saying that this woman must be good in bed, and then laughed "haha".

In this casino, it is a place that does not care about boundaries, does not care about the life and death of tricksters, no matter what the chips are, and does not care about the safety of those who make trouble.

Li Chuan didn't choose to beat anyone up, so he asked the Japanese man to call Su Qin "Mom".

After returning to the hotel, Su Qin helped the little boy take a bath, but was driven out of the bathroom by Li Chuan. The man picked up his sleeve and frowned and said, "You are a woman, why do you bathe the boy?"

Su Qin heard that someone was jealous, and couldn't laugh or cry: "I can be my fucking age."

Li Chuan: "Can an 18-year-old mother have a 6-year-old son?"

Su Qin was choked, and came out of the bathroom to iron the boy's new clothes, and then heard the boy's piercing screams from the bathroom.

Su Qin thought something had happened, pushed the door open and went in, and saw the little boy in shorts squatting in the corner shivering, looking at Li Chuan like an animal.

"What's wrong? Teacher Li, did you move too much and hurt his wound?"

Li Chuan was still holding the shower nozzle in his hand, and looked at Su Qin with aggrieved expression: "I just undressed him."

The woman is careful and sensitive. When Su Qin saw the old injury on the little boy's body and thought that he bought it from a man, he thought of some bad things. She said: "Miss Li, come out, I'll call the room service and find an aunt to wash it for him."


The aunt from the room service department went into the bathroom, and the little boy was very good, neither crying nor fussing. Su Qin knocked on the bathroom door and stuffed the clothes in through the crack of the door.

Twenty minutes later, the aunt came out of the bathroom with a clean child in new clothes, and the dirt on his face was washed away. Only then did Su Qin discover that this handsome little boy, except for the cracked lips, had the corners of his mouth, eyes, and jaw. There are bruises and old injuries.

Su Qin had asked Assistant Yue to bring the ointment. She carried the little boy to the bed and sat up, and carefully applied the ointment with a cotton swab.

The little boy was in great pain, but his small hands were clenched into fists, resting on his knees, and he gritted his teeth to bear it.

From his return to the present, he was unwilling to say anything they asked.

While giving him medicine, Su Qin sighed to Li Chuan and said, "This kid doesn't say anything when he asks, how can you help him find his parents?"

After finishing speaking, Li Chuan said to the little boy softly in Japanese again: "We are not bad people, we just want to help you find your family. Where is your hometown?"

The little boy still didn't respond.

Su Qin sighed: "It seems that he is unwilling to say anything, Mr. Li, let's send this child back to Japan and let their police help him find his family."

As soon as she finished speaking, the little boy said, "I'm not a little Japanese."

Su Qin was shocked: "You can speak Chinese? Are you Chinese?"

The little boy was resold many times and suffered inhuman torture. A few days ago, he was sold to Kiyoshi Tanaka and was violated and abused. Su Qin asked him if he could remember his parents' phone number and name? He bit his lip and said that he had no parents.

Su Qin asked him, "Where's the guardian? We'll take you back."

"No, don't go back."

Seeing the little boy rejecting the guardian so much, Su Qin and Li Chuan looked at each other and began to wonder if his guardian was bad.

The aunt in the guest room department called Su Qin outside with a solemn face, and communicated with Su Qin in English: "Miss, is that boy yours?"

"My brother, what's the matter, auntie?"

Su Qin's English pronunciation was slightly jerky, but the other party could understand it.

Aunt said: "He..."

After his aunt left, Su Qin was in a heavy heart. The little boy refused to let Li Chuan touch him. As soon as Li Chuan approached, he screamed and shrank into the bed, covering himself in the quilt.

Boing and Feibao also felt the little boy's fearful breath. The two dogs jumped onto the bed, got under the covers, and beat the little boy with their mouthpieces.

Su Qin lifted the quilt, and as soon as he saw the light, the little boy immediately hugged Fei Leopard's neck and looked at her timidly.

Seeing him like this, Su Qin had no choice but to call back the aunt from the room department and ask the aunt to enlighten the little boy and sleep with him at night. The auntie also sympathized with the child's experience. She heard that the boy was rescued by Su Qin Lichuan from the Yadao Casino, so she felt even more sympathetic towards him.

After all, the locals know where it is.

Su Qin and Li Chuan went to the next door, and Feibao and Boing also went to the next door.

Two dogs are resting on the bed. Boing stared at the flying leopard, and patted the flying leopard's hairy paw with his paw, and the flying leopard gave it a hard look.

Boing lowered his eyelids and withdrew his paws in disappointment. As a result, the flying leopard squinted at it and snorted roughly. It didn't let Boing put its claws on the back of its claws, but it put its claws on the back of Boing's claws domineeringly.

Boing trembled, raised his eyes to look at Feibao, and found that this arrogant guy was pretending to be asleep.

These days, Flying Leopard has treated Boeing badly, and it has never complained. Since childhood, Flying Leopard loves and pets it. When there is no food, Flying Leopard will look for food for it when it is hungry. It is hungry, but it wants to give it a bite of food.

When it was injured, Flying Leopard even put down the dignity of a dog and begged for the human being it had never looked down upon.

It remembers the kindness that Feibao treats it. Feibao wanted to "divorce" him, and he was heartbroken and let go of his anger. To anger Feibao, he even went on a blind date with the pony dog downstairs.

But it found that it couldn't hold other dogs in its heart except Flying Leopard.

Flying Leopard didn't forget it on purpose, it wasn't wrong. In the first half of its life, Feibao paid for it, so why can't it pay for Feibao? Boing likes this dog, and thinking of how kind he was to him, he forgave him for all the harm he has done to him recently.

Although Boeing is uncomfortable, but... it can't always make Feibao pay. It doesn't want to be a selfish dog.

The flying leopard's paw pressed against it, making it feel very sweet. Sleep with eyes closed.

Su Qin was sitting on the bed reading a book, Li Chuan came out of the shower, got into the bed to catch her, put his head on the girl's abdomen, and whispered, "I'm very tired."

Su Qin grabbed the man's head with his hands, rubbed his fingertips on the man's face, sighed and said, "Mr. Li, do you know what my aunt called me aside just now?"


Su Qin couldn't speak, and his heart was full of astringency.

At this time, Li Chuan received a call from Panda, he immediately sat up, went to fetch the laptop, and went back to the bed to sit on the pillow.

He put the notebook on his lap and clicked on the address sent by the panda.

One click into this website, and the main page of the section actually sells various contraband.

Arms, women, men, child molestation...

Su Qin's English is average, and Li Chuan can't read the information as quickly as Li Chuan. Before finishing scanning, Li Chuan's page jumps to a personal homepage called "C".

This "C" puts a lot of live videos on the homepage, and most of them are fair-looking boys. In the video, they are naked and shown in the camera like objects, and each has a clearly marked price.

Su Qin glanced, turned his face away, his heart was beating violently. It was as if she had come into contact with a new world, and her three views were completely shattered.

Li Chuan found the video of the little boy, with detailed information on the little boy:

"Chu Zhen, a boy of Chinese nationality, 6 years old, clean and disease-free, price: 200,000 US dollars. Please don't bother me with notes! Don't harass me without sincerity!"

Li Chuan read out these words. When Su Qin heard "200,000 US dollars", she felt a chill in her heart. She was furious and asked Li Chuan: "Is there no one to care about such arrogance of human trafficking? What is this?" What kind of website?"

"Dark net." Li Chuan frowned, turned the computer sideways, trying not to let the little girl see it. He explained: "This website is called the "Deep Web" (deep network), which is a paradise for illegal transactions around the world. Some people anonymously trade drugs, gunpowder, human beings and other items that are prohibited by law. On this website, "people" have It cannot be called a person, but an item with a clearly marked price. In fact, this world is not what it looks like on the surface. It flows deep and has an incredible side. And the Internet that people are familiar with is not what everyone sees. It is peaceful, but there is also an invisible undercurrent. The dark web is a black market trading place that exists in the virtual world. To use a sentence on the Internet: If the Internet we touch is a corner of the shallow sea, but the dark web is hidden deep in the deep sea, experience A parallel Internet world dozens of times larger than it.”

Su Qin remembered. She thought about the dream of her previous life, her family died in a fire, and this fire originated from the revenge of a criminal group. That criminal group live-broadcasted the process of Su Qin's family being revenged and killed on the dark web.

Because Su Qin in his previous life sponsored the retired special forces organization, this criminal group almost collapsed. These animals, which cannot be called human beings, planned to retaliate against the sponsor. Anyone who sponsored the retired special forces organization was planned to be killed.

Almost all of them take advantage of the enemies of their patrons. They promise these enemies of their patrons that they will be safe afterwards and have a bright future. For some patrons who have no enemies, the criminal group waits for them to go abroad before attacking them, and broadcasts the killing process live on the dark web. The methods are cruel.

The people from the criminal group were in charge of planning the live broadcast of the fire, while Lin Xiaoyin and Zhang Xing were in charge of setting the fire.

After Su Qin's family was burned to death, they still showed off on the dark web: a family of three has gained a lot.

It can be seen from the dark net that this little boy has been resold 6 times. Su Qin and Li Chuan did not dare to think about the inhuman torture this boy suffered.

Su Qin went to the balcony to ventilate, and also sent the information he got from Li Chuan to Bai Yu. And Li Chuan also sent the information to his "Bright" organization.

Bai Yu has no mission recently, and is abroad to help the police investigate transnational criminal groups. After the old nest in Sangzao Town was taken away last time, the police followed that line and knocked down dozens of dens across the country. It can even be said that all the dens of transnational human trafficking groups in China have been taken away. They are now in China has cut off the source of purchases, and hates the police in Yunyang City.

All the traffickers were arrested in the forest. No one knew that all this was actually helped by external forces, and no one knew that Li Chuan sponsored the ransom and a helicopter at that time. After the helicopter was damaged, the government compensated half of the maintenance fund, and wanted to publish a report to praise him, but Li Chuan refused.

He didn't ask for a penny of compensation, he only made one request: to protect the information of him and all the personnel involved in the rescue operation that day.

As a result, the personnel who participated in the rescue operation that day, including the police information of the police, were all deleted, and the information of the police and informants who were dispatched that day could not be found in any system.

Bai Yu told Su Qin that he was weak and inconvenient to move, so he cooperated with another anti-trafficking organization called "Guangming". To Bai Yu's surprise, the appearance of these nine people is actually the same as the partner Su Qin drew for him to look for.

The supporters behind "Bright" are rich and powerful. They are no longer a public welfare organization, but more like mercenaries, but what they do is good. The captain of "Brightness" is Xu Hang, and recently Xu Hang, like him, is following the clues of Sangzao Town to help the police destroy the transnational human trafficking syndicate.

Su Qin suffered from insomnia, lying on the bed and opening his eyes until the early morning.

Li Chuan pulled her into his arms, she curled up like a little rabbit, her head pressed against the man's chest, and her face was buried in the quilt.

At two o'clock in the morning, Su Qin poked Li Chuan's chest with his finger. The man didn't fall asleep at all either, so he let out a "hmm" and asked her, "Haven't you slept yet?"

"No." Su Qin sighed and said, "Mr. Li, I'm in pain."

"Huh? Where does it hurt?" Li Chuan turned on the light, lifted the quilt to look at her, and asked nervously, "Where does it hurt? Huh?"

Su Qin was dazzled by the light, half-closed his eyes, looked up to face him and said in a slightly coquettish tone: "Back."

She has a soul in her thirties, but in front of the person she likes, she can't help but behave like a little girl.

The girl turned over and lay face down, pointing weakly at her back and said, "It should be because I have been sitting on the plane for a long time and my back hurts, can Teacher Li pinch it for me?"

Li Chuan lifted the quilt, put his hand on the girl's waist, and asked her, "Is it here?"


The moment he got out of the quilt, Li Chuan was finally liberated. In the quilt, in the same bed as the girl, what lingers on the tip of the nose is the sweetness of the little girl, and what the body feels is the softness of the girl. He is a vigorous man, and he has tried his best to restrain himself in front of the girl, so that he has not fallen asleep until now.

His body was about to explode, but he kept telling himself that Susu was in a bad mood today, and that something like this happened today, and he shouldn't do such a thing. So he didn't even want to ask for a kiss, for fear that a kiss would cause a murder.

There is a saying that goes well, never test a man by sharing a bed with him. Any normal man can't stand the test of human nature when facing a woman he likes. This is even more so for an "old man" like Li Chuan. It's too bad to feel that he can't be intimate with his wife.

As soon as he hugged Su Qin, the lingering and tender scenes from the previous life filled his mind. Those pictures were like silk threads, entangled in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of them no matter what.

He rubbed Su Qin's waist, his strength was obviously not strong, but the girl started to cry for pain.

"Ahh... it hurts, it hurts, Mr. Li, please be gentle. Do you want to kill your girlfriend and sacrifice to heaven!"

Li Chuan didn't strike hard, but the girl cried out in pain? He lifted up the girl's clothes, and when he saw her, there was a bruise on her fair skin. He rubbed it with his fingers again, and Su Qin said "Tsk", "Mr. Li, are you happy with your skin?"

"You were injured by that child here." Li Chuan sighed, took medicine from the medicine box and sprayed it on her bruise, then bent down and kissed her waist.

The girl's body was kissed by him, and she trembled immediately, her face flushed with embarrassment. Soon, she calmed down and started talking to Li Chuan about something serious: "That kid, if we can't find his family after we bring him back to China, I want him to follow me."

Li Chuan understood what she meant.

"We are destined, and he went through that again. I don't worry about him going to the social welfare institution." Su Qin paused, and then said: "I want him to stay in our house until we find a suitable adopter for him."

"Okay." Li Chuan didn't stop her, and said, "Then I will be responsible for providing the child's living expenses, tuition fees, etc. Since we rescued it together, you can't bear it all by yourself, and I have to bear this responsibility too. "

Su Qin turned over, sat up, put his arms around Li Chuan's neck, kissed him and said, "Thank you, Teacher Li."

Li Chuan was really going to be blown up by her, he said helplessly: "Susu, don't challenge my humanity anymore, I can't stand it anymore. I am also a man of blood."

Su Qin didn't expect the man's body to be like this, and it exploded at one point. She let go of him with a "hmm", lay down, pulled down the quilt and continued to sleep.

Li Chuan didn't dare to hug her again in the middle of the night, worried that something might happen if the gun went off.

They got up very early the next day. Su Qin took the little boy to the local police station to go through the formalities. Because he was a kidnapped black householder, he didn't have any documents. The local police contacted the Chinese police, and the two sides just connected and sent Chu Zhen back to China.

Back home in the afternoon, Wang Lin wondered why her daughter came back so early, and saw the little boy before she could ask.

Wang Lin asked her: "Susu, what is this?"

"Brother." Su Qin took Chu Zhen's hand, pointed to Wang Lin and Bobo and introduced respectively: "Zhenzhen, this is Lin's mother, and this is Bobo's sister."

Chu Zhen looked up at them, hid behind Su Qin, and looked at them timidly.

And Li Chuan was standing behind them again, when Chu Zhen thought that Li Chuan was still standing behind him, he went in front of Su Qin again, and used Su Qin's body to block himself and Li Chuan's sight.

Compared with Wang Lin and Bobo, he is more afraid of Li Chuan.

Su Qin asked Bobo to take Chu Zhen to the room to sleep for a while, while she discussed Chu Zhen's affairs with her mother in the living room.

Su Qin and Li Chuan told Wang Lin about the experience of the little boy. Wang Lin was so frightened that she almost rolled her eyes and fainted: "Susu, you are a little girl, raising a little boy? Susu, think clearly, you are still a What about the unmarried girl! What will you do when you get married? Do you take it to your in-law's house?"

Before Su Qin could speak, Li Chuan interjected, "I respect Susu's opinion. If she marries me in the future and wants to raise another child, I will also support her."

Wang Lin: "..." Although Li Chuan's words touched her as a mother, it was too early for him and Su Qin to marry, and there might be conflicts in the future. He is now supporting his daughter to adopt a little boy, so what if he breaks up with his daughter in the future, what will happen to the little boy

Wang Lin thought selfishly... Teacher Li supported Susu in adopting the little boy, why didn't he adopt it himself...

If Li Chuan knew that Wang Lin thought so, he might die of injustice. If it wasn't because the little boy didn't accept him, he would have let the little boy follow Su Qin

After a two-hour family meeting, Wang Lin finally agreed. Because Li Chuan agreed to sign an agreement, until the little boy finds a suitable adoptive family, Li Chuan will give them one million living expenses every year. With this level of protection, Wang Lin felt that there was no big problem. The big deal was that when her daughter got married, the little boy would live with her.

The holiday was ruined, so Li Chuan simply stayed at Su Qin's house and cooked dinner for them.

Wang Lin was rarely at leisure, sitting in the living room eating melon seeds while looking at the two loving figures in the kitchen.

She whispered to Bobo: "Teacher Li is quite virtuous. It's really hard to find such a man. I'm afraid I can't find one with a lantern."

Bobo nodded with a hum, and said yes.

The relationship between Feibao and Boeing seems to be much better.

Flying Leopard used to not allow Boing to sleep on the dog mat, but today, for some reason, whenever Boing slept on the floor, he became fierce, and "barked" at him fiercely, forcing Boing to sleep on the dog mat.

The Flying Leopard forbade Boing to take the initiative to put the dog's paw on it, but after Boing aggrieved and took the paw away, it put its furry paw on Boing's paw domineeringly, and then closed its eyes for a nap.

Su Qin's mobile phone in the living room rang. Wang Lin looked at the caller ID and told her, "Susu, the company you are interviewing for is calling, come and answer it."

"Hey! Alright!" It had been several days since Su Qin submitted his resume, and finally received a call back from there. Excitedly, she wiped the water stains from her hands on Li Chuan's clothes, ran out of the kitchen, and answered the phone.

Holding the phone, she took a deep breath and said "Hello": "Hello."

The person in charge on the other end of the phone asked her, "Are you Miss Su Qin?"


The person in charge said: "Congratulations on getting the interview opportunity. However, Mr. Chu Ming wants to interview you in person. I wonder if you are free the day after tomorrow? According to the information, you are a freshman, but your resume is very good, so Chu Ming Sir wants to interview you in person, if you pass the interview, then the next 799 will not need to interview."

"Huh?" Su Qin's brain seemed to be slapped hard by something.

Chu Ming, Chu Ming actually wanted to interview her in person? Isn't she dreaming

Chu Ming was her idol in her previous life. He was an internationally renowned fashion designer. Together with two other designers, they were called "the troika of the fashion industry" by the fashion industry. The man is eccentric, but talented.

According to the development route of his previous life, he will disappear after June this year, and then come back in December this year to create his own new brand. Some people say that Chu Ming disappeared because of a blow, while others say that Chu Ming disappeared because he was planning a new brand. Why he disappeared has become a big mystery in the fashion industry.

If she can work with Chu Ming for more than two months, even if she has no works, she will be well-known in the fashion circle, and she will become a favorite when looking for a job in the future. At that time, it can be regarded as half a foot into the fashion world.

The person on the other end of the phone reminded her again: "Nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, I hope you will be punctual. Mr. Chu Ming has a weird temper, and he doesn't like people not being punctual very much."

Su Qin nodded: "Well, I must arrive early."

The staff coughed lightly on the phone and said, "I mean, I hope you don't arrive early or late, just follow the time. If you are early, Mr. Chu Ming will be unhappy."

Su Qin: "..." Is the male god so hairy