Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 72: got engaged


Grandma owns a cheongsam studio, and the three designers under her name are all the top cheongsam designers in China. Although Li Yun Group is engaged in real estate development, her grandma is also highly respected in the fashion circle. Coupled with her close relationship with Ms. Si Baijia, there are very few people in the fashion circle who do not know her.

It is not suitable for Su Qin to send this design manuscript to anyone, but it is most suitable for grandma. If it is sent to outsiders, it will definitely arouse Fern's disgust, but if Su Qin is based on the close relationship with grandma and the reputation of grandma in the circle, Fern may only reprimand her afterwards, and will not treat her seriously. penalty.

There are sending records in the mailbox. If it is as Su Qin expected, this email will become the only thing to prove her innocence.

Su Qin sorted out the three design manuscripts and sent them to grandma. Of course, Su Qin didn't want grandma to comment, she just wanted to send the work to a suitable person. But she didn't expect that after receiving the email, grandma commented and analyzed her work, and she wrote thousands of words, each word was very serious.

Su Qin is going to be a fan of this old lady, no wonder such an old lady can educate such a good grandson as Teacher Chu Li. Excellent elders, excellent descendants.

Even though Su Qin did the above, she was still worried. She thought of a deeper possibility.

In order to kill all possibilities, Su Qin made an international call to Li Chuan and chatted for over an hour.

Su Qin asked him, if he were Ye Fei, what method would he use to make her never recover

Li Chuan thought for a while: "There are many ways, but I'm sure, she has a high chance of not doing the possibility you thought of. If her IQ is really so low, it's impossible for her to win the D&M station just because of her sister's relationship." Stand firm."

Su Qin also deeply agrees.

On the second day, all the manuscripts of J&G's design assistants were collected by Kelly, and everyone's works were placed in different folders, and the designer's name was folded and placed in the folder. Kelly collected more than 20 folders and walked to the fourth floor. After going up to the fourth floor, she walked into the bathroom, locked herself in the cubicle and began to follow Ye Fei's instructions.

She opened more than twenty file folders one by one, and opened the folded notes in the interlayer, and found the works of Su Qin and another designer, Duke.

Each designer will divide the three works into numbers 1, 2, and 3 according to their own energy. No. 1 is the trump card work that took the longest time and is also the designer's most attentive work, No. 2 is slightly behind, and No. 3 is the shortest time-consuming work that the designer thinks is the worst.

Kelly swapped Su Qin and Duke's No. 1 work, and Su Qin's No. 3 work with Ye Fei's No. 1 work.

Duke is Fern's most valued designer. It has long been rumored that Duke will definitely succeed Fern in the future. In China, the relationship between Duke and Fern is like a master-student, and Duke is equivalent to Fern's closed disciple, which is somewhat similar to the relationship between Chu Ming and Su Qin.

Duke's design work is always the one that Fern values the most, because he always understands Fern's ideas best. He can easily turn the inspiration given by Fern into reality in the most ideal way. So even though the manuscripts were selected anonymously, Fern could still tell which one belonged to Duke among the pile of works.

Therefore, Fern believes that the work that best embodies his inspiration must be Duke's.

Ye Fei understands Su Qin's ability. She admits that she is not as good as Su Qin in terms of design talent, so she will not be so stupid as to pass off Su Qin's work as her own. This time, only the two designers came to study, and she didn't need to show off the limelight. She stood out from the assistant designers. As long as she made Su Qin's reputation bad and Fern dislike Su Qin, she would be successful. She just needs to be the biggest winner of this study trip.

Kelly swapped Su Qin's No. 1 work with Duke's No. 1 work, and Ye Fei's No. 1 work with Su Qin's No. 3 work.

The purpose is to frame Su Qin's unscrupulous means in order to stand out, not only to bribe Kelly to occupy Duke's works, but even to suppress Ye Fei by swapping her No. 3 work with Ye Fei's No. 1 work.

In this way, Su Qin's unscrupulous behavior of crowding out colleagues is confirmed. After returning to China, she will also be expelled.

If Su Qin's morality is corrupted, Chu Ming's reputation as a master will also be affected. At that time, Ye Fei will use the topic to draw all the fire on Chu Ming.

Ye Fei is not an excellent designer, but she has learned a lot of workplace skills from Ye Xuan. She is also a smart person. Knowing that Su Qin has a background and background, she may send the design to her friends, and what she sends will definitely have traces on the Internet. Even if the manuscripts are anonymous, Su Qin has a way to prove that these manuscripts are her own.

This time the situation is different, Ye Fei did not directly appropriate other people's works as he did in the company before. She knew that these little tricks were more than enough to suppress novices, but if she played this kind of trick under Fern's nose, there was a high chance of overturning. So, she did the opposite this time.

If Kelly can grit her teeth this time, she will definitely not fail. She promised to give Kaili a sum of money and a ten-year residence right of a flat as a hush money. For the money, Kaili would not betray Ye Fei, so this time she was confident that she would be able to hold Su Qin in the place where she grew up. Smothered in the cradle.

In his office, Fern picks out pieces from three designers who strike him as odd.

Fern took out the name in the first folder and saw "Su Qing" written on it.

What makes him feel strange is that Su Qin's No. 1 work is very suitable for his taste, and it really simplifies the complexity; while her No. 2 work is a bit mediocre, but still understands his inspiration. But on the 3rd, it looks cumbersome and complicated, focusing on the front of the clothing, but ignoring the charm of the back design.

This No. 3 work obviously spent a lot of energy, and everything was handled delicately and carefully. But the design concept is not as good as the first two, as if it did not come from one person. The No. 1 and No. 2 works in Su Qin's folder originally made Fern very fond of him, and felt that Su Qin really understood what he meant. But as soon as this No. 3 work came out, he felt that it was superfluous. On the contrary, Fern felt that Su Qin didn't really understand what he meant, but was just gambling, trying to see if a blind cat could run into a dead mouse.

He also extracted the name in the middle layer of the second folder, which had Duke's name written on it.

Duke’s works are the same as before. Although the design style of his No. 1 work is different from that of No. 2 and No. 3, but fortunately, all three works integrate his meaning and truly transform his inspiration. Duke has lived up to him high hopes.

The third folder is Ye Fei's.

Ye Fei's No. 1 work is very strange. Logically, No. 1 should be the one that took the most effort. But Ye Fei's No. 1 work, although it is close to Fern's inspirational thinking, is too sloppy, not like the carefully crafted No. 1 work, but like the No. 3 work drawn by other designers. As for her No. 2 and No. 3 works, in terms of style and concept, they are actually very similar to Su Qin's No. 3 work.

Fern arranged Su Qin's works No. 1, 2 and 3 in a row on the desk, and placed Ye Fei's works No. 1, 2 and 3 in a row below. Comparing the hatchback, Fern found something strange. He swapped Su Qin's No. 3 work with Ye Fei's No. 1 work, and actually felt that this was the most suitable.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Fern held a meeting and showed the works of Su Qin and Ye Fei together for everyone to see, hoping to hear an explanation from the two of them.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Su Qin's design, Duke was surprised and said: "Mr. Fern, Ms. Su's No. 1 design is my work."

Ye Fei also showed surprise, covered his mouth and exclaimed: "This... Ms. Su's No. 3 design is my work. Mr. Fern, I don't know why my design is in her file, but I use Soul swears, her design No. 3 is indeed my work. The day before yesterday I sent the entire set of works to my assistant, asking her to give me some opinions, and if you don’t believe me, I can retrieve the email correspondence.”

Su Qin didn't seem too surprised when he saw the two works presented. This situation was within her expectation, she guessed that Ye Fei might play this trick. There was a commotion in the conference room, but Su Qin sat calmly in the chair and looked at Fern.

Several designers started to stand up for Duke and Ye Fei.

Designer A: "This is too much. Ms. Su takes Ms. Ye's No. 1 work as her No. 3 work, and Duke's No. 1 work as her No. 1 work. This is a very bad act of plagiarism! Oh no !This is more serious than plagiarism, this is stealing! Robbery!"

Designer B also expressed disdain for Su Qin's behavior, and said angrily, "It's thanks to you that you can do this kind of thing. As a designer, you openly steal other people's works. What's the difference between you and a bug in the gutter?"

Duke took his own folder and found Su Qin's No. 1 work, and then fell silent. If Su Qin's works are worse than his, he will definitely believe that Su Qin's character is poor. But now looking at Su Qin's works from his perspective, he actually felt a little admiration.

It took him several years to figure out Mr. Fern's character, and it took a lot of energy to become the "roundworm" in Mr. Fern's stomach. But this Chinese girl actually understood Mr. Fern's inspirational thinking and created this finished product in just over a month, which made him feel unbelievable. He doesn't know what others think, but he himself feels that Su Qin's design is no less than his.

Ye Fei's eyes were full of anger, and he said again: "Su Qin, I really didn't expect you to be such a duplicity. Disgusting!"

When the meeting room was full of accusations, Su Qin did not speak from the beginning to the end, nor did he defend himself. When everyone was talking about the same, she stood up applauding, glanced at everyone calmly, and said in English: "You continue to talk."

Everyone looked at her, seeing that she didn't feel guilty at all, and felt that this girl's face was really thick to an unprecedented height.

Seeing Su Qin's fearless expression, Ye Fei thought she was going to start defending. Ye Fei didn't give her any chance at all, and immediately turned on the laptop, called up his email records, and showed Fern the screen, proving that the No. 3 work in Su Qin's folder was indeed her No. 1 design.

After she finished explaining to Fern, she turned her head and looked at Su Qin, as if she was about to cry in anger, her voice was choked up: "Su Qin, what else do you have to say? You are the youngest in the company, and you usually live and work. I always help if I can, is this how you repay me? A designer is not ashamed of plagiarism, and faces everyone’s accusations with a look of indifference, you really have no self-esteem!"

After hearing what Ye Fei said, everyone became even more angrily, angrily reprimanded Su Qin, and asked Mr. Fern to give Ye Fei and Duke justice.

Fern couldn't tell how she felt about this girl. Su Qin's own designs were not bad, but she stole other designers' works. This is a matter of character. But he couldn't figure out why she would swap her work with Duke and Ye Fei's. Is it necessary? Still not confident in your own work

But she doesn't look like an unconfident person.

Fern felt that things would never be that simple, so he asked everyone to stay in the conference room.

Another of Fern's assistants found an agreement from Kelly's drawer, which clearly stated that Kelly would help Su Qin, and in return, Su Qin would give Kelly a sum of money and a ten-year lease on an apartment in Paris. residency. In addition, the company's surveillance also captured that Kaili entered the bathroom with a stack of documents in the morning, and did not come out until a long time later. At present, Kaili can't refute the evidence, so she can only "honestly" explain that she accepted Su Qin's money to help her change the works.

Now that there are all the witnesses and material evidence, Su Qin can't tell the difference, right

Duke didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and Fern didn't say anything to reprimand Su Qin. As senior designers, they seem to be able to see a person's soul clearly from his works. In fact, they were unwilling to believe that there would be a contrast between the character of such a talented designer and her works.

Seeing everyone stop, Su Qin finally said, "Is everyone finished? Can I talk?"

Duke nodded, and finally said, "Miss Su, please tell me."

Duke is famous for his good temper. Everyone saw that his attitude towards Su Qin was still gentle, and they all said that it was not worth it for him.

Su Qin's French is not very good, so he can only communicate with everyone in English: "Let's not talk about the works of me and Duke for now, let's talk about the works of me and Ms. Ye first. First of all, I don't think my works are better than Ye's. Ms. is bad. On the contrary, I think Ms. Ye's work is terrible, and it completely runs counter to Mr. Fern's concept."

Su Qin left his place, walked up to Mr. Fern, put his three works and Ye Fei's three works together and said: "In order to meet the standards required by Mr. Fern as much as possible, I specially spent I spent a lot of time studying Mr. Fern's other works to get to know him, so that I can express his inspiration more perfectly. My French is not very good, so I recorded the content of the whole meeting, and after I went back, I had someone translate it , listened repeatedly, and listened carefully, so I summed up what I personally think is the key point—simplification. I think the key point of the summary is correct, and you can clearly see that my design style is completely different from that of Ms. Ye Fei. Why should I To steal Ms. Ye Fei's work? In everyone's eyes, how inferior and unconfident am I to steal a work that has a completely different concept from mine?"

Designer A gave a cold snort, and replied in French: "Miss Su's defense is very pale and unconvincing."

On the contrary, Su Qin smiled relaxedly, put the so-called evidence of the agreement in the middle and said: "The inscription on this is indeed very similar to my signature, and it can be said that it is a fake. But Miss Kelly, you said that I ordered you to do these things, but What evidence do you have? Do you have evidence? Can you show everyone our emails?"

Kelly said without changing her face: "I have deleted all the emails I exchanged. Since I am doing this kind of thing, I certainly can't leave anyone with a clue. Evidence? The agreement between us, and your embezzlement of Miss Ye and Duke's design Aren’t behaviors all evidence? What evidence is needed?”

Su Qin said with a "Oh" and smiled: "That's strange. Miss Kelly deleted the emails in her private mailbox, but she didn't hide the agreement between us. Miss Kelly's way of thinking is really different. "

It was very difficult for Su Qin to clean up the matter, but now everyone heard Kaili's flawed words and began to waver, wondering whether Kaili deliberately framed Su Qin.

Su Qin borrowed a computer from a colleague and handed it to Kelly: "In order to prove my innocence, Miss Kelly, please log in to your email. I want to publish the content of our correspondence for everyone to see."

Kelly was taken aback, frowned and reiterated again: "I said it all, I have deleted all the emails, how could there be any?"

Su Qin didn't seem to hear it: "Miss Kelly doesn't want to log in to her email, is she worried that I will prove my innocence? Miss Kelly, what are you afraid of? Who ordered you to slander me? What benefits do you have? Maybe it’s really as stated in the agreement, the other party promised to give you ten years’ salary and ten years’ right to live in an apartment? Wow, if that’s the case, the conditions are too generous, right? No wonder Miss Kelly would abandon such a Good work."

"Enough!" Ye Fei finally couldn't bear it anymore, and angrily scolded Su Qin: "Miss Su, don't you think you are going too far? Now that the evidence is complete, can your sharp mouth clear you of these charges?"

Su Qin said: "Why is Ms. Ye so distraught? Before the crime was judged, you all reprimanded me with such ugly words. Are you still not allowed to struggle to the death?"

All the emails between Kaili and Ye Fei have been deleted, and Kaili logged into the mailbox confidently and showed it to everyone, but it was really empty.

Everyone looked at Su Qin as if they were watching a monkey show, and felt that this woman had probably been discovered the most disgusting side, and her current behavior was an expression of her unwillingness and dying struggle. Fern didn't speak, so everyone shut up and continued to watch the girl's embarrassing performance.

Su Qin took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and plugged it into the laptop. The cute animation of "Panda Hero" flying out immediately flashed on the screen. This computer was remotely controlled by Panda Heroes. After extracting the email account and password, Panda stopped controlling it. And Panda also invaded the mailbox server and found the mail cache between a few days.

Fern didn't know what Su Qin was doing, so he obviously lost his patience and asked her, "What do you want to do?"

"Prove my innocence." Su Qin put the mobile phone on the conference table, glanced at the mobile phone, and then raised his eyes and said to Fern: "Mr. Fern, please be patient, my friend will help Miss Kelly recover. The email has been deleted. Mr. Duke, please believe me, I never ordered anyone to exchange our works."

After listening to Su Qin's words, Kaili obviously became nervous. Ye Fei also frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Su Qin's cell phone vibrated, and Ye Fei panicked immediately, and said first: "Mr. Fern, Miss Su's behavior is obviously discrediting the company. I suggest that Mr. Fern report what Miss Su did to D&M truthfully. In order for D&M to deal with her, this kind of depraved designer does not deserve to stay in the fashion industry!"

After Su Qin read the text messages on her mobile phone, she refreshed Kaili's mailbox interface, and all the emails deleted by her came back. And it is full of correspondence between Ye Fei and Kaili, but there is no communication record between Su Qin and Kaili.

Ye Fei's private mailbox, she has already taken the initiative to show Fern just now, and several colleagues also know her private mailbox, and have sent her some documents in private. Su Qin opened the mail in front of everyone in the conference room, and began to recite the letters from Ye Fei and Kaili word by word.

In order to make Ye Fei feel Ling Chi, Su Qin specially handed the computer to Duke and asked him to read the contents of the letter to everyone.

The dialogue inside makes people feel particularly disgusting, the dirty little teasing between women and women, every word expresses malice towards Su Qin. The contents of the letter between the two were read out on this occasion, as if they were being whipped in public.

Su Qin proved that he was framed, and this result was what Fern wanted to see. While Su Qin proved that he was innocent, it also indirectly proved that Fern's vision was correct.

Faced with such a reversal, Ye Fei lost ground and argued excitedly: "Mr. Fern, listen to me! Those emails were not sent by me at all, they must be Su Qin, who stole my computer and sent I sent these emails! She must have asked a hacker to steal my mailbox and send out these emails that I didn’t know about! Mr. Fern, please believe me, I will never do such a thing! There are many unreasonable things about this matter She must have directed and acted in the play herself, slandering me to frame her. Mr. Fern—"

Mr. Fern heard the result he wanted to hear, so of course he didn't want to waste any more time. He frowned, and called the security guard to invite Ye Fei out of the conference room.

The meeting continued, and Fern began to make a payment with everyone. This episode was quickly brought up, as if it had never happened. In the end, Mr. Fern decided to let Duke combine his work with the brilliance of Su Qin's design. If Su Qin hadn't returned to China at the end of the month, Fern really wanted her to participate in the design of the next season with Duke.

Ye Fei was kicked out of the J&G office building and bought a return ticket that night. Being bullied abroad, of course she wanted to go back and ask her sister Ye Xuan to vent her anger on her behalf.

This incident caused a lot of trouble, and Mr. Fern sent an email to D&M, strongly reprimanding Ye Fei for his bad behavior. Originally, Ye Xuan wanted to keep her sister's position in D&M, but unfortunately, those intern designers who left D&M in the past organized a group to sue Ye Fei for plagiarizing their designs.

These intern designers had complained to the department leaders before, but they were fired. In design companies, it is not new for old designers to use newcomers under their leadership as free labor. It is not new for them to steal ideas from newcomers. Everyone in the company turns a blind eye to this kind of thing. The newcomers can either choose to be patient, and wait until one day they will make it through and bully the newcomers below in the same way. Either they are just hot-blooded, fighting with the old designers who stole their works, but usually the ones who are fired in this situation are newcomers.

This matter has been posted on the Internet by designers before, but because these designers are quiet, the popularity of the Internet is not high.

Su Qin's work in her previous life was taken over by Ye Fei. After she filed a complaint, she was also dismissed. She also posted on Weibo, but she didn't have many fans, and that Weibo went nowhere, and no one responded to it at all.

Su Qin now has 50,000 fans on Weibo, and these 50,000 are real fans, and the user stickiness and activity are very high. Her Weibo traffic is not low. In order to make this matter a big deal, she deliberately helped those trainee designers who left D&M to get justice.

#D&M started by copying? The topic of # was brushed up, which attracted many people's attention.

Su Qin posted the sad workplace self-report posts of four designers on Weibo, breaking the news that D&M designer Ye Fei relied on her sister Ye Xuan's status in the fashion circle to be arrogant and domineering. Su Qin threw these posts to his mother and asked her to help revise and polish these manuscripts. These self-reported posts had twists and turns and climaxes in an instant, making them attractive.

Recently, Ye Xuan has gained all the limelight on the Internet, because she is the leader of the fashion circle and has a lot of resources in her hands, so she is favored by the stars. For this reason, netizens even gave her the title of "Empress Xuan". Ye Xuan and many first-line female stars in the circle are "best friends", and many male stars in the circle are "buddies", so all star-chasing netizens do not know Ye Xuan.

After all, Su Qin is a fashion blogger, and those who follow her on Weibo certainly know about "Ms. Xuan". After reading the content in the self-reporting post, netizens feel disdain for sister Ye Xuan's behavior.

Ye Xuan can be regarded as a celebrity traffic anyway, this Weibo keyword was posted on the square again, attracting many netizens to watch. The forwarding volume of Su Qin's Weibo immediately reached two thousand. For Su Qin now, this is already a terrible traffic indicator.

Ye Xuan, who was still able to keep Ye Fei's position, completely withdrew for the sake of her own reputation. Ye Fei was expelled from D&M, and even stinks in the industry, becoming synonymous with "plagiarism", and also a black spot that she will never try to wash off.

At the beginning of February, Su Qin returned home.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when I returned to Yunyang City, and there was a light snowfall. As soon as Su Qin reached the exit, he saw Mr. Li in a coat, dragging his suitcase and trotting all the way, threw himself into Mr. Li's arms, stood on tiptoes, held Mr. Li's face and kissed him twice.

Assistant Yue took the luggage to the trunk for Su Qin and put it away.

Li Chuan lifted the girl up, felt her weight, and frowned, "I lost weight."

Su Qin stuck out his tongue and said hippie, "I miss you so much, so I lost weight."

Su Qin's villa has been renovated, and Wang Lin and Bobo have moved into the villa last month. So after the car drove back to the villa area, Su Qin was debating whether to go home first, or to go to his house with Mr. Li to make out.

Li Chuan didn't give her a chance to choose, and directly asked the driver to drive the car into the house. As soon as Su Qin entered the living room, Feibao and Boing wagged their tails and surrounded her, sticking out their tongues for her to touch her head.

Li Chuan fitted Boing with prosthetics, and now Boing walks very steadily and won't be limping like before.

The indoor temperature was as high as 30 degrees, and Su Qin took off his coat and only had a thin sweater on his body, which was also very hot. She was hanging up her coat when the man behind her dragged the suitcase into the hallway and closed the door. The man didn't change his shoes, he walked towards her, hugged her, pressed her against the entrance cabinet and kissed her.

Su Qin was a little out of breath from being kissed, pushed him away, his eyes were watery, and whispered: "Mr. Li, can you be gentle? I brought you a gift, which is in the suitcase."

"What gift?" Li Chuan pressed the tip of his nose against hers, and spoke with his cold lips against hers.

Su Qin said: "Let go of me, I'll get you a gift."

"Forget it, I don't care for any gift, I just want you."

Li Chuan originally only wanted to kiss her, but when he saw the girl's moist eyes and slightly flushed cheeks, he couldn't restrain his desire instantly, and carried the girl into the bathroom on the second floor, where he took a bath with her.

The water curtain fell, and the two were entangled, and the desire that had been restrained for two months was released at this moment.

In the Spring Festival of 2009, Su Qin went to Li's house with Li Chuan as his girlfriend. At the New Year's Eve dinner, Li Chuan proposed to be engaged to Su Qin.

"What?" Li Chuan's uncle was eating, when he heard that Li Chuan proposed to be engaged to this 19-year-old girl, he choked.

Not only Li Chuan's uncle, but also Su Qin himself was choked and coughed violently.