Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 82: Extra episode 2 System



When the fire was burning, Su Qin was weeding in the yard, and Bao Bao was playing fairy wands on the carpet in the bedroom on the second floor.

Baobao waved the fairy wand, pointed at the air in the room, and said in a soft and milky voice, "I will destroy you on behalf of the moon!"

As soon as the words fell, thick smoke rushed in from outside the door, and Bao Bao coughed. She ran out grabbing the fairy wand and found the room was on fire. She met the arsonist Zhang Xing in the corridor. The man looked at the little girl, walked over a few steps, picked her up, lifted her over his head, and threw her out.

The bag was thrown into Li Chuan Su Qin's bedroom, and he became dizzy for a while. Her whole body was in pain, as if her skull was shattered. She lay on the carpet, grabbed the fairy wand, lifted it up, and pointed at Zhang Xing at the door: "The bag needs to... destroy... destroy... you!"

Zhang Xing turned and left. A few minutes later, Su Qin rushed into the bedroom and picked up his daughter: "Baobao, hold on, mom will take you away."

She pulled the blanket and went to the bathroom to get wet, picked up the fainted bag, wet herself with water, and rushed out with the bag stepping on the fire.

She ran to the corridor with her bag in her arms, but was trapped by the oncoming fire. She wanted to go to the window with her bag again, but the carpet in the corridor was on fire.

The fire was so intense that even though she was soaking wet, her clothes still burned, her skin was burning, her eyes were so smoked that she couldn't open her eyes, and she could only cough continuously.

She passed out holding the bag, and her hair was quickly burnt.

Baobao opened his eyes and saw his mother in pain, and cried while clutching her mother's fingers: "Susu, Baobao hurts so much, hurts so much."

She inhaled a puff of thick smoke, choked, and coughed non-stop. In the end, she could only scream subconsciously. The child's scream was piercing and piercing.

Su Qin held his daughter in his arms and covered her eyes with his hands, his heart ached like a knife.

Soon, Baobao couldn't see his mother, but when his consciousness was confused, he heard his father's voice. Li Chuan rushed in from the outside, trying to take his daughter and wife away, but was caught in the fire.

The next day, the news reported that three members of Nantah University professor Li Chuan's family were killed in the flames, but in the end homicide was ruled out, and the accidental fire broke out.

After reading the dossier, Zhang Cheng felt that there were many doubts, and tried to find out the real culprit. It took him ten years to find Lin Xiaoyin from Zhang Xing, and from Lin Xiaoyin to the transnational human trafficking group behind it.

At that time, Lin Xiaoyin had already become an important figure in the entertainment circle, and she had several popular little actresses under her. One of them committed suicide by leaving a suicide note because he was forced to prostitute a thousand times and could not bear the filth in the circle.

The girl left a suicide note, which densely accused Lin Xiaoyin of her crimes.

Zhang Zhang obtained the girl's suicide note, but because she was betrayed by a colleague, the suicide note finally fell into Lin Xiaoyin's hands. The charter was also exposed because of this, and he paid his life for it.

When Baobao woke up, he was wearing a white dress, holding the pink fairy wand in his hand, standing in a small white room.

She looked around blankly and kept calling "Chuan Chuan Su Su", but there was no answer in the surrounding area.

The fairy wand in the bag's hand lit up, and made an old and kind voice:

"Hello, Baobao."

It sounds like an old man.

Listening to the strange old man's voice, Baobao wondered, "You... who are you?"

The old man's voice seemed to be smiling: "I am the causal system of the solar system."

The four-year-old Baobao couldn't understand, stared at the air, and scratched the back of his head: "Your name is so long, I don't know you, I don't have friends with such a long name. My mother said, you can't just talk to strangers, Are you a villain who kidnaps and sells children?"

The old man laughed: "Baobao, do you miss Mom and Dad? Do you want to go home?"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, a scene of their family of three being burned to death appeared on the white wall. Baobao inherited her father Li Chuan's genius IQ, she knows a lot, watching the replay, watching her parents burn to death to save her, her little heart seems to be broken.

The little girl raised her hand to wipe the tears on her face, and choked up with sobs, "Uncle Sun, can you take me to see Mom and Dad? Are they dead like me? Are they here too?"

System: "No. After human beings die, they will perish forever and become a star in the Milky Way. Humans have no afterlife. Baobao, if you want your parents to be reborn, shall we make an exchange?"

Baobao stopped crying immediately, frowned, and looked vigilant: "Why should Baobao trust you?"

System: "You are the little fairy chosen by Uncle Sun, how can the little fairy not believe in Uncle Sun? Uncle Sun can bring your parents back to life, so you still refuse to believe in Uncle Sun?"

Bao Bao blinked his big watery eyes and asked, "Really? Are you a demon? Do I need to exchange my soul with you?"

This is how it is written in dark fairy tales.

The system laughed: "No need, but it's about the same. Uncle Sun can reverse the time, let them go back to the past with the memory of the previous life, and reverse their lives. However, someone must pay the price. Are you willing to live for your parents?" Can you stay in the fire and purgatory system for a year? If you can, Uncle Sun can regenerate you."

Baobao tilted his head and asked, "But, Uncle Sun, what is the Blazing Purgatory System?"

The system explained: "This is Uncle Sun's punishment system for the wicked. However, throughout the ages, there have been too many villains. The level of the fire hell is overloaded, and there are loopholes. Uncle Sun must fix it, but it is very difficult to fix it. Bao Bao little angel's help."

Baobao was tired from standing, so he simply sat down: "But, I can't do anything except eat, drink and play."

System: "Bao Bao doesn't need to do anything, just stay inside for a year. On the day you come out, you will experience the pain of being burned by fire. If Bao Bao doesn't want to, Uncle Sun doesn't force it."

Baobao was stunned when he heard that, and he held his face in his small hands and snorted: "It's better to exchange souls with Baobao, Baobao doesn't want to experience the feeling of being burned to death again, it's not good at all. Hmph!"

The system thought she refused and sighed.

This is already the 10034th human being who rejected it. The system felt inexplicably sad.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sighed, Baobao said, "Okay, Baobao will make this exchange with you, Uncle Devil."

system:"… … "


There is no blue sky and no light in the hell of fire, and the only light source is the raging fire that can be seen everywhere. It's sweltering here, unlike the environment in which humans live.

Since the bag has no complaints in the system, the system is being patched quickly. In order to reward bags, the system also gave some rewards to Su Qin and Li Chuan.

The two have the "Conan Physique" that can always turn bad luck into good luck. Humans call this "good people get good rewards".

Baobao: "Is this a reward? Uncle Sun, you are really bad."

The system is a short old man with the same height as Baobao, with gray hair and a goatee. When he smiles, his eyes are narrowed and he is amiable.

She would sit on the carpet with Bao Bao, eating popcorn and watching videos.

Baobao saw Zhang Xing's ending from the computer.

Zhang Xing was shot, but he was far more than this punishment.

He was supposed to be reborn back to the day he was shot, repeating the scene of being shot for thirty years. But because of a loophole in the system, he was reborn as a piglet. With a human soul and violence, he snatched food every day. Half a year later, a butcher's knife cut into his neck, and blood poured out.

The scalding hot water poured on it, making him miserable, but he was powerless to resist. He watched himself being disemboweled, gutted and chopped into pieces.

Baobao let out a "huh" and couldn't eat any more popcorn. He started to cry "Wow", yelling how cruel it was.

Uncle Sun grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth, and said with a smile, "If you don't do evil, you won't be punished like this. So Baobao, don't do bad things in the future."

Baobao let out an "oh", and saw Lin Xiaoyin's ending again.

Lin Xiaoyin was reborn back to the day before she was caught by the police, and she was imprisoned afterwards. She was disabled in prison, but unable to commit suicide. Because of the blessing of the system, even if she committed suicide, the wound would heal quickly.

Baobao thought it was so magical, turned his head and asked the system: "Uncle Sun, can I also have this kind of magic? It's so amazing!"

The system stroked the goatee and said with a smile, "No way."

Baobao pursed his mouth, hugged a pair of fleshy little arms, turned sideways, and snorted: "Uncle Goat, the bad guy, don't play magic on Baobao!"

The system stroked her little head and said comfortingly, "Baobao, Uncle Goat will tell you a story, okay?"

"Bao Bao don't listen to bloody stories."

The system stuffed another handful of popcorn into its mouth, and its cheeks twitched, feeling that humans are really troublesome. He explained: "Baobao, hell is not in hell, but in the world. Did you know that evildoers will be reborn after death, but they cannot live a happy life. How many years they do evil, they will suffer for as many years. And suffering After suffering, it will not end like this. In the end, you will come to Uncle Sun’s burning hell, and you will enjoy the pain of being burned by fire and fried in oil pan every day. You humans can be unkind, but you must not do bad things. You can be jealous , but not to hurt others. You know?"

"oh… "

In fact, Baobao doesn't understand much, but he just thinks that Uncle Sun is a chatterbox, like the monk Tang in "Journey to the West", who likes to chatter and chant scriptures non-stop.

In the causal system, Achak was also punished as he should.

After he was shot, he began to respawn infinitely.

He will be reborn as every abducted person killed by him, experiencing their pain, despair and death.

Achak directly and indirectly killed more than 2,000 people. These people are either free laborers abducted to Southeast Asian countries, or girls abducted by his subordinates to the red light district, or poor people whose organs were cruelly harvested by his subordinates...

Every time he is reborn, he experiences pain and tastes the evil fruits of his own sowing. Every time he thought he was relieved, he opened his eyes again and entered the body of another victim, bearing all the pain for the victim.

Baobao spent a boring day after day in the hell of fire. On the day she came out, she saw Su Qin. The fire scorched her skin, causing her to cry so hard that she couldn't make a sound.

Her hair was charred and her skin was charred and turned into small black charcoal. Soon, her charred body recovered.

She was sent to sleep in a place with a colorful bridge, just like the Sleeping Beauty in a fairy tale. She slept for a long time, and when she opened her eyes again, she was already in the hospital.

When she woke up, she saw her grandma, her grandmother, and her parents. She forgot the pain of being burned to death, forgot to repair the system, and forgot the space without blue sky and white clouds.

But the only thing she remembers is Uncle Sun, who often whispers in her ears and pours chicken soup, like a Tang monk, which is very annoying.

As she got older, those memories faded. The so-called past life, the so-called Uncle Sun, all became her dreams.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow I will write a side story about Sisi and Xu Hang.