Rebirth as a 1960s Young Educated Youth, Spoiled by a Handsome and Rough Man

Chapter 14: Qian Longxin


All the people sitting on the ox cart from Xiangyang Village were women. They had never thought that someone from their village would be accused of murder. They wanted to make a few remarks in defense, but when they saw the fierce eyes of the scoundrel and the blood all over Cheng Qiao's head and face, they wisely kept their mouths shut.

"I'll go get Zhaodi."

An aunt jumped off the ox cart and ran towards Xiangyang Village. Zhaodi was Chen Chunhua's mother and she got along well with her, so she went to report the news as soon as possible.

"I'll go find the village chief."

Another aunt also jumped off the ox cart. If these educated youth were really allowed to report to the police, their title of advanced worker in Xiangyang Village this year would be ruined.

The two cowherds also got off the car, especially Uncle Niu, who was at the front and didn't see what was happening behind at all. He still doesn't know what happened.

The cowherd behind saw everything clearly, and he looked at Chen Chunhua with a fierce look. If the cows in his village really trampled the girl to death, he would be doomed too.

"Old Bullhead, this girl in your village is so vicious. She is trying to send her to hell. Not only are they going to report her to the police, I will also report her to the police."

Uncle Niu also looked at Chen Chunhua. What on earth was possessed by this girl? Could it be that she and Cheng Qiao were enemies? I had never seen them quarreling.

"Cheng Qiao, do you still have strength? If you still have strength, sit on the bicycle and I will take you to see a doctor."

Li Huan hugged Cheng Qiao tightly, tears of heartache coming out.

“You really did borrow a bicycle.”

Cheng Qiao wiped the blood from her eyelids with her hand and asked in a low voice.

"Well, I'm here to take you to the county town. Wait a minute, I'll push the bike over."

Li Huan carefully let go of Cheng Qiao, and when he saw that she could sit well by herself, he quickly pushed the bicycle over and wanted to help Cheng Qiao onto it.

Several female educated youth from Xiangqian Village also got off the ox cart and helped Li Huan to help Cheng Qiao onto the back seat of the bicycle. They also asked Cheng Qiao to hold Li Huan's waist tightly with both hands to prevent him from falling.

Cheng Qiao quickly stretched out her hands and hugged Li Huan's waist tightly. Li Huan straightened his body. Cheng Qiao's soft hands were a great temptation to him. He shook his head and pushed hard.

When the educated youth saw Cheng Qiao being taken away by the young man, they surrounded Chen Chunhua and wanted to take her to the public security bureau. The people of Xiangyang Village quickly stopped them and said that if they wanted to send her away, they had to wait for the village chief to arrive.

Not long after, Zhaodi was the first to arrive at the scene. She saw bloodstains on the stone between the two cows at a glance. Her heart trembled. She looked at Chen Chunhua, not understanding why she attacked Cheng Qiao.

"Chunhua, were you instigated by someone? Was it Xu Laidi from the Youth League Center who asked you to do this?"

Zhaodi's words reminded Chen Chunhua, who was trembling with fear. Everyone was asking herself why she wanted to attack Cheng Qiao. She didn't dare to say that she hated Cheng Qiao because the second-rate guy liked her.

Now that her mother had given her a way out, she had to follow it. Chen Chunhua also jumped off the ox cart, threw herself into Zhaodi's arms, and cried, saying:

"Mom, I was wrong. It was Xu Laidi from the educated youth camp who asked me to do this. She also gave me fifty cents. Look, that's the fifty cents she gave me yesterday."

Chen Chunhua took out the fifty cents she earned from selling sorghum noodles and handed it to Zhaodi. Zhaodi believed it as soon as she saw it, because she knew how much money her daughter had.

When the aunts from Xiangyang Village heard this, they pointed at the educated youth from Xiangqian Village and started shouting, "Don't say that we country people bully you educated youth. Instead, it's you educated youth who fight among yourselves and harm us country people."

The educated youths argued with reason and the aunts also spitted. A female educated youth pushed an aunt from Xiangyang Village and said that she had bad breath. Of course, the aunt was not willing to be outdone and pushed the educated youth as well. For a moment, the scene became chaotic.

"Stop it..."

A man's voice suddenly burst out, startling the crowd. When everyone looked, they found that it was Chen Weidang, the village chief of Xiangyang Village. Not only Chen Weidang came, but also the accountant Chen Weimin.

Chen Weimin is Chen Chunhua's father. Chen Chunhua is not afraid of anyone in the village, but she is the most timid when she sees two people: one is her uncle Chen Weidang, and the other is her father.

"Uncle, Dad, why are you here?"

"Chen Chunhua, tell me what happened again."

Chen Weidang looked at Chen Chunhua sternly with restrained anger in his eyes. The person who came to report the news described the whole incident clearly. Chen Chunhua pushed Cheng Qiao off the ox cart for no reason, which aroused public outrage.

Chen Chunhua suddenly didn't dare to speak. She realized that what she had just said was totally untenable. The fifty cents was what Xu Laidie used to exchange for food. As long as Xu Laidie confronted her, her lies would be exposed.

There was no point in arguing, as every household had a fixed amount of food rations. Her family was short of ten kilograms of sorghum flour. Maybe her family didn't know about it now, but after a long time, her mother would be the first to discover it.

It is said that no one knows a daughter better than her mother. When Zhaodi saw the panic in her daughter's eyes, her heart sank. She seemed to understand why her daughter did this.

Cheng Qiao was so beautiful and she hadn't gotten any darker in the long time she had been here, which made the girl unhappy as she was always proud of her looks.

"Educated youths, thank you for your enthusiastic help. I will commend you to your village chief. As for whether to report to the police, I think it is better to wait for Cheng Qiaocheng, the educated youth, to decide for herself. What do you think?"

The educated youths all started whispering to each other. Cheng Qiao was not an educated youth from Xiangqian Village, and they did not know the truth. What if Cheng Qiao was unwilling to report to the police? Then they would have been doing good things in vain.

"Okay, let's wait for Cheng Zhiqing's news. If she voluntarily chooses not to report it to the police, then we'll drop the matter. Otherwise, we will still report it to the police."

A female educated youth from Xiangqian Village suddenly said this, and she emphasized the word "voluntary", which made Chen Weidang look at her with admiration.

"You are a very smart young comrade. Do you dare to tell me your name?"

"Why not? My name is Qian Longxin."

"Qian Longxin, what is your relationship with Qian Longkun?"

"I am his sister, and he is my second brother, my biological second brother."

Chen Chunhua's heart trembled, and she secretly sighed that her luck was so bad. In her eyes, the people in the educated youth point were a group of brainless people, with Qian Longkun being the only exception.

The most important thing was that she suspected that Qian Longkun had already discovered that she secretly liked the second-rate guy. She still remembered the look Qian Longkun gave her that night, which was full of meaning.

"Let's go to the hospital to see Cheng Zhiqing. Zhaodi, take Chunhua back first and lock her up in the room. Don't let her go anywhere until I come back."