Rebirth as a 1960s Young Educated Youth, Spoiled by a Handsome and Rough Man

Chapter 310: Nuanling Medicinal Hall


As he was thinking, he couldn't help but be lost in thought. It was not until he heard a "ouch" from the front that he realized he had hit someone. He quickly got out of the car and rushed over without even stopping it.

"Ouch, how do you ride a bike? My legs..."

"Wang Ling, why are you here? I'm sorry, I was so absorbed in thinking that I forgot I was riding a bike."

"Cheng Qiao, what a coincidence, come, help me up first."

Cheng Qiao did not help Wang Ling first, but carefully checked the part that was hit. Now that the weather was getting warmer, everyone took off their cotton pants and changed into khaki pants.

There was an obvious mark on Wang Ling's leg from being hit by a bicycle wheel. She lifted up her trouser leg to take a look and fortunately, there was no broken skin.

"I have some medicine here. If you have blue or purple here, apply this medicine on it and rub it in."

"No, it's not a big deal. There's no need to use medicine. I'm not made of clay."

Cheng Qiao still put the medicine into Wang Ling's pocket. After all, they were commonly used medicines in the hospital, so she didn't need to worry about anything.

"My daughter Xiaolin keeps asking to see her sister every day. Can I bring her to your house to play when I have a day off on the weekend?"

"Of course you can. My Xiao Nuan is always thinking about Sister Xiao Lin and asks her when she can come. I also told her that it's the weekend and everyone has a day off so she can have fun at home."

When they talked about their children, they smiled so hard that their teeth were showing. Cheng Qiao glanced at his watch and cursed himself in his heart. People just can't stop. Once they stop, they just want to lie down.

"Sister Wang Ling, I have to go to class. Let's talk again on the weekend. If you feel uncomfortable at night, come to me. I have medicated oil at home and can help you rub it out."

"Oh, I get it. Just concentrate on riding your bike."

Wang Ling nodded quickly, and when she saw Cheng Qiao riding away, she brushed the dust off her pants and limped a few steps before slowly returning to normal.

Cheng Qiao came to the classroom door and quietly walked in from the back, crouching down. The teacher could see everything clearly from the podium, but the teacher liked students like Cheng Qiao from the bottom of his heart.

So when he saw Cheng Qiao sitting down and looking at him, he just smiled slightly and didn't mention being late at all. Cheng Qiao let out a breath, quickly took out a pen and notes, and listened attentively.

In the evening, Cheng Qiao took out another 25,000 yuan and gave it to Ye Ling. This was the money for decoration, more give-in and less give-out. Ye Ling's eyes lit up. She guessed that Cheng Qiao had already thought of doing some business.

"Qiao, do you have any clues? Tell me about it."

"Well, I have a few prescriptions here. They are for replenishing qi and refreshing the spirit, nourishing the body and warming the body. They are most suitable for people who are malnourished and have both qi and blood deficiency, especially women."

"You want to open a pharmacy?"

Ye Ling was a little disappointed. She didn't know anything about medicine. She would treat Bupleurum as a weed. How could she open a pharmacy

"It's not a medicine shop, but a medicinal food shop."

Herbal medicine shop, with one more word, the business category is completely different, but Ye Ling still doesn’t understand. However, Ye Jun’s eyes are shining, this must be a profitable business.

"We turned the back house near the front street into a dining hall and sell medicinal food every day. The medicinal food can be sweet or salty. We just need to have more varieties and make it taste better."

“Anyone want to eat?”

"Wait a moment, I'll cook you a bowl of yam porridge."

Half an hour later, a big pot of yam porridge was placed on the table. Ye Ling kept turning her nose. This yam porridge seemed too sweet.

I couldn't wait to scoop out a bowl, put it in my mouth and tasted it. My whole back straightened up. The taste was sweet and fresh, with a hint of medicinal flavor. It was very soft and sticky in my mouth.

"Is it tasty?"

"It's delicious. I'd be willing to buy it even if it's only one dollar a bowl."

"One dollar is a bit expensive."

Although Cheng Qiao knew that there was plenty of well water in his space, considering the current living standards of ordinary people, one dollar could buy a lot of things, so it was unlikely to use it to buy a bowl of porridge.

"It's 30 cents a bowl. Generally, people with poor health can recover after drinking it for a few months. For those with old illnesses, regular consumption can also gradually cure them."

Ye Jun was a little worried, but Cheng Qiao smiled and blinked. She only needed to soak the general medicinal materials in well water for an hour. After the herbs were dried, there was very little well water left on the herbs, but the effect was real.

Ye Jun felt relieved. Even if it was ordinary medicinal herbs, as long as they were used for the right symptoms, they would be able to cure the disease over time. Not to mention that the medicinal herbs provided by Cheng Qiao were definitely more effective than ordinary ones.

"Okay, I'll provide the rice, coal, and labor, and you'll provide the herbs. We'll split the profits in half in the future. What do you think?"

Ye Jun rolled his eyes at Ye Ling, and Ye Ling shrank her neck. She knew she had gotten a good deal. If it weren't for Cheng Qiao's medicinal herbs, no one would be willing to drink the porridge at ten cents, let alone three cents.

But there is no other way. My father also asked me to find out more about Cheng Qiao. Only in this way can I slowly uncover Cheng Qiao's secrets.

Ye Ling ate the porridge and felt her stomach churning. She hurried to the toilet. Ye Jun sighed, "What if you leave here? What about the herbs?"

"Master, I have planted so many medicinal herbs in the backyard, but they are all watered with spiritual water. You can solve the problem by mixing ordinary herbs with the herbs in the backyard."

"But what if business is good and the quantity is not enough?"

"I built a warehouse in my mother's courtyard house, which will be filled with medicinal herbs. The front and back yards of my mother's courtyard house are also quite large. I will also plant medicinal herbs there in a few days."

Ye Jun nodded. The land irrigated with spiritual water is qualitatively different from ordinary land. Even if it is irrigated with ordinary water in the future, the medicinal herbs grown there will still have a certain spirituality.

If it really doesn't work, just let Cheng Qiao come back once. He has decided that if Cheng Qiao wants to go to Hexi, he will keep the twins with him. Ye Jing has a talent for medicine, and Xiao Nuan should grow up in a big city.

Not long after, Ye Ling came back. She felt that her poop was particularly smelly today, and she felt much better after that.

"Cheng Qiao, can you make a pot of this porridge every day? It's so delicious."

"When the herbal medicine hall opens, there will be enough for you to eat. Take a look. We will provide these porridges first."

Ye Ling took it and looked at it: wolfberry and chrysanthemum porridge, yam sugar porridge, angelica and shredded chicken porridge, chicken blood vine and lotus root porridge, verbena and brown sugar porridge, imperata and rehmannia glutinosa porridge, and perilla and ginger porridge.

"Okay, okay, but what is the name of our store?"

"You get up."

"How about Nuanling Medicinal Diet Hall? Nuan means Xiao Nuan, and Ling means Ye Ling."

Ye Jun rolled his eyes. It wasn’t very good, but this herbal medicine shop was not his, so he didn’t want to say anything more.

Cheng Qiao nodded indifferently. No matter what the name was, as long as the quality was good, there would naturally be business.