Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 1: What is this kind of rebirth?


Long Xiaoyuan lived to be twenty-six years old. From sixteen to twenty-six, he spent about two hundred days a year in bed because he had a serious heart disease.

However, even so, Long Xiaoyuan was very cheerful.

Since he was nine years old, he knew that he would not live to be sixteen years old. At that time, his wish was to visit three rivers and five mountains while cooperating with treatment. But it is a pity that there are still too few places for him to go, because his physical condition does not allow it.

In order not to worry his chairman's mother, vice chairman's father, and his brother who is three years younger than him, Long Xiaotian could only obediently stay at home.

Even, after he successfully lived to be twenty years old, his family planned to get him engaged.

However, he refused, jokingly, although he was only twenty years old, he felt that he didn't seem to be interested in women. Although he wasn't too sure, he didn't want to delay other girls.

What's more, maybe because of his illness, he doesn't yearn for love.

Staying at home, with nothing to do, Long Xiaoyuan started reading novels, all kinds of novels, from world famous works to China's four famous works, to some famous romances, fantasy, all kinds, he read all kinds of novels. look.

His good brother will bring a bunch of books back to him every two months.

Three days before Long Xiaoyuan's twenty-sixth birthday, his younger brother brought back a bunch of books.

Long Xiaoyuan accidentally came across a copy of "The Road to the Empress's Enthronement" while flipping through it. He thought it was written by someone, although the author seemed to be unknown, but since he picked it up, he still read it. .

However, after a while, Long Xiaoyuan's expression became strange.

Because, this novel written from the perspective of a queen is... a bit weird. Because, this queen... is not a woman, but a man!

At the beginning of the novel, the queen enters the palace. He was originally a general, but his family was jealous of the emperor. As the only legitimate son in the family, he was forced to marry into the palace as a male god, even though he was the queen.

In addition, after he entered the palace, the cruel Hunjun was also very dissatisfied with him. What Hunjun liked was his concubine, a woman. Although men and men could intermarry in that dynasty, there were only a few of them after all. I like men's.

Because he didn't like it, the queen's life was obviously very difficult. On the night of the wedding, the Hunjun went to his imperial concubine after brutally raped the queen, making the queen a laughing stock.

After that, it was the days when the queen was a "married wife" in the deep palace, anyone could play wild on him, and "compete for favor" with a group of women

, the queen forbears all of them, and develops his power in the palace.

As mentioned earlier, the empress was originally a general, that is to say, his family is still very powerful, otherwise how could the emperor be afraid? It's just that the Queen's family is all loyal and martyrs, and they never thought of rebelling.

However, the queen had been in the palace for five years, but she was "forced to rebel". When the faint king wanted to attack the queen's parents, grandfather and family, the queen finally rebelled.

He used the power he had managed in the palace for five years to kill the faint emperor and replace him!

At this point, the novel is about three-quarters written.

The remaining quarter is the story of the queen proclaiming herself emperor, killing all kinds of anti-kings, subduing courtiers, etc...

At the end of the novel, the empress became the emperor, and her name will last forever. In addition, she has one empress, three concubines and four Zhaoyis. Of course, they are all women.

Moreover, the queen abolished the law that men and women can marry each other!

During the period when the empress was proclaiming the emperor, no one dared to mention the word male favorite, and no minister dared to look for a young lady... It can be seen that the history of becoming an empress was so humiliating to him who was already an emperor.

As for Long Xiaoyuan, Heping died on the day of his twenty-sixth birthday.

From the age of sixteen to twenty-six, he lived an extra ten years. He should have earned it, but he didn't expect that he would have a new life!

When some memories that did not belong to him came into his mind, Long Xiaoyuan really didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

The reason for laughing is that he has lived one more time, and his body is very healthy now, and he knows a little bit of martial arts.

And the one who cried was... why did he travel to the novel when he was reborn once

Moreover, it was a novel that I had just finished reading.

"The Empress's Road to the Throne", the protagonist of this novel is not him, the murdered emperor at all, okay

The most important thing is that in that book, Empress Shi Qingzhou killed the faint king, who is now him, on the day of five full years in the palace.

But now, counting the time, it was only three months!

This kind of rebirth is a piece of wool, is there anything more tragic than this

"Your majesty, are you going to get up?" Hearing the movement inside, a court lady immediately came to ask. The voice was extremely soft, as if it was too heavy, it would bring disaster to oneself.

In fact, this tyrant really killed a lot of people. The court ladies and eunuchs are just ants in his eyes. What is speechless is that this tyrant is also called Long Xiaoyuan! And from the observation in the memory, I know that the appearance is seven or eight points similar to myself!

Could it be that he was such a character in his previous life? Is it too weak

Whispering in his heart, Long Xiaoyuan didn't dare to change too much... Although, he had to make plans for survival as soon as possible!

Long Xiaoyuan sat up, he found that he was now in "his own" dormitory, he rarely lived in his own dormitory, most of them were with concubines in various palaces, but there were three or four days in a month "Rest" time, this time is to sleep in your own palace.

"Changing clothes for me." Long Xiaoyuan said calmly.

"Yes! The servant obeys!"

The emperor had to wear a lot of clothes, Long Xiaoyuan patiently let the maid finish them, he doesn't like women approaching, thinking about changing to a eunuch next time... No, eunuchs don't like it either.

Forget it, next time I'll wear it by myself... But don't be in a hurry, as far as I can remember, the original body has never done it by myself...

Looking at the glasses, the face in the mirror was rather handsome. He thought that he was only seven or eight points like himself, but he found that it was actually nine points. It's just that in his previous life he was thinner and paler than now because of illness, but the person in the mirror now looks taller, but his appearance is the same.

Could it be that there is some origin? Otherwise, how do you understand such a similarity

In the memory of the original body, in the ten days, the number of times he went to court on time was about three times, and the remaining three times were late. Anyway, no one dared to say anything when he was late, and the remaining four days... that is, he will not come!

But today, looking at the time outside, it was more than seven o'clock, and it was too late to go to the morning court at this time! However, let's go, he has to recognize someone.

Therefore, Long Xiaoyuan said very solemnly: "Show me your car, go up to court."

"The emperor drives!" Immediately, a eunuch screamed.

In the Jinluan Hall, those courtiers had been waiting for almost an hour, and now they finally heard the sound of "the emperor is coming", they all knelt down and shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

After taking his seat, Long Xiaoyuan waved his hands lightly. "Get up, everyone."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

At this time, Zhou Qing, the chief eunuch, said sharply: "Retire if there is something to do!"

After Zhou Qing's words fell, the servant of the Ministry of Rites came out, "Your Majesty, I have an answer."

Long Xiaoyuan glanced at the other party indifferently. "explain."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites felt that the emperor seemed to be a little concise and concise today, maybe because he was in a bad mood, so he felt tense and hurriedly said: "I report to the emperor, the age is approaching, this year's big palace banquet and small palace banquet, dare to ask who the emperor invites to be in charge, my minister." Get ready early."

As for the person in charge of these two palace banquets, there is plenty of oil and water every year, but every year this person is hand-picked by the sage, so the Minister of Rites will ask.

Long Xiaoyuan thought about it based on his original body's memory, these two palace banquets are indeed quite important, and the person in charge every year is either the one his concubine said he had a "favor" or the relative of one of his favored concubines .

But this year...

"Is Sun Youjing here?" Long Xiaoyuan said calmly.

Sun Youjing was taken aback for a moment, then hurried out of the queue. "The minister is here."

"Well, I'll leave it to you this year." Long Xiaoyuan said indifferently, but it caused shock waves.

What's so special about Sun Youjing? It's nothing special, the official worships the fourth grade and works in the Ministry of Finance. It's just that Sun Youjing is inextricably linked to General Shi's mansion!

What the emperor hates the most is the empress Shi Qingzhou, who doesn't know this

So, how could such a good thing happen to Sun Youjing, who was inextricably linked to General Shi's mansion? This is impossible!

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