Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 100: Assassinate


After the special silver needle drug test, Shi Qingzhou had dinner with Long Xiaoyuan in peace.

After finishing the meal, Long Xiaoyuan rubbed his stomach, thinking of the worried face of Shi Qingzhou he saw last night before he passed out, so he said: "Qingzhou. You didn't rest last night, did you?"

Shi Qingzhou blinked and didn't speak for a while.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Long Xiaoyuan still didn't understand, so he sighed. "Are you dealing with government affairs today? Why didn't you rest?" Shi Qingzhou shook his head. "Don't worry, I know my own body, it's fine."

Long Xiaoyuan frowned in disapproval.

Seeing the other party frowning, Shi Qingzhou quickly comforted him: "I'm really fine."

"Don't say it's okay." Long Xiaoyuan pulled Shi Qingzhou's hand angrily, and then forced him to walk towards the bedroom in the inner hall. Shi Qingzhou knew what the other person meant, and blinked.

After Long Xiaoyuan pulled him to the bedside, he went straight to take off Shi Qingzhou's clothes.

Shi Qingzhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't move, allowing Long Xiaoyuan to grab him and take off his clothes.

Afterwards, Long Xiaoyuan chased Shi Qingzhou onto the bed. "Go to bed! Come on!"

Shi Qingzhou's mouth twitched. Long Xiaoyuan didn't care what the other party said, anyway, he forced the winner to let the other party rest.

Shi Qingzhou finally accepted, although his expression looked a little helpless, but his eyes were soft.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't accompany him after he fell asleep on the bed. When he was sure that Shi Qingzhou was really asleep and he wasn't trying to fool him, he went to the outer room.

After arriving in the outer room, Long Xiaoyuan summoned the shadow guards, and first asked about the court lady's interrogation.

The shadow guard told Long Xiaoyuan that the maid was dead, but they couldn't get anything out of her mouth.

Long Xiaoyuan frowned lightly. The court lady was still dead. This was unexpected. He thought that with the means of those shadow guards, he would be able to find out something.

Moreover, judging from the impulsive appearance of the maid, the training is not very good, otherwise, how could she do it in front of Shi Qingzhou

However, in the end, the court lady still died.

But Long Xiaoyuan didn't struggle with this question for long, since he died, he died.

After waving the shadow guard back, Long Xiaoyuan called the imperial doctor Zhang Yuan over again.

After asking about last night's events in detail, Long Xiaoyuan asked about his own physical condition, and after knowing that nothing had happened, Long Xiaoyuan relaxed.

Zhang Yuan gave Long Xiaoyuan another sachet, saying that it contained special anti-drug powder and other types of medicinal materials, and asked Long Xiaoyuan to carry it close to his body, and Long Xiaoyuan took the things.

After Zhang Yuan left, Long Xiaoyuan took advantage of his good health to pick out the memorials from the past two days and read them.

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan slightly raised his eyebrows after seeing the excerpt about Shen Rou.

The fact that the imperial concubine colluded with outsiders to murder the emperor is a big deal. Now not only Shen Rou, but the entire Shen family is in prison. The book in his hand is that the Shen family also colluded with foreign enemies, and this serious crime of collusion is naturally copied and executed. up!

However, the master of this memorial was presented by a third-rank official from the Ministry of Rites.

If I remember correctly, this minister had a very good relationship with the lord of the Shen family in the past. You can almost wear the same pair of pants!

Now, if you say turn your back, turn your face, tsk tsk...

Or, is this wise and safe

Think you can get rid of yourself like this

Tsk tsk... Long Xiaoyuan read the book again from beginning to end.

Then, Long Xiaoyuan put away the booklet.

At this time, I looked at the time, and it was almost evening, um, I stayed here for almost half a day

Long Xiaoyuan felt a little surprised.

However, looking at the time, Long Xiaoyuan was a little hungry again.

Then, Long Xiaoyuan left the study and went to the bedroom. Shi Qingzhou was still sleeping, and Long Xiaoyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling a little distressed.

His light boat must be exhausted, otherwise he wouldn't be still sleeping, but at this moment, he really doesn't know whether to wake him up or what.

After thinking about it, Long Xiaoyuan decided not to wake him up yet.

In this way, after another half an hour, Shi Qingzhou woke up by himself, and at this time the sky was already darker.

Shi Qingzhou felt refreshed after waking up, and saw no one in the bedroom, so Shi Qingzhou went outside.

When he came outside, Shi Qingzhou saw Long Xiaoyuan at a glance, who was sitting by the window.

Then, when Long Xiaoyuan turned around, he also saw Shi Qingzhou.

"Qingzhou woke up?" Long Xiaoyuan smiled and hurried towards the other party.

Shi Qingzhou nodded, "Well, it's already dark."

"Yeah, just wait for Qingzhou to wake up and have dinner with me." Long Xiaoyuan smiled.

Shi Qingzhou also smiled slightly. "The emperor is hungry? Then let's have a meal."

Long Xiaoyuan then ordered someone to deliver the meal, and soon the dinner was delivered. In fact, Shi Qingzhou was not very hungry when he just woke up, but he also felt very happy to see Long Xiaoyuan's appetite was good.

After the two finished eating intimately, Long Xiaoyuan said: "Qingzhou, I read some scriptures, and now everyone in the Shen family is in jail?"

"En." Shi Qingzhou nodded. "They're all in jail."

Long Xiaoyuan sighed slightly, "How does Qingzhou plan to deal with this matter?"

Shi Qingzhou looked at Long Xiaoyuan when he heard the words. "It should be asking the emperor how he wants to deal with it."

"The news from Shen Rou's side is that there is something wrong with the Shen family. However, it may be difficult to find out who is behind the scenes from the Shen family. Those people are very cautious."

Shi Qingzhou agrees with this. Suddenly said: "It's time for the great prince to close the case."

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan raised his eyebrows slightly. "Qingzhou, what does that mean?"

"If you can't find out, then close the case." Shi Qingzhou said.

Long Xiaoyuan thought for a while. "Qingzhou wants to let them relax their vigilance?"

Shi Qingzhou said lightly: "You can also say that, but the most important thing is that since we can't find them on the surface, and they are hiding deep enough, we don't know how many people are working in it, so , why don’t we simply give up on the surface, in this way, those people may think that we are useless, in this case, maybe there will be some other changes.”

Long Xiaoyuan paused, and after a long while, nodded. "This is also a way, so let's do it."

Shi Qingzhou smiled slightly. "Actually, there is no need to worry, but those people are pervasive, and we should be careful in the future."

Long Xiaoyuan sighed, "That's right, this poisoning incident also made me understand... I should be more careful."

Isn't that right? If Shi Qingzhou hadn't discovered it in time this time, I'm afraid he would be in big trouble now!

Tsk tsk, thinking of this, Long Xiaoyuan curled his lips involuntarily.

After eating, Long Xiaoyuan took Shi Qingzhou's hand and took a walk in the courtyard of Kunning Palace to digest. Nor did they go out elsewhere to avoid trouble.

Long Xiaoyuan said softly: "Qing Zhou, it seems that I haven't seen you practice your sword for a long time..."

"The emperor wants to watch me practice sword?" Shi Qingzhou turned his head.

Long Xiaoyuan smiled, "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Shi Qingzhou smiled lightly. "What's the point? The emperor wants to see it, so I'll practice the sword and show it to you, huh?"

Long Xiaoyuan's eyes filled with warmth when he heard the words. "good."

Shi Qingzhou has never been a hypocritical person, so he immediately went back to the study and took out the sword.

After taking out the sword, Shi Qingzhou began to practice sword in the courtyard.

Shi Qingzhou's sword is never soft, but absolutely rigid in its brilliance, and at most it is sassy.

Looking at it, I just feel intoxicated. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in the eyes of others, it may not be like this...

Long Xiaoyuan watched Shi Qingzhou practice a whole set of swords. When Shi Qingzhou retracted his sword and walked back, Long Xiaoyuan couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged him into his arms.

Shi Qingzhou raised his eyebrows slightly. Long Xiaoyuan kissed each other's eyelids. Under the banyan tree, the posture of the two embracing each other was extremely beautiful. After a long time, when the evening wind blew, Long Xiaoyuan felt a slight chill, and then went back with his arms around Shi Qingzhou's waist .

Half a month later, news came from the border that Shi Qingshan took the initiative to send troops and took over the three cities of the Northern Kingdom.

Shi Qingshan did not send troops to occupy the three cities that were taken over. Instead, after conquering one, he drove the people inside to the center of the city, and then set fire to the city!

Building a city is difficult, but burning it down is too easy.

Destruction is always faster than construction.

In those three cities, except for the time of the war, the army led by Shi Qingshan did not injure a single person in that city, but burned the city where it was located. Then, send troops back.

Five days later, Long Xiaoyuan went to court, and some ministers in the court accused Shi Qingshan of cruelty and inhumanity, devoid of conscience and so on.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't say a word, and waited for those who accused him to finish speaking, and then when he was about to go down to court, he reduced the status of those ministers to small soldiers, and then threw them away in the border barracks, letting them experience it for a while. What about being a soldier.

There were five ministers in total, each of them turned pale, but they were still sent to the border in the end!

Since then, there has been silence in the hall.

No one dares to say anything about the border affairs anymore, who wants to go to the border to experience the battlefield as a soldier! That's not experience, that's definitely looking for death, okay

Long Xiaoyuan sent the five ministers away, and immediately sent another group of people to take up the post.

Of the five newly appointed people, one is from the left side, one is from the neutral party, one is from the royalist party on Shi Qingshan's side, one is recommended by the right side, and One was accepted by Shi Qingzhou.

The situation in the imperial court has changed again. Long Xiaoyuan was on his way to Kunning Palace after the imperial court that day. It is said that most of the servants in the imperial palace knew that Long Xiaoyuan was in a very bad mood!

So, that day, everyone in the palace was trembling, fearing that they would encounter bad luck.

In that case... the one who suffers is definitely me!

The current emperor is not the former emperor, but it is not so easy to fool!

And what about the truth

"Hahaha, Qingzhou, you should really take a look, the faces of those ministers who were sent to the border by me are really ugly, haha!"

Shi Qingzhou looked at Long Xiaoyuan's childish face, smiling as if a prank had been succeeded, and couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"Is it so funny?" Shi Qingzhou couldn't help asking.

"Of course, it's really too funny. It's true that your face is green! It's not an exaggeration at all, okay?"

Shi Qingzhou touched Long Xiaoyuan's chin, "Really?"

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan looked at Shi Qingzhou, his queen, in surprise.

It's no wonder he was so surprised. The most important thing is... his Qingzhou family never seems to have "molested" him, and now this... is molesting, right? Must be teasing, right

Therefore, Long Xiaoyuan was extremely surprised!

Shi Qingzhou met Long Xiaoyuan's surprised eyes, then slightly raised his brows. "how?"

"Cough cough." Long Xiaoyuan coughed violently, and then he said, "No, it's nothing, I just haven't seen Qingzhou like this before, I'm just a little surprised."

Long Xiaoyuan specially emphasized the word "a little bit".

Shi Qingzhou pursed her lips and looked at Long Xiaoyuan with a half-smile. "What does the emperor want to say?"

"No! I don't want to say anything!" Long Xiaoyuan said righteously.

Shi Qingzhou didn't bother to pay attention to the other party's surprise and teasing, Shi Qingzhou only said: "The five people arranged by the empress can bring some influence and changes to the court during this period."

"Well, that's what I think." Long Xiaoyuan said with a smile, "There are people from all over the place, but in the final analysis, there are more people from our side."

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "After multiple purges, the DPRK and China are now much better than before."

"Unfortunately, it's still not enough." Long Xiaoyuan sighed.

Shi Qingzhou smiled slightly. "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much, it's already good to be here now."

Long Xiaoyuan squeezed Shi Qingzhou's palm. Just as he was about to say something, suddenly, a shadow guard brought a message, saying that it was from Tianyin Fort. Long Xiaoyuan was very surprised, and hurriedly took the news over to read.

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Shi Qingzhou asked beside the other party.

Long Xiaoyuan gave the note to Shi Qingzhou, after reading it, Shi Qingzhou was also a little surprised. "This is from Fang Shuoyang, saying that he found something in his father's study and wants to deliver it in person?"

"Well, I personally delivered it... It seems that the things are not simple, but we also searched Tianyin Castle, but we didn't find anything"

"After all, Tianyin Fortress is so big. Although we searched, we didn't search like house raids. It's normal that we didn't find some things."

Long Xiaoyuan sighed. "Well... Fang Shuoyang and Xu You came here together this time... Well, I always feel that something will happen again. Shi Qingzhou looks at Long Xiaoyuan." How to say? "

"Well..." Long Xiaoyuan pursed his lips and shook his head. "I don't know, it's just an intuition."

Shi Qingzhou was still a little puzzled.

Two days later, Long Xiaoyuan's premonition came true.

Fang Shuoyang and Xu You were frantically killed on the way to bring things.

If it weren't for the fact that they brought a lot of people with them when they came out of Tianyin Castle, and the shadow guards left by Long Xiaoyuan and the others found the brothers nearby when they saw the situation was wrong, otherwise, in that battle, Fang Shuoyang and Xu Huan No one can survive!

But even though so much preparation has been made, the people on the Tianyin Fort side have just won miserably, but fortunately, neither Fang Shuoyang nor Xu You were injured.

When Long Xiaoyuan received the news, he was dealing with matters in the imperial study.

When the shadow guard delivered the news, Long Xiaoyuan was so angry that he almost tore up the memorial in his hand!

Then, Long Xiaoyuan immediately sent a wave of shadow guards and called Qiu Ming, and asked the major general to lead the team to pick them up.

After finishing the order, Long Xiaoyuan returned to Kunning Palace where Shi Qingzhou was with a sullen face.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Shi Qingzhou didn't know what happened to Fang Shuoyang and Xu You, so when he saw Long Xiaoyuan coming back with a bad face, he naturally asked quickly.

Long Xiaoyuan pursed his lips tightly, and told Shi Qingzhou about the matter, Shi Qingzhou immediately frowned.

"Already sent someone to pick it up?"

"Well, quite a few people were sent." Long Xiaoyuan also said his order.

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "Since the deployment has been made, don't worry about it."

Long Xiaoyuan smiled wryly. "Zhang Juecheng, something really happened."

Shi Qingzhou paused, and felt a little helpless. "You were just talking then."

Long Xiaoyuan pulled Shi Qingzhou's person over, hugged him in his arms, felt the scorching heat of the person in his arms, and felt a little more relaxed and in a better mood.

Shi Qingzhou quietly let Long Xiaoyuan hold her.

After a long time, Long Xiaoyuan said: "Qing Zhou, fortunately you are still here."

Shi Qingzhou turned his head, looked at Long Xiaoyuan's side face, and smiled softly. "Well, I'm here, so don't worry too much."

Long Xiaoyuan squinted his eyes and kissed Shi Qingzhou's eyelids. "Um."

The atmosphere between the two tended to be warm, so after a while, Long Xiaoyuan said: "It's almost time for lunch, isn't it?"

"Well, are you hungry?"

"Yes." Long Xiaoyuan yawned lazily.

Shi Qingzhou smiled and led him to the front hall...