Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 101: Who is at risk


Two days later, in the middle of the night, when Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou were sleeping, the arrival of the shadow guard woke them up.

It turned out that the shadow guards who went to meet Fang Shuoyang and Xu You arrived first, and encountered another wave of attacks from assassins as soon as they arrived. At that time, the army led by Qiu Ming had not yet arrived, and the shadow guards and the troops from Tianyin Fort Launched a counterattack against the assassin. On that day, the assassin failed, but Fang Shuoyang was still slightly injured.

Half a day later, Qiu Ming arrived with the army.

With more than a thousand more troops protecting them, Fang Shuoyang and his team should have no problems at all.

However, unexpectedly, when approaching the imperial city tonight, a wave of assassins suddenly appeared in the team. Among those assassins, there were actually dozens of them from the army that Qiu Ming brought over!

No one expected this change, and then, the carriage where Xu You and Fang Shuoyang were in was overturned.

It happened so fast that the shadow guards didn't have time to rescue him. Fortunately, Fang Shuoyang protected Xu You at the critical moment, but even so, Fang Shuoyang's back was seriously injured, and Xu You's foot was also crushed by the carriage. Hit it.

In this wave of attacks, although the shadow guards and the army killed all the assassins in the end, the losses were not small.

Three of Long Xiaoyuan's shadow guards were lost, and those troops had more than 20 dead, several were seriously injured, and more than a hundred were slightly injured!

Because it happened almost at the gate of the imperial city, and the injuries of Fang Shuoyang and Xu You urgently need the diagnosis and treatment of the imperial physician, and Fang Shuoyang and Xu You are still safe in the palace.

That's why the shadow guard came to disturb Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou in the middle of the night.

Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou were woken up, and immediately sent someone to pick up Fang Shuoyang and Xu You after hearing what the shadow guard said.

Shi Qingzhou said: "It will take a while for them to come over, and the doctor will do the diagnosis and treatment. Go ahead and rest. I'll get out of bed and have a look."

Long Xiaoyuan immediately shook his head upon hearing this. "How can I still sleep after you go down!"

At this moment, Shi Qingzhou really didn't know whether he should be helpless or moved.

Or both emotions, and then, Long Xiaoyuan got up from the bed.

Seeing the other party start to move, Shi Qingzhou didn't say any more.

Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou got up, and not long after, Fang Shuoyang and Xu You were brought to the palace and placed in the palace where Xu You was originally.

Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou went directly, and when they got there, the imperial physician had already finished the diagnosis and treatment.

Fang Shuoyang's back was injured, and the opponent's leg injury has not fully healed, so now he can only lie on the bed and rest. Couldn't even lie on my back.

And Xu You's ankle was injured, and now it is very red and swollen.

However, the imperial physician has already used the medicine, so don't move or exert force for three days, there will be no problems, and the root cause of the disease will not be left behind. This is the luckiest of misfortunes.

When Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou arrived there, Xu You's ankle had already been treated. He was sitting on a chair, his eyes were a little red, probably because he was worried about Fang Shuoyang.

Long Xiaoyuan walked over. "coming?"

When Xu You saw Long Xiaoyuan, his eyes lit up slightly, and there was grievance and resentment in his eyes. "Brother. Those people are too much!"

"Oh." Long Xiaoyuan sighed. "I already know, don't worry, your injuries won't be in vain."

"Yeah." Xu You nodded.

Although Fang Shuoyang was lying on the bed and couldn't move, he still greeted him verbally.

"Caomin has met the emperor. Empress, Caomin can't get out of bed to greet you now, and please forgive me."

Long Xiaoyuan waved his hand. "There is no need to talk about these falsehoods."

Afterwards, Long Xiaoyuan asked the two imperial physicians, Fang Shuoyang and Xu You, how they were doing.

After the imperial physician's report, Long Xiaoyuan sent them to decoct the medicine in person, and after clearing out the people in the room, Long Xiaoyuan asked, "What did you find that attracted such a crazy pursuit?"

Fang Shuoyang smiled wryly. "Actually, grass people don't know what it is."

With that said, Fang Shuoyang took out two things from his arms.

One is a jade pendant, the color of the jade pendant is crystal clear, and it looks like a high-quality suet jade.

The other thing is a... blood book

There are three lines of writing on the blood book. "Yin You Year, the ninth day of March. Change, posthumous child. Female, Lian Xiang'er."

There are three lines in total, but... what does this mean

In the year of Yin You, if you look back, it was twenty-four years ago? Change, posthumous child? What does this mean

Also, who is Lian Xiang'er

"Do you know Lian Xiang'er mentioned in the blood book?" Long Xiaoyuan asked Fang Shuoyang.

Fang Shuoyang shook his head. "Didn't know, never heard of it."

Frowning, Long Xiaoyuan showed the things to Shi Qingzhou, and Shi Qingzhou's brows also slowly frowned. He didn't know what the blood book referred to or what it meant.

Long Xiaoyuan said: "You think this is important, so you sent the things here?"

"Hmm." Fang Shuoyang nodded, "It was my father who hid in a very secret secret compartment in the study, and there are two traps on top of that secret compartment. If it wasn't for a very important top secret, my father would never do that. I think these two things may have something to do with the people behind the scenes that my father is working with, so I want to send the things I don't understand to the emperor. The emperor may understand, but I didn't think about it. We encountered a wave when we were on the road Bo's assassination. Those people... want my life and Xu You's life, not just to get things back."

"It seems that what we don't understand is very important to the people behind the scenes." Long Xiaoyuan looked thoughtfully at the bloody book on the handkerchief.

He felt that what was happening now was completely different from that novel.

Therefore, he can't know what's going on.

As the one who survived, is this the price he must pay for changing the ending of the book

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoyuan was a little dazed.

When Shi Qingzhou looked at Long Xiaoyuan, he noticed the trance of the other party, paused, and asked softly. "What happened to the emperor?"

Long Xiaoyuan shook his head and regained consciousness. She smiled comfortingly at Shi Qingzhou. "fine."

Shi Qingzhou approached some Long Xiaoyuan, Long Xiaoyuan shook each other's hand, then turned to Xu You.

"Xu You, you and Fang Shuoyang rest here first, this is the imperial palace, there should be no assassination, but you also need to pay attention to the food, I will specially arrange an imperial doctor here, you don't need to worry too much." Xiao Yuan said.

Xu You nodded. "Well, I know, brother."

Long Xiaoyuan didn't say anything more, just said: "You guys have a good rest."

"Okay." Xu You nodded.

Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou left, taking the jade pendant and blood book with them.

Fang Shuoyang glanced at Xu You, and slowly said: "The emperor treats you very well, in front of you, he calls himself me."

Xu You was slightly taken aback, then smiled with the corners of his mouth raised. "That is, he is the elder brother I know."

Fang Shuoyang smiled slightly. "Are you so happy to recognize your elder brother?"

"Of course." Xu You jumped to the bed with one foot and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Knowing people is based on fate, and I feel that my eldest brother and I are born to be brothers." Xu You said firmly.

Fang Shuoyang was a little jealous. "You say that, I'm going to be jealous."

"Haha." Xu You smiled. "You're really jealous."

"Yes." Fang Shuoyang pretended to be serious: "Of course I am really jealous!"

Xu You laughed again.

Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou went out, and they called Che Huo back to Kunning Palace.

After arriving at the bedroom, Long Xiaoyuan brought Shi Qingzhou to the table and poured him a glass of warm water. "It's still a bit cold outside, drink something warm."

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "Um."

Both Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou drank a cup of hot tea, and then Long Xiaoyuan said: "Go to sleep, don't say anything today."

"Okay." Shi Qingzhou had nothing to disagree with. But... "This jade pendant and blood book must be hidden."

Long Xiaoyuan was right after thinking about it, and immediately handed the jade pendant and the blood book to Shi Qingzhou, "Put it away, Qingzhou, I will rest assured that the things are with you."

Shi Qingzhou raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Long Xiaoyuan, and smiled after a while. "good."

Long Xiaoyuan didn't look at where Shi Qingzhou put his things, but walked to the bedroom.

Just as Long Xiaoyuan took off his coat and got into bed, Shi Qingzhou came back.

Long Xiaoyuan went to bed and vacated the outer half. "Qingzhou, come here."

Shi Qingzhou sat on the edge of the bed and took off his coat, and then got on the bed too.

After lying down, Long Xiaoyuan hugged him into his arms.

Shi Qingzhou turned his head. Long Xiaoyuan lightly pecked on the other's lips. "Go to sleep."

"En." Shi Qingzhou nodded.

Although it didn't take long before dawn, Shi Qingzhou and Long Xiaoyuan still slept for a while.

In the morning court the next day, not surprisingly, Qiu Ming led his troops to leave, but he fought the assassin outside the imperial city, and the casualties among those soldiers were a bit heavy, and this matter was discussed by a group of courtiers.

Some said angrily that they would investigate the murderer.

Some people said that Qiu Ming was not effective in leading the troops.

It is said that the assassin is crazy and wants to find out who is behind the scenes...

But anyway, this time, most people think that what happened outside the imperial city is a provocation to their court, and it must not be tolerated!

It was a rare time that the content of going to court met Long Xiaoyuan's appetite. In the end, Long Xiaoyuan handed over the thorough investigation to the Ministry of Punishment, and handed it over to Hu Qingyuan, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment that Shi Qingzhou dug up.

After coming down to court, Long Xiaoyuan met with two more ministers and gave some orders, one of them was Shi Qingshan's protégé Sun Youjing.

This Sun Youjing now has the trust of Shi Qingzhou and Long Xiaoyuan.

After giving the instructions, Long Xiaoyuan went to Kunning Palace, but seeing Shi Qingzhou dressed as if he was going out, Long Xiaoyuan was suddenly surprised.

"Huh? Do you want to go out?" Long Xiaoyuan asked as he walked towards Shi Qingzhou.

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "Well, I suddenly thought of a clue that might have something to do with the jade pendant and the blood book, so I wanted to go out and have a look."

"Eh?" Long Xiaoyuan was even more surprised. "How to say?"

Shi Qingzhou smiled slightly. "I can't tell you the details. I thought the jade pendant looked familiar yesterday, but I wasn't sure if I saw it somewhere. I didn't think of anything until this morning, so I wanted to go out and confirm it with my own eyes."

"Then I'll go with you." Long Xiaoyuan said immediately after hearing the words.

"This..." Shi Qingzhou hesitated when he heard the words, a little embarrassed.

Long Xiaoyuan narrowed his eyes. "Is it a secret?"

"No." Shi Qingzhou smiled bitterly. "There are a lot of assassins out there now. I'm not afraid of anything if I'm alone, but if you're here..."

Shi Qingzhou didn't say anything later, but Long Xiaoyuan still didn't understand.

But the so-called "cumbersome" matter caused them trouble, so although Shi Qingzhou still told the truth, he was afraid of hurting Long Xiaoyuan's self-esteem.

Seeing Shi Qingzhou's appearance, Long Xiaoyuan felt distressed immediately. It seems that the last cold war was still remembered by the other party, and he was afraid of touching some landmine.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't like this kind of Shi Qingzhou, so he smiled and said: "Qingzhou, you are right to worry, well, then I won't go out this time."

Unexpectedly, Long Xiaoyuan's easy compromise made Shi Qingzhou silent instead.

"What's the matter? Are you not happy if I don't go out?" Long Xiaoyuan was puzzled.

Shi Qingzhou lowered his head slightly, and suddenly said: "Let's go out together."

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan was really shocked when he heard the words.

But Shi Qingzhou has already raised his head, and said seriously: "Let's go out together, lead the snake out of the hole, and see if someone really wants to seek death. I also want to see how many people they hide in this imperial city!"

Long Xiaoyuan was silent for a while, then smiled. "Qingzhou willing to take risks?"

Shi Qingzhou smiled sassyly. "It's not us who take the risk, it's them."

"Haha." Long Xiaoyuan smiled. Such a confident Shi Qingzhou made him even happier. Often because of his relationship, he always felt that Shi Qingzhou was a little restrained when doing things. He will say that he is a burden to the other party.

At that time, he spoke a little carelessly, but now he likes the confident Shi Qingzhou to the bottom of his heart!

So, Long Xiaoyuan smiled and hugged Shi Qingzhou. "Well, yes! Qingzhou is right! In fact, they are the ones who take the risk, not us!"

Shi Qingzhou smiled slightly when he heard the words. "Your Majesty, let's go out after breakfast."

"Okay!" Long Xiaoyuan began to look forward to it. It's not that he is not afraid of death and insists on going out at this time, but he feels that if he is afraid of being protected by so many people, then it's better not to do anything!

Long Xiaoyuan is not such a weak and incompetent person! I don't want to hide behind other people's backs either!