Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 111: Nanshan is weird


Because of drinking some wine, Long Xiaoyuan seemed to have two more impulses in his heart than usual.

This impulse naturally turns into a strong desire when meeting the one I love.

Shi Qingzhou was somewhat unexpectedly pulled by Long Xiaoyuan towards the bathroom.

Didn't this person just say sleep? Didn't expect to have reason to come to this bathroom

Long Xiaoyuan pulled him to the bathroom, the hot spring water made Long Xiaoyuan jump in without even taking off his clothes.

Shi Qingzhou was taken aback by him. "Long Xiaoyuan!"

I was really frightened. In this palace, Shi Qingzhou called the other party's name directly.

Long Xiaoyuan smirked, then waved to Shi Qingzhou in the water.

"Qingzhou, come down!"

Shi Qingzhou is really dumbfounded, isn't he not drunk? Why are you still like a child

Although he felt that Long Xiaoyuan was a child, Shi Qingzhou didn't argue with the other party when the other party insisted, so Shi Qingzhou simply jumped off.

Wearing clothes, Shi Qingzhou has never done such a crazy thing himself!

"Haha!" Long Xiaoyuan was obviously very happy that the other party followed him to make such a crazy thing. He laughed, and then, like a naughty boy, splashed water on Shi Qingzhou's face.

Shi Qingzhou was splashed with water, and wiped his face helplessly. "do what?"

Long Xiaoyuan became playful, so naturally he would not answer him, but continued to splash water on the other party's face.

Shi Qingzhou didn't resist at first, since Long Xiaoyuan wanted to play, then he was splashed and played.

Unexpectedly, Long Xiaoyuan was quite aggressive, so Shi Qingzhou was not passively beaten!

When Shi Qingzhou started to fight back, Long Xiaoyuan screamed "ah", and the war escalated immediately.

After the war escalated, Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou started a fight in the bathroom. After the fight, naturally, the fiery skin wanted to touch, sparking passion...

Lips touched together, Long Xiaoyuan hugged the person next to him, and brought him to the edge of the bath, escalating the heat again...

On this day, Shi Qingzhou was tossed and tossed, Long Xiaoyuan seemed to have endless energy, and in the end, Shi Qingzhou passed out.

From the bathroom to the big bed, Long Xiaoyuan dragged his beloved to a thorough meal.

In the middle of the night, when Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou had already fallen asleep, in the early hours of the morning, outside their bedroom, an eunuch and a maid secretly whispered to each other.

"This matter is also very important, right? Don't go in and talk about it now, okay?"

"That can't be helped, the two masters... are too tired." The little palace maid blushed and changed a word.

The little eunuch sighed. "Although the imperial physician has passed away, if there is anything else..."

"This..." the little maid hesitated.

The little eunuch sighed. "Forget it, if the imperial doctor can't help it, the two masters can't help it either..."

The two muttered a few more words, but they still didn't go in to disturb the lovers.

Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou slept until the morning of the next day.

At this time, it was more than an hour before the usual time for breakfast.

Shi Qingzhou wasn't even awake when Long Xiaoyuan woke up.

It was only when Long Xiaoyuan moved a little that Shi Qingzhou was woken up by him, "Qingzhou woke up?" Long Xiaoyuan asked quickly.

Shi Qingzhou looked at each other. "Um?"

Shi Qingzhou's voice is very hoarse, even if it's just a simple answer, it can be heard that something is wrong with his throat.

For Long Xiaoyuan, who was the culprit, he felt a little guilty and distressed, but more of it was joy.

He leaned over and kissed Shi Qingzhou's lips.

Shi Qingzhou let the opponent move.

Long Xiaoyuan kissed him again on the lips. "Qingzhou, I'm sorry, I didn't control myself last night."

Shi Qingzhou squinted at the other party, this man knew he was out of control!

Shi Qingzhou's eyes were too supercilious, and he was much more lively, Long Xiaoyuan smiled.

Shi Qingzhou simply ignored the other party and sat up from the bed. "I exercise internal strength."

"Oh." Long Xiaoyuan nodded obediently.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't leave the bed while Shi Qingzhou was exercising his internal strength.

Shi Qingzhou opened his eyes about a quarter of an hour later, and Long Xiaoyuan just looked at him without moving for a quarter of an hour.

After Shi Qingzhou opened his eyes, Long Xiaoyuan quickly asked: "Qingzhou woke up?"

Shi Qingzhou smiled slightly. "Yes." Not awake.

"Well, it's all the same." Long Xiaoyuan shrugged. "Why does Qingzhou do this?"

"Recover faster." Shi Qingzhou said. "Not so tired."

Saying that, Shi Qingzhou got out of bed without any hindrance, which was very different from the sore and dying state just now.

Long Xiaoyuan looked a little speechless. I didn't expect internal energy to be so useful!

"Qingzhou." Long Xiaoyuan rolled his eyes. "This internal force looks so easy to use, but why haven't I seen you use it for this matter?" This is what made him feel puzzled.

Shi Qingzhou said lightly: "I will only use it if necessary."

So it means that what he did last night was too ruthless, and he wouldn't use it if he didn't do it so ruthlessly, right

Long Xiaoyuan blinked his eyes, feeling... um, seems to have a sense of accomplishment

When he was thinking about whether to let Shi Qingzhou use this ability more in the future, the other party had already got out of bed and started to put on clothes.

"Aren't you up yet?"

"Well..." Long Xiaoyuan flattened his mouth. "Get up, of course get up, Qingzhou serve me."

Shi Qingzhou didn't refuse, after she got dressed, she slowly served Long Xiaoyuan.

In fact, Long Xiaoyuan usually served Shi Qingzhou a lot, but now... hehe, it's not a good feeling.

Long Xiaoyuan was enjoying the service of his own queen. After he was dressed, he couldn't help but pull her over and gave her a very fiery kiss.

Shi Qingzhou paused slightly, and then let the other party deepen the kiss.

However, when Long Xiaoyuan seemed to want to go further, Shi Qingzhou rejected him.

"Your Majesty, if you go any further, your body will not be able to bear it anymore."

Although the voice was soft and there was no sign of anger, but the minister came out... Long Xiaoyuan naturally let go obediently.

Shi Qingzhou is very satisfied with this result.

The two came outside hand in hand, Long Xiaoyuan said: "Come here, pass on breakfast."

The breakfast was passed down quickly. When Shi Qingzhou went outside, he saw an eunuch hesitant to speak. Shi Qingzhou's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't call the eunuch over.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't notice anything, so he sat down to eat.

Shi Qingzhou sat down with the other party.

Both of them were really hungry, so they ate a lot of breakfast and didn't talk much on the way.

After both of them had finished eating, the servants brought the memorial over.

Looking at the stack of memorials, Long Xiaoyuan curled his lips, there are so many things to do.

Long Xiaoyuan complained in a low voice, but Shi Qingzhou still heard it, and smiled slightly.

Then, Long Xiaoyuan went to the study, went forward and said: "Qingzhou, I'll go to the study, if you have nothing to do, don't rush there, you can go for a walk, or take a rest."

As usual, Shi Qingzhou would go with the other party for nothing, saying no.

But today Shi Qingzhou nodded. "Well, that's fine."

Long Xiaoyuan didn't think much about it, they didn't deal with the memorial together every day, so Long Xiaoyuan went to the study.

Shi Qingzhou glanced at the other party's figure and disappeared, and said lightly: "Come here."

The little eunuch came over with a little maid. "Master." The two called softly at the same time.

There is no one else here except these two people, and the shadow guard is also a little outside, so Shi Qingzhou asked directly. "What's the matter, tell me."

"Zhou Huan and Zhou Yu'er didn't know what happened to Nanshan. Zhou Huan rolled down a hill and was seriously injured. The imperial doctor went to see him overnight, but he is still unconscious."

Shi Qingzhou was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect that there would be something wrong with Zhou Huan.

Shi Qingzhou frowned slightly. "What are Zhou Huan and Zhou Yu'er doing on Nanshan?"

The little eunuch immediately said after hearing the words: "They don't seem to have any clear purpose, and they seem to be looking for something. The shadow guards have been following, and they didn't see how Zhou Huan fell."

"Huh? How many shadow guards followed?" Shi Qingzhou frowned even more.

"Three, there are some more down the mountain." The little eunuch said immediately.

"The three shadow guards all followed, didn't you see how Zhou Huan fell?" Shi Qingzhou's voice was filled with displeasure.

The little eunuch said: "It seems that Zhou Yu'er and other things blocked Zhou Huan when the accident happened. The shadow guard didn't say it very clearly. It means that there seems to be something weird in Nanshan, and we are already investigating."

"Oh? There's something weird on Nanshan?" Shi Qingzhou raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, that's what the shadow guard said when he came back from the summons, but he didn't say what was so weird."

Shi Qingzhou thought for a while and waved his hand. "Okay, let's go down."

The little eunuch and the little maid went down together.

Shi Qingzhou thought for a while in the hall alone, and then walked to the study.

In the study room, Long Xiaoyuan was concentrating on dealing with state affairs, Shi Qingzhou went over, glanced at the serious man in the direction of the door, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't notice, or even notice that his queen was coming.

Shi Qingzhou walked in. "There's something wrong with Zhou Huan. He fell on the Nanshan Mountain. I'll go and have a look."

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan was surprised. "Falled? Is it serious?"

"It's just rolling down from the mountain. If it's serious, it will be a little flawed. But now people are not awake, so I'll go and have a look." Shi Qingzhou said very lightly.

"I see..." Long Xiaoyuan nodded. "Okay, let's go."

Shi Qingzhou smiled slightly, didn't say much, and went out.

Long Xiaoyuan continued to deal with the memorial after he left.

Shi Qingzhou changed his clothes in the dormitory, and then led people out through the secret passage...

Long Xiaoyuan used it alone during lunch, because Shi Qingzhou didn't come back.

Long Xiaoyuan summoned the shadow guard to ask about Zhou Huan's situation next week. "Is Zhou Huan serious?"

"He is in a coma now, but the imperial doctor said that his life is not in danger."

"En." Long Xiaoyuan nodded and touched his chin.

What are Zhou Huan and Zhou Yuer doing in Nanshan this week

No, it should be said that Zhou Yuer brought Zhou Huan to Nanshan for what? Is it just to make the other party hurt reasonably

Why does it seem that there is something weird

Long Xiaoyuan pursed the corners of his mouth, and temporarily put aside the question after lunch.

As for Shi Qingzhou, after leaving the palace, he didn't go directly to Zhou Huan's side, but went to Tianji Tower.

He talked with Zou Qingyuan for almost an hour before leaving the Tianji Building, but when he was leaving, he ran into that woman again, Wu Xiangyuan.

"Brother Shitou." Wu Xiangyuan saw Shi Qingzhou alone, her eyes were sad and bright.

Shi Qingzhou frowned slightly, glanced at the other party, and said politely: "Miss Wu."

"Brother Shitou, we haven't seen each other for many years... can we talk?"

Wu Xiangyuan's voice was very soft, as if she was grasping at the last straw, as if Shi Qingzhou could not survive if she rejected her.

Shi Qingzhou heard the words and said lightly: "It's not clear what to give and what to accept between men and women. I have important things to do today. I can't chat with Miss Wu anymore. Let me leave."

It can be said that Shi Qingzhou's words were not polite at all, and Wu Xiangyuan's expression immediately turned pale.

Shi Qingzhou didn't stay long and left.

Wu Xiangyuan lowered her head, her nails almost sank into her flesh, and it took a lot of strength to keep herself from falling down.

The maid next to him quickly supported him. "Miss!"

Wu Xiangyuan smiled palely. "It's okay, let's go back."

The maid was extremely distressed. "Miss... that person doesn't know how to flatter."

Wu Xiangyuan shook her head. "Brother Stone... we will never be able to..."

Wu Xiangyuan didn't say any more, her expression was very pale, and many other people who saw it were very distressed, but they didn't dare to look for Shi Qingzhou's bad luck.

This person was directly entertained by the guardians, they understand the meaning of it...

Wu Xiangyuan and the maid went back to the room where she was. "Okay, you go out, I want to be quiet for a while."

It's because you were still a little worried, but you didn't say anything and went out.

The obscurity and paleness in Wu Xiangyuan's eyes turned calm after the person went out.

After a long time, she compared her palms in the air next to her, and a weird but bright smile appeared on the corner of her lips...

It looks very weird.

Naturally, Shi Qingzhou didn't know about this change in Wu Xiangyuan, and it was time for lunch after he came out of Tianji Building.

Shi Qingzhou went to Zhou Huan's house, and instead of going to see Zhou Huan's situation immediately, he asked someone to prepare some food for him.

After the food was delivered, Shi Qingzhou slowly filled his stomach before going to Zhou Huan's side.

Zhou Huan was still awake, and the imperial doctor Zhang Yuan showed him over there.

For Zhang Yuan's ability, Shi Qingzhou is extremely relieved.

Zhou Yu'er was taking care of her by the bed. She looked very self-blaming, and she didn't seem to have changed her clothes from yesterday. There were some stains on her body, and she looked very bad.

Shi Qingzhou glanced at the other party, and said lightly: "Miss Zhou, let's go out first."

Zhou Yu'er bit her lip and seemed to want to say something, but Na Na responded without saying anything and went out.

The opponent's footsteps were slow, Shi Qingzhou took a look, and realized that the opponent knew martial arts, but he didn't seem to be very tall, at least, not as good as himself.

After only one glance, Shi Qingzhou withdrew his gaze.

Zhang Yuan saluted the other party, and Shi Qingzhou waved his hand. "Get up. Tell me about her."

"There are two fractures on the body. There are signs of fracture on the side of the ribs. The most important thing is the side of the head. I hit it, so I haven't woken up yet." Zhang Yuan knew that Shi Qingzhou didn't want to listen to nonsense, so he said it very concisely.

"Hmm..." Shi Qingzhou looked at Zhou Huan on the bed. The person on the bed looked very bad, which showed that the injury was serious.

"When you can wake up, the fractured injury will recover after recuperation, right?"

"Yes, it will be better if the injury takes longer to recuperate, but I don't know if the other party's brain injury will have sequelae."

"What kind of sequelae?" Shi Qingzhou frowned.

Zhang Yuan shook his head when he heard the words. "We won't know until she wakes up. It's hard to say now. Wei Chen estimates that it will take about three hours before she wakes up."

Three hours is too long, it is impossible for Shi Qingzhou to stay outside until then.

After waving his hand, Shi Qingzhou ordered Zhang Yuan to leave.

When he got outside, Shi Qingzhou summoned the shadow guard and asked about yesterday's events in detail.

After listening to the narration of the shadow guard, Shi Qingzhou frowned slightly.

The shadow guards couldn't tell what was weird about Nanshan, but there were quite a few people looking there.

As for how Zhou Huan fell, they were blocked by Zhou Yu'er at the time, and the incident happened suddenly, so they didn't see it.

They followed up the mountain and had to be alert to the surrounding environment, but they didn't pay much attention to Zhou Huan and Zhou Yu'er themselves.

Although it's okay to follow closely, men and women are different after all, and they can't get too close.

Therefore, how Zhou Huan fell can only be found out when the other party wakes up...

Shi Qingzhou pursed her lips, ordered people to continue to check the situation on Nanshan, looked at the sky and went back.

However, when going back, Shi Qingzhou brought two bunches of candied haws.

He still remembered that Long Xiaoyuan once sat with him and ate this food nostalgicly.

Although it is said that this is something for children to eat, and it is not very clean, but it is not a problem to eat it once in a while.

When Shi Qingzhou arrived in the palace, some of Long Xiaoyuan's memorials were still unfinished.

After changing his clothes, Shi Qingzhou went into the room with two bunches of candied haws.

Long Xiaoyuan immediately raised his head when he heard the movement at the door, his eyes lit up slightly when he saw two bunches of bright candied haws.

The look that lit up at that moment made the corners of Shi Qingzhou's lips curl up.

"Brought from outside." Shi Qingzhou approached each other while talking.

"Haha, Qingzhou actually brought this back to eat." Long Xiaoyuan was really surprised.

Shi Qingzhou smiled slightly. "The emperor doesn't like it?"

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan was a little stubborn. "Is this the kid who likes it? It's a pity that our son is a little younger. Otherwise, the little guy should be the favorite."

Shi Qingzhou tilted his head when he heard this.

"So, the emperor doesn't want to eat?"

"How come?" Long Xiaoyuan said immediately, and then took a bunch from Shi Qingzhou's hand. "It's good to be able to sit and eat this with Qingzhou."

Saying that, he took Shi Qingzhou to the door of the study, on the threshold, he sat down without image, and even pulled Shi Qingzhou to sit down with him. "This thing has to be eaten like this to be delicious!"

Shi Qingzhou was speechless for a moment, but he didn't get up either.

Long Xiaoyuan pulled one and bit it into his mouth. "Hiss, it's so sweet..."

Shi Qingzhou laughed and said: "Looking at your appearance, I thought it was sour rather than sweet."

"How could it be! It's just sweet!" Long Xiaoyuan grinned.

Shi Qingzhou also ate one, chewing slowly, it was indeed very sweet, but the apple in the middle seemed a bit sour...

"How is Zhou Huan?" Long Xiaoyuan asked.

Shi Qingzhou said lightly: "I haven't woken up yet. The imperial doctor said that there is a lump in the back of my head, so I didn't wake up. I don't know if there will be sequelae."

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyuan frowned. "There will be sequelae?"

Shi Qingzhou shook his head. "I don't know. I won't be sure until she wakes up. I don't know now."

"Tsk tsk." Long Xiaoyuan curled his lips.

Shi Qingzhou glanced at the other party. "The shadow guard said that Nanshan is a bit weird, but what kind of weirdness is not known yet, and we are investigating."

"Nanshan..." Long Xiaoyuan suddenly thought of Phoenix Mountain. "Could it be that they are hiding soldiers under the mountain again? This is right on the edge of our imperial city!"

Shi Qingzhou paused, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes. "If it's Tibetan soldiers, those people's ability is too strong."

Long Xiaoyuan flattened his mouth. "Except for the hunters in Nanshan, no one would go there...but there might be only a little movement of those who want to hide soldiers...we haven't found anything here...we have to check."

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "Well, the shadow guards have been arranged to investigate..."

"Okay, we can rest assured that the Shadow Guard will do things." Long Xiaoyuan said. "Stop talking about this, let's eat."

Shi Qingzhou blinked and nodded. "Um… "

The two of them sat on the threshold like children, and you ate one bite at a time... It looked quite childish and unrestrained...

When the two strings of candied haws bottomed out, the two looked at the red marks on the corners of each other's mouths and laughed... really like children...

Still, it's nice to be like this once in a while, isn't it