Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 31: meaning to oneself


two days later. On Yongan Mountain…

"Third Master, you say that what those officers and soldiers said is true or false." One person hesitated and asked a rough and burly man next to him.

The third master frowned slightly. Did not speak.

Another person said: "Third Master, I think the officers and soldiers who came over there look very sincere... It's different from the dog officer Wang Dao last time."

"Yes." Another person echoed: "Third master, is it true that the imperial court really came to surrender this time?"

"If what the officers and soldiers said is true, we don't need to worry about our past mistakes, as long as we turn to the light..."

"Three masters, I don't think it's true, right? Those dog officials say it nicely, but it's not like that in real practice!"

"That's true... Back then, I believed too much that those dog officials would end up with their families ruined."

"Aren't I too... But now in the world... We are always bandits after all..."

"Okay, we don't care about this matter." The third master finally opened his mouth and didn't let everyone discuss it any further.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed, and the three masters went to the other side.

No one noticed that among the dispersed crowd, three people went to the other side alone.

Needless to say, these three people are Shi Qingzhou who went up the mountain, Long Xiaoyuan, and Liu An who can change his face.

Liu An can be regarded as half a man of the rivers and lakes, he had been rolling in the rivers and lakes before, and later he got into trouble with his enemies and was rescued by Shi Qingshan when he was on the verge of death. After that, this Liu An has been following Shi Qingshan, working under the opponent's hands.

"Liu An, go around here more, collect information here, and listen more, to see what kind of people these bandits are." Long Xiaoyuan said.

"Yes." Liu An responded, turned around twice, and left.

But Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou looked at each other, and casually walked towards the place where the third family disappeared just now.

They didn't find three people at random, but chose people who were similar in shape to them.

Moreover, when solving those three people, some things were forced out of their mouths, such as their names, some simple deployments here, and the basic situation. Otherwise, no matter how good the disguise technique is, it will be easy to be exposed.

The two arrived at the door of a room, and seeing no one around, Shi Qingzhou stood near the door. He has good internal strength, and he doesn't need to press his ear against the door to hear the conversation inside. Long Xiaoyuan was on the sidelines.

"Brother." This is the voice of the third master. "Now some people on the mountain are floating, what do you think we should do?"

The eldest brother didn't speak, but the second child spoke, and the other party's voice was very rough.

"Brother, I think those dog officers and soldiers are here to cheat again!"

The third master frowned, hesitated for a while and said: "However, there are still a lot of people coming from the court this time. If a serious general comes here, we may not be able to take advantage of the advantage of the terrain." What good."

The second child was dissatisfied when he heard the words: "What do you mean, the third child? Is it possible for you to destroy your prestige by other people's ambition?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the head of the family finally opened his mouth lightly. "Okay, stop arguing."

The second child frowned and said, "But brother, you heard it too. The third child meant to surrender! Didn't we all agree at the beginning? We will never surrender, even if we die, we must die together."

The boss finally couldn't bear it and said: "At that time, we only had more than a hundred people, and we were all connected to each other. Of course, it was nothing to die together, but now we have a total of four thousand people, and hundreds of them are women and children. These people, do you want everyone to die with us?"

What the boss said made the second brother couldn't help opening his mouth, nana said: "But...but..."

The boss waved his hands wearily, "Okay, let's do this first, I have to think about it, you guys go out first."

"But boss..."

"Okay, second brother." The third child grabbed the opponent's elbow. "Let's go out and let big brother be quiet."

The two opened the door and went out, the second child shook off the hand of the third child. "Hmph, I'll go by myself."

The third child sighed helplessly and left too.

A while later, Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou passed by "inadvertently" again, and then they looked at each other and left. At night, Shi Qingzhou and Long Xiaoyuan slept in the same bed, and there are many rooms on the mountain , Some families live together, and some two or three big men work together.

Shi Qingzhou and Long Xiaoyuan pretended to be living in the same room, and Liu An was next door.

Because they were in the same room, Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou naturally slept in the same bed.

Long Xiaoyuan hugged Shi Qingzhou's waist, and said softly: "Qingzhou, according to what you said... the boss and the third child are relatively rational, and they are considered for the sake of the people on this mountain, and don't want them to continue to be bandits?"

Shi Qingzhou said "hmm", "how many people are willing to be bandits if they can live in the sun, it's a matter of hanging their heads on their waists."

"Well... that's true." Long Xiaoyuan nodded thoughtfully. "If that's the case...we can make a plan, maybe, to convince the two chiefs inside."

Shi Qingzhou hesitated, "But if we fail, our situation will be dangerous..."

Long Xiaoyuan paused. "No problem, wealth and wealth are in danger."

Shi Qingzhou frowned slightly, if he was the only one, then he wouldn't mind "asking for wealth and wealth", but the status of emperor is very important, how can he take risks!

Seeing that Shi Qingzhou didn't speak, Long Xiaoyuan immediately understood, he thought for a while, and said: "Well, let's observe for two days, before implementing this plan, I will go down the mountain."

Shi Qingzhou heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay, that's it, leave the matter here to me, and I will definitely not disappoint the emperor."

Long Xiaoyuan kissed Shi Qingzhou on the forehead, "Well, you should be careful."

For the next two days, Long Xiaoyuan, Shi Qingzhou, and Liu An all watched and listened from the mountain.

The conclusion drawn by their own eyes is that maybe they were all forced to go to Liangshan, but some of them have bad personalities and their hands are stained with blood.

For such a person, Long Xiaoyuan and the others put each other in their hearts. Just wait until the future to clear them one by one.

That night, Long Xiaoyuan took advantage of the darkness to go down the mountain with Liu An. Originally, Long Xiaoyuan wanted to go down alone, but Shi Qingzhou didn't agree anyway. The negotiation work fell short, so Long Xiaoyuan agreed.

That night, after Long Xiaoyuan and Liu An successfully arrived at the foot of the mountain, Shi Qingzhou walked into the room of the bandit boss...

That night, Long Xiaoyuan stood at the foot of the mountain, waiting for Shi Qingzhou to come down.

The waiting time was exhausting. Facing the deep mountains of the night, he clenched his fists. The feeling of not being able to protect the people he cared about was not good, even a little bad.

Until now, Long Xiaoyuan saw clearly that he cared about Shi Qingzhou, it was true.

It's not because the other party is the protagonist, it's not because the other party can kill him and ascend the throne, it's not because of these interests.

He cares about Shi Qingzhou because he regards him as a partner, that's all.

Companion... not for profit, not for my own life, not for that book, just because of the word partner.

That night, Long Xiaoyuan saw clearly what Shi Qingzhou meant to him.