Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 38: The rare capriciousness of an emperor


When Long Xiaoyuan met Shi Qingshan, in fact Shi Qingzhou also received the news in Qiankun Palace, his expression froze, and it took a while for him to retreat.

And this person who reported to him was a shadow guard, if Long Xiaoyuan was here, he could still call out the other party's name. It's Yingqiu.

When he and Shi Qingzhou left the palace for the first time, it was this shadow guard who protected him on one side. After Shi Qingzhou returned home, he followed up to protect the other side. Long Xiaoyuan was not in a good mood either. There is a little bit of bewilderment that others can't see.

He had read that novel, the title was "The Empress's Road to the Throne".

According to the original book, Shi Qingzhou has now killed the emperor and ascended the throne on his own. But at this time, his father and grandfather were also killed.

But now, both Shi Qingshan and Old General Shi are still there. And Shi Qingzhou became his veritable queen.

He thought he was in no danger.

However, what happened to the secret report brought by Shi Qingshan, the first and second princes of the Tianlong Dynasty actually colluded with the barbarians in the north

This seems to be something that didn't exist in the original book, right

In the original book, three quarters of the current novel has been completed, and the remaining quarter is indeed a rebellion against the king. It was these princes, but they never mentioned their collusion with the barbarians.

And now? Shi Qingzhou didn't kill the emperor, but what kind of barbarian colluded with the prince to rebel

The plot... how did it develop into this

It seems that something is out of control...

He thought that as long as he and Shi Qingzhou were on good terms, as long as Shi Qingzhou didn't kill him, he would be able to be the emperor safely. So, has the tyrant policy of the original owner these years been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? So, many people want to oppose him

So, in fact, in the original book, Shi Qingzhou killed the tyrant, won the hearts of the people, right

Suddenly, I feel a little sad... I don't know if it's for myself or for the original owner... The original owner who looks so similar to me...

That, maybe it really was my previous life

So, now I feel sad...

With this sense of loss and sadness that no one else could see, Long Xiaoyuan did not go to Qiankun Palace.

I don't know why, but now...he doesn't want to see Shi Qingzhou. It's not anger, it's not resentment, it's not any other negativity...

He just, wants to have a little bit, his own time and space.

Long Xiaoyuan stayed in the stone pavilion in the imperial garden for a while, then... changed clothes and left the palace.

That's right, leaving the palace.

In the palace, he felt that being alone would be more boring, so he went out of the palace... Maybe the world outside the palace would be better if it was freer.

Long Xiaoyuan thought so, and it was rare for him to do so capriciously...

The shadow guards were of course brought with them, but they also brought shadow guards here, not even Zhou Qing and the others.

In Qiankun Palace, Shi Qingzhou said lightly: "Where is the emperor now?"

The people below replied tremblingly: "The emperor... has left the palace..."

Shi Qingzhou paused for a moment, then his eyes darkened, and the people below did not dare to vent their anger.

For a long time, Shi Qingzhou spoke indifferently. "Go down."

The people below hurriedly left as if they had received amnesty...

Shi Qingzhou gazed into the distance, the fists beside him clenched slightly...