Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 64: Where is it in your heart


Both Long Xiaoyuan and Xu You were in a bad mood.

They buy drunk for the sake of getting drunk, and naturally, they are really drunk in the end!

However, in fact, Long Xiaoyuan still had a sliver of consciousness, but Xu You was really drunk.

The drunk Xu You actually went crazy with alcohol, he threw the wine jar, and threw his whole body into Long Xiaoyuan's arms.

"Brother, how do you think he can go too far? How can he be so big that he can't even handle his own parents?"

Long Xiaoyuan's tongue has long since grown. Although there is still a trace of consciousness in his head, there is only a trace of it.

Xu You threw himself on him. He was afraid that the child would fall, so he gave him a hand, and then instinctively followed the other person's words to comfort him.

"Well, it's too much... Don't worry, brother will avenge you."

"Revenge?" Xu You blinked, his eyes a little blurred. "How to get revenge? Kill his parents? In that case... he will hate me?"

"This..." Long Xiaoyuan also blinked and thought for a while, if his parents were killed by his lover... well, he would hate it too.

So, Long Xiaoyuan hiccupped and said: "Then what should I do... Brother can't kill someone for you..."

"Yeah, what should I do..." Xu You looked a little sad.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't know how to comfort him anymore, because he drank too much alcohol now, he was a little sleepy.

After Xu You shook his head desperately, he grabbed Long Xiaoyuan's hand.

"Brother, I'm sad... I still want to drink."

Long Xiaoyuan shook his head. "I don't want to drink... I want to sleep, I'm sleepy."

"Sleep..." Xu You blinked. "Okay, let's go to bed then..."

Long Xiaoyuan didn't think there was anything wrong with these words.

In the modern world, good brothers fall out of love, one drinks with the other, and then the two brothers sleep together... This is called emotional healing, isn't it

So, Long Xiaoyuan, who was already drunk and not clear-headed, nodded immediately. "Okay, sleep."

Then, Long Xiaoyuan left with Xu You in his arms.

The eunuch and others followed behind Long Xiaoyuan, looking at each other.

They were a little far away, so they couldn't hear what Long Xiaoyuan and Xu You were talking about.

They only saw the emperor and Mr. Xu drinking happily, then hugged each other... and then, they went back to the emperor's bedroom.

That's right, they returned to the emperor's bedroom.

These days, Long Xiaoyuan has been sleeping in his bedroom.

Now, he was tired and was going to sleep, so he naturally went to his bedroom.

As for Xu You, anyway, this guy has lost much consciousness now, that is, he just follows instinctively.

However, to Long Xiaoyuan and Xu You, two drunks, this is a very common behavior, but in the eyes of others...

It's not just those eunuchs and maids. In short, it's not that there are no guards along the way, and it's not that there are servants from other palaces. In short, on this day, the news that the emperor favored Mr. Xu, and took Mr. Xu to the emperor's bedroom graciously gone like wildfire...

If we say, at the beginning, it was just a rumor that Mr. Xu "may" become a member of the harem.

Then, after this night, Mr. Xu and the emperor "shared the same bed", then this must be a certain fact! A solid fact!

However, this so-called "certain" fact... is still very different from the real truth!

The next day, when Long Xiaoyuan got up, he only felt a little pain in his head. Then, he felt a little pain in his chest...

Look again, well, someone's sleeping appearance is really very bad. One foot was actually on his chest, such a night... It's a strange thing that his chest doesn't hurt, okay

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Long Xiaoyuan threw that foot down, and then got up from the soft dragon bed.

It was probably because he threw it too hard, so Xu You grunted and woke up.

Xu You didn't find anything wrong. He opened his eyes and saw that Long Xiaoyuan had got up, so he immediately rubbed his eyes. "Brother, are you up?"

Long Xiaoyuan murmured, and then looked dissatisfied at the fact that he was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and the most important thing was that he smelled of alcohol.

Frowning, Long Xiaoyuan said, "I'm going to take a bath."

Xu You said "oh" slowly, and then said, "Brother, you go, I'll sleep for a while."

Long Xiaoyuan responded. "Okay. You sleep a little longer, I'll take a shower."

Then, Long Xiaoyuan went to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Xu You was still sleeping. After taking a bath, Long Xiaoyuan felt much refreshed, and then began to wear the emperor's palace clothes.

He just wore two pieces, and then Xu You woke up. This is probably when I really woke up, and immediately discovered the problem with myself...

"It stinks!"

Long Xiaoyuan couldn't help laughing. "Yeah?"

Xu You jumped out of bed. "Brother, I want to take a bath."

"Okay, there is a bathtub in the back, you can go by yourself."

"Well, go right away." Xu You couldn't bear the stench on his body, so he hurried to go.

Long Xiaoyuan put on his clothes outside and was about to go out when Xu You's voice came from inside.

"Brother, I forgot that I didn't have a change of clothes, go ask someone to bring my change of clothes."

Long Xiaoyuan curled his lips and opened the door without thinking too much. "Xiangyang, go get Mr. Xu's change of clothes."

"Yes. The slave will go now." Liu Xiangyang responded and hurried to get it.

Naturally, Liu Xiangyang was not the only deputy chief eunuch, but there were also other eunuchs and maids.

Yesterday, after Long Xiaoyuan and Xu You entered the room, the eunuchs and maids stayed outside and never entered.

Just kidding, the emperor is lucky to have Mr. Xu, what are they going in for? Interfering with the good things of the emperor, do they still want to live

Therefore, these people are guarding outside the door.

Now, the emperor opens the door and asks someone to deliver clothes to Mr. Xu. Is there any need to talk about what happened yesterday

Therefore, Long Xiaoyuan's opening of the door this morning confirmed yesterday's "definite" message.

The current Long Xiaoyuan doesn't know this yet, after all no one with a broken mouth dares to say this in front of the emperor, the end will definitely be beaten to death with a random stick.

And Long Xiaoyuan's confidant... wouldn't say either.

In their view, it is a fact that the emperor favored Mr. Xu.

So, there is nothing to tell the emperor specifically about this, right

Under such various misunderstandings, neither Long Xiaoyuan nor Xu You knew that Xu You was already the emperor's concubine in the eyes of others...

Five days later, Shi Qingzhou received another secret report from the palace.

"The emperor has favored that Mr. Xu, in the emperor's bedroom."

This is the news from Ying Qiuchuan, and Shi Qingzhou turned the note into ashes on the spot.

If, a few days ago, he still thought, maybe this matter is a misunderstanding, maybe there are other people's random rumors, but the truth is not like this...

So now, Shi Qingzhou just finds it ridiculous.

What he laughed at was not others, but himself who made excuses for Long Xiaoyuan.

Mingming already knew that the other party had changed his mind, and knew that the promise the other party said was empty words, but he just didn't believe it.

He had to see such definite evidence before he believed and gave up.

Such a Shi Qingzhou, such a self, is really sad...

Gently closed his eyes, and blinked away all his emotions. At this moment, Shi Qingzhou felt as if a small hole had been opened in his heart, but it was soon filled with something.

And what filled that small hole was bloody hostility.

He urgently needed to do something to vent the anger in his heart... Otherwise, he was afraid, really afraid that he would lose control.

He was afraid that he would lose control of himself and do something like killing the king...

Their Shi family has always been loyal and good. How could this kind of loyalty and goodness be ruined in Shi Qingzhou's hands! cannot! He can't be the sinner of the family!

However, the lights on the riverside still seemed to be reflected in front of my eyes.

What the man said, "One couple for one lifetime" still rings in my ears clearly.

So, how long has passed, how long... The man changed his mind.

Just because he came to the battlefield? The battlefield... haha, how ridiculous!

Long Xiaoyuan, Long Xiaoyuan, you don't like me, and I never expected you, so it's okay if we just go on like this

I will be my queen in name, whether you insult her or ignore her, I can bear all these.

But why, why did you come to provoke me!

Is this how Shi Qingzhou's feelings were trampled on

At this moment, hatred filled his chest. Shi Qingzhou never considered himself weak, so he wanted to kill the king!

But, how could he kill the king! He is from the Shi family! If he kills the king, he kills the king just because of such a ridiculous emotional grievance, his father will be the first to kill him with a sword, killing his relatives righteously!

So, he can't!

Since you can't kill the king, since you can't kill the high-ranking emperor who didn't keep his promise, then let other bloody things calm his resentment...

And here is the battlefield!

Three days later, news of the rapid success of Babailijia came frequently. Under the leadership of Queen Shi Qingzhou, their dynasty's army was victorious, beat the enemy's ass, and took three enemy cities.

Now, the enemy army has retreated to a city fifty miles away from where it was.

When this good news came, there was an uproar in the court. Shi Qingshan's party officials invited Long Xiaoyuan to praise Shi Qingshan.

And Shi Qingzhou, the queen's reputation, is also known to the whole world.

Looking at the good news on the table, let alone others, Long Xiaoyuan himself has an unspeakable passion.

Shi Qingzhou! His queen is really good!

Although he knew that Shi Qingzhou was very strong through the novel "The Empress's Road to the Throne".

However, they didn't know that the opponent was so strong.

What Shi Qingzhou is showing now is not his imperial talent at all, but his military talent!

Shi Qingzhou is so powerful on the battlefield!

Could this be the so-called golden finger of the protagonist

Alas... Sighing, Long Xiaoyuan realized that he really missed him more and more.

Missing... After such a long "cold war", he couldn't help but took out the envelope.

"Qingzhou, I am very happy to see good news coming in frequently. My Qingzhou is indeed very powerful. I am even lonely at home. I miss the days when I have Qingzhou by my side. When you return triumphantly, I will welcome you back with open arms .”

After writing this, Long Xiaoyuan's excitement seemed to calm down a little.

Taking a long breath, Long Xiaoyuan encrypted the letter and sent it out...

The person who sent this letter was a shadow guard, a shadow guard trusted by Long Xiaoyuan.

However, what Long Xiaoyuan didn't know was that this shadow guard... was a bit unlucky.

The shadow guard didn't encounter any robbers on the road, but his horse had a problem.

He came out on a good horse from the palace, and planned to send the letter to the border as quickly as possible.

However, something went wrong with the horse. On the third day, the horse didn't know what was going on. While jumping over a rather big puddle, it jumped into the air...and fell down violently.

Because the accident happened so suddenly, although the shadow guard reacted narrowly at the last moment, but... still fell.

Then, the letter fell... wet.

It was just a letter wrapped in ordinary envelope paper. If it got wet, the paper inside would naturally be...

The shadow guard was dumbfounded, he gritted his teeth, and opened the envelope.

I found... the letter paper inside was blurred, and I couldn't make out what was written inside!

And he himself has not received the emperor's oral order, this letter is already like this, even if it is sent to the border, it is useless!

The shadow guard had no choice but to return with the conviction that he must die...

With such a mistake, the shadow guard didn't think that he could still live when he went back.

But he didn't expect that after the report, although the emperor asked him to receive the punishment, but... he didn't directly order him to be executed!

After the shadow guard left, Long Xiaoyuan smiled wryly while holding the blurred envelope.

"Is this... fate? I bowed my head first, and then wrote this letter... but because of such a ridiculous accident... I didn't send it to you... Qingzhou, is this God's will?"

He smiled wryly, after the urge to pick up the pen that day, until now... what Long Xiaoyuan had left was helplessness, he didn't have that eager urge to pick up the pen...

Finally, Long Xiaoyuan sighed slowly.

"Forget it, the great victory ahead, you should be back in January at the latest... so what if I wait for you for another month? Qingzhou, this month, will you... write to me? Will you? "

After all, Long Xiaoyuan was still a little bit unwilling to accept his "compromise".

Why didn't Shi Qingzhou write to him and tell him how much he misses

The other party has been away for such a long time, and no letter has come... Could it be that the other party is so indifferent

Shi Qingzhou, in your heart, what is the most important thing

That's right, maybe the most important thing is the battlefield, so what about me... What is my position in your heart

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoyuan clenched his fists a little bit.

That feeling of unwillingness and loneliness faintly gained the upper hand. In the end, he stopped writing.

At this point, the border.

After leading the army to fight, Shi Qingzhou finally vented some bloodthirsty killing intent in his heart.

Now he is much calmer, much calmer, but also much more terrifying.

All the soldiers in the army know that Queen Shi Qingzhou, and today's Little General Shi is a very serious leader.

Moreover, he doesn't like his subordinates to make mistakes very much. Once they make mistakes, the punishment is very severe.

Moreover, the queen is so serious that you can hardly see a smile on the other person's face.

No matter when the war is won, or when dealing with the enemy's prisoners, even when harvesting the enemy's city, you can't see the smile on the queen's face, or even feel the joyful breath from the opponent's body.

Therefore, for the officers and men in the army, Queen Shi Qingzhou is an existence that they are very revered and afraid of.

Yingqiu's information did not come again, and Shi Qingzhou did not wait.

After these days, he doesn't seem to care about anything anymore. What he thinks about most every day is killing the enemy. How to kill more enemies! After pouring blood these days, Shi Qingzhou found that at least his heart had calmed down a lot on the surface.

Yes, on the surface.

Whenever there is no need to fight in the dead of night, he will not be able to sleep, and he will stare at a point for a long time, feeling a little dazed.

He didn't want to think about that person, but what that person said and what he did for him would always come to mind clearly.

Even, on the contrary, the previous injuries... are somewhat blurred.

Besides, the most clear one is Yingqiu's sentence, the emperor doted on that Mr. Xu.

These words resounded in his mind over and over again... He was so tortured that he couldn't fall asleep, and in the end, he could only touch his faint point to force himself to fall asleep...

Sometimes, Shi Qingzhou can't help but think... about where Shi Qingzhou is in the other party's heart.

Why, a person can backtrack so quickly.

Is love such a cheap thing

And every time he thinks like this, Shi Qingzhou will find that the killing intent in his heart will become stronger and stronger...

The urge to kill the king will rise...