Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 91: Action in the night


Except for Shi Qingshan's speculation and deployment.

Shi Qingzhou felt weird after Fang Qiuhua's death, so he didn't dare to delay, and sent the news of Fang Qiuhua's death back to Tianyin Castle, but it was only known to the shadow guards.

Long Xiaoyuan was stunned when he received the news, Fang Qiuhua, is he dead? And suicide

Long Xiaoyuan also felt that this matter was really untrue, but he knew that it was impossible for Shi Qingzhou to make such a joke with him!

After thinking about it, Long Xiaoyuan told Xu You about it.

Xu You was also stunned, and then immediately went to find Fang Shuoyang, and conveyed all the words Fang Qiuhua said before he died. After Fang Qiuhua knew that his father had embarked on this path, he vaguely guessed in his heart that this day.

But he never thought that this day would come so soon!

Moreover, his father actually committed suicide...

Suicide... Fang Shuoyang closed his eyes, only feeling that somewhere in his chest was sad.

Xu You was by the other party's side, and it was sad to see Fang Shuoyang like this.

In the end, Fang Shuoyang recovered by himself.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I have to tell mother about this news... Besides, I always feel that my father will not commit suicide without leaving anything behind."

Xu You opened his mouth, looked at Fang Shuoyang who was pondering, and nodded. "Okay, then I'll go first."

Fang Shuoyang took a deep breath. "Be careful yourself."

Xu You smiled. "Ann, don't worry, I can have any problems, and I have bodyguards by my side."

Fang Shuoyang reluctantly hooked the corners of his mouth, and then hugged Xu You into his arms fiercely.

Xu Youan quietly stayed in the opponent's arms, hugging him back.

Fang Shuoyang hugged him for a long time before letting go, Xu You said softly: "No matter what, you still have me."

Anyway... you still have me!

Fang Shuoyang really raised the corners of his mouth this time, and then nodded firmly. "Um."

Xu You also smiled, his eyes sparkling.

"It will pass, don't worry, we will be fine, we will."

Like the most deceptive oath, Xu You said firmly.

Fang Shuoyang finally smiled after hearing the words, the smile was shallow but gentle. "Um."

Leaning over, Fang Shuoyang kissed the corner of Xu You's mouth.

Xu You's cheeks were slightly red.

Fang Shuoyang kissed the other party's lips again.

Xu You closed his eyes, and Fang Shuoyang deepened the kiss.

It was not until a long time later that Fang Shuoyang let him go. At that time, Xu You's cheeks had turned an intoxicating crimson.

After all, Fang Shuoyang let go of others. At this moment, it is not a good time to talk about love.

After Xu You left, Fang Shuoyang ordered Zhou Huan to come over.

Compared with the previous few days, Zhou Huan now is not in the slightest domineering, and his eyes are even as calm as water.

Such a mother, Fang Shuoyang looked at it with great distress.

"Mother, you are here." Fang Shuoyang wanted to smile, but failed.

Seeing Fang Shuoyang's expression, Zhou Huan's pupils shrank unconsciously.

Fang Shuoyang watched steadily as the other party walked towards him step by step.

Finally, Zhou Huan walked up to Fang Shuoyang.

"Why did Shuo Yang call his mother?" Zhou Huan asked gently.

Faced with such a mother, Fang Shuoyang found that he felt unable to face it.

Unconsciously, Fang Shuoyang's eyes dodged a little.

Zhou Huan's eyes darkened, and there was still a smile on his face, but his heart had already sunk.

"Shuoyang just say what you want, mother can bear it."

Fang Shuo raised his head violently, knowing that the other party had already guessed. Women's intuition is keen, especially when this intuition is facing the person closest to him.

Fang Shuoyang shook his lips, but still opened his mouth gently. "Mother, father... is gone."

Zhou Huan's pupils shrank violently, and his body stiffened.

Fang Shuoyang felt sad. ""

After a while, Zhou Huan smiled lightly, his eyes were full of youthfulness, and they were calm and dead.

"He... did he leave anything behind?"

Fang Shuoyang nodded. "Yes, Dad left a message."

Xu You's words were conveyed verbatim, and Fang Shuoyang didn't understand the meaning of it.

His father said that in this life, the only person who owes him is his wife and his son.

Since Dad knew about it, why did he still do such a mind-boggling thing

This is what Fang Shuoyang was most puzzled by, so he murmured out.

Zhou Huan's expression was rather dazed.

"Mother?" Fang Shuoyang called out.

Only then did Zhou Huan come back to his senses, "Shuo Yang..."

Fang Shuoyang looked at Zhou Huan, saw that the other party was thinking, and couldn't help asking: "But what did mother think?"

Zhou Huan said in a daze: "Mother... think of something about the past."

"What happened in the past?" Fang Shuoyang asked.

Zhou Huan looked around. "Do you know how long Tianyin Castle has been established?"

Fang Shuoyang was slightly taken aback. "One hundred years, since the generation of my great-grandfather, I have been here."

Zhou Huan nodded. "That's right, and the Zhou family where my mother lives has been friends with Tianyinbao since your grandfather's generation. Your father and I are naturally together."

Fang Shuoyang didn't know what Zhou Huan wanted to say, so he listened quietly.

Zhou Huan said softly: "Before we got married, I met your father three times. However, at the first meeting, we didn't know each other's identity. Although our two families have a good relationship, mother is a woman after all, so When we were in contact, Mother didn't actually show up, the first time I saw your father, Mother was only thirteen that year."

Seeing Zhou Huan sinking into memories, Fang Shuoyang, being a son of man, listened more quietly without disturbing him.

Zhou Huan said softly: "The meeting was in the mountains. My mother went up the mountain with my elder brother, but when I encountered a wave of bandits from other places on the mountain, my mother and your uncle were separated. My mother was injured a little. When you met a wolf, at a critical moment, it was your father who appeared and rescued your mother. Otherwise, grass would have grown in front of your mother's grave by now. At that time, no one knew who was who, and your mother and your father were trapped in the mountains At that time, your father carried this good wine with him. In the second night, he went out to look for food and ate a kind of psychedelic plant by mistake. This kind of psychedelic plant is mixed with wine. After drinking, people will lose consciousness unconsciously. Take precautions, and then reveal some secrets. After all, your father was still young at that time, and his internal strength was not as deep as it is now, so he said something. At that time, mother didn't think much about it, but now... the inside story is not easy."

Fang Shuoyang immediately asked after hearing the words: "Mother, what did Dad say?"

Zhou Huan was silent for a while, and then said: "The heavens are not fair, why do we have to do this dark thing with the Fang family. We are so far away from our homeland that we can't even tell who we are."

Fang Shuoyang's eyes widened sharply. " could you say that?"

Zhou Huan shook his head. "Mother doesn't know. At that time, mother was too young. Your father may have said something else, but mother can't remember. The only thing mother remembers is that she is far away from her homeland, so that she can hardly tell who she is. Two years Afterwards, Mother saw your father for the second time. Your father is much more mature than when she first met. Mother knew your father's identity at that time, but she only thought of your marriage with your father. Mother didn't pay attention to those incomprehensible words your father said. Over the past twenty years, mother and your father had quarrels. Mother is also very respectful. Mother is sad and disappointed, and puts all her hopes on you. About your father, she doesn't want to think about it. Until this time... "

Zhou Huan sighed with a wry smile, "This time, your father was suddenly involved in such a major event as the rebellion. Mother was actually puzzled at first, and didn't know why your father did this. If your father has such ambitions, why Niang has not noticed anything for more than 20 years, and after thinking about it, Niang also thought of some abnormalities. For example, these years, sometimes Niang wakes up in the middle of the night and finds that you are not in bed, but sitting by the window, watching Looking at the moon outside, I was in a daze. At that time, mother thought that something in the castle was embarrassing your father, but what could happen in the castle? Later, mother thought that your father missed the woman who was raised outside, and because When I got married, I made a promise that I was the only one, so I couldn’t bring in women from outside. I was so depressed, and I didn’t have a good talk with your father. Now that I think about it, it’s also my mother’s fault. My mother discovered so many things. It's suspicious, but I never had a serious talk with your father.

If we had a good talk, maybe your father would not end up today..."

Zhou Huan slowly shed tears.

Fang Shuoyang felt distressed seeing Zhou Huan like this. "Mother..."

Zhou Huan smiled lightly. "It's mother's fault."

"Mother." Fang Shuoyang held Zhou Huan's hand. "Father, is there any reason why you can't do this?"

Zhou Huan nodded firmly when he heard the words. "Yes, some things that I didn't understand before now have answers, your father, there must be some reason why you have to do this!"

"No wonder, no wonder." Fang Shuoyang murmured. "No wonder Dad committed suicide... Dad, he didn't want to implicate us anymore...


Zhou Huan's eyes turned cold when he heard this. "Your father said to stay away from homeland, Shuo Yang, mother suspects... Your father's blood is probably not from my dynasty. However, I can't be sure about the Fang family, but the Zhou family, the Zhou family where your mother belongs to, is from the Celestial Dynasty. My dear! Your uncle will actually be involved in this matter... Mom can't let your uncle destroy my Zhou family's century-old foundation!"

Fang Shuoyang pursed his lips. "What does mother want to do?"

Zhou Huan said softly: "The emperor has already shown mercy, and those in the Zhou family and Tianyin Fort who did not participate in this matter will not be held accountable. Since this is the case, of course mother wants to... destroy relatives righteously!"

Fang Shuoyang clenched his fist. "But now we can't even control Tianyin Castle..."

Zhou Huan slowly lowered his eyelids. "We can't, but the court can."

Fang Shuoyang's face changed slightly. "Mother wants to..."

"Now, this is the fastest and most beneficial result for us. And Mother believes that the imperial court will not take a fancy to our small Tianyin Castle and the Zhou family."

Fang Shuoyang took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Mother, my son understands."

Zhou Huan smiled slightly. "On the day of action, the Zhou family, leave it to my mother."

After Zhou Huan and Fang Shuoyang made a decision here, Long Xiaoyuan immediately received the news.

After a moment of silence, Long Xiaoyuan smiled slightly. "I really didn't expect Zhou Huan to be a material for great things! Moreover, he was decisive in killing."

The shadow guard knelt down to obey the order.

Long Xiaoyuan looked at Eye Shadow Guard, and only said three words. "Take action."

Five days later, in the middle of the night, 10,000 troops surrounded Tianyin Castle, 10,000 troops surrounded the Zhou family, and 30,000 troops surrounded Fenghuangshang.

These three parties proceeded simultaneously.

On the side of Tianyin Fort, with the cooperation of Fang Shuoyang, some loyalists who followed Fang Qiuhua had actually been secretly solved a few days ago. Therefore, the siege of Chaozhong took away more than 200 people, but Tianyin Fort Nothing messed up.

The Zhou family was in a complete mess.

In the past few days, Zhou Hengliang hadn't contacted Shang Qiuhua, and instinctively felt that something was wrong, especially when Fang Shuoyang was released. He had already prepared a backup, and even secretly grasped the soldiers and horses on the Phoenix Mountain into his own hands.

But Zhou Hengliang never thought that there would be so many troops in the court!

The five thousand private soldiers he hid under Phoenix Mountain were useless at all!

Although those private soldiers are all elites, but when facing 20,000 elite soldiers of the imperial court, are these elites still elites

In particular, Phoenix Mountain has now been completely besieged.

And a whole 10,000 troops surrounded his Zhou family!

Ten thousand troops! Even if all of his Zhou family are good players, but can they defeat this elite army of 10,000

Zhou Huan stepped forward with some of the guards in Tianyin Fort.

"Zhou Huan!" Zhou Hengliang gritted his teeth.

Zhou Huan's gaze was colder than Zhou Hengliang's. "Brother, you made this decision, is it right for the ancestors of the Zhou family?"

"Little sister, what's going on?" Zhou Huan is the youngest daughter in the family, nicknamed Xiaomei, and the person who said this is Zhou Huan's mother, Mrs. Zhou.

Zhou Huan said: "Mother, brother's conspiracy to rebel has been exposed."

"What? Rebellion?" Mrs. Zhou rolled her eyes and fainted immediately.

"Nizi! Niizi!" Mr. Zhou didn't know that his son had done such a good deed, so he staggered angrily.

"Auntie! My father and I are doing it for the good of our Zhou family! Auntie, you have to eat your way out!" Zhou Hengliang's son Zhou Tairong yelled Zhou Huan looked at his nephew coldly. "For the good of our Zhou family? Do you know that rebellion is a felony for the Jiu Clan? This is called for the good of our Zhou family? Our Zhou family has a good reputation in the Jianghu, and we also have a status in the Jianghu. We could have lived a happy life." , You implicated our Zhou family in such a crime of extermination, is this for the good of our Zhou family?"

Zhou Tairong is just a dandy, he was shocked when he was frightened at this moment.

Zhou Hengliang gritted his teeth and said, "If it succeeds, my Zhou family's wealth will be unparalleled in the world."

"Haha." Zhou Huan laughed. "Big brother, little sister doesn't know that big brother is such a dreamer, if he succeeds? Haha, don't you think about failure?"

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger." Zhou Hengliang said firmly.

"Nizi!" Mr. Zhou slapped him across the face. Zhou Hengliang was caught off guard and staggered from the slap. "Dad..."

"Wealth is in danger, so why don't you ask your parents if they want this wealth!" The old man roared.

Zhou Hengliang was a little at a loss for words.

Sadness flashed across Zhou Huan's eyes, and then his expression turned colder. "Brother, you want to be rich, but the rest of us only want peace and beauty. Did you ever think about the end of the rest of us when you were doing your business of wealth? Brother, you are too selfish! Bet our entire family on you ambition!"

Mr. Zhou slapped Zhou Hengliang again.

At this moment, Zhou Hengliang suddenly became violent and attacked Mr. Zhou.

The others were stunned. Although Mr. Zhou was good at martial arts when he was young, he is old after all, and his son suddenly attacked him. He didn't expect that he got a palm in the chest and fell into his son's hands.

"You all stand down and let me go, or I will kill him!"

Zhou Huan stared at Zhou Hengliang in disbelief. "Zhou Hengliang! He is your father!"

Zhou Hengliang's face was extremely ugly. "So what? I'll say it again, let me go! Otherwise, I'll kill him immediately!"

"Father killing, Nizi! Nizi!" Mr. Zhou spat out a mouthful of blood in anger.

Zhou Huan roared. "Let go of Dad!"

"Father, take me with you!" Zhou Tairong shouted.

Zhou Hengliang didn't take care of Zhou Tairong, but flew out with Mr. Zhou.

But at this moment, Mr. Zhou suddenly slapped his son with his palm in mid-air.

Then, Zhou Hengliang instinctively struck back with a palm, and then, Mr. Zhou fell from midair, and the shadow guard flew up, facing Zhou Hengliang...

Half an hour later, the Zhou family was also taken down, and all the people who followed Zhou Hengliang to resist were arrested and taken away.

"Father!" At this moment, in Mr. Zhou's room, Zhou Huan burst into tears.

Mrs. Zhou also woke up with tears streaming down her face.

"Master, don't leave me alone..." Mrs. Zhou cried.

Mr. Zhou coughed and said intermittently: "Nizi, Nizi..."

Zhou Huan wiped the tears from his face. " will be fine, daddy, you will be fine."

Mr. Zhou shook his head. "I know, I can't get better... Little sister, you promise me, don't let our Zhou family cut off the incense... In the future, Shuoyang's child's heir... Adopt one to our Zhou family."

Zhou Huan had a meal.

Mr. Zhou grabbed Zhou Huan's hand. "Little sister, promise me, promise me..."

Seeing how such an old man could bear to refuse, Zhou Huan finally agreed. "Yes, my daughter knows."

Mr. Zhou's heart relaxed... Then he closed his eyes completely.


"Old man!" Mrs. Zhou cried.

The Zhou family fell into a sad chaos.

And when Zhou's family was in chaos, so was Phoenix Mountain.

Fang Qiuhua and Zhou Hengliang, the two obvious masters, are not there, and the foot of Phoenix Mountain has been attacked. Can they not be confused

"Surrender without killing!" shouted the leading general on the Chaozhong side.

With these words, the scene became even more chaotic, with some desperate and some surrendering...

The enemy was chaotic, and the Chaozhong side was naturally invincible... Not long after, Phoenix Mountain was also captured.