Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 161: Happy and sad


Shen Xi did not embarrass him: "Then I will return it to him personally."

She couldn't do the act of expressing her feelings casually, otherwise she would have to move a mountain of gold for her next time. The boss was rich and willful.

Shen Xi thought of a good way to make his brother take back the gift and make him happy at the same time.

Kunlun glanced at the man in the back seat through the rearview mirror.

The man sat quietly in the very hot compartment, wearing a red scarf, frowning slightly, looking at the scarf with a soft and focused look in his eyes, and the corners of his lips curved in pleasure.

Absolutely, Miss Shen was so amazing, he admired her and admired her. A hand-knitted scarf made the boss laugh like a fool.

As for the returned gift, it was insignificant compared to the Warm Brand scarf. As long as the boss was satisfied and happy, the rest could be ignored.

Li Yuan looked at the scarf around his neck intently, and suddenly his attention was attracted by the different red color on it. The look in his eyes condensed slightly, and he got closer to distinguish it.

The smell of blood, so light that it was almost impossible to detect, filled the air, causing his heart to clench tightly, and the pain spread away little by little.

The last time she injured her finger, she probably did it while knitting a scarf for him!

His silly girl, how could she make him so happy and make him feel distressed!


Within a week, the reputation of "Laughing Country" continued to grow, and Amway could be seen on tap everywhere.

Two episodes air Friday night.

The ratings were announced on Saturday and soared to 9.8%, which was three times higher than last week's highest rating.

That night, Yuan Yu went to the set. After filming, he treated the creative team to a big meal as a reward.

Yun Jinping felt happy, but he had to help his daughter keep the secret and couldn't tell it. Thinking that her daughter had said that everyone in their class was a loyal fan of "Laughing Country", he simply used an excuse to let her give away all the classmates with whom she had a close relationship. Bring your family over, treat them to a meal, and make it lively.

Shen Xi originally planned to call Song Wenye and Yu Yuanxi but not anyone else.

Who knows where that bastard Pei Xu overheard the news and directly brought the entire international class with him.

A group of people came over with a great deal of excitement, carrying barbecue grills, charcoal, and a lot of barbecue ingredients.

Everyone came and brought their own ingredients and gifts. Even if Shen Xi drove them away, Yun Jinping was not willing.

"Children, hurry up and come in." Yun Jinping couldn't help but smile happily: "You guys are just here, what are you doing with so many things?"

"Auntie, don't even look at how many of us there are. If you are too tired to cook, Xi Xi will beat us to death." Pei Xu joked with a smile and walked home with his things.

Yun Jinping looked at this child, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that he was sensible and had a free and easy temper. These children were all good children!

"Pei Xu, bring two of you over here to help me get my things." Someone shouted.

Pei Xu turned around and saw that it was none other than Yu Qiu, a white bastard. He raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at him with disgust, ignored him, and turned around to leave.

"Axu, is that child in your class too?" Yun Jinping met Pei Xu, Song Wenye and several other people from the international class during the last dance competition.

There are more than forty people in the international class, and today they are all coming in droves. Most of them are strangers, thinking that Yu Qiubai is also in their class.

"Auntie, I don't know him." Pei Xu raised his hand and threw it to Lin Ge, who was coming towards him, and pulled Yun Jinping home with a smile.

Please give me a vote and have a good night. I have to edit the rest and will update it at noon!

How can the boss be so vulgar? Of course... he just gives away money, hahaha!

The date of that password is a very special day!

(End of chapter)