Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 170: The fish dies and the net breaks


"Stinky girl." Kong Tao angrily shouted at the table, his face turned the color of pig liver, and he was furious: "Your name is Yun Qi, right? Go and tell your boss that there is no discussion on this matter. You can do it if you want." You have to be willing whether you are willing or not.”

He has always been in a high position, especially after becoming the director of the station. Anyone who sees him cannot help but be respectful. This is the first time he has encountered such an arrogant girl!

As a screenwriter, it seems that she doesn't want to stay in the entertainment industry anymore. As long as he bans her with one sentence, let's see who dares to use her!

"Director Kong is such a powerful official!" Shen Xi raised his eyes slightly, with an innocent look in his eyes, and opened his thin lips lightly: "Are you threatening me?"

Kong Tao looked at the girl who had remained calm from beginning to end, and felt a burst of fire in his heart. He was completely irritated by her attitude: "You can try to see if I threaten you."

This stinky girl is very sharp-tongued!

He wanted to see if she would dare to be so arrogant to him when she was banned from the entertainment industry!

"If you don't reciprocate, I will threaten you." Shen Xi slowly picked up the tea on the table, took a sip, and said with a smile: "If you don't fulfill the contract well, I guarantee you won't get it. one episode of TV drama."

"You..." Kong Tao couldn't take a breath, his vision went black for a while, and he pointed at her angrily: "Who are you? You won't give it to me if you don't give it to me? The boss of your company doesn't dare to do that. talk to me."

This yellow-haired girl is simply too arrogant. Who gave her the courage to make him angry to death!

Shen Xi raised his eyebrows, with a cold look in his eyes: "No one told you that I am not only a screenwriter, but also the boss of Universe Entertainment? Yuan Yu, the president of Universe Entertainment, has to listen to me.

Don't think that I'm afraid of you. The worst that can happen is that everything will come to an end. You can give it a try and see if I will deliver the next episode to you. "

Kong Tao felt a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat. There was a sinister look in his eyes, and he looked at her with gritted teeth: "What do you want?"

No matter how crazy or arrogant the bratty girl in front of him is, he will never give up "Laughing Country". This TV series is really too strong and the quality is too impressive.

He had the foresight to buy this TV series at the lowest price. The ratings have reached such a high level that it has made other TV stations jealous to the point of red eyes and will never give it up to anyone else.

If the cooperation is terminated now, the advertisers will suffer huge liquidated damages that the TV station cannot afford.

He thought that a small company would be firmly in his hands, but he didn't expect them to be so ignorant!

Shen Xi: "You must fulfill the contract."

After weighing the pros and cons, Kong Tao forced himself to calm down and looked at Shen Xi: "Screenwriter Yun, let's calm down. Let's sit down and discuss this matter in detail!"

Shen Xi looked at Kong Tao who had returned to normal and smiled: "It's good if Director Kong can talk."

Kong Tao knew that he had lost, completely. Compared with his anger, the bad girl opposite him was extremely calm and indifferent from the beginning to the end, but every word he said could make people mad to death. .

In his life, he had never met such an arrogant person, nor had he been forced into such a situation. He was completely embarrassed.

This time, I will let her be proud first, and then I can settle the matter this time after the filming of "Laughing Country" is completed and the TV series is finished.

Kong Tao compromised and promised not to edit her TV series at will, but to broadcast it exactly according to the content they submitted.

The content played yesterday has been removed from the shelves, and yesterday's episode will be played tonight.

Today's episode will be temporarily rescheduled to tomorrow.

"Director Kong understands the importance of justice and hopes that we can have a happy cooperation." Shen Xi nodded slightly and smiled at him.

Kong Tao only gave in temporarily, but he was so angry after listening to her words. The stinky girl was saying sarcastic words and deliberately laughed at him. He couldn't see her in the same way, so he fell into her trap. His face was so dark that he couldn't smile: "Happy cooperation." ”

"Then I'll take my leave first." Shen Xi took the contract and stood up.

Kong Tao was so upset just looking at her that he wished she could disappear quickly. He still had to maintain his dignity: "Screenwriter Yun Qi, please go away."

Shen Xi just stood up.

There was a knock on the door of the director's room.

I’m asking for a vote for Sister Shuaishuai. There’s still one chapter to be edited. I’ll update it at noon. Good night, I love you all.

(End of chapter)