Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1808: Makino Aurora


With the release of the first rendering, the entire design team finally realized what an outstanding product design they had made.

The Land Rover Evoque is one of the few models with a very long aesthetic span. This car can make people feel amazing in the first few years after it comes out, and it can still make people feel very good-looking in the next few years. Even a few years later, it will not look good. It is a high-looking model. Even before Li Mu's rebirth, the Evoque has been on the market for so long. Everyone is used to seeing the Evoque, and they still think this car is really good-looking.

Such a design, when taken out today, is almost a crushing level of existence. Compared with it, the current Volvo car design team can simply be sent to Siberia to grow potatoes.

Alexander Vikander also didn't know who his father was until he saw the renderings, which were almost real-life images.

He was almost astonished by this model, and the slip-top shape that he had previously scorned has become the finishing touch in his eyes.

So the whole team seemed to be on a high, and in the following time, they carried out more detailed design work in full compliance with Li Mu's requirements.

A few days later.

A complete set of renderings of Makino Auto Group's first car has finally been announced as completed.

The entire design team worked hard and produced nearly a hundred renderings, including 20 exterior images from various angles, 20 interior center control images, and the rest were interior seats, Space layout and various small details.

This medium-sized SUV was named Makino Aurora by Li Mu, and its English name is MUYE-Aurora.

In addition to adopting the exterior design of the Land Rover Evoque, the interior of the Makino Evoque completely abandons the Land Rover set of things, and instead brings in the family interiors of later generations of Mercedes-Benz.

In addition to the grand and classic Mercedes-Benz shape, the central control is also designed with a 7-inch LCD screen. However, this screen is still in the imagination stage and needs targeted development.

Although most models now do not have LCD central control screens, it does not mean that the current level of technology cannot meet this requirement.

In fact, the screen is very simple. There is no technical difficulty in the 7-inch LCD screen. When applied to automobiles, it is nothing more than improving the adaptability to high and low temperature working conditions based on the original screen.

In fact, the LCD screen is not the most important. The most important thing is to adapt to a complete vehicle system.

To put it simply, this system should at least support displaying various vehicle conditions, such as air conditioning status, mode status, audio adjustment and other functions, and then it must cooperate with the user to adjust vehicle conditions and provide simple entertainment functions.

Finally, it must also provide radio and MP3 and CD playback functions.

If you want to make it more powerful, you can combine Keyhole's map and navigation functions to realize car navigation, and then add a Bluetooth module to realize Bluetooth phone calls and Bluetooth music.

If you want more functions, you have to wait until the smartphone system is developed.

Li Mu currently has no ready-made vehicle systems available, and none of the systems available on the market can catch his eye, so he left the design and development of this product to Apple and Makino Technology.

Apple’s team is responsible for developing software support for the entire system, including human-computer interaction and experience optimization.

Makino Technology’s hardware laboratory is responsible for finding the most suitable hardware on the market to solve the entire solution.

I heard that Li Mu wanted to install a 7-inch LCD screen in the car, and all the technicians expressed strong opposition.

There are several objections:

First, the cost is too high;

Second, instability;

Third, no need.

Li Mu scolded these Swedish guys bloody.

Is the cost too high? These people have no idea that this kind of configuration may only cost 1,000 yuan during production, but it will cost consumers at least 3,000 yuan to modify it later.

Therefore, if you sell it to him for 1,500 or 2,000, he will not know how happy he will be. At worst, he will come up with two plans. The beggar's version model does not have an LCD screen, but the mid-range model and above are equipped with an LCD screen by default.

In Li Mu's view, those in the industry who now feel that consumers will not pay for LCD screens are basically idiots in the automotive industry. In the market a few years from now, their faces will be pressed against the exposed concrete floor and rubbed repeatedly. Then give their pig brains a concussion.

As for instability, Li Mu heard more.

When we talk about why we can’t add a screen to the car, why we can’t add this or that, there are always experts in the industry who say that the working conditions required by the car are severe, with temperatures ranging from tens of degrees below zero to dozens of degrees above zero, and many electronic products cannot Use it directly on the car.

Such a theory is basically no different from farting.

The reason why they say this is because they are lazy. Mobile phones can be used at minus 30 degrees Celsius. Why do car screens become useless at minus 30 degrees Celsius? The mobile phone screen is much more complicated than the car central control screen, right? A little bit of thinking can solve the problem of LCD screen adaptability to working conditions, so such people are simply the most idiotic among all idiots.

As for those who say it is not necessary, it is also standard lazy thinking.

They think that car manufacturers all over the world only give users a crappy radio, so why should we go to all the trouble to get them some LCD screens? Doesn’t the radio sound good? Aren’t tape recorders nice? Aren’t CD players nice

As a result, after Tesla put a screen larger than an iPad directly into the car, all the car manufacturers suddenly realized, oh, it turned out that the things they thought were really good in the past were actually stinking shit. The central control LCD screen turned out to be It's so important.

Therefore, no matter in any industry, leaders will be ostracized, and even ridiculed and ridiculed by those self-righteous conservatives.

As the saying goes, summer insects cannot speak ice, this group of people themselves are the kind of people who will not shed tears until they see the coffin. For them, they will suddenly realize when they really see the general trend.

Volvo's production line is still being assembled and debugged, and it is not expected to be officially put into production until early next year.

However, the prototype does not need to wait for the entire production line to be assembled. You can organize the production department to conduct trial production first. After all, many technologies are common. They are directly transplanted from Volvo's platform and then affixed with a MUYE mark to complete it, just like Skoda. Some engines are even installed with engines that have been labeled by Volkswagen, and then a Skoda logo is affixed to the original Volkswagen logo on the engine, and then they are pulled out and put on the market.

Li Mu plans to use Volvo's technology to produce the Makino Evoque prototype. He will first hand-produce the prototype as a concept car, and then start road testing.

After the prototype of a general model is produced, it is modified while testing. Just after the test of this car is completed and the final shape is completed, the production line is basically completed. By then, mass production can begin!

(End of chapter)