Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1812: Official announcement


Li Muyi said that he would leave some share for the Goldberg family, which has been rushing to support him. Each of these state-owned securities companies became very energetic.

The big cake of 45 billion US dollars is indeed a bit difficult to swallow, but if a large part is divided at once, it will become a huge loss for everyone.

As a result, everyone communicated with Li Mu one after another, and the share of the US$45 billion was allocated US$10 billion to the Goldberg family, and they took all the rest.

This is equivalent to recognizing the issue of a valuation of 450 billion.

For these securities companies, although it is indeed a bit difficult to swallow tens of billions of dollars in one go, Li Mu is right. Although the fundraising amount is a bit high, it is not too difficult. With the current global optimism for Makino Technology, Countless people will rush to invest in Makino Technology.

Over the past year or so, there have indeed been too many venture capital investors pursuing investment in Makino Technology, but they have had no chance to get on board. Now the IPO requires 10% of the shares to be issued as stocks in one go. As long as they are released, it will definitely become a popular choice for everyone. A hot target for big venture capital and stock funds.

45 billion U.S. dollars, if the global stock funds allocate one share, it is actually about the same. If a portion is reserved for retail investors, large and small, it can basically be divided completely.

After the state-owned securities firms negotiated how to allocate the US$35 billion share, Li Mu called Davidson Goldberg of the Goldberg family.

Davidson Goldberg has been in Yanjing during this period. He has stayed in Yanjing for more than half a year and still refuses to return to England. He is just waiting for Li Mu to calm down and be willing to meet him so that he can face him in front of him. Make a good confession.

Even if Li Mu never contacted him, he had no intention of leaving Yanjing.

This is mainly because Davidson Goldberg can see that Li Mu will be a huge gold mine in the future. Not only will Makino Technology be listed in the future, Taobao will also be listed soon, and Makino Automobile Group may also be able to get it in a few years. Going public, following this trend, you don’t have to do anything else, just follow him and do an IPO, you can make a lot of money.

Therefore, in this case, Davidson Goldberg cannot give up Li Mu under any circumstances.

When he received the call from Li Mu, Davidson Goldberg, who was in his sixties, was so excited that he was even a little incoherent.

In the past six months in Yanjing, he had learned quite good Chinese. As soon as he started speaking Chinese, he said excitedly: "Mr. Li, you are finally willing to contact me!"

Li Mu was surprised for a moment and said with a smile: "Davidson speaks Chinese well. Have you learned Chinese during this time?"

"Yes!" Davidson said, "I hired a Chinese tutor and learned Chinese three hours a day. Although I'm still not good at writing, it's not a big problem."

With that said, Davidson hurriedly asked: "Mr. Li, are you calling me about the IPO?"

Li Mu hummed and said: "Makino Technology will launch an IPO immediately with a valuation of 450 billion US dollars and a financing of 45 billion US dollars. I will reserve a share of 10 billion US dollars for you. If you think it's OK, do it now Come to Makino Technology and sign a contract with me.”

Davidson Goldberg hurriedly asked: "Mr. Li, can't you let HSBC be the lead underwriter?"

Li Mu said calmly: "You think so, just because of what you guys did when Google went public, I really want to put you on the blacklist and never cooperate with you for the rest of my life. You reserved a share of 10 billion because you have been performing well and took the initiative to draw a clear line with the Wall Street gang."

Although Davidson Goldberg was a little disappointed, he was still excited deep down in his heart. After all, at least he got into Li Mu's car and was not kicked out of the car by Li Mu.

Afterwards, Davidson Goldberg immediately rushed to Makino Technology to meet with Li Mu and other brokers.

At the conference table, Li Mu directly proposed a specific cooperation plan. State-owned securities firms took the lead and led several medium-sized securities firms to digest US$35 billion, while Davidson Goldberg's HSBC bank digested the remaining US$10 billion.

The amount of US$45 billion raised is not allowed to cooperate with Wall Street capital. State-owned securities firms must target Chinese and Asian financial markets for fundraising. As for HSBC, they must focus on raising funds in Europe.

This time, Wall Street missed the listing of Makino Technology.

After everyone reached a consensus and signed the memorandum at the same time, the IPO of Makino Technology was officially launched.

In the afternoon of the same day, Makino Technology teamed up with its cooperating brokers to jointly announce the official launch of Makino Technology's IPO in the Hong Kong market, raising US$45 billion in funds, which is the largest IPO in history.

The market capitalization of US$450 billion and the amount of funds raised shocked the global financial community, but for many people, this amount is reasonable and expected.

After all, it is Makino Technology, the world's number one Internet company. In this field, no one can match it.

Makino Technology also announced that of the US$45 billion, US$35 billion will be invested in the company's next global strategy and software and hardware development, of which at least US$20 billion will be invested in data processing. superior.

At this stage, Makino Technology is already the world's largest data service provider. An additional investment of 20 billion US dollars will provide a strong boost to Makino Technology's cloud services. In the future, it will be able to monopolize at least 70% of global cloud services.

However, there are not many companies that need data services at the moment. It is not as developed as the Internet in later generations. Both large and small companies have to purchase cloud services for this business alone, so it is not yet clear how big this business is. market space.

But in Li Mu’s view, in ten years’ time, Makino Cloud will have an independent market value of at least US$500 billion. If it assists Makino Technology’s core business, Makino Technology’s total market value will exceed US$2 trillion, or even higher.

Basically, the valuation of Makino Technology after ten years will be more than two Tencents plus half of Amazon, half of Alibaba, 30% of Google and Baidu. This does not include other side businesses. If all are included, it will be 20,000 A market value of US$100 million may not be able to stop it.

After this official announcement was made, news headlines around the world were suddenly dominated by the news of Makino Technology's IPO. News headlines in the United States were partly badmouthing Makino Technology, and some were questioning why Makino Technology gave up the United States and chose Listed in Hong Kong.

The US media, which has some integrity, analyzed and reviewed in detail the entire process of Makino Technology from planning to be listed in the United States to finally giving up on listing in the United States. In particular, it described in detail the behavior of Wall Street bosses who were preparing to take advantage of Google's listing to promote a wave of Internet bubbles. .

Those who badmouth Makino Technology are all media controlled by Wall Street bosses. However, their badmouthing of Makino Technology at this time has also exposed their motives to a large extent. It is simply because they missed the IPO of Makino Technology. Deliberately bad-mouthing is a typical sour grapes mentality.

Coupled with the disclosure of detailed details by domestic media with a sense of justice, the reputation of Wall Street on a global scale was affected to varying degrees.

(End of chapter)