Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1814: Go to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange


After Li Mu and his party arrived in Hong Kong by special plane, more than a hundred executives from Makino Technology and Taobao took a charter flight from Yanjing to Hong Kong the next day, November 30.

In addition to senior executives from Makino Technology and Taobao, Chen Wan also arranged the work at hand and took a plane from Xiangdu to Hong Kong alone.

Du Wei and her parents also arrived in Hong Kong by plane on the 30th, preparing to attend the bell-ringing ceremony.

Makino Technology's listing is a milestone in Li Mu's career. Although she is very busy at work, she is still unwilling to miss this opportunity to witness history.

In addition, she also hopes that when Li Mu reaches another peak in his life, she can silently stand beside him and accompany him, watching the coronation of his new king.

Since Makino Technology's IPO is the largest fund-raising and highest market value IPO in the world, the world's attention has focused on Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient.

On December 1, Li Mu set off from his hotel and headed to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in a huge convoy.

Along the way, many reporters and citizens lined the streets to welcome him.

This is the highlight moment since the establishment of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. A US$450 billion Internet unicorn will be listed here and become the company with the highest market value on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and even in the world.

The media paid great attention to this IPO, and many media were even speculating on how much the stock price of Makino Technology could skyrocket on the first day of listing.

However, Li Mu no longer pays attention to the stock price.

Because no matter whether the stock price is high or low, in the next one or two years, there will be no more circulating shares in the stock market, that is, the 10% shares, because other shareholders' equity is locked and neither cashing out nor pledging is allowed.

In other words, these 10% of the shares become tradable stocks and are left to the shareholders for their own entertainment. The rise or fall has little to do with Makino Technology itself and the shareholders of Makino Technology.

Only when their shares gradually come close to being reduced, will the stock price actually affect their cash-out amount.

Otherwise, even if the stock price doubles today, it will be useless. The beneficiaries will be the funds and customers who subscribed for the stocks in advance. Makino Technology itself has received US$45 billion, so the impact will not be significant.

However, there is one indicator that will be affected by today's stock price.

That is Li Mu's personal worth.

He now holds almost 70% of the shares of Makino Technology. Makino Technology has a market value of 450 billion. His net worth from Makino Technology alone has exceeded 300 billion US dollars, making him the richest man in the world.

If you add in his personal holdings in other companies, as well as his personal assets and cash, the total market value can steadily exceed 500 billion US dollars.

Prior to this, Bill Gates, who ranked first on the rich list, was worth just over US$40 billion.

In other words, Li Mu alone is worth ten times that of Bill Gates, and has more assets than the entire wealth list from second to twentieth place combined.

If the share price of Makino Technology can rise by 50% today, then Li Mu’s net worth in Makino Technology will rise directly from US$320 billion to US$480 billion. In that case, the net worth will increase by another US$160 billion, which can lift the rich list from No. The combined wealth from the second to the thirtieth place is dwarfed.

At half past eight, Li Mu arrived at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on time.

The person in charge of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and many senior executives were already waiting outside the gate.

Li Mu got out of the car and after greeting a few people, the other party immediately invited Li Mu and his party into the VIP lounge, waiting for the bell ringing ceremony to begin at nine o'clock.

According to the scheduled procedure, first the person in charge of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will open the ceremony, and then Li Mu will take the stage to give a short speech and ring the bell on time at 9:30.

Sitting in the VIP lounge, Li's father and Li's mother rubbed their hands nervously. For them, today was something they could never dream of, so both of them felt like they were in a dream and couldn't come back to their senses.

Although many friends came today, Li Mu still stayed with his parents. Seeing that his parents were a little nervous, he smiled and comforted him: "Dad, Mom, just stand by my side later. Don't be too nervous."

Dad Li wiped his sweat and said, "I feel very nervous just thinking about this. How can a company be worth hundreds of billions of dollars? This is several trillion yuan... It's scary to say it..."

Li Mu smiled and said: "The market value is just a number derived from the stock price. It does not mean that your son really has that much money. In fact, the total market value of the stocks circulating on the market is only 45 billion. "

Li Ma couldn't help but said: "This is already a lot, so much that it scares people to death..."

Li Mu smiled slightly and said: "Mom, that's how starting a business is. Either you die quickly or you succeed quickly. This is especially true when you get big. Big companies either climb to the altar or fall into hell. I was just lucky and succeeded. The one who climbed onto the altar."

Mother Li nodded lightly and said jokingly: "My son is blessed by the gods to be where he is today. I don't know how good the feng shui of your old Li family's ancestral tombs is. It's like smoke..."

Dad Li smiled and said: "Don't tell me, since my son succeeded in starting his own business, countless people have come to see the Li family's ancestral tombs, just to study the good Feng Shui of the Li family's ancestral tombs..."

The family of three chatted for a while, and the nervous mood of the parents suddenly eased a lot. At this time, the door of the lounge opened, and two old acquaintances walked in side by side.

Li Mu also didn't expect that it would be Zhang Guorong and Mei Yanfang.

After Mei Yanfang successfully completed the operation for early-stage cancer, she and Leslie Cheung have basically retired from the entertainment industry. In order to avoid the chaotic and cruel Hong Kong entertainment industry, the two simply settled in the United States for a long time. I will also visit mainland China, but I have almost never come back to Hong Kong.

Leslie Cheung has always been very disappointed with the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Especially in recent years, he has been attacked and humiliated by unscrupulous media with various fake news in Hong Kong, so he has already started to avoid this place. .

Mei Yanfang had the same view as him. After she was diagnosed with cancer, her mentality also changed a lot. She lost the motivation to work hard as before, and her family of origin had always been annoying her, so she also I am happy to live a stable and ordinary life in the distant United States.

Li Mu really didn't expect that they would appear here, so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Brother, Aunt Mei, why are you two here?"

Zhang Guorong smiled and said: "We heard that your company was going to be listed before, so we were waiting for you to come to the United States to ring the bell. But the last time you came here was to ring the bell for Google, so we didn't go over to support it. We still wanted to wait for your company to come to the United States. Ring the bell, but I didn’t expect that you would be listed in Hong Kong again, so Aunt Mei and I came over quickly.”

Mei Yanfang also said with a smile on her face: "When I saw the news, I went to see Leslie. We both felt that if your company rang the bell, we would come to support you no matter what, so we bought a plane ticket and came back!"

(End of chapter)