Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1817: Dimensionality reduction attack


The appearance of Makino Aurora is very attractive to consumers.

In addition, what also attracts consumers is Li Mu's innovative sales model.

His direct sales model, which is similar to Tesla, gives consumers a better car buying experience.

One of the biggest advantages of full direct operation is the uniformity of prices.

Just like Tesla, sales staff have no right to give consumers any discounts. If consumers want to buy a car, they can go directly to the official website and place an order. They can pay as much as they want. Although it is impossible to have unified prices globally, at least within the same country and region. , the sales price is consistent.

In this way, consumers are saved from bargaining. If they know that the car cannot be bargained for, it will actually be easier for consumers.

Soon, Makino Motors began to officially deliver the Makino Aurora SUV to global users.

After this car was officially delivered to consumers, it immediately attracted the attention of automotive media around the world.

Many automotive media will try their best to find a Makino Evoque and then test it.

The test results are also varied.

As a family car rather than a performance car, the overall performance of Makino Evoque can be considered above average, and it is worthy of its price. Therefore, in the eyes of major automotive media, this is quite reasonable, and there is no What can be used as a black spot.

As for its appearance and interior, it is recognized by everyone as impeccable.

Because most people have not had the opportunity to come into contact with real cars before, the automotive media can only have access to some official pictures and materials, so their understanding of the appearance and interior of the Makino Evoque is not yet in place.

Now that the mass-produced model is officially delivered, both the automotive media, car reviewers and ordinary users have the opportunity to really see what this car looks like when it is placed in front of them, and even have the opportunity to sit in it and feel its luxurious and unique features. The interior gave them a stronger understanding and affirmation of the car's industrial design.

Every automotive media outlet praised the car's appearance and interior.

Even the most picky and stingy European automotive media have given high recognition and appreciation to the Makino Evoque.

Everyone can’t believe that Makino Technology is testing the waters of automobile manufacturing for the first time, and that its first mass-produced car can achieve such a high degree of completeness and achieve such a wonderful industrial design.

Based on the Volvo platform and Volvo's safety level, the Makino Evoque also received all A's in the crash test. After all, it is an XC60 with a new body. In terms of safety performance, there is almost no change from the Volvo XC60.

As a result, this car has been rated as the best mid-sized SUV in the world by major car evaluation media around the world. It is undoubtedly the first in appearance and interior, the first in sense of technology, and the first in innovation.

After the delivery of the Makino Evoque, what the automotive media liked most was its excellent human-computer interaction system and navigation functions.

In addition, there is another great surprise, which is the experience of Makino Aurora Hybrid Edition.

Due to the use of Tesla's lithium battery pack technology and motor technology, the hybrid version of Makino Aurora has unprecedented fuel economy performance.

Even the Prius, the big brother in the hybrid world, was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Makino Aurora.

The first-generation Prius is not as good as Tesla in terms of its technical content in electric drive and kinetic energy recovery.

After all, Tesla has taken a new approach by using a lithium battery pack, which far exceeds lead-acid batteries in terms of energy density, so its performance in cars is that it is lighter, has greater power storage, and has stronger power output.

Li Mu knows very well that lithium battery technology has not produced revolutionary developments in the following ten years.

Therefore, with the current level of industrial development, it is impossible to build the chips that will be available more than ten years from now, but it is possible to build the Tesla that will be available in more than ten years.

The electric drive assembly currently used in the Makino Evoque is not much weaker than the Tesla of more than ten years later. Now, it can be said that it is easy to beat the first-generation Prius.

Toyota was greatly shocked by this. It never imagined that global auto companies could not compete with their own hybrid technology, and would be overtaken by an Internet company that switched to car manufacturing.

For a time, automobile manufacturing companies around the world focused their attention on Makino Motors. Each company even privately purchased prototype vehicles from the animal husbandry agency at a very high price, and secretly dismantled the prototype vehicles.

After dismantling the Makino Evoque, everyone in every automobile group felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Because they discovered that Li Mu took a completely different approach from them when making cars.

Before this, Toyota itself had never thought that hundreds of 18650 batteries could be stacked together to push a car very fast.

Moreover, Makino Aurora uses this kind of battery, paired with Tesla's motor, which can not only provide the vehicle with better fuel economy, but also bring a large power bonus.

This suddenly made Toyota's proud skills become an ancient product of the past era.

In addition to being cheaper and safer, lead-acid batteries are completely outclassed by other parameters of lithium battery packs.

This allowed Toyota to instantly launch a very high-level crisis response. They even believed that Makino Motors would become Toyota's biggest competitor in the future.

Japanese automotive engineers can't understand why Li Mu can build cars so perfectly. His thinking direction on many issues is completely different from other car brands.

Take the color screen on the center console, for example. If someone had told Toyota's engineers before the launch of the Makino Evoque that we were going to add a color screen to the car, Toyota's engineers would have scolded him bloody.

Why a color screen

Cars are for driving, not for looking at.

The most important thing for a car is stability. The old monochrome screen has mature technology, strong stability, and cheap price. Moreover, it can display whatever you want it to display, so why bother to design a delicate color screen? What about the LCD screen

You don't need to think about that kind of thing to know that the failure rate will be very high and the practicality is extremely low. It's nothing more than sensationalism.

But when Li Muchen built this thing, everyone discovered that the color screen had so many uses.

It can not only display more and more comprehensive vehicle details, but also provide a very easy-to-use human-computer interaction experience. The navigation system, which is derived from Keyhole technology and was redesigned at the request of Li Mu, also makes People feel amazing.

At this time, they realized that Li Mu's thinking mode was not alternative, but advanced.

What everyone thinks of as a layman in the automotive field actually has a deeper knowledge and understanding of cars than the so-called professionals.

In fact, Li Mu and Musk are actually the same type of people. Neither of them likes to do things within the framework of the industry, and they both like to make breakthroughs and cross-border integration.

Before Musk started Tesla, no one thought that the main control panel of the car could be solved with a touch screen, let alone that the 18650 battery in the laptop could be used as an energy storage unit for electric vehicles.

Li Mu doesn't want to think in the mind of a car manufacturer when making cars. After all, he is not from the car manufacturing industry.

Like Musk, he is a person who crossed over from the Internet industry, which is more sophisticated and focuses more on technological development and user experience, to the automotive field.

They have completely different thinking and ways of doing things from people in the traditional automotive industry, so when they cross over to the automotive field, they actually form a dimensionality reduction attack on the original group of people in the automotive field.

No matter what business you do in this world, you must understand the needs of users in the deepest way and cater to the needs of users in the deepest way.

Therefore, traditional car companies are more like Nokia in the mobile phone field, and Tesla is more like Steve Jobs in the mobile phone field.

Li Mu is playing such a role now.

The car he is bringing out now will have an impact on the automotive industry that is equivalent to the impact that the first-generation iPhone that Steve Jobs had on the mobile phone industry had.

Makino Evoque made Japanese, German and American automobile companies feel a sense of urgency in a short period of time.

Especially Japanese car companies.

Whether it is Toyota, Honda, or Nissan, the fundamental reason why they can sell well all over the world is that the price/performance ratio is very balanced.

Take Toyota, the world's most profitable automobile group, for example. Their cars won't have too strong performance, won't look too good, and won't be too cheap, but their quality control, safety, and fuel efficiency will be good. The economy is very good, so overall, it is one of the most cost-effective brands in the global automobile market.

But now for Toyota, Makino Evoque seems to be a head above them in many aspects.

Not to mention anything else, the appearance and interior of the Makino Evoque alone are already popular all over the world. Volvo's technology is not much worse than Toyota. Although it is a little worse than Toyota in terms of fuel economy and quality control, the reverse is true. Safety is much better than Toyota's.

As for the sense of technology, Makino Aurora is even better.

Not to mention anything else, the LCD screen in the center console has already surpassed 90% of models, not to mention the human-computer interaction system behind it, as well as Keyhole's map and navigation.

Overnight, Li Mu raised the threshold for the sense of automotive technology in these five words.

After learning that the human-computer interaction system used by Makino Automobile actually originated from Makino Technology, numerous car companies have sent cooperation requests to Makino Technology, hoping that Makino Technology can license the human-computer interaction system as a public system for a fee.

In addition, they also want to obtain the Keyhole license from Makino Technology.

Because, if they also want to do car navigation, in addition to hardware and software, they also have to solve data problems.

Digital mapping is a very huge project, and it is still in its infancy globally, and Keyhole is unparalleled.

If they can't get keyhole's data authorization, even if they solve the software and hardware problems, they won't be able to solve the map data problem.

It is obviously impossible to survey and map by yourself. The amount of surveying and mapping is huge, and the amount of work to ensure that the map is regularly updated is even greater.

However, Makino Technology immediately gave the global automobile manufacturing industry a disappointing reply.

First of all, both Makino Technology and Keyhole, a company held by Makino Technology, exclusively provide services to one automobile company, Makino Motors, in the automotive field.

Secondly, Makino Technology has a number of technology patents on human-computer interaction systems, vehicle navigation systems, and vehicle color screen assemblies, and none of these technology patents are authorized for external use.

At this time, the pace of catching up by automobile companies has been delayed to more than two years.

(End of chapter)