Rebirth in Hengdian

Chapter 55


How much is your WeChat, I went to the company to retouch the theme song in the past few days, and the final version has come out. I'll send it to you for a listen. — Ye Handong

When Li Zixi saw Ye Handong's name, his heartbeat started to speed up inexplicably. This feeling of telepathy was really weird and made people feel overwhelmed.

Without thinking about it, she directly sent her WeChat account.

Ye Handong was holding the phone nervously at this time, his palms were sweating a little. According to what A Li said, he sent Li Zixi a text message about work. A Li said that it was impossible for Li Zixi to refuse.

The last time he believed Ali's words, he sent a text message to Li Zixi to express his concern, but Li Zixi didn't reply him for several days. He felt that Ali's words were not credible, because if what he said was true, he would have found a girlfriend a long time ago!

This time, he chose to believe A Li again, because A Li was too confident when he said it, and A Li said that he had three relationships before. For the sake of the three love affairs, I have to believe him.

Unexpectedly, this time he actually hit the mark!

Seeing Li Zixi's reply, Ye Handong excitedly opened his WeChat, entered Li Zixi's WeChat account, and added friends.

A few seconds later, he received a WeChat message.

Sisi: I passed your friend verification request, now we can start chatting.

Ye Handong was nervous and didn't know what to say. He typed "Hello" and deleted it, then typed "hello" and deleted it...

Li Zixi looked at the WeChat interface, and saw that the other party had been saying "the other party is typing...". After waiting for a minute and still not getting the content sent by Ye Handong, Li Zixi thought, probably he edited a lot of content.

While waiting, Li Zixi changed the remarks in a convenient manner. Hearing the message prompt, she returned to the chat window.

It turned out that an audio was sent, and Li Zixi was slightly disappointed.

Still, she turned on the audio. Listening to my own songs, I always feel a little ashamed, especially when I sing badly.

Hearing that Li Zixi's eyes lit up in front of her, it was so sweet that it didn't sound like she sang it. After listening to it, she felt a little uneasy.

"It's so beautiful, everyone will think that I didn't sing it. [I'm about to cry]"

Seeing Li Zixi's reply, Ye Handong also started typing: "No, your voice is still there. Not just you, all the singers were recorded in the recording studio, and the live singing is not as good as the recording studio singing .”

Seeing this reply, Li Zixi felt warm in his heart. He didn't expect that the dead man upstairs would also comfort others.

"However, you still have a lot of shortcomings in live singing. If you have time, you still have to practice hard. Guo Kai said that we may be asked to sing together during the program promotion."

Hehe, what is this? Give me a jujube first, and then slap me

"Oh, got it. [smiles]"

"I can teach you at any time, you can send me the song you sing, and I will give you some pointers."

Li Zixi especially wanted to send Ye Handong a manual goodbye, what are you kidding, I finally got out of your clutches, don't want me to go back again.

"Thank you, what a shame, what a waste of your time."

"Don't delay, you can find me anytime."

"Thank you Young Master Ye, it's almost eleven o'clock, I have to film tomorrow, let's talk another day, good night [Moon]"

"Good night."

Ye Handong clicked into Li Zixi's circle of friends, and it turned out that they were all promoting the new play, and he didn't have any feelings about himself.

There are still many photos with male stars! So intimate!

Ye Handong held back his anger and finished reading Li Zixi's circle of friends. After putting down the phone, Ye Handong felt as if a big stone was pressing on his chest, and he couldn't breathe.

No, he obviously worked with Li Zixi before, why didn't she post a photo of the two of them together!

With such resentment, Ye Handong fell asleep.


One person was really angry and didn't sleep well! That is Wu Xinran.

On the day at the airport, the agent contacted the photographer early to take street photos for her. This time, just like before, she easily became the number one in the hot search.

At night, the hot search dropped a few places.

In the early hours of the morning, because of a Weibo post by a netizen, she returned to the number one hot search.

Seeing the news that Ye Handong sent a woman to the airport, she was very angry. Her condition is so good, Ye Handong doesn't even want to talk to her, he really doesn't know who that woman is! !

Maybe it's the eldest lady of some family, she is definitely not as beautiful as her.

Isn't it just a good family background, what's so great about it. Thinking of how many times she took the initiative to find Ye Handong, but Ye Handong ignored her, she felt a little annoyed.

She is quite popular in the entertainment circle, there are many men who like her, and there are many rich men. I just don't know why this Ye Handong is so reticent.

It is obvious that the two of them cooperate or are together, which is a win-win situation, but he just doesn't cooperate.

Thinking of this, she became even angrier.

The agent told her that this kind of thing might be fake, and the distance is so far, maybe that person is not Ye Handong at all. However, regardless of whether that person is Ye Handong or not, he can be used to create hype.

She planned with her agent, bought some navy hype, and contacted the marketing account. It directly turned the already hot topic into a hot topic.

Looking at the content on Weibo, she and her manager were secretly delighted. It's just that this kind of secret joy didn't last long, and Ye Handong's manager disrupted the plan. They had no choice but to withdraw the navy and asked the marketing account to delete Weibo.

I thought the topic would drop, but I didn't expect that even without their help, the topic level would still be at the forefront.

Watching the topics slowly drop, Wu Xinran habitually said some suspicious things during the interview on the third day. She believed that as soon as these words came out, she would become the number one in the hot search again. The topic of oneself is not called the queen for nothing.

It's just that this time she met Ye Handong, a face-slapping madman. He never knew what it means to be sympathetic to women, and he never understood the admiration female stars have for him.

He is best at slapping female stars in the face!

When he didn't have someone he liked before, Ye Handong didn't relent when he slapped him in the face. Now that he has someone he likes, his slapping in the face is even better.

Traveling swaggeringly, he clearly told the masses that the person photographed at the airport was him, and the person he sent off was not her!

Wu Xinran was almost pissed off by Ye Handong, when she saw him slap other female stars in the face, she still felt quite happy. Later he agreed to work with her and she even thought he was different to her. After all, I am more popular than other female stars.

As a result, as soon as the MV was filmed, he began to dislike her in various ways, and refused to film the MV with her. Now it is even more straightforward to expose her little thoughts.

How could there be such a male star in the entertainment industry! It's really love-hate!


Days passed by, and since he got Li Zixi's WeChat account, Ye Handong sent Li Zixi messages from time to time.

For example, Ye Handong sent a message at eight o'clock in the morning: "Xixi, have you eaten yet?"

Li Zixi got up in the morning and went to film. She didn't see this message until ten o'clock. When she saw it, she didn't know how to reply. Or pretend you didn't see it? Well, this can be. There is no wifi on the set, and we can’t receive WeChat. I’ll reply when I get home at night.

At eight o'clock in the evening, she had already forgotten about Ye Handong's wechat. At this time, Ye Handong sent another message: "Xixi, are you tired from filming today?"

Li Zixi summed up the two WeChat messages, and replied together: "I ate three meals a day, and I was quite tired from filming."

Ye Handong started looking for words again: "What are you doing now?"

"I'm reading the script."

"Oh, then take a good look, I won't bother you anymore."

over! Then the next day it started all over again.

For three days in a row, both of them responded like this, like an automatic reply.

Until the fourth day Li Zixi was too busy filming and forgot to reply, and the fifth day also forgot... After that, Ye Handong didn't send any more messages.

When Li Zixi was not busy, he saw Ye Handong's message a few days ago. Confused for a while, still no reply.

She is really tired from filming recently, and filming with actor Pei is really stressful. She has to prepare very well every day in order to cope with the next day's scene.

It's not that Pei Deyuan was very serious or pressured when he was filming, but because his acting skills are so good, Li Zixi felt pressured to play against him every day.

Although Li Zixi had also filmed with the actor Shidi before, but at that time there were relatively few scenes and there was not such a great pressure.

Now, she is the female number one, but the male number one is her father. It is not the people she likes who play against her the most in the play, but her father and brother.

How to be a well-behaved, clever and sensible daughter is a science.

Director Dou has relatively high requirements for details, and he can't miss a single look, and can't make a single action redundant. Director Dou shoots movies all the year round, and hasn't made a TV series for many years. This is treating TV series with the requirements of movies.

He had just filmed an online drama in the hands of a novice director, and now he is filming a serious star TV drama in the hands of a capable director. Li Zixi was a little unable to make the switch.

She gradually felt the strain. This is the first time that she took on such an important role. Although she had filmed many TV dramas in her previous life, they were all supporting roles. She maintained a good state for a few days and passed the test easily.

In this life, although she has filmed many TV dramas, she has never played such an important role.

After playing a role for a long time, and playing against powerful actors for a long time, she discovered her own shortcomings.

After being frustrated for two days, Li Zixi worked harder. I stopped scrolling on Weibo, and stopped chatting on WeChat. I just filmed movies and read scripts every day. The whole person's body and mind are devoted to it.

Li Zixi has experience and she is a talented actress, so after doing this for a few days, the director quickly noticed her difference and praised her.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your mines and nutrient solutions, I won’t list them here, because many friends don’t like to watch...

But I have seen it all and remembered it in my heart, thank you!

I love you guys, enjoy reading the text, okay~