Rebirth in Hengdian

Chapter 61


Because, the crew of "The Heroine and the Bully" celebrated in the WeChat group, and the number of hits has exceeded 50 million, and one episode has 20 to 30 million hits.

This is really unthinkable in previous web dramas.

Hundreds of thousands of hits in one episode is already good, but I didn't expect it to be tens of millions now. This is just the first day of the broadcast, and as long as the show doesn't fail, the number of hits will get better and better.

This was five times higher than Li Zixi's own expectations.

Li Zixi knew that he really wanted to be popular this time. A fire without any water is not a false reputation, but a real one.

In the past, everyone could only see her on Weibo Hot Search, but now everyone is getting to know her on TV dramas.

Although I didn't want to take the marketing route, it seemed that I had unknowingly stepped into the marketing routine. And it was a very successful marketing.

Weibo campaigns, advertising campaigns, scandal campaigns, dedication campaigns, variety shows campaigns.

Thinking of this, Li Zixi felt a little guilty. Although I didn't think so, maybe one day, her successful route will be picked up by the media to make irresponsible remarks.

At that time, no matter how she refuted, it would be useless.

However, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. She has never done these things, and it is useless for others to say. She knew in her heart that it was good to have a firm bottom line.

Seeing Li Zixi's achievements, Sister Wang felt relieved. Such a big Buddha, after all, did not go astray, nor did it fall into his hands. She no longer has to worry about the company's senior management having bad thoughts about her.

She also called Li Zixi and told Li Zixi about the follow-up of her rising data in online dramas. She has already received several scripts and endorsements of good quality today.

These scripts and endorsements can all be considered. After the filming of this drama, the next drama has not yet been found, so you can start to choose. The endorsements can also be picked up appropriately. Although Li Zixi is not short of money, popularity is still needed.

Although it is said that gold will always shine, if it is excavated as soon as possible, the potential is endless. Since Li Zixi has the resources and ability, why not give it a push

It's one thing to be serious about filming, but another thing to get endorsements.

Receiving one or two endorsements will not affect future development. Some stars will affect filming because they receive too many endorsements and variety shows.

So much that it has affected the normal shooting of the crew.

Of course, everyone wants to take a different route, and it is understandable to make different choices.

Appropriately receiving some endorsements can increase money, and can also give a sense of presence in front of the public. Why not do it.


Wang Can hasn't fallen asleep since the early hours of last night. He has been paying attention to various data of this drama. Clicks, comments, and more.

When the two episodes reached 50 million views and the score was 9, he burst into tears.

He no longer has to worry about being buried and eliminated. No longer have to worry about all your money being wasted, and no longer have to worry about living a precarious life.

Is his dream finally coming true

Crying and crying, Director Wang fell asleep on the bed.

The era belonging to web dramas is coming, and the era belonging to him is also coming.


In addition to the excitement of this group of people, there was also a man upstairs in Li Zixi who was also excited.

"Brother Dong, did you have a good chat with Xixi today?" A Li seized the opportunity to ask.

"Do you need to say it, we must be very happy." Ye Handong said arrogantly.

"So, how far have you progressed?" Ali asked nervously.

Ye Handong glanced at Ali, but didn't speak.

"Did you kiss?" A Li did not give up, and asked persistently.

Ye Handong smiled unconsciously, and said, "You have too many questions, it's almost ten o'clock, you can go home."

Oh my god, it really was a kiss. This progress is really, happy and happy. This kind of good news must be told to Brother Kai, his bonus this month will be doubled again.

The next morning, Guo Kai told the chairman the good news.

When Ye Jianfeng heard this, he also laughed happily. He has already found out Li Zixi's identity, she is the eldest lady of Muzi Films.

It just matches the identity of their son, it is simply a match made in heaven, a godsend.

He asked Li Zhongyan cryptically a few days ago, but Li Zhongyan didn't seem to know. This is about to become the rhythm of the son and daughter's in-laws, should he remind it

His son is really nothing but a blockbuster. After getting a girlfriend so quickly, what's next... Could he be able to hold a grandson next year

I don't know what Li Zixi thinks about his career, but if he really wants to have a baby, with the escort of Muzi Films and Oriental Records, he can develop it soon.

You don't have to worry about your career, you can have a baby with peace of mind.

Ye Jianfeng's thoughts are like a runaway wild horse, running farther and farther...


In the past two days, Ali saw Ye Handong stay at home distraught every day, and did not go downstairs to Li Zixi's house.

He felt very strange, obviously he saw Li Zixi's nanny when he came today, Li Zixi didn't go out at home.

Why didn't their Dong brother go to her

"Brother Dong, I heard that Xixi only has a week's vacation, and she will go to Hengzhou to film a movie the day after tomorrow. Why don't you go find her?"

Ye Handong put on a straight face, thinking to himself, it wasn't that he wasn't going, but that Li Zixi said he would give her three days to think about it.

"What do you know!"

Ali choked for a moment, a little confused.

Ye Handong got up and went to the refrigerator to get a can of drink, thought for a while and asked, "If a girl gave a boy three days to think about a problem, what do you think will be the result?"

In fact, he has already searched the Internet for this question, but there is no definite answer.

He was also worried. He was very happy that night and felt that he had succeeded. But the next morning, he was a little hesitant and a little suspicious. Today is the third day, and he has added more uncertainties in his heart.

Tomorrow is the third day of the agreement with Xixi, what kind of answer will she give him

A Li, an old driver, understood it in seconds, and shouted: "Brother Dong, isn't it, Xixi asked you to wait, so you really have to wait for three days!"

Ye Handong stiffened his mouth and said, "I didn't say it was her."

"No, Brother Dong, you can't do this. If a woman makes you wait for three days, and you really wait for three days, the day lily will be cold by then, and you won't get anything."

When Ye Handong heard this, he became nervous: "Why?"

"Because women are duplicity. Don't wait until tomorrow, go now!"

"Why, it's not yet the third day, will I be unhappy when I go to Xixi?"

"Absolutely not. Believe me, she won't be unhappy until you really wait until tomorrow."

After listening to Ali's words, Ye Handong sat on the sofa and thought for a while. Blocked by the experience of Ali's three relationships, after drinking the drink in his hand, he went out to look for Li Zixi downstairs.

A Li saw it, and quietly walked down the stairs.

Ye Handong stood at the door of Li Zixi's house, his nervous palms were a little sweaty, he struggled for a while, and finally knocked on the door.

He knocked on the door three times and rang the bell again.

At this time, the door opened from the inside, and Li Zixi's face was clearly presented in front of Ye Handong.

Li Zixi looked at Ye Handong, pretending not to understand, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Handong looked at Li Zixi with a troubled expression, pursed his lips, and asked what he wanted to say most in his heart: "How did you think about what happened a few days ago?"

After hearing this, Li Zixi was not a little embarrassed, and he didn't dare to look Ye Handong in the eyes. He lowered his head and said solemnly, "Didn't you say three days, isn't it here yet?"

"It's here. The first day was the day before yesterday, the second day was yesterday, and the third day is today." Ye Handong said forcefully.

"En." Li Zixi nodded.

"So, Xixi, I like you, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Ye Handong restrained his nervousness and asked word by word.

"En." Li Zixi nodded again.

In the past few days, Li Zixi hasn't slept well. She has been wondering whether to be with Ye Handong, Ye Handong's identity background is much better than hers, the gap between the two is really too big.

Although it is no longer necessary to pay attention to being well-matched, but if the gap between two people is too large, the living habits will not be suitable. Slowly, unless one party accommodates, the two will break up sooner or later.

She is on the rise, and the company is not easy to explain. Her life experience has not been clarified yet, and many things are in the fog.

However, thinking of Ye Handong. Thinking of his voice, thinking of his appearance, thinking of what he did for her...

The balance in Li Zixi's heart began to tilt again.

As a woman, who doesn't want to find a boyfriend she likes, who doesn't want to find a boyfriend who treats her well

As for being well-matched... It seems that it's too early to think about this, it's just a relationship, if it's not suitable, we can break up.

Choose at least one you like, or listen to the voice of your heart.

After thinking this through, Li Zixi calmed down. However, after waiting for a few days, Ye Handong didn't come down from the stairs, nor did he send her a message.

Gradually, on the one hand, she blamed herself for talking for too long, and on the other hand, she began to blame Ye Handong, wondering if he really had a low EQ or didn't care about her.

Originally, she had planned to embarrass him, but after seeing him, all the anger in her heart dissipated.

Only the heart that wants to promise him is left.

She hasn't been in love for so many years, and she also wants to be brave once.

"What do you mean?" Ye Handong frowned and said.

"Mmm means yes." Li Zixi said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Ye Handong was still a little puzzled.

"You idiot!" Li Zixi raised his hand and knocked on Ye Handong, then turned and went in.

The author has something to say: Hahaha, I updated it in advance today, okay~~~

La la la, la la la, the relationship is finally confirmed, Sahua~