Rebirth in Hengdian

Chapter 72


After Li Zixi was dressed, Chen Pingping also came over, and the two hurried downstairs.

After getting in the car, Chen Pingping asked, "Xixi, why didn't you wear the suit you prepared yesterday?"

Li Zixi replied calmly: "Isn't the temperature in the imperial capital cooling down again today? I feel a little cold."

Chen Pingping nodded in agreement and said, "It's quite cold, I don't feel warm even in a down jacket."

"Then does my suit look good?" Li Zixi asked.

"Good-looking, good-looking, Xixi, you are beautiful, and you look good in anything you wear."

With Chen Pingping's affirmation, Li Zixi nodded in satisfaction.

At the scene of the event, Li Zixi was inevitably asked about his relationship with Ye Handong and Hu Wenzhe.

"Li Zixi, you and Hu Wenzhe have been frequently searched recently, is there any good news?"

Li Zixi said with a smile: "No, we have a very good partnership."

"Is that so? Is it really impossible? In the footage of the filming circulating on the Internet, you and Hu Wenzhe are very affectionate."

"No, that's because the character I'm playing is a very powerful chivalrous woman in Zhongzhong, and I usually have to fight against each other on the set."

"It's impossible with Hu Wenzhe, so what about Ye Handong? We know that Ye Handong visited the set some time ago, and you happen to be on that crew."

"Young Master Ye, we are two people from completely different worlds. One is making music, the other is acting. One is high above, and the other is just getting started."

"Have you seen Ye Shao's Weibo last night? What do you think of it?"

Li Zixi nodded and said: "I see. I think, Young Master Ye may just want to express some troubles in life, maybe he is not referring to the trending searches on Weibo."

"Don't you think Young Master Ye is mocking you and Hu Wenzhe? Or maybe he's mocking his relationship with Wu Xinran."

"I don't think so. If Young Master Ye is really mocking me and Hu Wenzhe, then I really want to eat two more bowls of rice happily. After all, it is Young Master Ye. Young Master Ye is jealous of me, what a big face I have. .Maybe it’s because of Wen Zhe’s jealousy, haha.”

After Li Zixi finished speaking, he smiled, and the reporters also laughed.

Because Li Zixi ignored him, Ye Handong always paid attention to Li Zixi's news. When Li Zixi's interview video came out, Ye Handong stared at Li Zixi's clothes. This outfit looks much prettier, much better than the previous coat with an open neck.

After watching the video, Ye Handong casually gave a thumbs up. Some people have said that it is a virtue to like it after reading it. Although most of the time Ye Handong thought this sentence was nonsense, sometimes he still believed it.

As for what kind of storm there will be on the Internet after the like, that is not something he should care about.

Because he has been busy with the concert recently, he is very busy, he only goes back and forth between his residence and the company, and has never given any loopholes to the reporters, so no one can interview him, so naturally he has no way of knowing Ye Handong's true thoughts .


Although the imperial capital has entered the time and space of winter, in the distant Hengzhou, the trees are dark green, the sky is blue, and everything still looks like autumn.

Li Zixi also took off the big down jacket she was wearing, and at the request of Muzi Films, all the scenes that would catch a cold were filmed in summer. It is also a winter scene, and everyone is wearing thick clothes.

On a cold and windy morning, Li Zixi got married again in the play. The last time I wore the princess costume of the Ming Dynasty, this time I changed into the costumes of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty.

Whether it is from the Ming Dynasty or the Song Dynasty, Li Zixi thinks it is very beautiful. She took a photo and sent it to Ye Handong.

Li Zixi: I'm getting married.

After sending this sentence, it took a while before sending the photo.

When Ye Handong picked up the phone, "I'm getting married" was displayed on the screen of the phone, his heart suddenly tightened, and countless possibilities popped into his mind.

With trembling hands, he clicked on WeChat.

After seeing the picture, Ye Handong felt relieved. Because he saw that the background was the crew background shot by Li Zixi, and there were messy things and clothes in it.

He felt that in the winter, he was actually sweating. Calm down now, I just feel a chill behind my back.

"Young Master Ye, can we continue to put on makeup?" The makeup artist next to him reminded Ye Handong in a daze.

"Wait a moment."

Ye Handong pursed his lips, and sent a message: Don't make such jokes again, I will be sad.

After sending, he put the phone on the table and said to the makeup artist: "You can continue."

Li Zixi originally wanted to play a joke on Ye Handong, to show how beautiful he was, but unexpectedly, Ye Handong was frightened.

Looking at himself in red makeup in the mirror, Li Zixi thought about it from Ye Handong's perspective, as if he had really done something wrong.

Picking up the phone, he replied: I know, I'm sorry, don't be angry, Dongdong.

After filming this scene, the filming of the entire crew for this year is over. Because the end of the year is coming soon, both the director and the leading actors have to participate in various activities.

After Li Zixi got off the show, he took out his phone, only to find that Ye Handong didn't reply to her.

This is really not normal, Ye Handong has always been very clingy, and his reply is very timely. What's the situation this time, are you angry or are you busy with other things

Li Zixi thought for a while, and sent another message: I'm done filming, and I'll be back in the imperial capital in a while. [happy]

After returning home to pack up his things, Li Zixi still didn't receive Ye Handong's reply. She felt even more uneasy.

Maybe it's the end of the year, Ye Handong is busy, she comforted herself like this.

After arriving at the imperial capital and turning it on, I still haven't received any reply message. Because she often takes the plane and needs to shut down the phone, she opened the shutdown call reminder service.

The originally happy mood was cooled down to the bottom of my heart by cold water.

Could something be wrong? Li Zixi was so frightened that her heart was pounding.

She asked Chen Pingping to ask Ye Handong's assistant what Ye Handong was doing. Although doing so would make Chen Pingping suspicious, but in order to confirm that Ye Handong was fine, she had to do so.

After receiving the reply, Chen Pingping said: "A Li said that Young Master Ye is rehearsing on the TV station."

After hearing what Chen Pingping said, Li Zixi nodded. It turned out to be a rehearsal, so I probably didn't have time to look at my phone all the time.

After tidying things up, Li Zixi sent the driver, Chen Pingping and Sister Zhao to go home. Now she doesn't need so many people here.

Li Zixi stared at his phone for a long time, even taking it with him when he went to the bathroom, for fear of missing Ye Handong's message.

After thinking about it, Li Zixi picked up his cell phone and made a call, but there was no one answering.

Li Zixi frowned, thinking, what kind of rehearsal is this? It's so important that it takes so long. Don't you have time to eat, don't you have time to rest

Or is it that Ye Handong is still angry and doesn't want to reply to her

Thinking of this possibility, Li Zixi felt chills in his heart.

When it was almost night, Li Zixi ran upstairs. I thought, the rehearsal should be over, and I should go home.

After ringing the doorbell for a long time, no one came out to answer the door, so Li Zixi went downstairs in a daze.

It turned out that when a person's mobile phone could not receive messages, she didn't know how to find him. It seems that there is no other way but to wait for his reply.

Falling in love will really change a person, and make a calm and rational person become anxious about gains and losses.

Li Zixi hugged her legs and sat on the sofa. After a long time, she got up and turned on the light in the living room. Then, turn on the TV.

She thought that she needed a little voice to break the emptiness and anxiety in her heart.

After clicking several channels, I still couldn't find the TV I wanted to watch. At this time, an entertainment news attracted her attention.

"... Young hero Ye saved the beauty, was injured in the head, and finally woke up at 7 o'clock in the evening. Let's take a look at the pictures taken by the reporters ahead..."

When Li Zixi saw this, he didn't react for a while, as if he didn't believe the news, he quickly turned his voice up.

Next, the location in the video is a hospital, and the camera can only shoot outside. You can vaguely see Ye Handong sitting on the hospital bed with a bandage on his head.

When Li Zixi saw Ye Handong wearing a bandage, he felt very sad, tears streaming down his face instantly. She really wanted to see Ye Handong, she really wanted to see him now.

I want to see how he is and feel his temperature.

Before she could take action, another interview video appeared on TV.

"It seems that Young Master Ye is really fine. Young Master Ye is really a cold-hearted person. He looks cold and inhuman, but he stepped forward at the critical moment. I don't know what the rescued Wu Xinran thought. Get up and see."

In the video, Wu Xinran was crying all the time.

"Xin Ran, what was the situation at that time?"

"I saw that Young Master Ye was rehearsing, so I went over to help him with water. Unexpectedly, something hanging from the top suddenly fell down. Young Master Ye was afraid that I would be hit, so he rushed over. I was terrified at the time, thank you Ye few."

"Xin Ran, are you injured?"

"I'm fine, but Young Master Ye was injured. I feel very sorry."

"It seems that Ye Shao treats you differently. Are you very moved by Ye Shao's actions?"

"Yes, I am very touched, thank you Young Master Ye for saving your life. I have been waiting for Young Master Ye at the door of the ward since the accident, and I will stay in the hospital to take good care of Young Master Ye in the past few days."

The host kept talking again, and there were various videos on the TV. There was a video of Ye Handong rushing to rescue Wu Xinran, there was a video of Wu Xinran following the ambulance to send Ye Handong to the hospital, there was a video of Wu Xinran standing The video of Ye Handong waiting outside the door for Ye Handong to wake up.

It turned out that he was injured to save Wu Xinran.

The eagerness to see Ye Handong just now disappeared suddenly for some reason. Yes, it is to save lives. What the host said just now was that when she heard that Ye Handong was injured, she didn't notice other news.

Anyway, watching the video, Ye Handong woke up at seven o'clock, and now it is already past nine o'clock, he should rest.

He should have seen the phone call she made at noon. Turn on the phone, still no prompt. Well, it should be that I am not feeling well, so I didn't have time to reply.

After all, I just saw in the video that Ye Handong was on the phone with his mobile phone.

Or maybe he didn't want to reply to her calls and messages.

Thinking of this possibility, Li Zixi felt a great pain in his heart.

She knew she shouldn't be like this, her boyfriend was injured, she should take care of him and care about his body. But when she saw another woman there, she just felt very uncomfortable and rejected this matter very much.

Besides, her boyfriend was obviously fine, but he didn't contact her. She obviously sent WeChat and called, but she didn't receive any reply.

He clearly knew that many reporters would interview him, and she could also see his situation, but why didn't he tell her that he was safe

She knew she was too narrow-minded, but she just couldn't do it.

Especially when she opened Weibo, the atmosphere on it made her feel very uncomfortable.

The news of Ye Handong's injury in the afternoon was spread on the Internet not long after. After an hour or two, it was on the top of the hot search. But at that time, Li Zixi was in a daze at home and didn't check Weibo at all.

In the afternoon, most of Weibo fans were concerned about Ye Handong's body.

When the fans knew that Ye Handong had woken up and was in good health for the first time at night, apart from caring about Ye Handong's body, the rest of the content on Weibo was speculation about the relationship between the couple.

Many announcements are talking about the relationship between Ye Handong and Wu Xinran, and many fans are also optimistic about this pair.

"Sure enough, a friend in need is a friend in need. No matter how much Ye Shao usually dislikes Wu Xinran, he still steps forward at the critical moment."

"I've long seen that there is an affair between these two people. The last time I sent the plane off was actually Wu Xinran. Ye Shao still refuses to admit it."

"Young Master Ye, I'm so disappointed in you. You clearly said you didn't like Wu Xinran before, but what happened, I feel a pain in the face."

Li Zixi didn't know what was wrong with him. After turning on the phone, he pressed Ye Handong's phone number, but couldn't get out for a long time.

While she was in a daze, a phone call came.