Rebirth in the 90s: The sharp Hong Kong sister uses her beauty to commit crimes

Chapter 134: 134, a train coming from the mainland


Sun Shaofen was particularly happy today. Her daughter told her to quit her job and study hard at home, and then go to work at Sun Shi Nai Fresh Supermarket when it opens next month.

Sun Shaofen is of course very concerned about her family business. She now feels that she has endless energy.

"Mom, do you think it would be easy for the mainland to supply agricultural products to Hong Kong in the 1950s?"

Seeing that his mother was interested, Zhao Zitong decided to have a good talk with her.

Anyway, if I go to school or develop in the mainland in the future, this store will be left to my mother to manage. If she can familiarize herself with this industry as soon as possible, I can return to the mainland as soon as possible to do other things.

"Of course it's not easy." Sun Shaofen blurted out without even thinking for a second.

In the 1950s, the mainland was still struggling to make ends meet, but it was trying its best to supply agricultural products to Hong Kong.

A big fat pig was driven onto a large truck in Hunan and stayed on the truck for 8 days until it was shipped to Hong Kong.

The crowded environment and the bumpy ride would cause it to lose 10 kilograms of weight.

Under the transportation and cold storage conditions at the beginning of the founding of New China, the mortality rate of live pigs reached 13%, and the mortality rate of live fish reached 40~70%.

This mortality rate means that although the mainland is very close to Hong Kong and Macau, the final food prices are higher than the products shipped from Southeast Asia. The special supply model is basically untenable from a commercial perspective.

In order to solve this problem, in 1962, New China decided that the Ministry of Railways and the Ministry of Foreign Trade would jointly develop “three express trains” to supply fresh food to the Hong Kong market.

The "three trains" depart from Wuhan, Shanghai and Zhengzhou respectively, transporting all kinds of fresh supplies to Hong Kong every day. They have extremely high priority and do not need to give way to any other trains. This has since become a basic policy.

In Hong Kong, one in five pigs comes from Jiangxi, accounting for 20% of the country's live pigs supplied to Hong Kong. More than one-third of vegetables come from Yunnan, mainly cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, tomato, etc.

In fact, in Zhao Zitong's view, although Hong Kong has not yet returned, the Sino-British Joint Declaration signed in 1984 has clearly stated that Hong Kong will return in 1997.

In fact, Hong Kong and many provinces have a brotherly and sisterly relationship. There is no need to be so calculative. Just like the recent flood in East China, all sectors of Hong Kong have been calling on the society for donations.

Fortunately, Zhao Zitong, as the third runner-up of Miss Hong Kong in 1991, participated in this disaster relief charity event, and was also very happy to participate in the filming of the public welfare film "The Feast of the Rich".

The 1991 East China flood was the first large-scale natural disaster in the history of the People's Republic of China that directly called for assistance from the international community. It was even more serious than the 1998 flood.

In just ten days, the total amount of funds raised for disaster relief in Hong Kong has reached more than HK$647 million.

When the motherland is sick, even children who have been separated from it for many years will want to show their filial piety.

Patriotism is the eternally shining sentiment in the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the 1990s.

In response to this flood, Hong Kong's entertainment industry has also done a lot of work, including filming the charity film "The Banquet", and a series of themed disaster relief activities such as "Hong Kong Entertainment Industry Mobilizes Selfless Grand Performance" to raise funds for the victims.

It is under the inspiration of this kind of true love that the Hong Kong entertainment industry has created countless miracles.

In the end, "Hong Kong Performing Arts All Mobilizes Selfless Grand Show" received donations of HK$100,723,182, breaking the historical record of charitable donations in Hong Kong.

More than 30 million had been received before the charity performance began, and more than 30 million was received at the end of the evening party. Then the tobacco tycoon Uncle Ho promised to donate another 30 million, bringing the total to more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

During the entire disaster period, Uncle Ho's personal donations exceeded HK$100 million.

At that time, Hong Kong had a population of more than 6 million, but it was the moment when Hong Kong people were most united and most patriotic.

It was also the most glorious peak moment for Hong Kong films and even the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry, and it is Hong Kong’s most memorable golden age.

Hong Kong's entertainment industry has gangs, unspoken rules, and capital games, but there are also dedicated actors, patriotic singers, and Miss Hong Kong like Zhao Zitong who has special feelings for the mainland.

"I didn't expect you to come back after disappearing for a while." Miss Guo, the champion of the same session, was wearing a white T-shirt with the six words "East China Flood Fundraising" printed on it. She came over to say hello right after singing a song.

"Amy, long time no see, how are you doing recently?" Zhao Zitong didn't have a good impression of the third place winner Li Xiner, but she did admire the champion Miss Guo.


Maybe it’s because of her low-key temperament and her master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Southern California.

"That's great. By the way, the top three of us have all signed acting contracts. Why don't you want to be an actor? Also, I heard that you're running a small supermarket recently."

Ms. Guo has already taken on the leading role in a big production, and as for Zhao Zitong, I heard that she received a lawyer's letter from TVB some time ago because she refused to cooperate in fulfilling her actor contract.

"Actually, I'm more curious about why you would participate in the Miss Hong Kong pageant and want to enter the entertainment industry since you studied mechanical engineering at the University of Southern California?"

Zhao Zitong smiled playfully: "Don't use those official and polite reasons."

"You're still as cute as you were during the competition." Miss Guo took a sip of the mineral water Zhao Zitong handed over and continued, "Don't you realize that everyone loves to label a profession or an identity?"

"Female master's degree holders can't be glamorous and beautiful. They must wear lab clothes and go back and forth between the lab and home every day, right?"

"Are the female celebrities in the entertainment industry just like what everyone says, with only beautiful looks but no intelligence? Or do they have to rely on unspoken rules to get ahead?"

"And the eldest son of a rich family must be a playboy, uneducated, and only knows how to pick up girls and drink every day?"

“Labeling is the biggest prejudice and misunderstanding of a person.”

"People are very complicated. Before we get to know a person well, isn't it a bit cruel to label him with a label that is hard to tear off just because of his profession or education?"

Miss Guo’s words made Zhao Zitong suddenly realize that good family education and necessary reading are still very important.

So she took the initiative to come to Central to find Yu Wenyan:

"Wen Yin, my bank loan has been approved. Here is 200,000 yuan. This is the money I raised from selling vouchers earlier. You can use it to pay back Li Ninghao's bag, or to renovate your home. It's up to you."

Yu Wenyin was puzzled: "What does this mean?"

"I lent it to you. Have you forgotten that you saved me during the school board meeting?"

Zhao Zitong tried to open her heart and understand everyone's actions instead of labeling their behavior and character in an extreme way.