Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 108


The sky was gradually getting dark, and the A-31 film and television planet did not have a satellite orbiting the ball, so at night, the film crew had to rely on strong lights to light up the entire film set.

This is a semi-open venue surrounded by surrounding seats, which surround the central stage like a basin. Countless bright lights were suspended in the air to illuminate the set, and in the center, the retired old FBI stood opposite Qin Mu and the protagonist trio, looking at them with a smile.

This scene is already the last duel, and it can be regarded as the climax of the whole play. The FBI's betrayal made Qin Mu unbelievable and even very angry, but the FBI said, "Qin, you are my good friend, but Mr. X is also my good friend."

Qin Mu sneered and remained calm.

Originally, everyone didn't want to have a final duel with the FBI, but someone used a sniper rifle to locate Julia from a distance. A small red dot shone on the center of Julia's forehead. She was so stiff that she couldn't move. So the old FBI began to talk about the rules of this round.

This round is played by Ling and Qin Mu for the simplest question-and-answer duel. Julia is the bargaining chip. Every question they ask must be related to Julia. After they ask, the other party gives an answer, and Julia has to give a right or wrong answer. If anyone does not give the correct answer, the sniper rifle will shoot immediately and kill Julia.

So, after four rounds of duels, Qin Mu and Ling finally faced off face to face.

Qin Mu calmly walked to the side of the FBI, raised his foot and kicked him fiercely, making the old FBI take several steps back coughing. After this kick, I saw Chu Yan's thin lips curled up, staring coldly at the FBI actor, a dangerous and terrifying aura suddenly spread outward, he sneered: "From now on, don't appear in my before."

The old FBI smiled helplessly.

Then the duel began.

It's so easy to ask questions about Julia. You can ask Julia about her height, weight, age, birthday, anything, without any challenge at all. Moreover, Qin Mu and Ling only need to ask ten questions each, and they will pass this challenge.

No one understood why Mr. X would propose such a strange game in the last game, which was completely against him and almost certainly a victory for Zero's side. So Ling and Qin Mu naturally kept asking some innocuous questions, and the sniper rifle didn't shoot.

Until the eighth question, Ling Qi looked up at Chu Yan not far away, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Qin Mu likes people like Julia, not me."

As soon as this sentence fell, the scene was surprised.

Director Liu, who was watching the surveillance projection, looked at the actors on the set in surprise, and the actors on the set were also more than a little surprised. Chu Yan was stunned, and subconsciously said: "No."

Song Qiao at the side was slightly stunned, and said, "Yes."

As soon as the words were finished, Ling Qi suddenly laughed. He turned his head to look at Director Liu very apologetically, and said, "Sorry, Director Liu, I misspoken a line. Do you want to repeat this passage?"

Ling Qi's guilty smile made Liu Zheng, who was shocked in his heart, slowly relieved. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, pay attention next time, let's try to pass the second one. Everyone's performance was very good just now. Just continue with the state just now!"

Everyone played steadily in the next round, and Chu Yan and Lingqi played particularly well, showing a very tense atmosphere in a simple but complicated question-and-answer duel.

No one knows why Mr. X set up such a duel, but there is no doubt that the protagonist's side won.

Mr. X conceded defeat, and issued a statement in the scammer's collection forum. Since then, X has disappeared and canceled his account.

After obtaining such a result, Qin Mu did not become the world's number one fraudster as he wished, because the team of the protagonist trio, code-named "Deceitful", defeated Mr. X in this duel, and from then on, the three of them Then he overwhelmed Qin Mu and became number one in the world.

After the filming of the scene, Chu Yan quickly went to remove his makeup. Song Qiao took off her make-up very quickly. After she finished taking off her make-up, she immediately approached Ling Qi, her face was livid, and she asked in a cold tone, "What happened just now."

Ling Qi was confirming tomorrow's itinerary with a scene manager of the crew. After hearing this, the scene manager left knowingly. Ling Qi smiled and asked: "What's going on?" After a pause, he asked: "You Are you talking about the NG thing just now? It’s just a mispronounced line, it’s not a big deal.”

Song Qiao frowned, "Did you NG on purpose?"

Ling Qi asked in surprise, "Why do you think so?"

Song Qiao raised her head and looked at the man in front of her seriously. They have been filming this web drama together for four years, and they already know each other very well. Maybe Luo Sihao couldn't find out through carelessness, and Director Liu didn't have time to find out because he was busy every day, but she couldn't just watch Ling Qi with a cold eye and let him develop.

Song Qiao said: "Xiaoyan's part will be wrapped up tomorrow, you'd better calm down, Lao Ling."

Ling Qi's eyes darkened, and after a while he smiled and said, "You think too much."

All of today's plays were finished, only some staff members of the props group were left in the crew to prepare the props needed for the next day and set up the scene, and everyone else went back to the dormitory. The women’s dormitory is relatively close to the current studio, and it only takes a few steps to get there, but the men’s dormitory is quite far away, so some actors in the crew went to the parking lot and prepared to drive their own suspension vehicles back. .

Along the way, Luo Sihao was talking about today's part of the plot. He said that he had too few fighting scenes recently, so he couldn't bring out his handsomeness. So Chu Yan laughed at him from the sidelines: "Didn't Brother Luo agree that he wanted to transform into a smart fraudster, and now he wants to become a military force?"

Luo Sihao immediately defended himself: "I have to be brave and resourceful, so that the audience will like it."

Everyone laughed for a moment.

Soon, Luo Sihao's assistant drove a suspension car to pick him up, and Zhou Hehui and Ling Qi's assistants also drove. On the huge and quiet parking lot, Chu Yan and Ling Qi stood shoulder to shoulder, chatting.

Chu Yan is a person who is good at communicating, and coincidentally, so is Ling Qi. The two talked about a wide range of topics, from "Bullying the Sky" to Chu Yan's new song, and then talking about Ling Qi's guest movie last month, and finally talked back, and talked back to "Buying the Sky" again. Three Lies".

Ling Qi smiled and asked, "What do you think of Zero?"

Chu Yan was slightly stunned, and then said: "Very good. He is wise and smart, and he has no plans left. He is very leadership and makes people feel dependable. You can't help but trust him."

"do you like him?"

Chu Yan laughed when he heard the words: "Brother Ling, you are suspected of being a bit boastful. Zero is a very likable person. It's not that he was voted for the most popular character in "Three Deceives". No. 1 on 'My Favorite Character'?"

Ling Qi smiled meaningfully, and the two chatted about other topics. When Chu Yan frowned and muttered, "Why hasn't Brother Zhou come yet", Ling Qi suddenly asked in a low voice in his ear: "Then what do you think... how about me?"

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and as soon as he raised his head, his eyes fell into Ling Qi's quiet and deep pupils. I saw Lingqi looked calm, looked at himself with a light smile, and slowly spit out the words word by word: "I like you."

Chu Yan stayed where he was as if struck by lightning.

Two years ago, Luo Sihao suddenly confessed his love to him on the parking lot of A-31 Film and Television Planet.

Two years later, the candidate for this confession became Ling Qi!

"Three Deceptions" is poisonous!

Chu Yan knew that Ling Qi was different from Luo Sihao, the latter was just impulsive, but the former had a calm personality and would not make such silly jokes. It is very possible that Ling Qi's words were serious, but Chu Yan didn't realize that Ling Qi had feelings for him in this way. He even still thinks that when facing him, Ling Qi just put be friends with yourself—

Because he didn't see liking in Lingqi's eyes.

After thinking for a long time, Chu Yan replied with a solemn expression: "Brother Ling, I'm sorry, I don't like you."

Ling Qi shook his head seriously: "I like you."

Chu Yan frowned: "Brother Ling, you're like this..."

"I like you."

After a moment of silence, Chu Yan said bluntly, "I have a lover."

One sentence directly cut off all the possibilities of Lingqi, but Lingqi smiled lightly and said, "I like you."

Chu Yan sensed that something was wrong with Ling Qi tonight, and he didn't want to entangle with him any longer, so he quickly said "Sorry, Brother Ling, I really don't like you", and then he stepped up and planned to leave Ling Qi walked by to see why Zhou Hehui hadn't come yet.

But just as he took a step, someone grabbed his wrist violently. Chu Yan didn't notice for a while, and was suddenly pressed against the wall. Shocked, Chu Yan saw Ling Qi looking at him earnestly and sincerely, and repeated again: "I really like you, can I have a chance to work hard?"

The content of the speech was very gentle, but Ling Qi's actions really made Chu Yan a little angry.

This kind of Lingqi made Chu Yan very strange, and he said in a cold voice: "Lingqi, let go of your hand."

Ling Qi just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that the opponent refused to give up, Chu Yan was not a weak little girl, he broke free from Lingqi's shackles, turned around and left. Ling Qi immediately grabbed him again, but Chu Yan broke away again, and the two began to confront each other at a corner of the parking lot.

The physical fitness of the two is basically equal, and there is no saying who can subdue the other, so the scene suddenly froze. Chu Yan had long noticed that Lingqi tonight was very different from the past. He even approached Lingqi once during the confrontation, and actually smelled a faint smell of alcohol from the opponent.

Chu Yan was stunned, but also in this gap, Ling Qi took his two hands again, wrapped his waist tightly with one hand, lowered his head slowly, and said with deep eyes: "I really like you, I like you." You, I have liked you for two years..."

Hearing this, Chu Yan was shocked.

two years? !

Chu Yan suddenly felt something was wrong, and he asked, "Lingqi, who exactly do you like?"

Ling Qi smiled: "I like you."

Chu Yan frowned, and was about to break free from Lingqi's shackles again, but saw the other party suddenly bowed his head, approached his ear, and said softly: "Come with me, okay. No matter who that person is, I'm not afraid of him , come with me, okay..."

The sentence "Come with me" made Chu Yan stunned in place, and he suddenly had an answer in his heart. But this time, before he could speak again, he suddenly heard a gust of wind coming from behind him, and the next second, Ling Qi was kicked aside fiercely, and Chu Yan was suddenly hugged from behind in a daze. into the bosom.

The familiar smell made Chu Yan's body stiff, he turned around and looked back, his eyes fell into the man's fierce dark eyes.

He Boshen looked down at Lingqi who was kicked against the wall with extremely cold eyes, his thin lips pursed, and there was no smile on his face. He looked at Lingqi with cold eyes, and said, "Who are you?"

Ling Qi was shocked when he saw He Baishen. He knew that his actions were against this man, but he never thought that he would meet him suddenly. This caught him off guard, and for a moment his throat was stagnant, and he was unable to speak.

He Bo hugged Chu Yan's waist deeply, and his violent breath spread out without restraint. He pulled Chu Yan and took another step forward. Facing the tiny Lingqi in front of him, he narrowed his eyes and said, "I've seen you before, you're an actor."

The meaning in these words seemed to be just stating a fact, but it shocked Ling Qi.

Chu Yan also understood instantly: He Boshen is angry.

He Boshen was seldom angry, and it could even be said that after Chu Yan got acquainted with him, he never really got angry. The only time He Boshen was almost angry was when Chu Yan lied to him to cry and won the three promised bets and asked for a divorce, He Boshen almost became angry.

And now, it was the first time he was really angry.

People like He Boshen have long been indifferent to emotions, but now he actually directly showed his anger, which shows how angry he is now. However, his anger is also natural. As soon as he entered the parking lot, he was full of joy. He could see his lover whom he had not seen for a long time, and he could have a further relationship with his own boy, but suddenly he saw that Chu Yan was forcibly hugged by others. In the arms, wanton kiss.

From He Boshen's point of view, Lingqi's action just now seemed to be kissing Chu Yan, and he still grabbed Chu Yan's hand, preventing him from resisting the kiss.

Although He Boshen saw Chu Yan's surprised expression afterwards, he knew that this person didn't have the guts to force kiss Chu Yan, but there were many people who should be angry, and he still wanted to tear this inexplicable person into pieces.

He Bo pulled Chu Yan deeply, and took another step forward: "What's your name?"

This sentence was He Boshen's second question, but this time Ling Qi gave a wry smile, ready to speak.

However, just as he was about to speak, Chu Yan suddenly said, "He Boshen, let's leave here first."

Ling Qi was taken aback, and He Boshen was also stunned. He slowly turned his head to look, only to see Chu Yan frowned slightly, and repeated: "Let's go."

He Boshen wanted to say something more, but Chu Yan's gaze made him shut up slowly, temporarily suppressing his overwhelming anger. He Bo gave a deep sneer, but he didn't really calm down, but the anger in his eyes actually accumulated deeper.

Seeing this, Chu Yan pulled He Boshen away, but when he walked to Ling Qi's side, Ling Qi said loudly without fear of death: "You are the first and only person I like. Over the years, I have been unable to forget the last sentence you said to me, I really like you, I... "

"Brother Ling," the young man's calm voice interrupted Ling Qi's final confession. Chu Yan sighed softly and said, "Is the person you like really me? The one who left you with the last sentence." The person is Qin Mu, not me. The one you love has never been me, but a memory you need to get out of."

After finishing the words, Chu Yan pulled He Baishen, who had cold eyes, and walked away.