Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 205: If you are hungry, you will eat buns (middle)


After the staff explained, Chu Yan finally understood the truth of the matter.

Yes, these two buns... Cough, the two nutrition cabins are really the containers for cultivating embryos.

Chu Yan is not a person without common sense. He has been in this era for ten years. No matter how out of place, Chu Yan at least knows that artificial embryo synthesis in this world generally refers to the fusion of the cells of both parties, and put them into a In a transparent oval-shaped nutrition cabin, the ten-month cultivation was carried out.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, the staff member wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said hastily, "Because of the personal differences between Mr. Chu and Mr. He, it took us more than 60 million experiments to successfully fuse these two embryos. The nutrition cabin used is also specially made, which is different from others on the market. It was confirmed last week that the fusion was successful, but the embryo was still quite unstable, and we decided not to notify until today when we confirmed that the embryo was completely stable."

The possibility of one in a billion is really never a lie.

More than 60 million experiments took six years, and I don't know how much money has been invested, but there is still no effect. A year ago, Mr. He couldn't sit still anymore, so he doubled his investment and added equipment and personnel to the laboratory, and only then did he get the current results.

However, in fact, these two buns... Well, before these two children, the laboratory has also successfully fused. But without exception, they died naturally within a few days of success. Once before, He Boshen rushed to the laboratory when he got the news. Unfortunately, the child lost his vital signs right in front of him, which made him very sad.

This time, the experimenters dared to notify He Baishen after confirming that it was impossible to fail, and thus the present scene occurred.

Holding the plate, Chu Yan looked down at the two buns (?) on the plate, feeling mixed emotions in his heart, not knowing how to express it.

That night, Chu Yan and He Boshen had been watching the two buns in the laboratory. It seems that they are really two white and glutinous buns, soft, with a unique sweet aroma of fermented flour. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to say that they are not buns.

The experimenters had already left, leaving only Chu Yan and He Baishen in the huge room.

He Boshen reached out and hugged Chu Yan from behind. He put his chin lightly on Chu Yan's shoulder, and said with a low smile, "I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't tell you directly. When I see through the glass, When you actually wanted to eat them, I really didn't know how I felt... Well, Yanyan, you are really good and powerful."

As soon as this was mentioned, Chu Yan was very depressed, but looking at the two buns, he could only sigh helplessly.

"You said before that you're going to eat soon, and now show me these two... the nutritional pods that look exactly like steamed stuffed buns, and even taste very similar. How can I not misunderstand you?"

He Bo smiled deeply and did not reply.

Chu Yan took He Baishen's hand, raised his eyes and thought for a while, and said, "What do you think this stuffed bun will be?"

He Boshen: "..." After a while, he said seriously: "Yanyan, this is our child, not Baozi."

Chu Yan paid no attention to him: "I think it will be pork belly stuffing."

He Bai raised his eyebrows deeply: "Why pork belly stuffing?"

Chu Yan said as a matter of course: "Because you are pork belly."

He Boshen: "..."

After so many years, you are finally exposed!

After the two looked at the steamed stuffed buns for a while, He Boshen arranged for the laboratory staff to go to his home and set up a room suitable for embryo culture within three days, so that they could take the two steamed stuffed buns home. Then leave the buns alone in the laboratory.

After giving all these instructions, He Boshen suddenly thought: "Have you notified my grandfather yet?"

The person in charge of the laboratory was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I informed you first, Mr. He."

He Bai opened his eyes wide in surprise, Chu Yan was also taken aback, the two looked at each other, and finally nodded with a smile.

After leaving the laboratory, Chu Yan and He Baishen did not go home immediately. The hover car flew to the other side of the capital star at the fastest speed, and landed in this scenic area with beautiful mountains and rivers and many mountains.

When He Boshen and Chu Yan entered, Steward Wang was already waiting at the door. Mr. He was sitting at the dining table and was about to start dinner, he didn't pay attention to his grandson and grandson-in-law at all, until Chu Yan and He Baishen walked up to him, he still lowered his head, as if he didn't see them.

He Baishen raised his eyebrows: "Grandfather?"

Chu Yan also smiled and said, "Grandfather."

Mr. He picked up a chopsticks dish and chewed it.

Seeing this, Chu Yan was a little surprised, and turned to look at He Baishen. The latter was very used to such situations, so he calmly helped Chu Yan pull out the chair, let him sit down beside the table, put the chopsticks in Chu Yan's palm, and said softly, "You can eat with peace of mind." , and then he walked to the other side and sat down.

Seeing that Chu Yan and He Boshen really started to eat, Mr. He was not happy.

Mr. He patted the table and said, "Why, why? I haven't visited me for a month, and now I suddenly came to this poor village. Are you planning to trouble an old man like me, or just come for a meal? He said that he didn't have any, did you come to the door empty-handed like you!"

Hearing this, Chu Yan was stunned suddenly, and stopped before the chopsticks in his hand were stretched out.

He Bo closed his eyes deeply, looking like an old god, and put a piece of pork belly into Chu Yan's bowl.

The neglected Mr. He: "..."

After a long while, old man He said furiously: "He Boshen! Now that you have Chu Yan, you don't want your grandfather anymore, right? I'm talking to you, and you don't even bring a gift, and you just come to see your grandfather empty-handed. Is this appropriate?!"

He Boshen said calmly: "It's more common to bring gifts."

Mr. He sneered: "You don't come to see me once a month, old man, and you still tell me to see you?"

This meal made Mr. He very worried. When he heard the news that He Boshen and Chu Yan were coming, he was very excited. Hastily asked the kitchen to add two more dishes, put on a formal dress, and was already guarding the door, it was just hopeless.

When He Baishen and Chu Yan entered the gate, he hurriedly ran to the table and sat down, pretending not to care, in order to let these two brats apologize to him and let them know what "" Caring for the elderly is everyone's responsibility!"

Yes yes yes, you are all busy with work, one works overtime every day, and the other shoots movies every day!

But just take a day... oh no, half a day! It only takes half a day to come and see him, a bad old man, and have a reunion dinner with everyone, how nice it is!

Seeing his eldest grandson keep picking up vegetables for Chu Yan, not even taking a moment from the corner of his eye, Mr. He chewed the rice contentedly, not to mention the taste in his heart. As soon as the meal was finished, Mr. He slapped the table and cursed: "Okay, okay, don't be ashamed to show your affection in front of me, an old man. Now that the meal is over, I have seen you guys, let's go Let's go, don't hang around in front of me, annoying!"

Seeing this, He Boshen gave a calm "hmm", took Chu Yan's hand and walked away, as if he really wanted to leave. But Chu Yan frowned dumbfoundedly.

Chu Yan had no relatives in his two lifetimes, and Mr. He could be said to be his first relative. Naturally, he couldn't understand old man He as well as He Boshen, and even calculated the old man's thoughts so accurately, but he didn't want to be so devious.

Chu Yan broke free from He Boshen's hand, and walked in front of Mr. He under the latter's surprised gaze. He leaned over with a smile, grabbed Mr. He's arm, pulled the angry old man to the sofa and sat down, and asked softly: "Grandfather, I remember you once said that the He family has a single lineage of four hundred How many years?"

Chu Yan's gentle attitude made Mr. He very useful, but he still snorted awkwardly and said, "It's four hundred and sixty-three years." As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. He glanced at He Baishen, and said, "If I There is a second grandson, I will definitely drive this stinky boy out of the house, he likes to fight against me since he was a child, he is just a little white-eyed wolf."

Chu Yan chuckled, and Mr. He, the little white-eyed wolf, spread his hands.

Chu Yan took a deep look at He Boshen, turned his head and looked at Mr. He again, seeing that Mr. He still had the look of "Don't talk to me, you and that little white-eyed wolf", Chu Yan sighed deeply , but the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a playful smile.

His tone was lost and sighed, and he said very melancholy: "That's really a pity, grandfather, this time there will be two at once, I am afraid that the myth of the He family's single lineage will come to an end. Four hundred and sixty-three years ah , what a pity."

Mr. He subconsciously said: "That's right, it's four hundred and sixty-three years, it's very loud..." The voice stopped abruptly, Mr. He slowly turned his head to look at Chu Yan, seeing the young man's warm smile, Mr. He felt a click in his heart , as if something was broken, after a long time, he stammered: "What... what two?"

Chu Yan smiled and said, "Your two great-grandchildren."

Facts have proved that after hearing the news, Mr. He was very excited. He rushed to the laboratory without stopping and met his two Baozipai great-grandchildren. The old man held the buns first and refused to let go, then happily gave a generous bonus to everyone in the laboratory, and finally said specifically: "Put them in my house, I want to see them every day!"

He Baishen stretched out his hand to stop it: "No, I've already decided to put it in my house."

Mr. He patted the table: "I am your grandfather!"

He Boshen took a step forward: "They are my children!"

Chu Yan watched from the sidelines, and said with a calm smile, "Well, it's also my pork belly stuffed bun."

The final result was that during the ten months of embryo cultivation, as long as Chu Yan returned to the capital, Baozi...cough, the child had to go home. If Chu Yan is not in Capital Star, then Mr. He can take them back to his home to take care of them, but if He Boshen wants to take them away, Mr. He can't stop them either.

Mr. He happily accepted this suggestion, thinking in his heart: Chu Yan has at least three movies a year, so he can stay at home for a few months! This advice is so worth it to me!

But in fact, when the matter was settled, Chu Yan directly pushed three announcements, and stayed at home with a smile, making and poking the buns every day, and bought a lot of pork belly stuffed buns! He sat in the cultivation room every day and night, looking down at the white buns that were getting bigger and bigger, while gnawing on the pork belly stuffed buns he bought.

He Boshen at the side: "..."

Far away in the He family's old house, Mr. He wanted to cry but had no tears: "..."

When the two buns were born, Chu Yan stopped eating buns.

The boy's name is Chu Yuxi, and the girl's name is He Sitong.

The boy is an older brother, nicknamed Dabao; the girl is a younger sister, nicknamed Tongtong.

It turned out that Chu Yan wanted the girl to be named Chu and the boy to be named He. Unexpectedly, when Mr. He saw the little pupil, he was fascinated by the little princess. Those big eyes are flickering, and the white and tender face seems to be able to pinch water, but what about Dabao? Eat and sleep all day, sleep and eat! Not cute at all!

And Mr. He has always had other calculations in his heart: "This boy must be like his father, he knew to be right with me since he was a child! It's better to be a girl, what a cute Tongtong, come, grandpa hug, grandpa kiss! "

Chu Yan and He Boshen thought of the name together, while Mr. He decided on the nickname. Comparing the insincere nickname of "Dabao" with the cute nickname of "Tongtong", you can see how biased the old man's heart is, it is completely biased to the United States!

However, Chu Yan, He Baishen, including Mr. He, did not know at all that from the day Dabao and Tongtong were born, their turbulent life had just begun.

The author has something to say: Chu Yanyan: My buns stuffed with pork belly!

He Wuhua: Be good, tonight I will let you eat the real five flower ♂ meat ♂ stuffing.

Fuwa: Oh my god, today's small theater is a bit filthy_(:з」∠)_ so filthy that I can't bear to look directly at it!