Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 21


Before the promotion of "Blood War", almost all book fans were very unfavorable to this drama, thinking that it is impossible for anyone to play the iron-blooded and resolute Nie Zheng well, let alone the wise and noble Chu Chen.

And after the stills of "Blood War" officially leaked, most of the fans have been secretly looking forward to this show, even though they say no, but they can't help but go to the official Weibo every day to see the relevant promotional information, They're just a group of goblins who dislike integrity.

However, stills and promotional videos are one thing, and official TV dramas are another.

After the broadcast of "Blood War", it exploded overnight!

Exquisite special effects production, luxurious costumes and clothing, the investment of 180 million star coins was used to the extreme by this crew, and Director Wang gave the death order extremely harshly: "We will use up all the investment! We will use up all the investment! These investments are all spent wisely, making TV dramas look like movies!"

On the first day, the ratings of "Blood War" reached a terrifying 0.6! Ranked No. 8 in the same period in the country!

The next day, the ratings of "Blood War" skyrocketed to 0.91! About to break one!

On the third day, the male number two, Chu Chen, made his debut, and the ratings instantly rose to 1.4! The average audience rating ranks second in the country!

Day four, day five, day six...

No one dares to deny that Chu Chen is an outstanding character. As I mentioned before, this character has won the first place of "Most Popular Character" many times. When the stills were released, book fans even left the actor's stills aside. It depends on Chu Chen. The stills of - as one can imagine, what a popular character this is.

However, as long as someone says the role is good, the actor will be popular

Before Chu Chen appeared on the stage, some die-hard fans of Chu Nanshen were attracted by Chu Yan's stills and turned against him. There is no Second Young Master Chu in this world!"

Yang Wenrou is such a loyal fan of Chu Chen who has been strong for a year. As a loyal fan of Chu Ershao, after seeing Chu Yan's makeup photo, Yang Wenrou realized in amazement, "Hey, he is really handsome, and the image fits well!", but the next second she sneered and said: "Hehe, there is absolutely no one else who can possess the charm and temperament of my Second Young Master Chu!"

Watching "Blood War" on the first day, Yang Wenrou was surprised by the gorgeous special effects; watching "Blood War" on the second day, Yang Wenrou felt that Li Zhetian's acting skills were actually not bad, although it was still far from the Nie Zheng she imagined, but Barely take a look or can see the past.

And when he heard that Chu Chen was going to appear on the stage on the third day, Yang Wenrou lamented and shouted up to the sky—

"It seems that this TV series can only be followed until tomorrow!"

Yes, Yang Wenrou had made up her mind a long time ago, to only take one look at her Second Young Master Chu, just one look! Resolutely not to take a second look, after she was sure that her male god was destroyed, she abandoned the TV series and went on a date with her boyfriend for vacation.

So on the third night, Yang Wenrou sat casually on the bed and took out her VR glasses. As in the past, the theme song of "Blood War" is majestic and powerful, and the two characters "Blood War" after the music are also like flying dragons and phoenixes, vigorous and vigorous.

While knocking on melon seeds, Yang Wenrou watched the TV series, and kept complaining by the way.

"Nie Zheng came back with General Chu, he is about to meet my male god..."

"Why is that group of people YYing that Nie Zheng and my male god are a pair? Is there a mistake? Nie Zheng is also worthy of my male god?!"

"Oh oh oh, I want to see it, I want to see it, the male god is coming out, I'm going to come out..."

The sound stopped abruptly at this moment!

Although Yang Wenrou's family is not well-off, she is still very willing to spend money on entertainment equipment. Her pair of VR glasses is not the top one, but it is expensive and has first-class effects.

It just so happened that the crew of "Blood War" also spent a lot of effort in the post-production, so when Yang Wenrou watched the TV series at this time, he felt as if he was in the real scene, seeing the strong and resolute Nie Zheng, and seeing the iron-hated Xiu Song General, I also saw... that boy who suddenly walked out of the door!

You can't describe how Chu Chen's loyal fans felt when they saw Chu Chen for the first time.

All the melon seeds in Yang Wenrou's hand fell on the bed, and the words she was complaining just now were swallowed in her throat, and she even held her breath completely, as if time was stuck and stopped at this moment! It stopped at the moment when Chu Chen appeared on the stage!

Handsome, noble, arrogant, proud.

The slightly raised jaw when walking, the slightly lowered gaze when looking at people, the faint smile on the lips, with a trace of contempt and mockery. Obviously you should feel disgusted, but you can't be angry with such an arrogant and rude young man, because it seems that he should be so proud and attract everyone's attention.

The moment Chu Chen appeared, Yang Wenrou really entered the drama.

If before Chu Chen appeared on the stage, she still had the heart to complain, then after Chu Chen appeared on the stage, she could no longer take her eyes off the young man. She began to really get into the show, and even when Chu Chen made fun of Nie Zheng, she couldn't help laughing. After this episode was played, Yang Wenrou realized: just now she actually made Li Zhe naive Became Nie Zheng!

Do not! She also treats everyone in the show as characters from the book.

Why can't I complain anymore? Because this drama made her really enter the drama.

It's impossible to describe that wonderful feeling, but Yang Wenrou felt that when Li Zhetian played against Chu Yan, he really became Nie Zheng. But as long as he doesn't play against Chu Chen, he doesn't seem to be so like Nie Zheng...

All kinds of emotions accumulated and fermented to the end, and finally became a sentence——

"Ah, so handsome!!! This is the male god! This is the male god!!!"

The next day, when Yang Wenrou's boyfriend came to ask her to go on a date together, he saw the little girl scolded solemnly and solemnly: "About you, you big-headed ghost! Don't try to ask me out tonight, the vacation is cancelled! My old lady!" You have to follow the drama well! Do you know how to follow the drama well? Don’t hinder me from watching the male god! Hey, it’s on again? My Second Young Master Chu, my Chu Yanyan!!!”

There is nothing in the world that is more convincing than what you see with your own eyes. No matter how much hype it is before, stubborn book fans will not easily accept Chu Yan. Only when Chu Yan really convinces them with his strength, will they be willing. Accept him, approve him, and support him.

Chu Chen's first-class show, the ratings of "Blood War" exploded, ranking second in the country!

After maintaining the second rating in the country for three consecutive days, "Blood War" officially ranked first in the same period on the seventh day of its broadcast!

This momentum has not stopped, and the ratings are still increasing. Chu Yan's popularity has also exploded with the launch of the TV series. Stepped into the top 300 of the Brilliant Star List.

The more prosperous the circle, the more complete the system is. In Huaxia, the three top entertainment companies, Tiansheng, Meiji, and Hengyu, together with the jury committees of the four major movie and TV drama awards, set up the Brilliant China Star List. There are only all Chinese stars on this list, but they have a very high reputation in the world.

As far as China is concerned, at the beginning, it was only divided into top, first-tier, second-tier and third-tier grades. Later, Weibo cooperated with these three companies and announced two lists to the whole country in real time every day—

One is the 24-hour China Star List, and the other is the Brilliant China Star List.

The former determines the real-time ranking of a star based on the flowers, stars, smashed rotten leaves, and rotten eggs rewarded by fans within 24 hours, which is refreshed every 10 minutes. The latter is based on a unified calculation of a star's popularity across the Internet, work performance, business feedback rate and other data to make a detailed ranking.

The 500th place on the Brilliant Star List is a second-tier star, and the top 150 is directly counted as entering the first-tier. Now Chu Yan is ranked 294th, which can be said to be the middle and upper reaches of the second-tier stars. popularity.

Can this not be famous? Walking on the street, you can see many people sitting in roadside cafes, drinking coffee and watching TV series with VR glasses. What else can I watch? Of course I was watching "Blood War"!

The popular TV series with the highest ratings in the country, if you don't watch it again, you will be OUT!

The super high ratings and unanimous praise made all the members of the "Blood War" crew very happy. On the night when the "Blood War" ratings broke through 2, Director Wang tweeted Chu Yan and others on Weibo, expressing his willingness to invite Everyone eats.

Chu Yan and others naturally replied and forwarded this Weibo very happily, but on the other hand, Li Zhetian did not say anything for a long time.

After Li Zhetian was kicked out of the crew, he seldom contacted the crew. Participated in the promotional activities as usual, but as soon as he left the camera, he took a bad look at Chu Yan and Director Wang, and even canceled Chu Yan a few days ago.

When "Blood War" was first launched, Chu Yan and Li Zhetian followed each other on Weibo and added social network friends. The latter is more personal. Li Zhetian blocked Chu Yan a long time ago, and Weibo became more public. However, shortly after the broadcast of "Blood War", Li Zhetian still blocked Chu Yan from embarrassment.

This action naturally attracted the attention of many fans, and also caused some small discussions, but Zhou Hehui suppressed this trivial matter very immediately, preventing a storm that was about to come.

In the spacious and bright lounge, Chu Yan browsed Li Zhetian's Weibo space casually, and then took off the VR glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked up at Zhou Hehui who was working beside him, and asked with a smile: "Brother Zhou, Li Zhetian really didn't do anything after that?"

Hearing this, Zhou Hehui put down the things in his hands, and said, "Well, I didn't do anything else. Why, do you think it's strange?"

Chu Yan raised the corners of his lips slightly, and after a while, he shook his head lightly, and said, "It's not very strange, I just think he can do such a thing as canceling me, why did he suddenly go quiet after that... um, Maybe it's the feeling that IQ suddenly went online?"

Zhou Hehui said with a smile: "Li Zhetian must have been angry for a while, so he suddenly unfollowed you. After the TV series was broadcast, the male lead he played didn't make a splash. On the contrary, it was you, whose popularity skyrocketed, and the topic list was also on the topic list every day. Saw your message."

Hearing this, the handsome and handsome young man raised his eyebrows: "So, blame me?"

The young man's tone was flat and helpless, his bright eyes blinked innocently twice, Zhou Hehui couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said: "If Li Zhetian sees your current appearance, he might be angry. Gotta follow you immediately and unfollow you again."

The young man who was so angry that no one would admit it spread his hands with a pure face.

Chu Yan didn't forget that Li Zhetian deliberately wanted to hit him while filming, and even cut his AI script chip. He has always been careless, even though he has kicked Li Zhetian out of the set and ruthlessly stole his limelight, Chu Yan doesn't feel that he has forgiven him.

After the two talked for a while, Zhou Hehui turned on his communicator and sent a piece of information to Chu Yan. While sending, he said: "In the first half of the year, the company invested in a big-budget movie, and the filming will officially start next month. The leading actor is the actor Xia Ying, and the leading actress is Jiang Jingxuan, the company's first sister. This time, I have arranged for you the third male lead." audition, and if you audition well, it shouldn't be a problem."

Zhou Hehui spoke in a very casual tone, just introducing the upcoming itinerary, but what surprised him was that he didn't get a reply from Chu Yan for a long time. When he looked up at Chu Yan, he saw that the young man was frowning slightly, looking at him seriously.

Zhou Hehui was taken aback.

Chu Yan said solemnly: "Brother Zhou, there is something I want to talk to you about."