Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 27


The properties under the He family spread all over the galaxy, and Tiansheng is the asset under the name of He Baishen. As the largest entertainment company in Huaxia, Tiansheng has two satellite TVs that broadcast simultaneously across the country. In addition, Tiansheng has also contracted a top entertainment award in Huaxia, and even owns eight film and television planets!

There are only more than 30 film and television planets in the whole of China, and there are definitely no more than 15 privately owned ones, and Tiansheng owns eight of them! You say this is rich or not? It's so rich that it makes people jealous!

Entering the "Golden Age" crew this time did not use the company's resources. It was Zhou Hehui's opportunity to win for Chu Yan, and Chu Yan was only playing the male number four, but the biggest investor in "Golden Age" It is still Tiansheng.

Therefore, the filming of "The Prosperity" directly leased an ancient film and television planet under the name of Tiansheng, which was specially used for filming. In this way, this planet does belong to He Boshen. As the owner, although he has rented out this planet, there is absolutely no problem if he wants to board this planet.

After Chu Yan figured this out, no matter how open-minded he was, the corners of his mouth twitched unavoidably.

In his previous life, he was also a person who knew how to enjoy himself, but in this life, due to the development of the entertainment industry, the salary level of celebrities and artists is also very good, so that Chu Yan hardly suffered, and he might even live a good life in the future. However, this does not mean that he can own a planet!

— No, at least eight planets!

A thousand years ago, the highest state of flaunting wealth was probably: "I have a few small islands in the Pacific Ocean, oh, they are worthless and worthless."

But a thousand years later, there was a man who said calmly without changing his face: "This is my planet."

... Showing off your wealth so much, you are not afraid of being struck by lightning!

In any case, Chu Yan found out that Zhou Hehui, who had made an appointment to talk to him, never showed up. He probably also guessed that the man in front of him must have used some means to make Zhou Hehui leave temporarily.

Chu Yan thought for a moment, then said calmly, "Mr. He, I don't know if you are here today, what's the matter?"

After setting the planetary weather system to normal, dusk came as usual, and the warm beams of the setting sun shone on the man's cold and profound face, making it more three-dimensional.

He Boshen didn't answer Chu Yan's words at the first moment. He stared at the young man in front of him for a while, and then said, "I'll come to you and fulfill the contract." signed contract."

Hearing this, Chu Yan's heart skipped a beat, and his brows were also slightly frowned. He never expected that in this world, the support relationship between the sponsor and the star is still maintained by the contract? Shouldn't this kind of thing hidden in the darkness rot in the stomachs of both parties

After being puzzled, Chu Yan pretended to be calm and explained: "I just wanted to talk to you about the contract."

No matter what kind of contract this is, judging from the status of the original owner and He Boshen, and the sudden amount of resources Tiansheng gave him, this relationship must have money and benefits. Suddenly learning that there is still a contract, Chu Yan is also quite shocked, but he must calm down and pretend that he understands it very well.

"I didn't continue the movie you gave me before, and going forward, the things about "Blood War" and "Three Deceptions" have passed. I can't return these resources, but I also heard that , These two dramas have brought a lot of profit to the company."

The young man changed the subject and looked up at He Baishen, who also raised an eyebrow when he heard the words, motioning for the other party to continue talking.

"I can no longer refuse the existing resources, but if you are willing, I am willing to terminate the contract with Tiansheng, and then slowly return these resources in the form of money. If you don't want me to terminate the contract with Tiansheng, I will also I am willing to change my contract again, and my dividend will be less."

Speaking of this, Chu Yan's voice slowly stopped, and he looked up at He Baishen.

No one spoke for a while, Chu Yan's gaze quickly swept from the man's straight eyebrows all the way to the thin, light-colored lips. He sighed in his heart, and thought to himself: He is indeed his favorite type, but if he wants to invade this man, I'm afraid the price he has to pay is too high, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Naturally, He Boshen didn't know that in Chu Yan's heart, he was like a piece of meat that was up for sale... er... Even pork! On the one hand, it is "I like pork the most", and on the other hand, "Although this piece of pork is my favorite type of pork belly, I personally don't like it very much. Well, it's better to stay away from him."

After the two stared at each other for a while, Chu Yan said with a smile: "This is how to solve the problem of the contract, Mr. He, do you think it's okay?"

He Bai was silent for a moment, and said: "Do you really want to break the contract?" Do you really want to divorce me

Chu Yan nodded very solemnly: "Yes, I want to rely on my own strength to move forward." Funder or something, you can't afford to support me!

His deep and deep eyes stayed on the young man for a long time, looking at the confident and calm smile, for some reason, the arrogant young general in military uniform seemed to appear in front of He Baishen's eyes.

He Bo hooked his lips deeply, shook his head and said, "You must fulfill this contract."

Chu Yan asked subconsciously: "Buy and sell by force?"

This description is too strange, He Baishen was slightly taken aback, and then said: "If you think so, then I can't help it."

Wasn't the young man in front of him very excited to sign the contract

After Chu Yan frowned and thought for a long time, he couldn't help asking: "Have you fulfilled all the contracts?"

He Bo was taken aback for a moment.

According to He Boshen's knowledge, half a year ago, Chu Yan fell ill and went to a hospital under He's for treatment, leaving some of his blood cells by the way. I'm afraid that all patients who go to He's Hospital for medical treatment don't know that this hospital is actually a black-hearted hospital!

He's Hospital has brought good news to the general public with its price far lower than other hospitals in the market and high-quality medical and service levels. But in fact, as long as patients who have been treated in He's Hospital, He's will immediately send Their genes are compared with those of their own family members, undergoing expensive genetic matching tests.

Why is He's so cheap, but the level of medical care is so good

Because they are wrong!

What a black-hearted hospital, it's like killing people without paying for their lives!

And that time, when Chu Yan's cells were tested with Mr. He's and He Baishen's, the matching index that shocked everyone made the doctor contact Mr. He immediately. Mr. He was also stunned when he heard the result, so he quickly found Chu Yan and invited him to donate some complete cells for a huge fee as the raw material for the genetic matching test.

After formal testing, the matching degree is: 99%!

Almost as long as hey ♂ hey ♂ hey, the matching index will definitely be born! ! !

For hundreds of years, there has never been such a high matching index in the entire galaxy! ! !

So Mr. He quickly approached Chu Yan and started negotiating. The old man has long since found out that Chu Yan is a starlet, so he offered Chu Yan a price, saying that he would praise Chu Yan for his debut. As long as Chu Yan is willing to donate his two mature cells for cell fusion to the He family, then Chu Yan Definitely can become a Uranus superstar within a year.

Mr. He never expected that Chu Yan rolled his eyelids when he heard his words, and said angrily: "What am I doing as a superstar? I only want money. What kind of star should I be? I'm too tired, I want money. "

Mr. He: "..."

So the contract became: The He family first paid Chu Yan one million star coins, and Chu Yan had to cooperate with the He family. Afterwards, Chu Yan created more than two children for the He family—no matter what method was used to create them, the He family would pay Chu Yan a reward of one billion star coins, and Chu Yan severed ties with the children from then on, and never allowed any more children. any dealings.

Mr. He doesn't like such a "mother" who doesn't do business and only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

However, he had just solved a Chu Yan, and Mr. He didn't expect that He Boshen would disagree!

He Bai looked at his grandfather with a deep sneer, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "It is absolutely impossible for me to have a relationship with anyone other than my wife."

Mr. He said anxiously: "In vitro cell fusion is enough!"

He Boshen slowly raised the corners of his lips, and said in a long and helpless tone, "My child can only be born with my wife. Grandfather, are you willing to let me marry such a greedy person?"

—The ending of this sentence is that Mr. He looked at a marriage registration form and pressed his handprint with a gloomy expression.

At that time, Mr. He was already extremely annoyed. Although he was calm on the surface, he was very angry in his heart: Since you can even make me marry such a dirty person, then I will show you.

Of course, did the He family really give Chu Yan money? not at all. He Boshen really dislikes such an ignorant villain who only knows how to ask for money but doesn't know what it means to "fish for big fish with a long line", so the one million reward has not been paid so far, even when he signed Chuyan to Tiansheng. Mr. He's handwriting has nothing to do with He Boshen. After Chu Yan was signed and the deal was done, He Boshen began to take over the matter.

Mr. He's idea is: Abduct this kid here first!

And He Boshen's thinking is: this kind of person, he only wants money, and if you give him resources, he will never want it.

Until now, He Baishen has heard Chu Yan tell himself: I will return the resources to you, and I want to give up the contract.

"Do you know what it is that you want to give up?"

The man's deep and magnetic words resounded on the quiet street. Under the warm and bright sunlight, the young man's handsome and handsome face was as bright as a diamond version. He slightly raised the corners of his lips, and a smile like a spring flower bloomed.

Chu Yan said casually: "Mr. He, I have always said that I can go far on this road without any external force."

This smile was too bewitching, He Boshen slowly narrowed his eyes, hiding the astonishment in his eyes. But then, he chuckled and said, "Chu Yan, you started the contract, but you can't end it. Now, I don't want to give up this contract."

Hearing this, Chu Yan frowned: "Are you really going to buy and sell by force?"

He Bai raised his eyebrows deeply: "Don't you use honorifics for me?"

Being forced to this point, no matter how good-tempered a person is, there is absolutely no way to pretend anymore. In Chu Yan's heart, the man in front of him wanted to discipline himself no matter what. This kind of behavior was tantamount to robbing the "female" of the people, but Chu Yan also knew that this man might really have such ability.

The smile gradually disappeared from the corner of his mouth, and the handsome and indifferent young man raised his eyes to look at the man, and asked back, "I don't want to use it anymore."

He Bo gave a meaningful "oh", but he didn't feel angry at all, instead, he felt better for some reason.

But at this moment, Chu Yan didn't bother to pay attention to this man who didn't follow the rules of the circle. He was ready to ask Zhou Hehui to hire a bodyguard for him to guard against some "accidents".

After ignoring He Baishen, Chu Yan walked towards his villa. He was not afraid of offending the other party. He even hoped that the other party would feel bad for him instead of being entangled like this, even though it might cause damage to his career. Some bad influences.

But just as Chu Yan opened the door and took a step forward, He Boshen suddenly followed, as if he wanted to enter the house too. Chu Yan stopped and asked with a smile: "Mr. He, do you want to come in too? This is my private house. Although the planet is in your name, it has been rented out now. You break into other people's houses like this , it seems a bit uncomfortable, doesn't it?"

He Bo was slightly taken aback: "Another person's house?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, the relationship between me and you, I don't think you can enter my house casually, right? Mr. He, I am a little tired today. When I have a chance, you are welcome to visit my house."

After saying that, Chu Yan closed the door and left, leaving He Boshen standing outside the door alone.

The tall and straight man narrowed his eyes silently, watching the boy's back disappear into the villa's door. Gradually, he finally grasped a sense of disobedience when getting along with this young man. He seemed to understand why he always felt that Chu Yan's attitude towards him was a bit wrong, and it was... strange.

After a while, He Baishen made the first call: "Help me find out what happened to Chu Yan in the past six months."

For the second call, He Boshen walked to a villa opposite Chu Yan and pressed the message. He looked at the white-haired old man in the virtual image with a gloomy expression, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and asked word by word: "When we got married, was Chu Yan willing?"

Mr. He was stunned: "Of course! He is willing! What else can we say, so that we can't go back on our word!"

He Baishen heard the words, but he laughed slowly, his oppressive aura gradually dissipated, he said "Oh" softly, but said with a smile: "But grandfather, I found that he seems unwilling to admit that I am a husband. .Or...he didn't think of me as his husband at all!"